10 research outputs found

    Virtual exhibition ā€žA walk through the Bjelovarā€œ: a city on old postcards of heritage institutions

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    U radu će se prikazati proces izrade virtualne izložbe starih razglednica grada Bjelovara. Projekt je temeljen na partnerskom odnosu ukupno pet kulturnih i znanstvenih ustanova: Državni arhiv u Bjelovaru, Narodna knjižnica "Petar Preradović" i Gradski muzej participirali su materijalnom građom, Konzervatorski odjel u Bjelovaru stručnim informacijama vezanim za pojedine lokacije, a VeleučiliÅ”te programskom podrÅ”kom pri izradi virtualne izložbe. Ideja je bila prikupiti sve dostupne razglednice nastale u periodu od 1899. do 1970. te ih u digitalnom obliku pripojiti točkama na interaktivnoj karti grada. Projekt izrade virtualne izložbe starih razglednica kroz interaktivnu kartu grada Bjelovara osmiÅ”ljen je s ciljem virtualne prezentacije bogate graditeljske baÅ”tine grada Bjelovara koja je trajno sačuvana na starim razglednicama 19. i 20. stoljeća. Poseban osvrt dat će se na Zavičajnu zbirku Bjelovariana Narodne knjižnice ā€œPetar Preradovićā€ Bjelovar.The paper will present the process of creating a virtual exhibition of old postcards of the city of Bjelovar. The project is based on a partnership of five cultural and scientific institutions: the State Archives in Bjelovar, the Public Library "Petar Preradović" and the City Museum participated with postcards, the Conservation Department in Bjelovar with expert information related to individual locations, and the University with programming support exhibitions. The idea was to collect all available postcards created in the period from 1899 to 1970 and attach them in digital form to points on an interactive map of the city. The project of creating a virtual exhibition of old postcards through an interactive map of the city of Bjelovar was designed with the aim of a virtual presentation of the rich architectural heritage of the city of Bjelovar, which is permanently preserved on old postcards of the 19th and 20th centuries. Special attention will be given to the local collection Bjelovariana of the Public Library "Petar Preradović" Bjelovar

    Konkurentnost u programskom jeziku Go

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    Go, relativno novi programski jezik koji se razvija unutar Googlea, svakodnevno bilježi sve veću popularnost. Jedan od razloga velike popularnosti je ugrađeni mehanizam za konkurentnost. Zbog danaÅ”nje Å”iroke upotrebe viÅ”ejezgrenih procesora i mrežno povezanih računala, konkurentnost i paralelizam su postale bitne značajke svakoga programskoga jezika. Za razliku od drugih programskih jezika, gdje je konkurentno programiranje zbog raznih suptilnosti otežano, konkurentnost u Gou je podržana pomoću ugrađenih mehanizama, gorutina i kanala koji se vrlo lako koriste. Gorutine, kao pojednostavljeni model dretvi, i kanali koji omogućuju komunikaciju i sinkronizaciju između gorutina, opisani su u ovom radu, uz odgovarajući primjer programskog koda koji ih koristi

    Utjecaj promjenjivog kontaktnog tlaka i promjenljive visine zateznog rebra na duboko vučenje limova od Al legura

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    The process of deep drawing is influenced by many factors. During the forming process, only two of those factors can be controlled. They are blank holding force and drawbead height. Realisation of such control requires relatively complex computerized apparatus. For this experimental research, electro-hydraulic sheet-metal strip sliding device has been constructed. Basic capacity of realized device is obtaining contact pressure and drawbead height as functions of time or stripe displacement. Additional features consist of the ability to measure drawing force, contact pressure, drawbead displacement etc. Presented in the paper are the results of influencing of increasing and decreasing drawbead height functions in combination with increasing-decreasing function of contact pressure. Stripe material is aluminium alloy AlMg4,5Mn0,7 sheet metal. Contact condition are additionally influenced by application of mineral oil or completely dry tool and stripe surfaces. Drawbead geometry, with rounding radii of 2 and 5 mm, is also varied. The accomplished results indicate that simultaneous effects of variable drawbead height, variable contact pressure, tool geometry and appropriate friction conditions can influence the plastic flow process in line with desired change of forming force.Na proces dubokog vučenja utječe viÅ”e faktora. Tijekom trajanja procesa oblikovanja moguće je upravljati samo s dva faktora. To su sila držanja i visina zateznog (vlačnog) rebra. Ostvarivanje takvog upravljanja zahtjeva relativno složenu kompjutoriziranu aparaturu. Za ovo pokusno istraživanje razvijen je elektro-hidraulički uređaj za klizanje traka od lima s kompjutorskim upravljanjem. Njegova osnovna karakteristika je ostvarivanje kontaktnog tlaka i visine zateznog rebra, kao funkcijskih ovisnosti o vremenu, odnosno hodu trake. Pored toga, moguće je mjeriti vučnu silu, silu pritiska, pomak rebra itd. U radu su izloženi rezultati ispitivanja utjecaja opadajuće i rastuće ovisnosti visine rebra u kombinaciji s rastuće-opadajućom funkcijom kontaktnog tlaka. Materijal trake je legura aluminija AlMg4,5Mn0,7 debljine 0,9 mm. Na kontaktne uvjete se dopunski utječe s dva tipa trenja. U prvom slučaju povrÅ”ine su suhe, a u drugom se primjenjuje podmazivanje odgovarajućim mineralnim uljem. Geometrija rebra se mijenja preko polumjera zaobljenja 2 i 5 mm. Ostvareni rezultati pokusa pokazuju istodobno djelovanje promjenljive visine rebra, promjenljivog kontaktnog tlaka, geometrije rebra i odgovarajućih uvjeta trenja, mogu utjecati na proces plastičnog tečenja u skladu sa željenom promjenom sile oblikovanja

    Water for all : Proceedings of the 7th international scientific and professional conference Water for all

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    The 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all is organized to honour the World Water Day by the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG), Danube Parks, Croatian Food Agency, Croatian Water, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Biology, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Department of Chemistry, Nature Park ā€œKopački ritā€, Osijek- Baranja County, Public Health Institute of the Osijek- Baranja County and ā€žVodovod-Osijekā€œ -water supply company in Osijek. The topic of World Water Day 2017 was "Wastewater" emphasizing the importance and influence of wastewater treatments on global environment. The international scientific and professional conference Water for all is a gathering of scientists and experts in the field of water management, including chemists, biologists, civil and agriculture engineers, with a goal to remind people about the significance of fresh water and to promote an interdisciplinary approach and sustainability for fresh water resource management. The Conference has been held since 2011. About 300 scientists and engineers submitted 95 abstracts to the 7th International Scientific and Professional Conference Water for all, out of which 33 was presented orally and 62 as posters. 47 full papers were accepted by the Scientific Committee. 38 full papers became the part of the this Proceedings while 9 papers were accepted for publication in Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology and Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Osijek - e-GFOS


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    Tehnologije plastičnog ablikovanja (TPO),u savremenoj industrijskoj proizvodnji dominira u odnosu na ostale tehnologije, prije svega u industrijski razvijenim zemljama.U cilju zaÅ”tite kako ograničenih resursa tako i zaÅ”titi čovjekove okoline, neminovno je usaglaÅ”avanje ove tehnologije sa savremenim zahtjevima uvođenja tzv. ā€œÄistihā€œproizvodnih postupaka i tehnologija. U ovom radu dat je savremeni pristup modeliranja sistema TPO sa posebnim osvrtom na tehnologije oblikovanja na zavrÅ”nu formu (Net shape forming, NSF)koje omogućavaju uÅ”tedu u materijalu i ekoliÅ”ki su prihvatljive.Osim ekoloÅ”kih aspekata u oblasti TPO, ukazano je na značaj izbora sredstava za podmazivanje kako sa tehnoloÅ”kog tako i sa ekoloÅ”kog stanoviÅ”ta.Takođe se, pored navedenih pregleda izučavanja u ovoj oblasti, navode i rezultati sopstvenih istraživanja, sa preporukama za koriŔćenje ekoloÅ”kih komponenti obradnih procesa, u različitim postupcima TPO - pri hladnom kovanju, preradi limova i sl

    Utjecaj anteverzije bescementne endoproteze ZweymĆ¼ller na otpornost periprotetskom lomu pri potpunoj zamjeni kuka

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    Total hip arthroplasty implies proper orientation of both acetabular and femoral components with a range of 25-40Ā° of combined anteversion. The aim of the study was to examine resistance to periprosthetic fracture of the axially loaded cross section rectangular femoral stem (ZweymĆ¼ller) with respect to different degrees of anteversion, implanted in the artificial bone model, in laboratory conditions. Femoral bone models with implanted femoral stems were divided into 3 groups depending on the degree of stem anteversion (A, control group 13-17Ā°; B, stem retroverted 0Ā°-4Ā°; and C, stem anteverted 26-30Ā°). The amount of axial load leading to periprosthetic fracture (PPFx) of the artificial bone model was determined experimentally for each construct. The results showed that the load at which the PPFx occurred significantly increased with the increase of the endoprosthesis anteversion angle. In our clinical practice, we are often unable to place the acetabular component in an ideal grade of anteversion for intraoperatively determined reasons. The results of this experimental study suggested that increasing rectangular femoral (ZweymĆ¼ller) stem anteversion lowered the risk of PPFx. This study was limited by experimental design (laboratory conditions, artificial bone) and should be clinically verified.Potpuna zamjena kuka podrazumijeva pravilnu orijentaciju acetabularne i femoralne komponente u rasponu od 25Ā°-40Ā° kombinirane anteverzije. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati otpornost na periprotetski prijelom aksijalno opterećene femoralne komponente endoproteze kuka tipa ZweymĆ¼ller, pravokutnog poprečnog presjeka s obzirom na različite iznose kutova anteverzije, ugrađene u model umjetne kosti pri laboratorijskim uvjetima. Modeli femura s ugrađenim endoprotezama podijeljeni su u tri skupine ovisno o stupnju anteverzije endoproteze (A, kontrolna skupina 13Ā°-17Ā°; B endoproteza u retroverziji 0Ā°-4Ā°; C, endoproteza u anteverziji 26Ā°-30Ā°). Iznos aksijalnog opterećenja koje dovodi do periprotetskog prijeloma umjetne kosti određen je eksperimentalno za svaki sklop. Rezultati su pokazali da se opterećenje pri kojem je doÅ”lo do periprotetskog prijeloma znatno povećalo s povećanjem kuta anteverzije. U naÅ”oj kliničkoj praksi često nismo u mogućnosti pozicionirati acetabularnu komponentu u idealan stupanj anteverzije iz intraoperativno određenih razloga. Rezultati ove eksperimentalne studije pokazuju da povećanjem anteverzije pravokutne femoralne (ZweymĆ¼ller) endoproteze dolazi do smanjenja rizika od periprotetskog prijeloma. Ova studija je ograničena eksperimentalnim dizajnom (laboratorijski uvjeti, umjetna kost) i traži kliničku verifikaciju

    The Innovative Human Resource Management Framework: Impact of Green Competencies on Organisational Performance

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    Scholars have emphasised the importance of green settings in todayā€™s business paradigms. Studies on green behaviour have produced a plethora of noteworthy discoveries, whether focused on financial success, individual capabilities, or development. However, despite significant growth in interest in green business practices, the relationship between individualsā€™ willingness and green competencies has received little attention. This article used the customised green competencies conceptual model to investigate how green skills influence organisational performance and their relationship with the willingness moment. This article developed an innovative human resource management approach to address these difficulties. A questionnaire was used to perform empirical statistical research with 516 respondents from Serbian universities. Different mathematical and statistical methodologies were used to analyse the results. The findings corroborate the suggested theoretical model, and they suggest that green competencies will influence peopleā€™s willingness to participate in green activities. This article gives new information on human behaviour and organisational effectiveness in a green atmosphere. It includes managerial and practical consequences and recommendations for businesses looking to improve their social responsibility and environmental sustainability