54 research outputs found

    DDLM - Quality Standard for Electronic Education Programs in Higher Education of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The Web-based technological revolution has brought new teaching opportunities and concepts. This expands the range of educational opportunities based on new digital technologies, while certain obstacles and dangers appear that this type of education brings with it at the same time. Electronic education systems should be flexible and it would be ideal if able to meet the specific needs of each student individually. On the other hand, it is extremely important to standardize teaching electronic content, define all vertical and horizontal processes in the electronic education system, and set quality standards that must be respected. Higher education institutions must take an active part in the development and implementation of information technologies in teaching processes. DDLM (Demand-Driven Learning Model) clearly defines the structure of Web-based teaching delivery, so that it essentially defines the quality standard of e-learning programs based on Web technologies. The problem of non-standardization of electronic educational content, poorly defined processes in the system, such as the delivery of electronic content, control activities, personalization or irregular updates, is present everywhere in the world, and so with us. The research conducted in this paper examines the population of students of higher years of study, as well as students of the second and third cycle of study at 5 universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to get a clear picture of the current state of electronic education in our country. The survey was conducted on 565 students between October 2016 and January 2017. Following the methodology of scientific research, the empirical research was primarily conducted through a survey questionnaire, where primary quantitative data were stored in a database and further analysed, after which we reached the relevant scientific knowledge

    Foliar application of mineral nutrients in red clover seed production on acid soil

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    Preduslov za unapređenje gajenja crvene deteline (Trifolium pratense L.) je proizvodnja dovoljne količine kvalitetnog semena. Pravilna mineralna ishrana, odnosno sadržaj pojedinih makro i mikroelemenata u biljci mogu uticati na prinos semena crvene deteline, naročito kada se proizvodnja odvija na kiselim zemljištima. Cilj rada je bio da se na takvom zemljištu oceni uticaj folijarne prihrane kobaltom, borom, fosforom i kalijumom na prinos i komponente prinosa semena sorti crvene deteline, kao i na kvalitet dobijenog semena. Ogled je izveden u periodu 20092012. godine u Čačku na zemljištu kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4,8). Za ogled su odabrane sorte crvene deteline: K17, K39, una i viola. Paralelno su postavljana dva ogleda, u gustoj setvi i u kućice (pojedinačne biljke). Analize su vršene na drugom porastu u drugoj godini proizvodnje. Za folijarnu prihranu su upotrebljeni: kobalt (Co(NO3)2 u koncentraciji 0,033g L1), bor (bor etanolamin u koncentraciji od 0,1%) i fosfor i kalijum (P52K34, u koncentraciji 1%). Folijarna primena kobalta je generalno posmatrano imala pozitivan uticaj na vrednosti komponenti prinosa, prinos semena i krme sorti crvene deteline. Bolja snabdevenost biljaka kobaltom je uticala na rast i razvoj, posebno vegetativnih organa. Razlog ovome je bolja snabdevenost biljaka azotom usled pozitivnog uticaja kobalta na proces azotofiksacije, na šta ukazuje i značajno veći broj nodula na korenu biljaka. Folijarni tretman borom generalno posmatrano je takođe uticao na rast i razvoj vegetativnih i generativnih organa. Intenzivniji rast biljnih organa na tretmanu sa borom se takođe može povezati sa intenzivnijom azotofiksacijom. Pozitivan uticaj folijarne primene bora na generativne organe je pre svega rezultat njegovog uticaja na veću vitalnost i intenzitet klijanja polena, kao i veće prisustvo insekata oprašivača usled veće količine nektara. Folijarna primena fosfora i kalijuma u ovom eksperimentu je imala značajan pozitivan uticaj na broj izdanaka i broj cvasti po jedinici površine, broj cvetova po cvasti, broj semena po cvasti i prinos semena. S obzirom da folijarna prihrana fosforom i kalijumom nije uticala na značajno povećanje nodulacije, njen pozitivan uticaj na rast i razvoj vegetativnih i generativnih organa se pripisuje neophodnosti ovih elemenata u mnogim važnim procesima u biljci. Folijarni tretmani kobaltom, borom, fosforom i kalijumom u toku perioda vegetacije, nisu uticali na klijavost i vitalnost dobijenog semena.The production of sufficient amounts of high quality seed is a precondition for improvement in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) cultivation. Proper mineral nutrition or the content of some macro and micronutrients in the plant may affect the seed yield of red clover, especially when the production takes place on acid soils. The aim of the study was to assess the impact of foliar treatment with cobalt, boron, phosphorus and potassium on seed yield and its components in red clover cultivars on an acid soil, as well as on the quality of the seed obtained. A field trial was conducted in 20092012 in Čačak on a soil having an acid reaction (pHH2O 4.8). The red clover cultivars selected for the experiment were: ‘K17’, ‘K39’, ‘Una’ and ‘Viola’. Two parallel experiments were established under dense sward and lowdensity (individual plant) conditions. Analyses were performed on the second growth in the second year of production. For foliar nutrition, cobalt (Co(NO3)2 at a concentration of 0.033 g L1), boron (boron ethanolamine at 0.1%) and phosphorus and potassium (P52K34, at 1%) were used. The foliar application of cobalt had a positive effect on the values of yield components, seed yield and forage yield of the red clover cultivars. The improved cobalt supply facilitated plant growth and development, especially of vegetative organs. The underlying reason is a better supply of nitrogen to the plants as the result of a positive influence of cobalt on nitrogen fixation, as evidenced by the significantly higher number of nodules on the roots. The growth and development of vegetative and generative organs were also affected by the foliar boron treatment. The intensive growth of plant organs in the treatment with boron can also be associated with intensive nitrogen fixation. The positive impact of foliarapplied boron on generative organs was primarily the result of its stimulatory impact on pollen vitality and rate of pollen germination, which contributed to the presence of insect pollinators due to higher amounts of nectar. Foliar applications of phosphorus and potassium in this experiment had a significant positive effect on the number of stems and number of inflorescences per unit area, number of flowers per inflorescence, number of seeds per inflorescence and seed yield. Given that foliarapplied phosphorus and potassium did not lead to a significant increase in nodulation, their positive effect on the growth and development of vegetative and generative organs can be attributed to the requirement for these elements in many important processes in the plant. Foliar treatments with cobalt, boron, phosphorus and potassium during the growing season did not affect the germination and vitality of the seed obtained


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    In the plant communities on stubble, 25 taxons were determined, classified into 22 genera and 13 families. Of the 7 most pre-stated families, five are present in this micro-company where asteraceae have 6 taxons (27.27%), Lamiaceae five species (20%) and Poaceae three representatives (12%). As feed can be used: Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv., Elymus repens (L.) Gould., Amaranthus retroflexus L., Chenopodium album L. and Leontodon hispidus L. Potentially toxic to domestic animals are: Colchicum autumnale L., Equisetum arvense L., Equisetum telmateia Ehrh., Ranunculus bulbosus L., Sonhus arvensis L.Publishe

    Primena kukuruzne prekrupe pri siliranju lucerke, ježevice i njihove smeše

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    One of the solutions for the economical use of alfalfa and cocksfoot is making the silage. However, these plant species are difficult to be conserved without appropriate additives. The aim of this study was to determine the impact addition of cornmeal on the quality of silage of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cv. Kruševačka 22, cocksfoot (Dactilys glomerata L.) cv. Kruševačka 40 and their mixture (50% alfalfa, 50% cocksfoot). Mowing both species was carried out at the stage when 1/3 to 1/5 of the plants were in flowering in alfalfa or in stage appearance of inflorescence with cocksfoot. Corn grain is ground at the mill with a sieve ø 2 mm, then mixed with chopped fodder of alfalfa, cocksfoot and the mixture in the following amount: 6% (treatment A2), 3% (treatment A1), and without cornmeal addition (control A0). After six months was determined silage quality. Cornmeal addition, according to the basic indicators of the quality of silage had a significant impact on changing the quality silage of alfalfa, cocksfoot and their mixtures. It is evident that the addition cornmeal addition a significant impact on increasing the energy value (primarily the content inside BEM) of silage in all studied treatments.Jedno od rešenja za ekonomično korišćenje lucerke i ježevice je spravljanje silaže. Međutim ove biljne vrste se teško mogu konzervisati bez odgovarajućih dodataka. Cilj ovih ispitivanja bio je određivanje uticaja kukuruzne prekrupe na kvalitet silaže od lucerke, ježevice i njihove smeše (50% lucerka, 50% ježevica). Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na krmi: lucerke (Medicago sativa L.) sorte Kruševačka 22, ježevice (Dactilys glomerata L.) sorte Kruševačka 40 i njihove smeše (50% lucerka i 50% ježevica). Košenje obe vrste obavljeno je u fazi kada je 1/3 do 1/5 biljaka bilo u cvetu kod lucerke odnosno u klasanju kod ježevice. Kukuruzno zrno je mleveno na mlinu sa sitima ø 2 mm, zatim je mešano sa seckanom krmom lucerke, ježevice i smeše u količini: 6% (tretman A2), 3% (tretman A1), i bez prekrupe (kontrola A0). Nakon šest meseci utvrđen je kvalitet silaže. Dodatak kukuruzne prekrupe je prema osnovnim pokazateljima kvaliteta silaža imao značajan uticaj na promenu kvaliteta silaže lucerke ježevice i smeše. Evidentno je da dodavanje kukuruzne prekrupe značajno utiče na povećanje energetske vrednosti (pre svega sadržaja BEM) u silaži svih ispitivanih vrsta


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    Yield and quality of forage mainly depend on the floristic composition, ie the share of higher quality grasses and legumes, soil fertility, amount and distribution of precipitation and light. Natural meadows and pastures are the most important resource in the forage production in the hilly and mountainous area of Republic of Serbia. Despite the large areas, the forage production on natural grasslands is relatively low. Limited application of a small number of agrotechnical measures is the main reason for low and unstable yields and poor forage quality. Only by appropriate fertilization of meadows and pastures with mineral and organic fertilizers, their rational exploitation, it is possible to achieve an increase in hay yield by several times and improvement in forage quality, simultaneously.Publishe

    Seed Quality of Oilseed Rape Varieties with Different Size and Colors After Three and Fifteen Months Storage

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    During two years, germinability and initial growth of seedling of nine foreign varieties and four domestic varieties were studied. The seed is grouped by size (small, medium and large), color (dark transitional and light color of seed coat). Then it was preserved and at three and fifteen months of age in the laboratory and in the field, germinability, dormant seed and growth of shoot and radicle root were examined. In addition to the age, other factors (variety, size, color, period of storage) influenced significantly (P≥0.05 to P≥0.00) on seed germinability and growth of seedling. Higher germinability is achieved from large seeds up to 3.6%. Depending on the seed coat color, the germinability varied to 11%. The seed coat color has had a high impact on maintaining germinability for fifteen months. Seeds with darker coat have also shown higher potential for storage and use in subsequent seeding periods, as determined by the application of the aging test on seed. Significant interdependence (r) was obtained between the germinability test and the growth of seedling in laboratory conditions and in field conditions. Between the germinability and the growth of the shoot and the root, a significant interdependence was established, depending on the varieties (P≥0.05 to P≥0.00). Keywords: Age; Dormancy; Germinability; Seed; Seedling

    The Quality of Underground qaters in the Region of West Bačka

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    The population and the industry in the region of West Backa are supplied with underground water which is specific in its quality due to higher content of organic substance, higher pH values, the presence of hydrogen-sulphide and higher concentration of arsenic, which all result from the geological structure of the soil in that area. The concentration of arsenic found in the drinking water in some populated areas of the region exceeds ten times the highest allowed concentrations of 10 micro g/l. The concentrations of arsenic were measured in the samples of water taken from the wells which are used by residents of these areas. The provided data were statistically processed and presented in this paper.Stanovništvo i industrija Zapadnobačkog okruga se snabdevaju podzemnim vodama koje su specifične po svom kvalitetu jer ih karakteriše povišen sadržaj organskih materija, povišena pH vrednost, prisustvo sumporvodonika i povećana koncentracija arsena, što je posledica geološkog sastava tla. Koncentracija arsena u vodi za piće u nekim naseljenim mestima čak i preko deset puta nadmašuje maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije od 10 g/l. Koncentracije arsena su merene u uzorcima vode iz bunara iz kojih se snabdeva stanovništvo po naseljenim mestima u ovom regionu. Podaci su statistički obrađeni i prikazani u ovom radu.7 Medjunarodna konferencija Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi / 7th international conference Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Jahorina - Pale (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 10-12 May 200

    Elimination of Arsenic from the Underground Waters in the Region of West Bačka

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    Vojvodina, as a part of Pannonian plain, is supplied with underground waters from well which are located 150 to 200 m under the surface. The quality of these waters is questionable and specific due to to the presence of higher concentrations of arsenic, iron, ammonium and, frequently enough, humic acid and sulphide. The price of drinking water in this area is affected by the presence and the complicated interaction of the above mentioned polluting materials in the underground waters. In this region the concentration of arsenic in the water varies from 2-250 μg/l, whereas the concentration of humic acid is often higher than 20 mg/l. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the researches conducted on one of the pilot plant in Vojvodina where Iron Oxide Hybrid System was used for treating arsenic in combination with applying other technologies for eliminatinating other pollutants from raw water. The adsorption technique was chosen on the basis of the previously conducted analyses and on the available reference data about the effects and efficiency of other technologies.Vojvodina, deo Panonske nizije, snabdeva se podzemnom vodom iz izdani koje zaležu na dubinama 150 – 250 m. Kvalitet ove vode je problematičan i specifičan iz razloga sto ima povišene koncentracije arsena, gvožđa, amonijaka, a veoma često i huminskih materija i sulfida. Navedene zagađujuće materije u podzemnim vodama i njihova složena međusobna interakcija komplikuju i poskupljuju tretman vode za piće. Koncentracija arsena koja se javlja u ovoj oblasti varira od 2 – 250 µg, dok je koncentracija huminskih materija često veća od 20 mgl-1. Ovaj rad prikazuje rezultate istraživanja na jednom od pilot postrojenja u Vojvodini, gde je za tretman arsena korišćen gvožđe oksidni hibridni sistem, zajedno sa kombinacijom još nekoliko tehnologija za uklanjanje ostalih zagađujućih materija iz sirove vode. Adsorptivna metoda tretmana arsena odabrana je na osnovu pređašnjih analiza i literaturnih podataka o ekonomičnosti i efikasnosti ostalih tehnologija.7 Medjunarodna konferencija Vodovodni i kanalizacioni sistemi / 7th international conference Water Supply and Sewerage Systems, Jahorina - Pale (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 10-12 May 200

    Forage yield of a grass-clover mixture on an acid soil in the third year after soil liming

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    Soil acidity is one of the most common reasons for low yields of forage crops. This paper analyzes the long-term effect of liming (control - without CaO; 3 t*ha-1 CaO; 6 t*ha-1 CaO) applied to an acid soil (pHH2O 4.8) before stand establishment on the productivity of a mixture of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and tall oat grass (Arrhenatherum elatius L.) during the third year of production. Soil liming significantly increased hay yields in the first and second cuts by 17-25% and 46%, respectively, which resulted from an increase in the total yield and dry matter content of forage. In the third cut, soil liming had no effect on forage and hay yields due to the lower amount of precipitation in the second part of the growing season. Both lime application rates led to a significant reduction in the percentage of red clover in the first and second cuts, thus favoring the percentage of tall oat grass. In the third cut, only the percentage of weeds was lower in both lime treatments, as it decreased by more than 55% compared to the control

    Productivity of natural grassland of the order Arrhenatheretalia depending on nitrogen fertilization level

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    Natural grasslands are major animal feed resources in the moutainous region of Serbia. Proper use of mineral fertilizers in these grasslands can lead to a multiple increase in productivity. The paper analyzes the effect of NPK fertilizers with different levels of nitrogen (unfertilized - A0; N60:P40:K40 - A1; N100:P40:K40 - A2; N140:P40:K40 - A3) on forage yield and botanical composition of natural grassland of the Arrhenatheretalia order on the slopes of Mount Kopaonik. With the increase of the amount of nitrogen applied in spring from 40 to 80 kg ha-1, forage and hay yields also increased, whereas further increase innitrogen quantity to 120 kg ha-1 resulted in the absence of the increasing yield trend. In the second cut, there were lower forage and hay yields compared to the first cut. A total of 50 different plant species of 44 genera and 20 families were identified on the grassland. In both cuts, in all fertilized treatments, the grass percentage was significantly higher than the control. The percentage of legumes in the first cut was low, while it significantly decreased in the second crop with the increase in the level of fertilizer. The percentage of other plants was higher in the second cut, as compared to the first one, and it significantly decreased in both cuts with the increase in fertilizer rate