1,046 research outputs found

    Te Deum в кириллической транскрипции с подстрочным церковнославянским переводом

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    The Latin Psalter from the Chudov monastery, written in Cyrillic letters around the end of the 15th century, is a document of paramount importance for the study of the Latin cultural tradition in Muscovy. This unique manuscript seems to be linked to the fervent translation activity directed by the archbishop of Novgorod Gennadii (1484–1504). The wide space left between the lines of the main Latin text was without doubt supposed to be filled with the Church Slavic corresponding text. A Slavic “translation” was indeed inserted into the biblical cantica and other texts, among which the hymn Te Deum, traditionally (and wrongly) considered to be a joint composition by Saint Ambrose and Saint Augustine, which was very widespread in the Western Church. The article features the first diplomatic interlinear edition of the Slavic-Latin Te Deum, which is preceded by a short description and analysis of the Slavic text and its main linguistic peculiarities in comparison with another translation of the same work, made some decades later by Dmitry Gerasimov. Here all relevant differences between the two Slavic versions, both at the lexical and grammatical levels, are presented and shortly discussed. Further, some evident errors in the Slavic text of the Chudov Psalter cast some doubts on the possibility to consider it a real translation in the strict sense of the term; it seems rather to function as a lexico-grammatical interlinear gloss, to be read vertically as an auxiliary tool for a proper understanding of the Latin original.Чудовская латинская псалтирь, написанная кириллическими буквами предположительно в конце XV в., представляет собой документ первостепенной важности для изучения латинской культурной традиции в Московской Руси. Эта уникальная рукопись возникла, по всей видимости, в рамках лихорадочной переводческой деятельности, которой руководил новгородский архиепископ Геннадий (1484–1504). Широкое пространство, оставленное между строками основного латинского текста, несомненно, было предназначено для заполнения соответствующим церковнославянским текстом. Славянский «перевод» был действительно вставлен в библейские песни и другие молитвы, среди которых находится широко распространенный в западной церкви гимн Te Deum, традиционно (и ошибочно) считающийся совместным сочинением свв. Амвросия и Августина. В статье впервые осуществляется дипломатическое подстрочное издание славяно-латинского текста Te Deum, которому предшествуют краткое описание и анализ церковнославянского текста и его главных языковых особенностей в сравнении с другим переводом того же произведения, сделанным спустя несколько десятилетий Дмитрием Герасимовым. Здесь представляются и кратко оговариваются все существенные различия между двумя славянскими версиями, как на лексическом, так и на грамматическом уровнях. Некоторые очевидные ошибки в славянском тексте Чудовской латинской псалтири ставят под сомнение возможность считать его переводом в прямом смысле слова; создается впечатление, что данный текст скорее выполнял функцию непрерывной лексико-грамматической глоссы, добавленной между строками, которую следует читать вертикально как вспомогательное средство для правильного понимания латинского подлинника

    Verkehrte Welt? Kirchenslavisch als Vorbild beim ersten ossetischen Druck (1798)

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    1noopenThe spread of Christian faith among the pagans (or muslims) in medieval Rus’ and in the Russian Empire was tightly connected with the problem of literacy. Besides the creation of a totally new alphabet for the converted, as in the case of Stephen fo Perm’ (second half of the 14th century), there were attempts to adapt the Cyrillic alphabet to unwritten languages in order to acculturate to Russian civilization various peoples living at the fringe of the expanding Empire. In this article, one of those experiments, carried out in the North Caucasus, is discussed, namely the choice of the Church Slavonic alphabet for the first printed book in Ossetic language (1798). The text, a catechism written in Russian and Church Slavonic languages with a parallel Ossetic translation, is introduced by a short Church Slavonic primer, which goes back, through different textual stages, to the famous Azbuka of Ivan Fëdorov. This bilingual catechism deserves special attention not only from a linguistic point of view, but also as an interesting model for dissemination of Russian Orthodox culture and religious traditions among non-Slavic peoples.openTomelleri V.S.Tomelleri, Vittori

    Slavic-style aspect in the Caucasus

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    Il lavoro esamina l'aspetto di tipo slavo, ovvero espresso mediante procedimenti di tipo derivazionale (prefissi e suffissi) in tre lingue, Russo, Osseto e Georgiano. L'obiettivo è quello di verificare somiglianze e differenze sul piano morfologico, sintattico, semantico e pragmatico in prospettiva sincronico-tipologica, diacronica e areale

    Il canone comune per Cirillo e Metodio. Questioni di studio e problemi di edizione

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    The paper gives a brief overview of some relevant aspects, relating to both the form and content of the common canon for Cyril and Methodius, which is preserved in East Slavic manuscripts. This text poses several challenges, pertaining to its provenance, author and relationship to other works of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition. A short history of the editions, translations and publications of this text (\ua7 1) is followed by a thorough analysis of the hirmoi and the hymns to the Mother of God (theotokia), contained in the canon, with additional evidence from the rest of the Slavic liturgical tradition (\ua7 2-3); here special attention is devoted to the liturgical work by Kliment Ohridski. The next sessions discuss certain passages of the text, referring to the life of the saints or taken from the Holy Writing (\ua7 4), and show an interesting intertextual connection between the common canon and the Paneg yric in honour of Cyril and Methodius, which is also believed to have been written by Kliment (\ua7 5). The collected material can be used as a starting point for further research work on a text which still remains, in many respects, quite marginal and at the same time somehow enigmatic

    Theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation of the effect of landing shapes on snowboard jump dynamics

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    Aim of the work is the theoretical analysis of snowboard jump dynamics with respect to the effect of different shapes of the landing surface on the landing impulse received by the jumper. Both a point-mass and a two-point-mass models were adopted during the analysis and compared with the litterature results. Experimental sessions oriented to the mesurement of landing impact decelerations were performed as an attempt of validating the theoretical models.ope

    Zu den Theotokia im Wenzelskanon

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    Vorliegender Aufsatz betrachtet die im kirchenslavischen Kanon auf den heiligen Wenzel enthaltenen Gottesmutterhymnen (Theotokia) aus einer zweifachen Perspektive: Der slavische Text wird mit der bis auf die erste Ode ermittelten griechischen Vorlage einerseits und mit anderen slavischen cber-setzungen andererseits verglichen. Die Theotokia des Wenzelskanons weisen frappante \uc4hnlichkeiten mit der Oktoechos und dem Kliment von Ohrid zugeschriebenen Commune Sanctorum auf; die festgestellten textuellen cberein-stimmungen legen die Vermutung nahe, dass es sich beim Wenzelskanon um die cbernahme bereits vorhandener cbersetzungen handeln k\uf6nnte. Das im Aufsatz zusammengestellte Material soll der weiteren Vertiefung der angesprochenen oder nur angedeuteten Fragen dienen

    Interferometric Investigation of Liquid Thin Film Meniscus

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    Indagine interferometrica per misurare il profilo di curvatura di un sottile menisco di ottano su una superficie liscia di silicone. Progettazione di una camera per studiare microscopicamente la curvatura dell’interfaccia liquido-solido, con l'obiettivo di verificare sperimentalmente l’accuratezza e la ripetibilità dell’analisi interferometrica per raggiungere risultati consistenti nelle misurazioni di curvatura.openEmbargo temporaneo per motivi di segretezza e/o di proprietà dei risultati e/o informazioni sensibil

    Slavic-style aspect in the Caucasus

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    Il lavoro esamina l'aspetto di tipo slavo, ovvero espresso mediante procedimenti di tipo derivazionale (prefissi e suffissi) in tre lingue, Russo, Osseto e Georgiano. L'obiettivo è quello di verificare somiglianze e differenze sul piano morfologico, sintattico, semantico e pragmatico in prospettiva sincronico-tipologica, diacronica e areale

    \u410\u43f\u43e\u441\u442\u43e\u43b\u44c\u441\u43a\u438\u439 \u441\u438\u43c\u432\u43e\u43b \u432\u435\u440\u44b (Symbolum apostolorum) \u432 \u446\u435\u440\u43a\u43e\u432\u43d\u43e\u441\u43b\u430\u432\u44f\u43d\u441\u43a\u43e\u43c \u43f\u435\u440\u435\u432\u43e\u434\u435 \u414\u43c. \u413\u435\u440\u430\u441\u438\u43c\u43e\u432\u430. \u412\u432\u435\u434\u435\u43d\u438\u435. \u418\u43d\u442\u435\u440\u43b\u438\u43d\u435\u430\u440\u43d\u43e\u435 \u438\u437\u434\u430\u43d\u438\u435

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    In the present paper the Church Slavonic translation of the Latin Apostles\u2019 Creed with commentary, made by the famous Novgorodian translator Dmitriy Gerasimov in the first half of the 16th century, is published for the first time. The text is based on all ten known manuscripts of Bruno\u2019s commented Psalter, within which the Apostles\u2019 Creed is included. The Slavonic translation consists of four parts: 1) a short introduction, where the different meanings of the term \u201cSimvol\u201d are explained; 2) a note on the Creeds used in the Christian Church, namely the Apostles\u2019 Creed, the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed and the Athanasian Creed, to which the mysterious Symbolum iuris is added; 3) the text of the Apostles\u2019 Creed and 4) the question-and-answer commentary on it. The first and second parts, going back to Latin medieval lexicographical works (Catholicon and Vocabolarius iuris utriusque), testify to the translation technique adopted by Dm. Gerasimov, who used to explain hard-to-translate terms with lexical commentaries, taken from Latin sources. The Slavonic translation and the Latin original are given interlinearly. The edition is preceeded by an introduction, in which some information about the complicated transmission of the Latin text is provided, the different sources used by the translator are discussed and, finally, some textual and linguistic features of the Slavonic text are shortly described