776 research outputs found

    Realistic many-body models for Manganese Monoxide under pressure

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    In materials like transition metals oxides where electronic Coulomb correlations impede a description in terms of standard band-theories, the application of genuine many-body techniques is inevitable. Interfacing the realism of density-functional based methods with the virtues of Hubbard-like Hamiltonians, requires the joint ab initio construction of transfer integrals and interaction matrix elements (like the Hubbard U) in a localized basis set. In this work, we employ the scheme of maximally localized Wannier functions and the constrained random phase approximation to create effective low-energy models for Manganese monoxide, and track their evolution under external pressure. We find that in the low pressure antiferromagnetic phase, the compression results in an increase of the bare Coulomb interaction for specific orbitals. As we rationalized in recent model considerations [Phys. Rev. B 79, 235133 (2009)], this seemingly counter-intuitive behavior is a consequence of the delocalization of the respective Wannier functions. The change of screening processes does not alter this tendency, and thus, the screened on-site component of the interaction - the Hubbard U of the effective low-energy system - increases with pressure as well. The orbital anisotropy of the effects originates from the orientation of the orbitals vis-a-vis the deformation of the unit-cell. Within the high pressure paramagnetic phase, on the other hand, we find the significant increase of the Hubbard U is insensitive to the orbital orientation and almost exclusively owing to a substantial weakening of screening channels upon compression.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Investigation of quasi-periodic varaiations in hard X-rays of solar flares

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    The aim of the present paper is to use quasi-periodic oscillations in hard X-rays (HXRs) of solar flares as a diagnostic tool for investigation of impulsive electron acceleration. We have selected a number of flares which showed quasi-periodic oscillations in hard X-rays and their loop-top sources could be easily recognized in HXR images. We have considered MHD standing waves to explain the observed HXR oscillations. We interpret these HXR oscillations as being due to oscillations of magnetic traps within cusp-like magnetic structures. This is confirmed by a good correlation between periods of the oscillations and the sizes of the loop-top sources. We argue that a model of oscillating magnetic traps is adequate to explain the observations. During the compressions of a trap particles are accelerated, but during its expansions plasma, coming from chromospheric evaporation, fills the trap, which explains the large number of electrons being accelerated during a sequence of strong impulses. The advantage of our model of oscillating magnetic traps is that it can explain both the impulses of electron acceleration and quasi-periodicity of their distribution in time.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, submitted to Solar Physic

    Learning Arbitrary Statistical Mixtures of Discrete Distributions

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    We study the problem of learning from unlabeled samples very general statistical mixture models on large finite sets. Specifically, the model to be learned, ϑ\vartheta, is a probability distribution over probability distributions pp, where each such pp is a probability distribution over [n]={1,2,…,n}[n] = \{1,2,\dots,n\}. When we sample from ϑ\vartheta, we do not observe pp directly, but only indirectly and in very noisy fashion, by sampling from [n][n] repeatedly, independently KK times from the distribution pp. The problem is to infer ϑ\vartheta to high accuracy in transportation (earthmover) distance. We give the first efficient algorithms for learning this mixture model without making any restricting assumptions on the structure of the distribution ϑ\vartheta. We bound the quality of the solution as a function of the size of the samples KK and the number of samples used. Our model and results have applications to a variety of unsupervised learning scenarios, including learning topic models and collaborative filtering.Comment: 23 pages. Preliminary version in the Proceeding of the 47th ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing (STOC15

    Investigation of quasi-periodic variations in hard X-rays of solar flares. II. Further investigation of oscillating magnetic traps

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    In our recent paper (Solar Physics 261, 233) we investigated quasi-periodic oscillations of hard X-rays during impulsive phase of solar flares. We have come to conclusion that they are caused by magnetosonic oscillations of magnetic traps within the volume of hard-X-ray (HXR) loop-top sources. In the present paper we investigate four flares which show clear quasi-periodic sequences of HXR pulses. We also describe our phenomenological model of oscillating magnetic traps to show that it can explain observed properties of HXR oscillations. Main results are the following: 1. We have found that low-amplitude quasi-periodic oscillations occur before impulsive phase of some flares. 2. We have found that quasi-period of the oscillations can change in some flares. We interpret this as being due to changes of the length of oscillating magnetic traps. 3. During impulsive phase a significant part of the energy of accelerated (non-thermal) electrons is deposited within the HXR loop-top source. 4. Our analysis suggests that quick development of impulsive phase is due to feedback between pulses of the pressure of accelerated electrons and the amplitude of magnetic-trap oscillation. 5. We have also determined electron number density and magnetic filed strength for HXR loop-top sources of several flares. The values fall within the limits of N≈(2−15)×1010N \approx (2 -15) \times 10^{10} cm−3^{-3}, B≈(45−130)B \approx (45 - 130) gauss.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Solar Physic

    The Outstanding Decisions of the United States Supreme Court in 1954

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    We perform a kinematic and morphological analysis of 44 star-forming galaxies at z ̃ 2 in the COSMOS legacy field using near-infrared spectroscopy from Keck/MOSFIRE and F160W imaging from CANDELS/3D-HST as part of the ZFIRE survey. Our sample consists of cluster and field galaxies from 2.0 < z < 2.5 with K-band multi-object slit spectroscopic measurements of their Hα emission lines. Hα rotational velocities and gas velocity dispersions are measured using the Heidelberg Emission Line Algorithm (HELA), which compares directly to simulated 3D data cubes. Using a suite of simulated emission lines, we determine that HELA reliably recovers input S 0.5 and angular momentum at small offsets, but V 2.2/σ g values are offset and highly scattered. We examine the role of regular and irregular morphology in the stellar mass kinematic scaling relations, deriving the kinematic measurement S 0.5, and finding {log}({S}0.5)=(0.38+/- 0.07){log}(M/{M}☉ -10)+(2.04+/- 0.03) with no significant offset between morphological populations and similar levels of scatter (̃0.16 dex). Additionally, we identify a correlation between M ⋆ and V 2.2/σ g for the total sample, showing an increasing level of rotation dominance with increasing M ⋆, and a high level of scatter for both regular and irregular galaxies. We estimate the specific angular momenta (j disk) of these galaxies and find a slope of 0.36 ± 0.12, shallower than predicted without mass-dependent disk growth, but this result is possibly due to measurement uncertainty at M ⋆ < 9.5 However, through a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test we find irregular galaxies to have marginally higher j disk values than regular galaxies, and high scatter at low masses in both populations

    Structured Random Matrices

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    Random matrix theory is a well-developed area of probability theory that has numerous connections with other areas of mathematics and its applications. Much of the literature in this area is concerned with matrices that possess many exact or approximate symmetries, such as matrices with i.i.d. entries, for which precise analytic results and limit theorems are available. Much less well understood are matrices that are endowed with an arbitrary structure, such as sparse Wigner matrices or matrices whose entries possess a given variance pattern. The challenge in investigating such structured random matrices is to understand how the given structure of the matrix is reflected in its spectral properties. This chapter reviews a number of recent results, methods, and open problems in this direction, with a particular emphasis on sharp spectral norm inequalities for Gaussian random matrices.Comment: 46 pages; to appear in IMA Volume "Discrete Structures: Analysis and Applications" (Springer

    Downfolded Self-Energy of Many-Electron Systems

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    Starting from the full many-body Hamiltonian of interacting electrons the effective self-energy acting on electrons residing in a subspace of the full Hilbert space is derived. This subspace may correspond to, for example, partially filled narrow bands, which often characterize strongly correlated materials. The formalism delivers naturally the frequency-dependent effective interaction (the Hubbard U) and provides a general framework for constructing theoretical models based on the Green function language. It also furnishes a general scheme for first-principles calculations of complex systems in which the main correlation effects are concentrated on a small subspace of the full Hilbert space.Comment: 5 page
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