115 research outputs found

    Torsion pendulum facility for direct force measurements of LISA GRS related disturbances

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    A four mass torsion pendulum facility for testing of the LISA GRS is under development in Trento. With a LISA-like test mass suspended off-axis with respect to the pendulum fiber, the facility allows for a direct measurement of surface force disturbances arising in the GRS. We present here results with a prototype pendulum integrated with very large-gap sensors, which allows an estimate of the intrinsic pendulum noise floor in the absence of sensor related force noise. The apparatus has shown a torque noise near to its mechanical thermal noise limit, and would allow to place upper limits on GRS related disturbances with a best sensitivity of 300 fN/Hz^(1/2) at 1mHz, a factor 50 from the LISA goal. Also, we discuss the characterization of the gravity gradient noise, one environmental noise source that could limit the apparatus performances, and report on the status of development of the facility.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the 6th International LISA Symposium, AIP Conference Proceedings 200

    Thermal gradient-induced forces on geodetic reference masses for LISA

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    The low frequency sensitivity of space-borne gravitational wave observatories will depend critically on the geodetic purity of the trajectories of orbiting test masses. Fluctuations in the temperature difference across the enclosure surrounding the free-falling test mass can produce noisy forces through several processes, including the radiometric effect, radiation pressure, and outgassing. We present here a detailed experimental investigation of thermal gradient-induced forces for the LISA gravitational wave mission and the LISA Pathfinder, employing high resolution torsion pendulum measurements of the torque on a LISA-like test mass suspended inside a prototype of the LISA gravitational reference sensor that will surround the test mass in orbit. The measurement campaign, accompanied by numerical simulations of the radiometric and radiation pressure effects, allows a more accurate and representative characterization of thermal-gradient forces in the specific geometry and environment relevant to LISA free-fall. The pressure dependence of the measured torques allows clear identification of the radiometric effect, in quantitative agreement with the model developed. In the limit of zero gas pressure, the measurements are most likely dominated by outgassing, but at a low level that does not threaten the LISA sensitivity goals.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Gas damping force noise on a macroscopic test body in an infinite gas reservoir

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    We present a simple analysis of the force noise associated with the mechanical damping of the motion of a test body surrounded by a large volume of rarefied gas. The calculation is performed considering the momentum imparted by inelastic collisions against the sides of a cubic test mass, and for other geometries for which the force noise could be an experimental limitation. In addition to arriving at an accurated estimate, by two alternative methods, we discuss the limits of the applicability of this analysis to realistic experimental configurations in which a test body is surrounded by residual gas inside an enclosure that is only slightly larger than the test body itself.Comment: 8 pages. updated with correct translational damping coefficient for cylinder on axis. added cylinder orthogonal to symmetry axis, force and torque. slightly edited throughou

    Density functional theory studies of MTSL nitroxide side chain conformations attached to an activation loop

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    A quantum-mechanical (QM) method rooted on density functional theory (DFT) linked to the Stochastic Liouville equation (SLE) in the Fokker Planck (FP) form has been employed for the first time to sample the methane-thiosulfonate spin label (MTSL) conformational space attached to the Aurora-A kinase activation loop and to calculate the EPR spectrum. The features of the calculated energy surface allowed us to describe the system in a limited number of rotamers stabilized by interactions of the MTSL side chain and neighbouring residues. The relevant magnetic parameters and the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum were subsequently calculated from the trajectories of the spin probe in the protein environment. The comparison between theoretical and experimental continuous wave (CW) EPR spectra revealed some small differences in the EPR line shape which arises from the combinations of g- and A-values obtained from the conformations selected. The theoretical approach adopted in this work can be used to recognise the contribution of MTSL rotamers to the EPR spectrum in order to help extract structural/dynamics properties of protein from the experimental data

    Brownian force noise from molecular collisions and the sensitivity of advanced gravitational wave observatories

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    We present an analysis of Brownian force noise from residual gas damping of reference test masses as a fundamental sensitivity limit in small force experiments. The resulting acceleration noise increases significantly when the distance of the test mass to the surrounding experimental apparatus is smaller than the dimension of the test mass itself. For the Advanced LIGO interferometric gravitational wave observatory, where the relevant test mass is a suspended 340 mm diameter cylindrical end mirror, the force noise power is increased by roughly a factor 40 by the presence of a similarly shaped reaction mass at a nominal separation of 5 mm. The force noise, of order 20 fN\rthz\ for 2×10−62 \times 10^{-6} Pa of residual H2_2 gas, rivals quantum optical fluctuations as the dominant noise source between 10 and 30 Hz. We present here a numerical and analytical analysis for the gas damping force noise for Advanced LIGO, backed up by experimental evidence from several recent measurements. Finally, we discuss the impact of residual gas damping on the gravitational wave sensitivity and possible mitigation strategies.Comment: 13 pages with 9 figures (fixed typos found in proofs

    Parâmetros quantitativos de hastes florais de gladíolo conforme a data de plantio em ambiente subtropical

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    Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar as épocas de cultivo, em ambiente subtropical, em que é possível produzir hastes de gladíolo (Gladiolusx grandiflorus) que atendam aos padrões comerciais quantitativos do mercado nacional de flores de corte. Dois experimentos de campo foram realizados, um de agosto de 2011 a julho de 2012 e outro de agosto de 2012 a julho de 2013, com três cultivares do gladíolo e 12 datas de plantio para cada experimento. O comprimento total da haste, o comprimento do pendão e o diâmetro da haste foram avaliados quando as hastes estavam em ponto de colheita, ou seja, quando a cor das pétalas apareceu nos três primeiros floretes na base da haste. Os melhores meses para a produção de hastes de gladíolo são julho, agosto, setembro, fevereiro, março e abril, embora em nenhuma das datas de plantio tenham sido produzidas hastes com parâmetros quantitativos abaixo do padrão mínimo (exceto em períodos com geada, durante o espigamento)

    Length Sensing and Control in the Virgo Gravitational Wave Interferometer

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    The gravitational wave detector Virgo is presently being commissioned. A significant part of last year was spent in setting up the cavity length control system. This work was carried out with steps of increasing complexity: locking a simple Fabry-Perot cavity, then a Michelson interferometer with Fabry-Perot cavities in both arms, and finally recycling the light beam into the interferometer. The applied strategy and the main results obtained are describe
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