42 research outputs found

    Diagnosis converning the financial knowledge of Local Government Units (LGUs)

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    Systemic management of a local government unit lacks viewing the LGU as an economic entity which should actively use modern financial knowledge in its activity in order to stimulate active construction of an economic and social potential. It needs to stimulate processes of building in local government structures a financial knowledge based on a modernunderstanding of LGU finance while considering the new challenges in finance which have been revealed after the subprime crisis, complemented with practical concepts based on New Public Management. Considering the progressing reforms of the national public finance system and the resulting consequences for shaping the financial management of the LGUs, and also globalisation processes and the dynamic development of the financial services' market, it is natural to require managers of the local government subsector of public finance to have thorough financial knowledge current and interdisciplinary knowledge that would most importantly be reliable and practice-based


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    This article diagnoses the use of instruments supporting entrepreneurship by the Podkarpackie Province communes. The main research problem was formulated as follows: Do the instruments of supporting entrepreneurship used by self-government affect the development of economic initiatives in the area of the surveyed communes? We analyzed it in two areas. The first one focuses on the present state, analyzing the quality and directions of actions taken by commune authorities in supporting economic initiatives as well as their results. The second one attempts at pointing the solutions conducive to enterprise development and instruments ensuring their stimulation. The results of the conducted analyses allowed us to assess the effectiveness of the instruments supporting entrepreneurship used by local government units. The main conclusion derived from the research is that the use of fiscal instruments does not constitute the strongest factor in determining the location of economic activity. The use of tax forms of support dependant on the economic situation turns out to be much less important than the use of solutions such as improvement of infrastructure conditions, selection of areas for investment, lease of commune facilities for economic activities, creation of capital back-up comprised of loan funds, as well as implementation of organizational changes aiming at better efficiency of the office.Ovaj rad dijagnosticira korištenje instrumenata koji podupiru poduzetništvo od strane općina u Podkarpatskoj regiji. Osnovni problem istraživanja je formuliran kako slijedi: Utječu li instrumenti potpore poduzetništva koje koristi samouprava na razvoj ekonomskih inicijativa na području istraženih općina? To smo istražili na dva polja. Prvo se usredotočuje na trenutačno stanje i analizira kvalitetu i smjer radnji poduzetih od strane općinskih vlasti kako bi se podupre ekonomske inicijative te njihove rezultate. Drugo pokušava ukazati na rješenja vezana za razvoj poduzetništva i instrumente koji osiguravaju njegovu stimulaciju. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja omogućuju nam procjenu efikasnosti instrumenata potpore poduzetništvu koje koriste lokalne jedinice uprave. Glavni zaključak koji proizlazi iz istraživanja je da korištenje fiskalnih instrumenata ne čini najjači čimbenik za određivanje lokacije ekonomske aktivnosti. Ispostavlja se da je korištenje poreznih oblika potpore ovisno o ekonomskoj situaciji mnogo manje bitno od korištenja rješenja kao što su poboljšanje stanja infrastrukture, odabir lokacija za ulaganje, najam općinske imovine za ekonomsku aktivnost, stvaranje zalihe kapitala kao što su kreditni fondovi, kao i implementacija organizacijskih promjena koje streme ka boljoj efikasnosti rada uprave. Istraživanje je dokazalo dobrobiti fiskalnih preferenci ali je dokazalo i da je umjereni iznos komunalnih doprinosa značajniji čimbenik od korištenih poreznih preferenci, često povezan s trenutnom ekonomskom situacijom. Zaključci do kojih smo došli eksplicitno i negativno potvrđuju uvjerenje da je smanjenje poreznog opterećenja jedini učinkovit alat za stimulaciju poduzetništva kojeg na raspolaganju imaju jedinice lokalne uprave


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    Local government units (LGU) are nowadays facing the very difficult and complicated task of making reasonable decisions regarding the transforming of SPZOZs into capital companies. First, it seems necessary to carry out a simulation of costs and advantages of the assumed models and solutions together with an analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the new legal and organisational forms. The aim of this paper is to assess whether the process of transforming SPZOZs into capital companies is purposeful and reasonable, and to define a way to prepare hospitals for functioning in an altered legislative environment. The paper draws attention to the fact that transformation itself does not guarantee that the results achieved by the given entity will automatically improve. The transformation can bring financial advantages for the newly created company and the local government, from the subsidies and remissions in accordance with art. 197 of the act on medical activity. Yet the conditions for getting such help are quite restrictive and not in every situation can financial help from the central budget be counted on. Such aid could help improve the financial standing of a hospital considerably. Also, it must be remembered that a hospital transformed into a capital company acquires the capacity to go bankrupt. If the new entity generates a loss, it may result in the owner having to raise the initial capital in order to avoid filing a bankruptcy petition by the company. In practice, the financial consequences for the local government are the same as in the case of having to cover losses. The difference lies in the continuity of the provided medical services

    Income taxation versus mangerial decisions

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    Taking rational decisions in a company, both current and strategic, requires knowing and taking into consideration the external conditions of the conducted activity. The accuracy of decisions made, as well as the ability to adjust to a changing external environment determines not only the effectiveness of the enterprise's operations, but also its ability to conduct further activity. The paper aims at demonstrating the influence of income tax on the activity of economic entities and also on the decisions taken by management. The article is composed of three complementary sections. The first one - the introduction - is an attempt at outlining the subject framework for the article and demonstrating potential areas in which the tax system affects the economy and the associated consequences. The second part provides an empirical analysis presenting possible variants (simulations) of declaring income and related management decisions taken in various time horizons and boundary conditions, reflecting the criteria of a resident. The third part of the paper comprises conclusions based on the results of conducted simulations, related to the influence of the income tax construction on financial decisions taken by enterprises and related consequences

    Ocena wplywu kryzysu finansowego na stan finansow publicznych w Polsce

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    Artykul jest proba diagnozy aktualnego stanu finansow publicznych w Polsce. Autorzy przyjeli za cel poddanie analizie wplywu kryzysu finansowego na kondycje krajowych finansow publicznych, odnoszac efekty poczynionych ustalen do wskaznikow opisujacych finanse publiczne krajow UE. Artykul stanowi tym samym plaszczyzne porownan aktualnej sytuacji krajowych finansow publicznych na tle zjawisk kryzysowych, jakie dotknely gospodarki kazdego z panstw czlonkowskich UE. Artykul ocenia i analizuje skale i sile oddzialywania nastepstw kryzysu na stan finansow publicznych w Polsce, wskazujac na zagrozenia, jakie wynikaja dla stabilnosci systemu finansowego panstwa na skutek zaniechania dzialan reformujacych finanse publiczne.finanse publiczne, deficyt budzetowy, deficyt sektora finansow publicznych

    Ocena wpływu rozmiaru sektora finansów publicznych na efektywność wydatkowania publicznego

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    The objective of this article is to examine relations between size of General Government Sector and effects of public spending. In order to measure the size of the sector author will apply financial parameters, which refers to disposal of public funds. From the other hand, results of sector’s activity will be researched through measurements based on indexes. The idea to base them on international rankings, which present complementary measures that link financial funds and indicatory approach to efficiency of sector’s entities, allows analyzing relationship between size of the sector and parameters designed to measure results of sector’s activity.Artykuł przyjmuje za cel zbadanie relacji na linii: rozmiar SFP – efekty wydatkowania publicznego. Do pomiaru wielkości sektora wykorzystane zostaną parametry finansowe odnoszące się do dyspozycji środkami publicznymi. Z kolei rezultaty aktywności sektora badane będą za pośrednictwem miar o charakterze wskaźnikowym. Ich oparcie na międzynarodowych rankingach, prezentujących komplementarne miary łączące nakłady finansowe i wskaźnikowe ujęcia efektywności podmiotów sektora, pozwoli przeanalizować związek pomiędzy rozmiarem sektora oraz parametrami służącymi jako miary rezultatów jego działalności

    Czynniki determinujące poziom aktywności gospodarczej na przykładzie gmin o najwyższym poziomie przedsiębiorczości

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    Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje próbę zbudowania profilu polskich gmin z uwzględnieniem czynników decydujących o wyższym (w relacji do pozostałych gmin) poziomie przedsiębiorczości. Dla realizacji tego celu, autorzy wzięli pod uwagę instrumenty wspierania przedsiębiorczości wykorzystywane przed samorządy gminne, jak również rozwiązania wykorzystywane przez instytucje otoczenia biznesu. Na podstawie analizy przestrzennej (globalnej i lokalnej statystyki I Morano) przedstawiano geograficzne rozmieszczenie klastrów gmin skupiających samorządy charakteryzujące się podobnym poziomem przedsiębiorczości. Wykonane badanie zostało uzupełnione analizą czynników determinujących aktywność gospodarczą w gminach o najwyższym poziomie przedsiębiorczości

    Quantification of the Size of Local Public Administration: Empirical Study of Polish Regions

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    The issue of the size of public administration is commonly researched. Most of the times this topic is tackled from a macroeconomic perspective, considering local and central administration together. That is why this paper uniquely takes on the local perspective only, analysing the size of local government (i.e. size of public administration at the local level) in Polish regions during the period of 2009–2013. Based on the existing literature, we chose five variables of the size of local administration at the commune level connected with employment and reflecting costs related to the functioning of local administration structures. All indicators were expressed per capita. With the usage of ANOVA, we proved significant differences in the size of public administration across regions for all variables. To compare the size of local governments across regions, we ranked all variables individually, and then we calculated the average ranking for all variables. Our findings have clear implications for policy makers, providing information about the regions with the biggest/smallest size of public administration at the local level. Our study suggests simple and accessible tool for continuous reporting on the size of public administration in order to monitor costs also in the upcoming years. The results of the monitoring could also be used for the establishment of an incentive program for regional policy representatives

    New Firms Formation in Medical, Creative and Agri-Food Sectors as a Function of Local Conditions and Budget Policy of Polish Communes

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    Theoretical background: The article will help to answer the question what factors contribute to the emergence of new companies in medical, agri-food and creative sectors. Moreover, the aim of the article is to examine to what extent the budget policy of communes determines the creation of new enterprises in each of the analysed sectors separately.Purpose of the article: The aim of the article is to examine the factors affecting new firms formation in medical, agri-food and creative sectors in Poland, as well as the impact of budget policy of local government units at commune level on entrepreneurship in chosen sectors.Research methods: The study was conducted by means of a panel econometric model. In particular, the study was based on FEM estimation modelling based on 2,477 communes in the years 2010–2021.Main findings: The conducted research confirmed that different factors affect new firms formation in studied sectors. The research proved that budget policy of communes influences new firms formation. Moreover, the study confirmed that individual elements of the local budget policy have a different impact on each economic activity. Thus, local budget policy should be profiled in terms of type of activity supported


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    The article is regarding the issue of the knowledge management at local government. It’s contents are focusing on the diagnosis in theoretical as well as practical perspective possibilities of managing decks of the knowledge in local government units. The subject brought up in this article is appealing for the experiment to transfer tools of both the attempt at the identification and the knowledge management in the private sector to the level of activities of the local government. This article constitutes this way the attempt to draw the improvements in the sphere of functioning of local government structures using layers like open and hidden knowledge for gain this goal and also putting appropriate approach at the management. Presented in this text approach, constitutes about the possibilities of improving the effectiveness of activities local government units by appealing to decks of knowledge local governments have