928 research outputs found

    Utjecaj dodataka začinskog bilja na kvalitetu mozzarele

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    In this study, 3 different spice mixes were added just after blanching to mozzarella cheese produced by high moisture production method. The dough was kneaded and filled into to fibrous cases. After filling process, cheeses were stored for 28 days at 4 °C and 85 % of relative humidity. The following characteristics were measured: color parameters, milk acidity, total dry matter, maturation index, total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, coliform bacteria, coagulase positive staphylococci, lactic acid bacteria, species of Lactococcus bacteria, proteolytic bacteria, lipolytic bacteria and mold /yeast count were examined on 0, 5, 15,21 and 28 days after storage. Although L* (lightness) and a* (redness) values decreased during storage period, while moreover b* (yellowness) values increased. In addition acidity, dry matter and maturation index values increased during storage. Total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, Lactococcus spp., lipolytic bacteria and mold/ yeast counts decreased, but proteolytic bacteria count increased.U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj 3 različite mješavine začinskog bilja u proizvodnji mozzarella sira. Sirno tijesto gnječeno je i punjeno u sirne marame, i uskladišteno 28 dana na 4 °C i relativnu vlagu 85 %. Istraženi su parametri boje, kiselosti mlijeka, ukupne suhe tvari i indeks zrenja. Također je istražen ukupan broj aerobno mezofilnih bakterija, te broj koliformnih bakterija, koagulaza pozitivnih stafilokoka, bakterija mliječne kiseline, proteolitičkih i lipolitičkih bakterija, te kvasaca i plijesni. Mikrobiološke analize su provedene 0., 5.,15., 21., i 28. dana skladištenja. Intenzitet žute boje povećao se tijekom skladištenja sira, dok se intenzitet bijele i crvene boje smanjivao. Parametri kiselosti, suhe tvari i indeksa zrenja povećani su tijekom zrenja. Utvrđeno je smanjenje ukupnog broj aerobno mezofilnih bakterija, bakterija mliječne kiseline, Lactococcus spp., lipolitičkih bakterija te broja kvasaca i plijesni tijekom skladištenja, dok je broj proteolitičkih bakterija porastao

    Stability of a high Mach number flow in a channel

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    Modal instabilities in a flow through a channel at high Reynolds and Mach numbers are studied for three-dimensional perturbations. In addition to the Tollmien-Schlichting modes, there exist higher modes in a channel flow that do not have a counterpart in the incompressible limit. The stability characteristics of these higher modes, obtained through numerical calculations, are compared with boundary layer and Couette flows that have been previously studied. The dominant higher mode instabilities in a channel flow are shown to be viscous in nature, in contrast to compressible boundary layer modes. For general compressible bounded-domain flows, a necessary condition for the existence of neutral modes in the inviscid limit is obtained. This criterion is used to construct a procedure to determine a critical value of Mach number below which the higher modes remain stable. This criterion also delineates a range of angles of inclination of the wave number with respect to the flow direction which could go unstable at a specified Mach number. Asymptotic analysis is carried out for the lower and upper branch of the stability curve in the limit of high Reynolds number. A common set of relations are identified for these exponents for the upper and lower branch for the continuation of the Tollmien-Schlichting modes and the compressible modes. The scalings for the Tollmien-Schlichting modes are identical to those for an incompressible flow. The scalings for the finite wave number modes are different; the wave speed cc scales as \mbox{Re}^{-\frac{1}{3}} for the lower branch and \mbox{Re}^{-\frac{1}{5}} for the upper branch, where \mbox{Re} is the Reynolds number. The asymptotic analysis shows that the stability boundaries for three-dimensional perturbations at high Reynolds numbers can be calculated from the strain rate and the temperature of the base flow at the wall.Comment: 59 pages, 10 figure

    Production and Quality Assessment of Pasture Crop in Red Lateritic Wasteland of Central Chhattisgarh

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    The livestock constitutes a very important component in rural economy, as in agriculture. Our country largely depends on livestock for manure and power. The availability of fodder is short from the requirement and an estimate of several agencies, there is more than 300 per cent gap between availability and requirement (Anon, 1980). Most of the livestock depend either partially or completely on natural and developed pastoral system, but the existing practices of utilization of range lands, grasslands and forest areas natural resources and increasing land degradation. In the improved pastoral system in wastelands, the carrying capacity of grass-legumes pastoral field is consistently noticed to deteriorated over a period by invasion of local species. Here improved pastoral system was studied for its production and structure behavior and nutritive value after 10 years of establishment

    Numerical simulation of bubble growth in film boiling using a coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method

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    A coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method is presented for modeling incompressible two-phase flows with surface tension. The coupled algorithm conserves mass and captures the complicated interfaces very accurately. A planar simulation of bubble growth is performed in water at near critical pressure for different degrees of superheat. The effect of superheat on the frequency of bubble formation has been analyzed. In addition, simulation of film boiling and bubble formation is performed in refrigerant R134a at near critical and far critical pressures. The effect of saturation pressure on the frequency of bubble formation has also been studied. A deviation from the periodic bubble release is observed in the case of superheat beyond 15 K in water. The effect of heat flux on the instability has also been analyzed. It is found that for water at near critical condition, a decrease in superheat from 15 to 10 K leads to oscillations with subharmonics influencing the time period of the ebullition cycle

    Solar Dryers for Tropical Food Preservation: Thermophysics of Crops, Systems and Components

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    Drying reduces the moisture content of harvested crops thus slowing decay processes to enable longerterm storage. Solar dryers contain the crop being dried, to enhance solar energy collection incurring lower crop losses than are associated with open-sun drying and recurrent costs than are inherent to uses of fossil-fuels for drying. The influences of key environmental, operational and design parameters for solar dryers are discussed including: (i) psychrometry of drying processes and ambient conditions, (ii) how initial crop properties are converted to final desired product attributes, (iii) feasibility of using powered components such as fans and (iv) air-heating solar collector selection

    Establishing Parameters for Comparative Analysis of V2V Communication in VANET

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    26-29In vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs), information dissemination plays vital role in establishing the cooperation among the vehicles. This cooperation and information exchange is needed for proper performance of safety and other VANET applications. Broadcasting is the most suitable method for information dissemination over the network. The simplicity of the broadcast mechanism in such a highly dense and mobile network leads to network contention, broadcast storm and network partition problem. To keep all nodes updated and gather neighbourhood information broadcasting protocol use beacon messages. A non-trivial scientific contribution is required in broadcasting techniques to cater to the need of a network. In this paper, we establish a system model and parameters responsible for efficient information dissemination for VANETs. We implemented three major techniques for information dissemination which are, simple flooding, counter-based and probability-based techniques. These three techniques are simulated with established parameters. The work also analysed the impact of beaconing in the network. The simulation is carried out on Veins framework and the results are then analysed on the basis of established parameters. The analysis of result shows that an integrated approach will suit the needs whereas the use of independent techniques might not yield the result which we expect. The paper concludes by outlining the future research directions in information dissemination in VANET

    A novel approach towards investigating the performance of different PVT configurations integrated on test cells: An experimental study

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    This study elaborates the theoretical and experimental analysis for the effectiveness of different photovoltaic thermal (PVT) configurations along with their building implications. An experiment was performed on especially designed four identical prototype test cells emphasise the building integration photovoltaic thermal (BiPVT) systems. A comparative analysis of four different possible PVT configurations integrated on identical test cells namely; Case 1: Glass-to-glass PV with duct integrated on a test cell, Case 2: Glass-to -glass PV without duct integrated on a test cell, Case 3: Glass to tedlar PV with duct integrated on a test cell and Case 4: Glass to tedlar PV without duct integrated on a test cell was carried out. Analytical model of the electrical and thermal performance for different cases was developed and experimentally validated in outdoor conditions. On the basis of the correlation coefficient (r) and root mean square percent deviation (e), a fair agreement between theoretically calculated and experimentally observed values is achieved. The glass to glass PV module gives better both electrical and thermal performance with hourly average ηm 12.65% and 12.70% for case 1 and 2 respectively. Similarly, the hourly average ηith was observed 32.77% and 25.44% for case 1 and 2 respectively. Further, thermal load levelling with varying packing factor, mass flow rate of air through the PV integrated duct, absorptivity (degradation effect) and transmittivity (dusting effect) are also discussed

    Performance of blackgram (Phaseolus mungo L.) cultivars as influenced by row spacings and molybdenum

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    A field trial was conducted to assess the performance of blackgram cultivars to row spacings and molybdenum doses at the Instructional-cum-Research Farm, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalya, Raipur (Chhattisgarh), under rainfed conditions during kharif season of 2011. The treatments comprised of three varieties viz., Indra urd-1, RU-03-16 and RU-03-52; two row spacings viz., 30x10 cm and 45 x 10 cm and three treatments of molybdenum viz., control, 4 g/kg seed and 4 g/kg seed + two spray of  urea @ 2%. The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design (FRBD) with three replications. Results revealed that all the growth and yield attibutes such as number of branches/plant, number of leaves/plant, seeds/plant, seed yield (781 kg/ha), biological yield (2736 kg/ha) and harvest index (29.71%) noticed significantly higher under cultivar Indra urd-1. Similarly, maximum production efficiency (9.52 kg/ha/day), economic efficiency (Rs. 218.82/ha/day) and gross returns (Rs. 32,335/ha) were also recorded in Indra urd-1 as compared to rest of the cultivars. Further results showed that all the growth and yield attributes viz., number of  branches/plant, number of leaves/plant, seeds/plant, seed yield (778 kg/ha), biological yield (2653 kg/ha) and harvest index (29.10%) recorded significantly higher in row spacing of 30 x 10 cm as compared to 45 x 10 cm. Maximum production efficiency (9.49 kg/ha/day), economic efficiency (Rs. 216.44/ha/day) and gross returns (Rs. 32,107/ha) were also recorded in 30 x 10 cm. Application of molybdenum @ 4 g/kg seed along with 2% urea spray twice gave highest seed yield (810 kg/ha), biological yield (2698 kg/ha) and harvest index (29.25%) over control and seed treatment with molybdenum @ 4 g/kg. Similarly, application of molybdenum + 2% urea spray twice gave maximum production efficiency (9.88 kg/ha/day), economic efficiency (Rs. 226.49/ha/day) and gross returns (Rs. 33,293/ha)

    Genetic Analysis in Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.)

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    Fifty genotypes of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.) were evaluated for variability, correlation, path analysis and divergence for yield and its contributing characters. Analysis of variance showed significant variation for all the characters, indicating presence of sufficient variability in the material studied. Genotypic correlations were higher than those of their respective phenotypic correlation coefficients in majority of the cases suggesting, that, genotypic correlations were stronger, reliable and free from environmental influences. Path analysis based on genotypic association revealed that number of fruits per plant and moisture percentage was the main yieldattributing characters in fruit yield of muskmelon. Total soluble solids exhibited positive direct effect on fruit yield per plant. Thus, number of fruits per plant, moisture percentage and total soluble solids may be given more weightage for an effective selection to improve fruit yield in muskmelon. On the basis of relative magnitude of D2 values, all the genotypes were grouped in seven clusters. Maximum genetic distance was observed between clusters II and V, while clusters III and VII displayed the lowest degree of divergence. Total soluble sugars followed by total soluble solids and fruit yield per plant contributed the most towards divergence

    Effects of rainwater harvesting and afforestation on soil properties and growth of Emblica officinalis while restoring degraded hills in western India

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    Effect of rainwater harvesting (RWH) structures like Contour trench (CT), gradonie (GD), box trench (BT), V-ditch (VD) and afforestation with Emblica officinalis Gaertn (planted in August, 2005) were studied in <10%, 10-20% and >20% slopes with a view to improve soil status, plant growth, sequester carbon and rehabilitate hills for local benefits. Soil pH and EC decreased and percent soil, SOC, NO3-N and PO4-P increased in June 2010 over 2005. Enhanced soil water and nutrients in <10% slopefacilitated height and collar diameter growth of E. officinalis. Soil water was 14.0 and 51.4% greater in >20% and <10% slopes, respectively than in 10-20% slope, whereas it was 17.8, 16.1, 24.2 and 14.0% greater in CT, GD, BT and VD treatments, respectively over control. The highest plant growth was in CT plots in all slopes. Second best treatment was BT in <10% slope and VD in other slopes. Conclusively, RWH and afforestation facilitated soil improvement but CT/BT treatments were more efficient inconserving soil and water facilitating plant growth and helped restore the degraded hill. However, further research is required on soil water use and its partitioning in different vegetation component and the benefits accrued from it for the local people