18 research outputs found

    Regional Standards on Action against Transnational Organised Crime

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    This Chapter analyses the development of regional standards relating to action against organised crime, with a particular focus on European Union Law. It begins with an analysis of core principles of approximation of national criminal laws and procedures and mutual recognition of judicial decision. It will be shown that the EU and its Member States have been instrumental in promoting these principles. The Chapter continues with the analysis of core obligations established by the relevant legal instruments which mirrors the discussions of the international standards in the previous Chapter. The important international obligations and standards are indeed implemented through European Union Law, thereby demonstrating a degree of synergy among the different levels of governance, although it becomes simultaneously evident that the measures adopted under the European Union Law are more advanced and progressive than those under the UNTOC. Finally, protection and promotion of human rights will be explored. While the EU and its Member States have made some progress in this area, the European Convention of Human Rights 1950 continues to play a significant role in this regard

    Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences

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    Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences

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    Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequence

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    Report of the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including its causes and consequences

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    Regional Standards on Action against Transnational Organised Crime

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    This Chapter analyses the development of regional standards relating to action against organised crime, with a particular focus on European Union Law. It begins with an analysis of core principles of approximation of national criminal laws and procedures and mutual recognition of judicial decision. It will be shown that the EU and its Member States have been instrumental in promoting these principles. The Chapter continues with the analysis of core obligations established by the relevant legal instruments which mirrors the discussions of the international standards in the previous Chapter. The important international obligations and standards are indeed implemented through European Union Law, thereby demonstrating a degree of synergy among the different levels of governance, although it becomes simultaneously evident that the measures adopted under the European Union Law are more advanced and progressive than those under the UNTOC. Finally, protection and promotion of human rights will be explored. While the EU and its Member States have made some progress in this area, the European Convention of Human Rights 1950 continues to play a significant role in this regard

    North–South Irish Responses to Transnational Organised Crime: Research Report of Findings

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    Section 1 starts with an analysis of the legal and nonlegal definitions of organised crime adopted in Northern Ireland and Ireland. Section 2 examines the legislative frameworks relating to three forms of organised crime: human trafficking, drug offences, and fiscal/excise fraud. Section 3 continues with an analysis of law enforcement practice. The major focus was placed upon the use of special investigative techniques which facilitate intelligence-led law enforcement, including surveillance and interception of communications, and provisions for formal and informal cross-border co-operation. In Section 4, issues relating to criminal proceedings and confiscation of criminal proceeds—such as trial without jury, evidential matters, and civil recovery—are explored. Section 5 looks at prevention initiatives implemented by both jurisdictions. Finally, in Section 6, appropriate benchmarks to measure the effectiveness of action against organised crime are proposed