88 research outputs found

    Mapping the interactions between rivers and sand dunes: Implications for fluvial and aeolian geomorphology

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    The interaction between fluvial and aeolian processes can significantly change Earth surface morphology. When rivers and sand dunes meet, the interaction of sediment transport between the two systems can lead to change in either or both systems. However, these two systems are usually studied independently, which leaves many questions unresolved in terms of how they interact. This paper carries out a global inventory, using satellite imagery, to identify 230 sites where there are significant fluvial-aeolian interactions. At each location key attributes such as wind/river direction, net sand transport direction, fluvial-aeolian meeting angle, dune type and river channel pattern were identified and relationships between each factor were analysed. From these data, six different types of interaction were classified that reflect a shift in dominance between the fluvial and aeolian systems. Results from this classification confirm that only certain types of interaction were significant: the meeting angle and dune type, the meeting angle and interaction type and finally the channel pattern and interaction type. However, the findings also indicate the difficulties of classifying dynamic geomorphic systems from snapshot satellite images

    The sensitivity of landscape evolution models to spatial and temporal rainfall resolution

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    © Author(s) 2016. Climate is one of the main drivers for landscape evolution models (LEMs), yet its representation is often basic with values averaged over long time periods and frequently lumped to the same value for the whole basin. Clearly, this hides the heterogeneity of precipitation - but what impact does this averaging have on erosion and deposition, topography, and the final shape of LEM landscapes? This paper presents results from the first systematic investigation into how the spatial and temporal resolution of precipitation affects LEM simulations of sediment yields and patterns of erosion and deposition. This is carried out by assessing the sensitivity of the CAESAR-Lisflood LEM to different spatial and temporal precipitation resolutions - as well as how this interacts with different-size drainage basins over short and long timescales. A range of simulations were carried out, varying rainfall from 0.25 h × 5 km to 24 h × Lump resolution over three different-sized basins for 30-year durations. Results showed that there was a sensitivity to temporal and spatial resolution, with the finest leading to & gt; 100 % increases in basin sediment yields. To look at how these interactions manifested over longer timescales, several simulations were carried out to model a 1000-year period. These showed a systematic bias towards greater erosion in uplands and deposition in valley floors with the finest spatial- and temporal-resolution data. Further tests showed that this effect was due solely to the data resolution, not orographic factors. Additional research indicated that these differences in sediment yield could be accounted for by adding a compensation factor to the model sediment transport law. However, this resulted in notable differences in the topographies generated, especially in third-order and higher streams. The implications of these findings are that uncalibrated past and present LEMs using lumped and time-averaged climate inputs may be under-predicting basin sediment yields as well as introducing spatial biases through under-predicting erosion in first-order streams but over-predicting erosion in second- and third-order streams and valley floor areas. Calibrated LEMs may give correct sediment yields, but patterns of erosion and deposition will be different and the calibration may not be correct for changing climates. This may have significant impacts on the modelled basin profile and shape from long-timescale simulations

    Evaluating the importance of catchment hydrological parameters for urban surface water flood modelling using a simple hydro-inundation model

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    The influence of catchment hydrological processes on urban flooding is often considered through river discharges at a source catchment outlet, negating the role of other upstream areas that may add to the flooding. Therefore, where multiple entry points exist at the urban upstream boundary, e.g. during extreme rainfall events when surface runoff dominates in the catchment, a hydro-inundation model becomes advantageous as it can integrate the hydrological processes with surface flow routing on the urban floodplain. This paper uses a hydro-inundation model (FloodMap-HydroInundation2D) to investigate the role of catchment hydrological parameters in urban surface water flooding. A scenario-based approach was undertaken and the June 2007 event occurred in Kingston upon Hull, UK was used as a baseline simulation, for which a good range of data is available. After model sensitivity analysis and calibration, simulations were designed, considering the improvement of both the urban and rural land drainage and storage capacities. Results suggest the model is sensitive to the key hydrological parameter soil hydraulic conductivity. Sensitivity to mesh resolution and roughness parameterisation also agrees with previous studies on fluvial flood modelling. Furthermore, the improvement of drainage and storage capacity in the upstream rural area is able to alleviate the extent and magnitude of flooding in the downstream urban area. Similarly urban drainage and storage upgrade may also reduce the risks of flooding on site, albeit to a less extent compared to rural improvements. However, none of the improvement scenarios could remove the flow propagation completely. This study highlights that in some settings, urban surface water flood modelling is just as strongly controlled by rural factors (e.g. infiltration rate and water storage) as internal model parameters such as roughness and mesh resolution. It serves as an important reminder to researchers simulating urban flooding that it is not just the internal parameterisation that is important, but also the use of correct inputs from outside the area of study, especially for catchments with a mixture of urban and rural areas

    The Kasei Valles, Mars: a unified record of episodic channel flows and ancient ocean levels

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    There is widespread evidence across Mars of past flows in major channel systems as well as more than one palaeo ocean level. However, evidence for the timing of channel flows and ocean levels is based on geographically diverse sources with a limited number of dates, making reconstructions of palaeo flows and ocean levels patchy. Here, based on high-resolution topography, image analysis and crater statistics, we have dated 35 different surfaces in Kasei Valles, that are predominantly found within erosional units enabling us to reconstruct a fascinating timeline of episodic flooding events (ranging from 3.7 to 3.6 Ga to ca. 2.0 Ga) interacting with changing ocean/base levels. The temporal correlation of the different surfaces indicates five periods of channel flows driving the evolution of Kasei Valles, in conjunction with the development of (at least) two ocean levels. Furthermore, our results imply that such ocean rose in elevation (ca. 1000 m) between ca. 3.6 Ga and 3.2 Ga and soon afterwards disappeared, thereby indicating a complex ancient Martian hydrosphere capable of supporting a vast ocean, with an active hydrological cycle stretching into the Amazonian

    Modelling the interaction of aeolian and fluvial processes with a combined cellular model of sand dunes and river systems

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    Aeolian and fluvial processes are important agents for shaping the surface of the Earth, but are largely studied in isolation despite there being many locations where both processes are acting together and influencing each other. Using field data to investigate fluvial-aeolian interactions is, however, hampered by our short length of record and low temporal resolution of observations. Here we use numerical modelling to investigate, for the first time, the interplay between aeolian (sand dunes) and fluvial (river channel) processes. This modelling is carried out by combining two existing cellular models of aeolian and fluvial processes that requires considerable consideration of the different process representation and time stepping used. The result is a fully coupled (in time and space) sand dune – river model. Over a thousand-year simulation the model shows how the migration of sand dunes is readily blocked by rivers, yet aeolian processes can push the channel downwind. Over time cyclic channel avulsions develop indicating that aeolian action on fluvial systems may play an important part in governing avulsion frequency, and thus alluvial architecture

    Exploratory modeling: Extracting causality from complexity

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    On 22 May 2011 a massive tornado tore through Joplin, Mo., killing 158 people. With winds blowing faster than 200 miles per hour, the tornado was the most deadly in the United States since modern record keeping began in the 1950s. ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Were rivers flowing across the Sahara during the last interglacial? Implications for human migration through Africa.

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    Human migration north through Africa is contentious. This paper uses a novel palaeohydrological and hydraulic modelling approach to test the hypothesis that under wetter climates c.100,000 years ago major river systems ran north across the Sahara to the Mediterranean, creating viable migration routes. We confirm that three of these now buried palaeo river systems could have been active at the key time of human migration across the Sahara. Unexpectedly, it is the most western of these three rivers, the Irharhar river, that represents the most likely route for human migration. The Irharhar river flows directly south to north, uniquely linking the mountain areas experiencing monsoon climates at these times to temperate Mediterranean environments where food and resources would have been abundant. The findings have major implications for our understanding of how humans migrated north through Africa, for the first time providing a quantitative perspective on the probabilities that these routes were viable for human habitation at these times

    Modelling long term basin scale sediment connectivity, driven by spatial land use changes

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    Changes in land use can affect local geomorphology and sediment dynamics. However, these impacts could conceivably lead to changes in geomorphological processes beyond the area of land use change, thereby evidencing a geomorphic connectivity in the landscape. We conduct a numerical modelling experiment, using the CAESAR landscape evolution model, to investigate the extent and nature of such connectivity in the River Swale basin. Six simulations are run and analysed. Two of these are reference simulations, where the basin has a hypothetical total grassland cover or total forest cover. In the other four simulations, half of the basin is subjected to either deforestation or reforestation during the simulation. Simulations are analysed for temporal trends in sediment yield and for spatial trends in erosion and deposition across the basin. Results show that deforestation or reforestation in one half of the basin can indeed affect the geomorphology of the other half, thus implying a geomorphological connectivity across the basin. This connectivity is locally very high, with significant morphological impacts close to where de- or re-forestation occurs. Changes are observed both downstream and upstream of the areas where the land use changes occurred. The impacts are more pronounced in the downstream direction and are still apparent in the basin scale sediment yields, as deforestation of half the basin can increase decadal sediment yields by over 100%, whilst reforestation of half the basin can lead to 40% decreases. However, our results also indicate a reverse connectivity whereby erosion and deposition in upstream headwaters and tributaries can, for the first time, be conclusively attributed to land use changes several kilometres downstream, due to alterations in the valley floor base level resulting from incision and alluviation

    Modeling sediment movement and channel response to rainfall variability after a major earthquake

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    © 2018 Elsevier B.V. The 2008 Wenchuan Ms 8.0 earthquake caused severe destruction in the mountainous areas of Sichuan Province, China. Landslips and mass movements led to substantial amounts of loose sediment accumulating in valleys that subsequently led to widespread riverbed aggradation. In addition to erosion and deposition hazards, this aggradation produced rivers in earthquake affected areas that were more susceptible to flash floods under extreme rainfall events. However, fluvial processes and sediment movement after a major earthquake, as well as the re-working of sediments in future events, are not well studied. In this paper, we investigate the response of sediment and river channel evolution due to different rainfall scenarios after the Wenchuan earthquake by using the CAESAR-Lisflood model. This is the first time that this landscape evolution model has been employed to explore material migration processes in a post-earthquake area, and to test its applicability to real landform changes in the studied catchment. The CAESAR-Lisflood model is well suited to simulate sediment movement, particularly the fluvial processes driven by severe rainfall after an earthquake. We calibrated the model parameters to the 2013 extreme rainfall event using high-resolution satellite images. Under rainfall scenarios of different intensity and frequency over a 10-yr period, landform evolution and sediment migration in the post-earthquake area were simulated. The results showed that the sediment yield could be significantly increased under enhanced and intensified rainfall scenarios compared to a normal rainfall scenario. These findings are of importance for the planning of post-earthquake rehabilitation and regional sustainable development, which considers risk prevention and mitigation
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