130 research outputs found

    Productivity assessment of corporate service providers (EPS) belonging to the subsidized health regime in colombia, by discriminant analysis

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    Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de evolución que han sufrido los indicadores de productividad financieros en el  régimen subsidiado en Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, propositivo y  cuantitativo soportado en un Análisis Discriminante Multivariado (ADM), que permite analizar diferencias  significativas durante los periodos 2008 y 2010. Se definen y calculan los indicadores de productividad  financieros analizando las diferencias significativas y medias de los periodos estudiados.Resultados: Según  el trabajo de investigación se pudo demostrar que existen diferencias significativas en los dos periodos  estudiados; de los indicadores seleccionados para el régimen subsidiado en salud, se pudo demostrar que  los rubros para el análisis de la función discriminante presentaron mejoras significativas la Utilidad Bruta /  Valor Agregado (IP1), Utilidad Neta / Valor Agregado (IP3), Valor Agregado / Capital Operativo (IP4) y para el  análisis de las medias solo mejoró la Utilidad Neta / Valor Agregado (IP3) durante los periodos 2008 y 2010.  Conclusión: Con el trabajo de investigación se pudo concluir, por el Análisis Discriminante que existe una  diferencia significativa en los dos periodos estudiados, y una mejora significativa para el indicador IP3. El  modelo de la función discriminante permite predecir el comportamiento de los indicadores a futuro con un  92,6% de probabilidad.Objective: To analyze the level of evolution that financial productivity indicators in the subsidized health  regime in Colombia has suffered. Materials and Methods: Qualitative, descriptive, purposive, quantitative  study supported in a multivariate discriminant analysis (MDA), which allows significant differences analysis  during the period between 2008 and 2010. Financial productivity indicators are defined and calculated by  analyzing the meaningful differences and means of the periods studied. Results: According to the research  work, it could be demonstrated that there are significant differences in the two periods studied; from the  indicators selected for the subsidized health regime, it could be demonstrated that the titles for the  discriminant function analysis showed significant improvements in Gross Profit / Value Added (IP1), Net  Income / Value Added (IP3), Value Added / Capital Operating (IP4) and for the means analysis only the Net  Income / Value added (IP3) improved during the period between 2008 and 2010. Conclusion: With this  research work, it could be concluded, through the discriminant analysis, that there is a significant difference  in the two periods studied, and significant improvement for the indicator IP3. The discriminant function  model allows predicting the behavior of indicators in the future with a 92.6% probability.  &nbsp

    Methodology of classification, forecast and prediction of healthcare providers accredited in high quality in Colombia

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    This research presents a methodology for classification, forecasting and prediction of healthcare providers accredited in Colombia. For this purpose, a quantitative, descriptive and predictive analysis was carried out of 27 institutions accredited in Colombia by 2016. Consequently, the machine learning techniques cluster analysis and artificial neural networks were used to define business profiles of the institutions under study. The method classifying, forecasting and predicting the membership of a healthcare provider to a business profile, previously created based on the high-quality patterns of accreditation. The input variables were assets, account receivable, inventory, property and equipment and the output variables health service sales and net profit. The cluster analysis defined two main groups. 1) accredited institutions in the process of financial consolidation; 2) accredited institutions financially sound. The process of forecasting and prediction through the creation of an artificial neural network yielded a 95% CI (088, 0.9975) precision in the classification, and 100% and 80% for sensitivity and specificity values respectively. The results evidence the capacity of the proposed methodology to recognise the characteristics and association patterns of HCP accredited in high quality

    Assessing and forecasting method of financial efficiency in a free industrial economic zone

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    : Industrial free zones are key to the economic progress of developing countries, making the evaluation and forecast of efficiency in these organisations relevant. This research proposes a three-phase method to evaluate and forecast the financial efficiency of the business profiles of companies belonging to the free economic zone of Cartagena – Colombia. The first phase consisted of a cluster analysis to determine representative groups among the companies analysed. In the second phase, financial efficiency is measured for each of the clusters found in phase 1. Finally, in phase 3 a machine learning model is trained and validated to predict the belonging of a company to a category of financial efficiency – cluster. The results show the creation of two business clusters, with an average efficiency of 49.8% and 14.6% respectively. The random forest model has an accuracy of 95% in the validation phase

    Método análisis envolvente de datos y redes neuronales en la evaluación y predicción de la eficiencia técnica de pequeñas empresas exportadoras

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    In this research, a method was developed to evaluate and predict the efficiency of small exporting companies taking as input or asset variables the total assets, equity, total liabilities, operating expenses, sales costs and as output or result variables. net sales, net income and operating income. For this, the envelopment data analysis was used in the evaluation of the efficiency, the discriminant analysis in the evaluation of the classification of efficient and inefficient companies and the artificial neural networks to evaluate its capacity of classification prediction in 90 companies of the sector of the city of Barranquilla-Colombia. The results allowed to classify the companies according to level of efficiency showing an average technical efficiency of 41.38% of the sector with 11 representative companies of efficiency. The results show the relevance of the proposed methodology to correctly classify and forecast technical efficiency in small exporting companies. © Centro de Informacion Tecnologica. All rights reserved

    Metodología de Aprendizaje Automático para la Clasificación y Predicción de Usuarios en Ambientes Virtuales de Educación

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    A methodology to classify and predict users in virtual education environments, studying the interaction of students with the platform and their performance in exams is proposed. For this, the machine learning tools, main components, clustering, fuzzy and the algorithm of the K nearest neighbor were used. The methodology first relates the users according to the study variables, to then implement a cluster analysis that identifies the formation of groups. Finally uses a machine learning algorithm to classify the users according to their level of knowledge. The results show how the time a student stays in the platform is not related to belonging to the high knowledge group. Three categories of users were identified, applying the Fuzzy K-means methodology to determine transition zones between levels of knowledge. The k nearest neighbor algorithm presents the best prediction results with 91%. © 2019 Centro de Informacion Tecnologica. All Rights Reserved

    Assessment of inancial management: automotive companies and related activities in the Atlantic /

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    Universidad Autónoma del Carib

    Análise dos fatores determinantes da cultura organizacional no ambiente empr esarial

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    This article provides a review of the determining factors of organizational culture in the business environment and the effects of these contributing factors of the environment on internal changes and behavior of collaborators and managers. For the literature review of this work, a review was conducted of the concepts of organizational culture and the determining factors of a total of 55 articles related to the pertinence of the theoretical referent, as well as of the results and experiences recorded in research that contributed new scientific knowledge of interest to organizational groups. The results of this review made it possible to identify the importance of the contributing factors of strategy, structure, team work, managers' leadership style, organizational characteristics, founders, owners, and organizational environment for the companies to accomplish objectives and generate value.El presente artículo muestra el análisis de los factores determinantes de la cultura organizacional en el ambiente empresarial y la incidencia de estos condicionantes del entorno en los cambios internos y el comportamiento de colaboradores y directivos. Para la revisión documental se analizaron los conceptos de cultura organizacional y los factores determinantes de un total de 55 artículos relacionados con la pertinencia del referente teórico, resultados y experiencias registrados en investigaciones que aportaron nuevo conocimiento científico de interés para los grupos de organizaciones. Los resultados permiten identificar la importancia de los determinantes estrategia, estructura, trabajo en grupo, estilo de liderazgo de los managers, características organizacionales, fundadores y propietarios y ambiente organizacional, para la consecución de los objetivos y la generación de valor en las empresasO presente artigo apresenta a análise dos fatores determinantes da cultura organizacional no ambiente empresarial e a incidência desses condicionantes do meio ambiente nas mudanças internas e no comportamento dos colaboradores e diretivos. Para a revisão documental desse trabalho foram analisados os conceitos de cultura organizacional e os fatores determinantes de um total de 55 artigos relacionados com a pertinência da referência teórica, resultados e experiências registradas em investigações que trouxeram novos conhecimentos científicos de interesse aos grupos de organizações. Os resultados dessa revisão permitem identificar a importância dos determinantes estratégia, estrutura, trabalho em grupo, estilo de liderança dos gestores, características organizacionais, fundadores e proprietários e ambiente organizacional, para a consecução dos objetivos e geração de valor nas empresas

    Evaluación del impacto de la certificación BASC en la liquidez y rentabilidad en las empresas de Cali – Colombia

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    This research article presents the results obtained from the execution of a project for evaluating the impact of the BASC certification on the liquidity and profitability of com panies based in Cali, Colombia. It initially provides a detailed description of an evaluation of organizational systems, BASC certification, liquidity and profitability indicators, criteria for evaluating the impact of the BASC certification on the financial indicators of companies in Cali, and the use of the discriminant analysis technique for differentiating two given periods, 2008 and 2010, and their relation to the BASC certification. This is done from a qualitative, descriptive, proactive, and quantitative perspective. A review of the resulting discriminant function and statistical data makes it possible to draw the conclusion that the Current Ratio (CR), Net Capital (NC), Gross Margin (GM), and Operational Profit (OP) indicators registered an improvement in the two periods being reviewed.En este artículo de investigación se presentan los resultados obtenidos durante el desarrollo del proyecto Evaluación del impacto de la certificación BASC en la liquidez y rentabilidad en las empresas de Cali – Colombia. Inicialmente se hace una descripción detallada de la evaluación de los sistemas organizacionales, la certificación BASC, los indicadores de liquidez y rentabilidad, los criterios para la evaluación del impacto de la certificación BASC en los indicadores financieros en las empresas de Cali y la utilización de la técnica de análisis discriminante para diferenciar dos periodos establecidos 2008 - 2010, y su relación con la certificación BASC. Lo anterior a través de una perspectiva cualitativa, descriptiva propositiva y cuantitativa. De la función discriminante obtenida y los estadísticos analizados se puede concluir que los indicadores Razón Corriente (RC), Capital Neto (CN), Margen Bruto (MB) y Utilidad Operativa (UO) mejoraron en los dos periodos estudiados

    Diseño de un sistema integrado de gestión para el sector empresarial de las pymes

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    This article presents guidelines for the design of an integrated system of management in the business sector of the Pyme´s, for it is part of an analysis to identify common elements that are selected standards, incurring how to implement in enhancing the processes of the organization. Also used as management tools applied research concerning standards-based, facilitating the understanding of the work, allowing to know the processes that occur in a company to make the organization more productive and competitive. The end result of the process is able to design the model of the process map that help to establish a better operation and control of theactivities.El presente artículo presenta las pautas para el diseño de un sistema integrado de gestión en el sector empresarial de las Pyme´s, para ello se parte de un análisis que permite identificar elementos comunes entre los estándares que se seleccionan,  incurriendo  en la manera de implementarlas en la mejora de los procesos de dicha organización. Además, se emplean herramientas aplicadas de gestión como referentes de investigación basada en estándares, que facilitan el entendimiento del trabajo, permitiendo conocer los procesos que se dan en una empresa para lograr que la organización sea más productiva y competitiva. Como resultado final del proceso se logró diseñar el modelo del mapa de procesos que permitir establecer un mejor funcionamiento y control de las actividades

    Evaluación de la calidad del servicio por medio de seis sigma en un centro de atención documental en una universidad

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    Esta investigación propone un método de evaluación de la calidad del servicio en un centro de atención documental en una universidad. Desde un enfoque cuantitativo y racional se estableció un método fundamentado en las teorías de calidad del servicio y el concepto de Seis sigma. Se analizaron dos periodos de estudio y se contextualizaron las métricas asociadas con los criterios de evaluación. Se determinaron tres métricas de Seis Sigma, valor de defectos por partes por millón (DPMO), el nivel Z y el rendimiento. En los resultados, todas las dimensiones evaluadas en febrero presentaron un nivel de sigma mayor con respecto al que obtuvieron en enero, así como una disminución de los defectos por partes por millón de un periodo al otro, es decir mejoró la calidad del servicio y se disminuyeron costos, salvo para la dimensión de calidad ‘Respuesta pertinente’. Adicionalmente, mediante el cálculo del rendimiento se encontró, que para la mayoría de los criterios de evaluación de la calidad se mantuvieron por encima del 90%. Esta investigación evidencia la pertinencia de articular conceptos de calidad del servicio con las métricas de Seis Sigma, permitiendo diseñar un estándar de rendimiento del servicio para el mejoramiento de la calidad.This research proposes a method to evaluate service quality in a documentary attention center in a university. From a quantitative and rational approach, a method based on the theories of quality of service and the concept of Six Sigma was established. Two study periods were analyzed and the metrics associated with the evaluation criteria were contextualized; Three metrics of Six Sigma, value of defects per parts per million (DPMO), level Z and performance were determined. In the results, all the dimensions evaluated in February presented a sigma level higher than that obtained in January, as well as a decrease in the defects per parts per million from one period to the other, that is, the quality of the service improved and costs decreased, except for the quality dimension 'Relevant response'. Additionally, by calculating the yield it was found that for most of the quality evaluation criteria they remained above 90%. This research demonstrates the relevance of articulating concepts of quality of service with Six Sigma metrics, allowing to design a standard of service performance for the improvement of quality
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