10 research outputs found

    Externalities in transport with emphasis on spatial aspects

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    Externality v dopravě s důrazem na prostorové aspekty Souhrn Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá externalitami v dopravě, přičemž důraz je kladen na prostorové externality. Celkem je rozdělena do sedmi kapitol, které jsou poté členěny na jednotlivé podkapitoly. V kapitole základní pojmy je obsažena teoretická část charakterizující fenomény dopravy a externalit, možnosti kvantifikace, řešení a internalizace dopravních externalit a současný stav v ČR. Kapitola praktická část obsahuje konkrétní výzkumy a jejich výsledky. Nejdříve je popsáno modelové území Výtoň a uvedeny alespoň základní informace ohledně fungování světelných signalizačních zařízení, následuje vlastní metodika průzkumu a jeho výsledky. Na tento průzkum dále navazuje dotazníkové šetření zabývající se pěší dopravou v Praze. Oba průzkumy směřují ke stejnému cíli, tedy zjištění vlivu fragmentace krajiny na životy obyvatel města. Tento cíl byl splněn v závěrečné kapitole, kde jsou shrnuty nejdůležitější poznatky z obou průzkumů. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: Externality, prostor, fragmentace, silniční doprava, město, přechod pro chodce se SSZExternalities in transport with emphasis on spatial aspects. Summary This Thesis deals with the externalities of transport with an emphasis on spatial externalities. It is divided into eight chapters which are then broken down into individual subsections. In the basic concepts chapter is included the theoretical part characterizing the phenomenons of transport and externalities, possibilities of quantification, solving and internalization of transport externalities and the current situation in the Czech Republic. The chapter Practical part includes specific studies and their results. First, the model area of Výtoň is described and there are given at least the basic information regarding the functioning of traffic lights, followed by the methodology of the survey and its results. This research is also followed by the questionnaire survey dealing with the pedestrian traffic in Prague. Both surveys point to the same goal which is to find out about the influence of fragmentation of the landscape on the lives of the city's inhabitants. This goal was achieved in the final chapter, which summarizes the most important findings from both surveys. KEY WORDS: Externalities, space, fragmentation, road transport, city, pedestrian crossing with traffic lightsKatedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Přírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Data warehouses and Business Intelligence examples and comparison

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    Úkolem této bakalářské práce je vhodně demonstrovat klíčové prvky tvorby datových skladů s použitím nástrojů Business Intelligence. Celé řešení je postaveno na MS SQL Serveru 2005 s využitím produktu SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio. Součástí této práce je příručka, v níž je zobrazena postupná tvorba jednoduchého datového skladu a jeho možné využití včetně reportů a multidimenzionálních OLAP databází. Nechybí ani propojení s externími aplikacemi (MS Excel 2003 a 2007). Práce má být pomůckou pro studenty kurzu Informační systémy a datové sklady (INS), který je součástí navazujícího magisterského studia.The main goal of this Bachelor thesis is suitably demonstrate key features of implementation of data warehouses using Business Intelligence tools. Therefore, MS SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server Business Intelligence Development are primary platforms. Our thesis contains user's manual where is shown a step by step implementation of data warehouse and its applications including reports and OLAP multidimensional databases with MS Excel 2003 and 2007 extension. This work should be suitably for course in Information Systems (INS) for graduate students.Prezenční456 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Optimization of heat treatment process and final mechanical properties of rolled cylindrical grinding balls

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    Import 22/07/2015Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou tepelného zpracování válcovaných mlecích koulí, vyráběných z nadeutektoidní uhlíkové oceli. Teoretická část práce obecně popisuje proces kalení a s ním spjaté faktory, jako jsou vnitřní pnutí a prokalitelnost. Dále se věnuje popisu nerovnovážných fází, které při kalení vznikají. V praktické části je nejprve provedeno sledování výrobního procesu koulí, zkoušky tvrdosti a následné hodnocení materiálů reprezentativního vzorku koulí, z hlediska čistoty a mikrostruktury.Diploma thesis refers about heat treatment of hot-rolled grinding balls, which are made from hypereutectoid steel. Theoretical part of thesis describes quenching process, residual stresses and hardening. Moreover describes phase transformation products during quenching. In experimental part is carried out analysis of manufacturing process, hardness measurement and consequent evaluation of grinding balls in terms of purity and microstructure.636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrstvívýborn

    Analysis of Effect of Coiling Temperature on the Resulting Ultimate Tensile Strength of a Rolled Strip.

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    Cílem této bakalářské práce je statistické vyhodnocení vlivu navíjecí teploty na pevnost v tahu válcovaného pásu jakosti S235JR. V praktické části bude provedeno statistické vyhodnocení výsledků mechanických zkoušek se zaměřením na hodnoty pevnosti v tahu a jejich závislosti na navíjecí teplotě. Výsledkem této analýzy bude zhodnocení, zdali jsou parametry nastavení tratě nejvhodnější nebo jestli lze jejich úpravou dosáhnout zlepšení mechanických vlastností válcovaného pásu.This Bachelor thesis is aimed at a statistical evaluation of the influence of a coiling temperature on a tensile strength of a rolled strip of the S235JR quality. In the practical part of this thesis there will be done a statistical evaluation of results of mechanical tests focused on tensile strength values and their dependency on the winding temperature. The result of this analysis will be an evaluation whether there are the most appropriate setting tracks parameters or whether these parameters can be achieved by improving mechanical properties of the rolled strip.639 - Katedra managementu kvalityvelmi dobř

    Spatial externalities in transport: Prague case study

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    Spatial externalities in transport: Prague case study Summary: This diploma thesis deals with spatial externalities in transport, namely occupation of land in the centre of Prague. It is divided into eleven chapters, which are further divided into individual subchapters. Literature review, in which the theoretical part of this work is contained, deals with the issue of externalities in transport and real estate evaluation and is listed in chapter four to seven. Practical part of thesis, which is primarily focused on quantifying and evaluating of occupation of land is contained in chapter eight. In its introduction there is also mentioned the methodology of work, including the data and programs used. Following part is a brief description of the monitored area. Based on the results of quantification and evaluation of occupation of land by the transport infrastructure there is subsequently elaborated discussion of possible use of the acquired knowledge. Ninth chapter is the conclusion in which the objectives of this work are repeated and thanks to their fulfilment also answers to the research questions that the author put in the introduction. Key words: externalities, sustainable transport, occupation of land, land evaluation, paid parking zone

    Thermal stability of deformed layer on the surface of austenitic creep resistant steels

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    Import 26/06/2013Práce se zabývá žárupevnými austenitickými ocelemi a některými faktory, které mohou ovlivnit jejich odolností vůči oxidaci v parní fázi za zvýšených teplot. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí, teoretické a praktické. Teoretická část se věnuje obecným metodám hodnocení žáropevnosti a užitným vlastnostem austenitických ocelí, kdy je blíže popsáno jejich oxidační chování. V praktické části jsou podrobeny hodnocení tři austenitické oceli, které jsou používány k výrobě komponent, které jsou ve styku s parní fází při vysokých teplotách. Je zkoumán vliv tepelných režimů na jejich mikrostrukturu a korozní napadení.The thesis is focused on creep-resistant austenitic steels and some factors, which can influence their oxidation resistance in high temperature steam. Thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and experimental. Theoretical part describes basic methods of creep- resistance evaluation and properties of austenitic steels with stress on their oxidation behaviour. In experimental part are conducted tests on three austenitic steels, which are commonly used for components used in presence of water vapor at high temperatures. Influence of heat affection on their microstructure and corrosion resistance is examined.636 - Katedra materiálového inženýrstvívýborn

    Externalities in transport with emphasis on spatial aspects

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    Externalities in transport with emphasis on spatial aspects. Summary This Thesis deals with the externalities of transport with an emphasis on spatial externalities. It is divided into eight chapters which are then broken down into individual subsections. In the basic concepts chapter is included the theoretical part characterizing the phenomenons of transport and externalities, possibilities of quantification, solving and internalization of transport externalities and the current situation in the Czech Republic. The chapter Practical part includes specific studies and their results. First, the model area of Výtoň is described and there are given at least the basic information regarding the functioning of traffic lights, followed by the methodology of the survey and its results. This research is also followed by the questionnaire survey dealing with the pedestrian traffic in Prague. Both surveys point to the same goal which is to find out about the influence of fragmentation of the landscape on the lives of the city's inhabitants. This goal was achieved in the final chapter, which summarizes the most important findings from both surveys. KEY WORDS: Externalities, space, fragmentation, road transport, city, pedestrian crossing with traffic light

    Review of ankle rehabilitation devices for treatment of equinus contracture

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    Introduction Equinus contracture is a serious disability and attention should be paid to proper and effective treatment. Most attention is given to neurologically impaired patients, but the incidence of equinus contracture is much higher, for example, in post-traumatic patients. In addition to conventional physical therapy, robotic rehabilitation treatment is one of the promising procedures to precede severe contraction cases and the need for surgery. Areas covered This study aims to cover the description of different types of stationary and wearable ankle rehabilitation devices suitable for the treatment of equinus contracture and point to deficiency in research, clinical trials, and launch of the market. Expert opinion This review provides insight into ankle rehabilitation devices with a focus on equinus contracture. Due to the fact that robotic devices successfully restore the condition of patients, attention should not be paid only to those with neurological impairments. This paper points that future research should be effectively linked to clinical practice with the aim of covering a wider range of disabilities and make an effort to successfully introduce devices from development into the practice.Web of Science19973172

    3D printed hollow off-axis profiles based on carbon fiber-reinforced polymers: Mechanical testing and finite element method analysis

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    The aim of the paper is to design, manufacture, and test an off-axis composite profile of circular cross-section. Composite profile based on continuous carbon fibers reinforcing the onyx matrix, i.e., a matrix that consists of nylon and micro carbon fibers, was produced by fused deposition modeling (FDM) method. A buckling test of the six printed composite specimens was performed on a tensile test machine. The values of the experiment were compared with the values of the computational simulation using the Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis. The mean value of the experimentally determined critical force at which the composite profile failed was 3102 N, while the value of the critical force by FEM analysis was calculated to be 2879 N. Thus, reliability of the simulation to determine the critical force differed from the experimental procedure by only 7%. FEM analysis revealed that the primary failure of 3D printed composite parts was not due to loss of stability, but due to material failure. With great accuracy, the results of the comparison show that it is possible to predict the mechanical properties of 3D printed composite laminates on the basis of a theoretical model.Web of Science1317art. no. 294