23 research outputs found

    Following of cooper complexation with humic acids by fluorescence method

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    Huminové kyseliny jsou schopné vytvářet silné komplexy s měďnatými ionty a tím mohou ovlivňovat jejich toxicitu v životním prostředí. Fluorescenční vlastnosti sodné soli huminové kyseliny, humátu, izolovaného z jihomoravského lignitu a jeho komplexační chování s měďnatými ionty byly pozorovány pomocí emisní, excitační a synchronní fluorescenční spektroskopie. Po přídavku měďnatých iontů dochází ke zhášení intenzity jak emisního tak synchronního spektra humátu, což pravděpodobně nasvědčuje o tvorbě komplexu s mědí. Záměrem práce bylo nalezení optimální koncentrace iontů v přítomnosti humátu pro sledování zhášení fluorescence a nalezení hlavního fluoroforu ve struktuře humátu, který je nejvíce ovlivněn komplexací, pomocí metody synchronní fluorescenční spektroskopie.Humic acids have high ability to form stable complexes with copper ions, which influences their toxicity in environment. Fluorescent properties of sodium salt of humic acid, humate, isolated from South Moravian lignite, and its complexation behaviour with copper ions were investigated using emission, excitation and synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Both fluorescence emission and synchronous fluorescence spectra showed that humate form complex with copper since fluorescence intensity was quenched upon addition of copper ions to the humate samples. The aim of the diploma thesis was to found applicable ion concentration to observation fluorescence quenching and to determine the main fluorophore, which is affected by complexation through the use of synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy.

    Human Infections by Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica: A Mini-Review and the First Report of a Burn Wound Infection after Accidental Myiasis in Central Europe

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    Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica are bacteria that cause rare infections, typically associated with the infestation of an open wound with fly larvae. Here, we present a unique case report of the first W. chitiniclastica isolation from a burn wound with accidental myiasis in a 63-year-old homeless man and a literature review focused on human infections caused by these bacteria. So far, 23 cases of infection with W. chitiniclastica have been reported; in 52% of these, larvae were found in the wound area. Most of these cases suffered from chronic non-healing wound infections but none of these were burn injuries. The overall fatality rate associated directly with W. chitiniclastica in these cases was 17%. Infections with parasitic larvae occur in moderate climates (especially in people living in poor conditions); therefore, an infection with rare bacteria associated with accidental myiasis, such as W. chitiniclastica, can be expected to become more common there. Thus, in view of the absence of recommendations regarding the treatment of patients with accidental myiasis and, therefore, the risk of infection with W. chitiniclastica or other rare pathogens, we provide a list of recommendations for the treatment of such patients. The importance of meticulous microbial surveillance using molecular biological methods to facilitate the detection of rare pathogens is emphasized

    Design solution of a two-axle bogie of an electric locomotive for 200 kmph

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    Obsahem práce je návrh konstrukčního řešení dvounápravového podvozku pro lokomotivu 109E firmy ŠKODA transportation s.r.o. Podvozek je navržen ve 3D systému Solid Edge za účelem zjištění parametrů, které budou použity jako vstupní data do simulačních výpočtů jízdních vlastností lokomotivy. Dále je navrženo konstrukční řešení podvozků s rozvorem 2,3 m, 2,75 m a 3 m.Katedra dopravních prostředkůDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Marketing Strategy Proposal

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    This diploma thesis deals with the marketing strategy of ROS.BR s.r.o. The work is divided into three units. The first theoretical part describes general problems of marketing strategy development, market development characteristics, segmentation and marketing situational analysis. The second analytical part deals with the analysis of the internal factors of the company, the general and the business environment, the interpretation of the conclusion from the questionnaire survey and the analysis of the web marketing tools. In the third final part is elaborated a proposal of marketing strategy, individual goals and paths to achieve the stated goals

    Marketing Strategy Proposal

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    This diploma thesis deals with the marketing strategy of ROS.BR s.r.o. The work is divided into three units. The first theoretical part describes general problems of marketing strategy development, market development characteristics, segmentation and marketing situational analysis. The second analytical part deals with the analysis of the internal factors of the company, the general and the business environment, the interpretation of the conclusion from the questionnaire survey and the analysis of the web marketing tools. In the third final part is elaborated a proposal of marketing strategy, individual goals and paths to achieve the stated goals

    Pád kulové částice v nenewtonských suspenzích

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    Katedra chemického inženýrstvíDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Creation of a dataset containing publications of Charles University according to the Linked Data principles

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    The aim of this thesis was to create a dataset about publications of Charles University, that will be friendlier for computer processing and subsequent visualization. There is already existing official application, which includes every publication issued by Charles University, nevertheless the application does not work perfectly because of the large amount of data. Information has been gained through exports in XML, further the data has been processed into the desired format, over which we can query much faster than it is in the official application. The process has been made by using programming language Java. We engage Charles University into the Linked Universities project, which brings together universities providing data in a computer-friendlier format

    Derivative free optimization methods

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    Práce je zaměřena na porovnání metod optimalizace bez výpočtu derivací. Konkrétně je zaměřena na porovnání metody flexibilního simplexu, který je implementován v prostředí MATLAB se třemi alternativními algoritmy optimalizace bez výpočtu derivací. Pro porovnání je využito několik testovacích problémů převzatých z literatury.The work is focused on a comparison of optimization methods without calculation of derivatives. Specifically, it focused on a comparison of the flexible simplex method implemented in the MATLAB environment with three alternative optimization algorithms without calculation of derivatives. Several test problems taken from the literature are used for the comparison.Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatikyCílem bakalářské práce bylo v prostředí MATLAB implementovat alespoň 3 v principu odlišné algoritmy minimalizace funkcí více parametrů bez výpočtu derivací a objektivně porovnat jejich efektivitu vzájemně a s funkcí fminsearch MATLABu. Teoretická část je zpracována v dostatečném rozsahu. Popis programové realizace jednotlivých metod v praktické části se zdá být naopak až příliš podrobný a často jen slovy opisuje, co je patrné z výpisu programu. Cíle bakalářské práce byly splněny.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo