11 research outputs found

    HNRNPA1 promotes recognition of splice site decoys by U2AF2 in vivo

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    Alternative pre-mRNA splicing plays a major role in expanding the transcript output of human genes. This process is regulated, in part, by the interplay of trans-acting RNA binding proteins (RBPs) with myriad cis-regulatory elements scattered throughout pre-mRNAs. These molecular recognition events are critical for defining the protein-coding sequences (exons) within pre-mRNAs and directing spliceosome assembly on noncoding regions (introns). One of the earliest events in this process is recognition of the 3' splice site (3'ss) by U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 2 (U2AF2). Splicing regulators, such as the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (HNRNPA1), influence spliceosome assembly both in vitro and in vivo, but their mechanisms of action remain poorly described on a global scale. HNRNPA1 also promotes proofreading of 3'ss sequences though a direct interaction with the U2AF heterodimer. To determine how HNRNPA1 regulates U2AF-RNA interactions in vivo, we analyzed U2AF2 RNA binding specificity using individual-nucleotide resolution crosslinking immunoprecipitation (iCLIP) in control and HNRNPA1 overexpression cells. We observed changes in the distribution of U2AF2 crosslinking sites relative to the 3'ss of alternative cassette exons but not constitutive exons upon HNRNPA1 overexpression. A subset of these events shows a concomitant increase of U2AF2 crosslinking at distal intronic regions, suggesting a shift of U2AF2 to "decoy" binding sites. Of the many noncanonical U2AF2 binding sites, Alu-derived RNA sequences represented one of the most abundant classes of HNRNPA1-dependent decoys. We propose that one way HNRNPA1 regulates exon definition is to modulate the interaction of U2AF2 with decoy or bona fide 3'ss

    Connexin mutation that causes dominant congenital cataracts inhibits gap junctions, but not hemichannels, in a dominant negative manner

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    The connexin (Cx) 50, E48K, mutation is associated with a human dominant congenital cataract; however, the underlying molecular mechanism has not been characterized. The glutamate (E) residue at position 48 is highly conserved across animal species and types of connexins. When expressed in paired Xenopus oocytes, human (h) and chicken (ch) Cx50 E48K mutants showed no electrical coupling. In addition, this mutation acts in a dominant negative manner when paired hetero-typically or hetero-merically with wild-type Cx50, but has no such effect on Cx46, the other lens fiber connexin. A similar loss-of-function and dominant negative effect was observed using dye transfer assays in the same system. By using two different dye transfer methods, with two different tracer dyes, we found chCx50 E48K expressed in chicken lens embryonic fibroblast cells by retroviral infection similarly failed to induce dye coupling, and prevented wild-type chCx50 from forming functional gap junctions. In contrast to its effect on gap junctions, the E48K mutation has no effect on hemichannel activity when assayed using electrical conductance in oocytes, and mechanically induced dye uptake in cells. Cx50 is functionally involved in cell differentiation and lens development, and the E48K mutant promotes primary lens cell differentiation indistinguishable from wild-type chCx50, despite its lack of junctional channel function. Together the data show that mutations affecting gap junctions but not hemichannel function of Cx50 can lead to dominant congenital cataracts in humans. This clearly supports the model of intercellular coupling of fiber cells creating a microcirculation of nutrients and metabolites required for lens transparency

    RNA-binding protein IGF2BP3 targeting of oncogenic transcripts promotes hematopoietic progenitor proliferation

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    Posttranscriptional control of gene expression is important for defining both normal and pathological cellular phenotypes. In vitro, RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) have recently been shown to play important roles in posttranscriptional regulation; however, the contribution of RBPs to cell specification is not well understood. Here, we determined that the RBP insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) is specifically overexpressed in mixed lineage leukemia–rearranged (MLL-rearranged) B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL), which constitutes a subtype of this malignancy associated with poor prognosis and high risk of relapse. IGF2BP3 was required for the survival of B-ALL cell lines, as knockdown led to decreased proliferation and increased apoptosis. Enforced expression of IGF2BP3 provided murine BM cells with a strong survival advantage, led to proliferation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, and skewed hematopoietic development to the B cell/myeloid lineage. Cross-link immunoprecipitation and high throughput sequencing uncovered the IGF2BP3-regulated transcriptome, which includes oncogenes MYC and CDK6 as direct targets. IGF2BP3 regulated transcripts via targeting elements within 3′ untranslated regions (3′UTR), and enforced IGF2BP3 expression in mice resulted in enhanced expression of Myc and Cdk6 in BM. Together, our data suggest that IGF2BP3-mediated targeting of oncogenic transcripts may represent a critical pathogenetic mechanism in MLL-rearranged B-ALL and support IGF2BP3 and its cognate RNA-binding partners as potential therapeutic targets in this disease

    IGF2BP3 Modulates the Interaction of Invasion-Associated Transcripts with RISC

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    Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) expression correlates with malignancy, but its role(s) in pathogenesis remains enigmatic. We interrogated the IGF2BP3-RNA interaction network in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cells. Using a combination of genome-wide approaches, we have identified 164 direct mRNA targets of IGF2BP3. These transcripts encode proteins enriched for functions such as cell migration, proliferation, and adhesion. Loss of IGF2BP3 reduced PDAC cell invasiveness and remodeled focal adhesion junctions. Individual nucleotide resolution crosslinking immunoprecipitation (iCLIP) revealed significant overlap of IGF2BP3 and microRNA (miRNA) binding sites. IGF2BP3 promotes association of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) with specific transcripts. Our results show that IGF2BP3 influences a malignancy-associated RNA regulon by modulating miRNA-mRNA interactions