638 research outputs found

    Geographical differences in organochlorine contaminants in harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena from the western North Atlantic

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    Organochlorine contaminants, including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), chlorinated bornanes (CHBs), dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro ethanes (DDTs), chlordanes (CHLORs), hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and, chlorobenzenes (CBZs) were quantified in 188 harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) killed in commercial fisheries in the coastal waters of the Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland (n = 29), the Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec (Gulf of St. Lawrence) (n = 58), Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick (Bay of Fundy) (n = 86), and Jeffreys Ledge in the Gulf of Maine (n = 15). Levels were compared to determine if there were systematic differences in the organochlorine (OC) contaminant composition of harbour porpoises from these areas (Newfoundland, St. Lawrence, Bay of Fundy-Gulf of Maine) in the western North Atlantic. Bivariate analyses run on all 188 individuals showed both Fundy-Maine and St. Lawrence males had significantly higher levels of CHLORs, DDTs, PCBs and CHBs than Newfoundland males. Fundy-Maine males also had significantly higher levels of CHLORs and PCBs than those from the St. Lawrence and St. Lawrence males had significantly higher levels of HCHs than males from Fundy-Maine. Females from Fundy-Maine had significantly higher levels of total PCB than both St. Lawrence and Newfoundland females. Total DDT levels were significantly higher in Fundy-Maine and St. Lawrence females than those from Newfoundland. Total CHLOR values were significantly higher in Fundy-Maine than in Newfoundland females. Multivariate analysis, run on a subset consisting of 100 immature harbour porpoises showed significant differences among the group centroids on both discriminant functions (Wilks' Lambda; p < 0.001) demonstrating that these geographic groups are distinguishable based on OC levels. These results indicate that delineating the western North Atlantic harbour porpoise population into sub-populations defined as Newfoundland, Gulf of St. Lawrence and Bay of Fundy-Gulf of Maine is appropriate

    Deconstructing supergravity: massive supermultiplets

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    Given the success of the deconstruction program in obtaining ghost-free massive gravity from 5-D Einstein gravity, we propose a modification of the deconstruction procedure that incorporates supersymmetry at the linear level. We discuss the relevant limits of a conjectured interacting theory of a massive spin 2 supermultiplet, and determine the linear theory to be the N=1 Zinoviev theory, a supersymmetric extension of Fierz-Pauli theory. We develop a family of 1-site deconstruction procedures for fermionic fields (yielding Dirac and Majorana mass terms). The deconstruction procedure appropriate for giving fermions a Dirac mass is found to preserve half of the supersymmetry of the 5-D theory. We explicitly check this by deconstructing 5-D N=2 super-Maxwell theory down to 4-D N=1 super-Proca theory, and deconstructing linear 5-D N=2 supergravity down to 4-D N=1 Zinoviev theory, and derive the full 4-D supersymmetry algebras and Stückelberg symmetries from the 5-D superalgebras and gauge symmetries, respectively. We conjecture that this procedure should admit a generalization to fully non-linear theories

    Gravitational waves in a codimension two braneworld

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    We consider the propagation of gravitational waves in six dimensions induced by sources living on 3-branes in the context of a recent exact solution (Mukohyama et al 2005 J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. JCAP07(2005)013). The brane geometries are de Sitter and the bulk is a warped geometry supported by a positive cosmological constant as well as a 2-form flux. We show that at low energies ordinary gravity is reproduced, and explicitly compute the leading corrections from six-dimensional effects. After regulating the brane we find a logarithmic dependence on the cut-off scale of brane physics even for modes whose frequency is much less than this energy scale. We discuss the possibility that this dependence can be renormalized into bulk or brane counterterms in line with effective field theory expectations. We discuss the inclusion of Gauss–Bonnet terms that have been used elsewhere to regulate codimension two branes. We find that such terms do not regulate codimension two branes for compact extra dimensions

    Massive gravity from double copy

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    We consider the double copy of massive Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions, whose decoupling limit is a nonlinear sigma model. The latter may be regarded as the leading terms in the low energy effective theory of a heavy Higgs model, in which the Higgs has been integrated out. The obtained double copy effective field theory contains a massive spin-2, massive spin-1 and a massive spin-0 field, and we construct explicitly its interacting Lagrangian up to fourth order in fields. We find that up to this order, the spin-2 self interactions match those of the dRGT massive gravity theory, and that all the interactions are consistent with a Λ3 = (m2MPl)1/3 cutoff. We construct explicitly the Λ3 decoupling limit of this theory and show that it is equivalent to a bi-Galileon extension of the standard Λ3 massive gravity decoupling limit theory. Although it is known that the double copy of a nonlinear sigma model is a special Galileon, the decoupling limit of massive Yang-Mills theory is a more general Galileon theory. This demonstrates that the decoupling limit and double copy procedures do not commute and we clarify why this is the case in terms of the scaling of their kinematic factors

    Scattering amplitudes for binary systems beyond GR

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    Amplitude methods have proven to be a promising technique to perform Post-Minkowskian calculations used as inputs to construct gravitational waveforms. In this paper, we show how these methods can be extended beyond the standard calculations in General Relativity with a minimal coupling to matter. As proof of principle, we consider spinless particles conformally coupled to a gravitational helicity-0 mode. We clarify the subtleties in the matching procedure that lead to the potential for conformally coupled matter. We show that in the probe particle limit, we can reproduce well known results for the field profile. With the scattering amplitudes at hand, we compute the conservative potential and scattering angle for the binary system. We find that the result is a non trivial expansion that involves not only the coupling strengths, but also a non trivial dependence on the energy/momentum of the scattered particles

    Improved positivity bounds and massive gravity

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    Theories such as massive Galileons and massive gravity can satisfy the presently known improved positivity bounds provided they are weakly coupled. We discuss the form of the EFT Lagrangian for a weakly coupled UV completion of massive gravity which closely parallels the massive Galileon, and perform the power counting of corrections to the scattering amplitude and the positivity bounds. The Vainshtein mechanism which is central to the phenomenological viability of massive gravity is entirely consistent with weak coupling since it is classical in nature. We highlight that the only implication of the improved positivity constraints is that the EFT cutoff is lower than previous assumed, and discuss the observable implications, emphasizing that these bounds are not capable of ruling out the model contrary to previous statements in the literature

    Causality Constraints on Gravitational Effective Field Theories

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    We consider the effective field theory of gravity around black holes, and show that the coefficients of the dimension-8 operators are tightly constrained by causality considerations. Those constraints are consistent with -- but tighter than -- previously derived causality and positivity bounds and imply that the effects of one of the dimension-8 operators by itself cannot be observable while remaining consistent with causality. We then establish in which regime one can expect the generic dimension-8 and lower order operators to be potentially observable while preserving causality, providing a theoretical prior for future observations. We highlight the importance of "infrared causality" and show that the requirement of "asymptotic causality" or net (sub)luminality would fail to properly diagnose violations of causality.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, typos corrected, discussion added, v3 matches version published in PR

    Well-posed UV completion for simulating scalar Galileons

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    The Galileon scalar field theory is a prototypical example of an effective field theory that exhibits the Vainshtein screening mechanism, which is incorporated into many extensions to Einstein gravity. The Galileon describes the helicity-zero mode of gravitational radiation, the presence of which has significant implications for predictions of gravitational waves from orbiting objects and for tests of gravity sensitive to additional polarizations. Because of the derivative nature of their interactions, Galileons are superficially not well posed as effective field theories. Although this property is properly understood merely as an artifact of the effective field theory truncation, and is not theoretically worrisome, at the practical level it nevertheless renders numerical simulation highly problematic. Notwithstanding, previous numerical approaches have successfully evolved the system for reasonable initial data by slowly turning on the interactions. We present here two alternative approaches to improving numerical stability in Galileon numerical simulations. One of these is a minor modification of previous approaches, which introduces a low-pass filter that amounts to imposing a UV cutoff together with a relaxation method of turning on interactions. The second approach amounts to constructing a (numerical) UV completion for which the dynamics of the high momentum modes is under control and for which it is unnecessary to slowly turn on nonlinear interactions. We show that numerical simulations of the UV theory successfully reproduce the correct Galileon dynamics at low energies, consistent with the low-pass filter method and with previous numerical simulations

    Causal effective field theories

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    Physical principles such as unitarity, causality, and locality can constrain the space of consistent effective field theories (EFTs) by imposing two-sided bounds on the allowed values of Wilson coefficients. In this paper, we consider the bounds that arise from the requirement of low energy causality alone, without appealing to any assumptions about UV physics. We focus on shift-symmetric theories, and consider bounds that arise from the propagation around both a homogeneous and a spherically symmetric scalar field background. We find that low energy causality, namely the requirement that there are no resolvable time advances within the regime of validity of the EFT, produces two-sided bounds in agreement with compact positivity constraints previously obtained from 2 → 2 scattering amplitude dispersion relations using full crossing symmetry

    QED positivity bounds

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    We apply positivity bounds directly to a U ( 1 ) gauge theory with charged scalars and charged fermions, i.e., QED, minimally coupled to gravity. Assuming that the massless t -channel pole may be discarded, we show that the improved positivity bounds are violated unless new physics is introduced at the parametrically low scale Λ new ∼ ( e m M Pl ) 1 / 2 , consistent with similar results for scalar field theories, far lower than the scale implied by the weak gravity conjecture. This is sharply contrasted with previous treatments which focus on the application of positivity bounds to the low energy gravitational Euler-Heisenberg effective theory only. We emphasize that the low cutoff is a consequence of applying the positivity bounds under the assumption that the pole may be discarded. We conjecture an alternative resolution that a small amount of negativity, consistent with decoupling limits, is allowed and is not in conflict with standard UV completions, including weakly coupled ones
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