388 research outputs found

    A method to suppress dielectric breakdowns in liquid argon ionization detectors for cathode to ground distances of several millimeters

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    We present a method to reach electric field intensity as high as 400 kV/cm in liquid argon for cathode-ground distances of several millimeters. This can be achieved by suppressing field emission from the cathode, overcoming limitations that we reported earlier

    An Experimental Study of the Drying of Papayes by Solar Panels

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    One of the major problems concerning the use of solar panels for heating is the low level of thermal interchange with air in the dynamic vein of the solar panel. This weakness in such systems does not enable an optimum performance or high level of thermal efficiency to be obtained from their use. There is, however, a very noticeable improvement to thermal transfer when baffles are placed in rows in the ducts. To conduct the experiments, solar energy was simulated, the aim being to improve the ratio between temperature and thermal efficiency of an air heating plane solar panel and to make use of the system to reduce the drying time of papayes

    Some properties of NaBaPO[4]:Eu luminophore surface

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    There is an increased interest to the compounds of the ABPO[4] type, activated by europium, where A and B are mono- and divalent cations, because of their luminescent properties. In this paper NaBaPO[4]:Eu{2+}phosphors with different europium content were synthesized by SHS method. It is shown that phosphor surface becomes less alkaline (pHiis changes in the interval 10,7-9,5) with an increase in the concentration of an introduced activator (5-12%). Two bands with maxima wavelength of approximately 425 and 490 nm are observed in the luminescent spectra (the positions of maxima differ somewhat in different spectra). The relationship between acid-base and luminescent properties of the investigated phosphor samples is traced

    Validation of core competencies during residency training in anaesthesiology

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    Background and goal: Curriculum development for residency training is increasingly challenging in times of financial restrictions and time limitations. Several countries have adopted the CanMEDS framework for medical education as a model into their curricula of specialty training. The purpose of the present study was to validate the competency goals, as derived from CanMEDS, of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine of the Berlin Charité University Medical Centre, by conducting a staff survey. These goals for the qualification of specialists stipulate demonstrable competencies in seven areas: expert medical action, efficient collaboration in a team, communications with patients and family, management and organisation, lifelong learning, professional behaviour, and advocacy of good health. We had previously developed a catalogue of curriculum items based on these seven core competencies. In order to evaluate the validity of this catalogue, we surveyed anaesthetists at our department in regard to their perception of the importance of each of these items. In addition to the descriptive acquisition of data, it was intended to assess the results of the survey to ascertain whether there were differences in the evaluation of these objectives by specialists and registrars

    Технология сухого производства фосфоритовой муки

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    Описана технологія виробництва сухого фосфоритового борошна, яка включає просівання, дрібне дроблення, термічну сушіння, кульове подрібнення в замкнутому циклі з контрольним сепарацією, пневмотранспорт фосфоритового борошна в силосу. Продуктив-ність технологічної лінії – 150 тис. т у рік. Крупность помолу становить 70% кл. 0,16 мм при вологості 1%.Описана технология сухого производства фосфоритовой муки, которая включает грохочение, мелкое дробление, термическую сушку, шаровое измельчение в замкнутом цикле с контрольным грохочением, пневмотранспорт фосфоритовой муки в силоса. Производительность технологической линии – 150 тыс. т в год. Крупность помола составляет 70% кл. 0,16 мм при влажности 1%

    Emergency peripartum hysterectomy in a tertiary hospital in Upper Egypt: six years analysis

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    Background: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH) is often performed for life-threatening obstetric conditions especially when conservative treatment approach fails to stop postpartum hemorrhage. The aim of the study is to detect the incidence, indications, and complications of EPH over 6 years in Assiut Women Health Hospital in Upper Egypt.Methods: A historical cohort study conducted between January 2009 and December 2014. Detailed review of all files of cases of EPH including maternal age, parity, gestational age, type of delivery, indications for EPH and outcome of the hysterectomy.Results: The overall incidence of EPH was 1.30 per 1,000 deliveries. The main indications for hysterectomies were uterine atony 60 (48.78 %), abnormal placentation 27 (21.95 %) and rupture uterus 25 (20.32 %). There were 48 (39.02%) maternal deaths, while the perinatal mortality was 20.32% (25 cases). Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, we found that woman’s age ≥ 40 years and parity ≥ 5 were the most significant independent predictors for maternal mortality in cases of EPH (OR 5.49; 95% CI 2.16 - 13.96) and (OR 0.34; 95% CI 0.15 - 0.77) respectively.Conclusions: The incidence of EPH in Upper Egypt is high. Uterine atony is the major indication for EPH in our hospital. Late referral and delayed decisions to perform hysterectomy contributes in the high mortality rate

    Designing learning-skills towards industry 4.0

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    The world is shrinking now more than ever due to new scientific and technological breakthroughs that expand the boundaries of human knowledge, resulting in improvements in transportation, communication, space exploration and educational technologies. Today’s students will compete in a technological, diverse, multi-cultural world and must be prepared to thrive in this futuristic environment. Therefore, it is vital that today’s pedagogy produce lifelong learners, who can succeed in a global pulpit. To ensure our educational technology progresses at the rate demanded by today’s ubiquitous digital learners, we review emerging technologies and traditional teaching methods and propose desirable changes. Future companies will need employees with specific Internet of Things connected additive manufacturing skills across the value stream, including computer-aided design, machine operation, raw material development, robotics and supply chain management; but these are only island of excellence in industry 4.0 and not the consummate requirement of the manufacturing process

    Selection of Wavelet Subbands Using Genetic Algorithm for Face Recognition

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    Abstract. In this paper, a novel representation called the subband face is proposed for face recognition. The subband face is generated from selected subbands obtained using wavelet decomposition of the original face image. It is surmised that certain subbands contain information that is more significant for discriminating faces than other subbands. The problem of subband selection is cast as a combinatorial optimization problem and genetic algorithm (GA) is used to find the optimum subband combination by maximizing Fisher ratio of the training features. The performance of the GA selected subband face is evaluated using three face databases and compared with other wavelet-based representations.