24 research outputs found

    Global-local knowledge exchange and the emergence of translocal spaces in the city: the case of Belgrade

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    The focus of this paper is exploration of translocal spaces through examination of global-local knowledge exchange between middling migrants and 'cosmopolitan' locals in semi-peripheral urban contexts. Translocal spaces are taken as concrete places (workplace, venue of business meeting, places for entertainment and recreation, public spaces, etc.) where interactions between middling migra nts and the local population occur and where global and local knowledge, experience and practice are exchanged. The analysis is based on the results of qualitative research conducted in Belgrade (from November 2018 to March 2019). The sample is composed of 42 respondents: 21 middling migrants (well-educated transmigrants employed in international companies, developmental agencies, embassies and universities) and 21 'cosmopolitan' locals (Serbian employees in international companies and agencies who have been educated abroad and/or have a rich experience of working in a multinational environment). The paper focuses on two aspects: (1) opportunities and obstacles for global local knowledge exchange; and (2) spaces in Belgrade where this exchange most frequently occurs and that, as a consequence, become translocal

    Potencijal “mekih“ faktora teritorijalnog kapitala u procesu brendiranja: istraživanje osam gradova srednje veličine u Srbiji

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    The aim of this paper was to explore the brand potential of certain “soft” factors of territorial capital in the medium-sized cities in Serbia. The concept of territorial capital refers to the total city development potential that combines objective, “hard” and subjective, “soft” factors of an area, in order to attract investment and generate local development. As city branding has become an imperative of local development strategies, this paper aims at connecting these concepts in order to emphasize a possible brand potential of some “soft“ dimensions of territorial capital. The paper is based on the data obtained from the research conducted from 2013 to 2015 by the Institute for Sociological Research of University of Belgrade on a representative sample of population aged 18-65 in eight medium-sized cities in Serbia. The first part of the paper presents the concept of territorial capital and clarifies its connection with the city branding. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the analysis related to Serbia. It begins by summarizing the key features of its socio-spatial transformation in the post-socialist period and points to the discordance between the state of territorial capital and the city branding process. Then the method of research which focuses on the citizens’ perception (a neglected soft dimension of territorial capital) is presented. The obtained questionnaire results are analysed through the lens of the city branding approach and the application of somewhat modified dimensions (presence, pulse and people) of the City Brand Index (CBI). The concluding part briefly recaps how and why the observed soft dimensions of the territorial capital might be recognized as a relevant potential in the process of (re) branding of the researched cities.Cilj rada ispitivanje je potencijala za brendiranje „mekih“ činilaca teritorijalnog kapitala u gradovima srednje veličine u Srbiji. Koncept teritorijalnog kapitala odnosi se na ukupni potencijal gradskog razvoja koji kombinira objektivne, „tvrde“ i subjektivne, „meke“ činioce kako bi privukao investicije i ostvario lokalni razvoj određenog područja. Budući da je brendiranje gradova postalo imperativ lokalnih razvojnih strategija, rad ima za cilj povezati te koncepte kako bi se naglasio mogući potencijal za brendiranje mekih dimenzija teritorijalnog kapitala. U radu su korišteni podaci istraživanja provedenog u periodu od 2013. do 2015. godine u okviru Instituta za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, na reprezentativnom uzorku stanovništva od 18 do 65 godina u osam gradova. U prvom dijelu teksta raspravlja se o konceptu teritorijalnog kapitala, koji se dovodi u vezu s procesom brendiranja grada. U drugom dijelu teksta analizira se društvo Srbije. Najprije se sumiraju glavne karakteristike društveno-prostorne transformacije u postsocijalističkom periodu i ukazuje se na neusklađenost između teritorijalnog kapitala i procesa brendiranja gradova. Dalje je predstavljena metoda istraživanja, koja se fokusira na percepciju ispitanika/građana, zapostavljenu meku dimenziju teritorijalnog kapitala. Vodeći se perspektivom brendiranja gradova kao postavljenim analitičkim ciljem, u tumačenju dobivenih rezultata primijenjene su prilagođene dimenzije modela CBI (prepoznatljivost, puls, ljudi). Rezultati istraživanja tumačeni su iz perspektive korištenih koncepata u radu. U zaključku se u kratkim crtama sumira zašto i na koji se način promatrane meke dimenzije teritorijalnog kapitala mogu prepoznati kao relevantan potencijal u procesu (re)brendiranja istraživanih gradova

    Why are the institutional injustice and the lack of fairness omnipresent in serbia? A pragmatic assessment of plural orders of worth

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    Recent results from Round 9 of the European Social Survey (ESS) indicate that Serbia differs from other European countries in terms of justice and fairness. Whereas the Serbian people’s dissatisfaction relating to unjust income distribution, unfair employment chances and political institutions may not be surprising, these findings still raise a dozen questions. Situated within contemporary discussions on normativity in sociology and survey methodology, this paper aims to reassess the moral grammar of these judgments. By endorsing tenets of pragmatic sociology and its principal aim to recognize the plural modes of valuation and criticism and reflective capacities of social actors to judge and evaluate, this paper develops around few major points. First, we underline how most major approaches to axiology remain stuck in a co-determinist framework, thereby renewing a number of dualisms. Instead, we opt for a relational approach and further present how the theoretical model of Boltanski and Thevénot enables the locating of different assessments of worth. After setting our methodological framework against the “externalist” epistemology, we explore our key assumption that the above-mentioned high rates come as a problem of a feasible “truce” between the domestic regime and the civic polity, ruled by proclaimed legality, representativeness and impersonal character. We trace the problem of incorporating multiple arrangements as a problem of generality, by relating these to two layers of information acquired through the ESS. One involves the analysis of the domestic polity covering the household situation in terms of organization and unveiling the specific worth given to care and protection. Another layer is derived from regression analysis which affirms that the absence of fairness in civic polity correlates with a higher degree of worth given to the domestic one, but also that the latter situation depicts a deeper ontological puzzle about making a mild transition to the assumed “horizontality” of civic matters

    Metodološki izazovi onlajn istraživanja: istraživanje kulturne potrošnje tokom pandemije

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    Cilj rada je da prikaže metodološke izazove istraživanja kulturne potrošnje tokom pandemije kovida 19. Prvi deo je posvećen opštim metodološkim dilemama u vezi s obavljanjem anketnih istraživanja posredstvom digitalne tehnologije. Na osnovu relevantnih metodoloških studija istaknute su prednosti i nedostaci korišćenja onlajn upitnika, koji su dalje analizirani na konkretnom primeru istraživanja „Promene u načinu života uslovljene pandemijom: diskursi i prakse zaposlenih na Univerzitetu u Beogradu i Univerzitetu umetnosti u Beogradu“, koje je sproveo tim Instituta za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta. Poseban segment analize posvećen je metodološkim izazovima koji se tiču istraživanja kulturne potrošnje tokom pandemije

    Na leđima mahnitog bika: društeno angažovana umetnost: brisanje ili zatvaranje granica?

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    U sociologiji umetnosti i srodnim disciplinama razlikuju se dva osnov na, suprotstavljena gledišta, kada je reč o pitanju uloge umetnosti u društvu (Bastide, 1981). Prema estetskoj teoriji, umetnost se posmatra kao estetska praksa koja nema praktičnu funkciju i koja postoji samo radi umetnosti (l’art pour l’art). S druge strane, utilitaristička teorija umetnosti interpretira je kao univerzalni jezik posredstvom kojeg se utiče na društveni život. Akcenat u radu biće stavljen na posebnu funkciju umet nosti: društveno angažovanu. Društveno angažovana umetnost je „konceptualizovan i ka praksi orijentisan delatni projekat”, intervencija posredstvom umetničkih dela u kulturi i društvu, koja podrazumeva subverziju moći sa ciljem kritike i osporavanja nekog društvenog odnosa (Šuvaković, 2009). Migracije stanovništva i njihove posledice na globalnom i lokalnom nivou poslednjih godina postaju centralna tema pozorišnih i filmskih festivala, muzejskih i galerijskih izložbi. Cilj rada je analiza odnosa društveno angažovane umetnosti prema pitanju aktuelne migracione krize, na primeru identiteta manifestacija: izložbe Muzeja afričke umetnosti (Granica je zatvorena, 2015), Festa (Brisanje granica, 2016), Bitefa (Na leđima mahnitog bika, 2016)

    Metodološki izazovi onlajn istraživanja: istraživanje kulturne potrošnje tokom pandemije

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    Cilj rada je da prikaže metodološke izazove istraživanja kulturne potrošnje tokom pandemije kovida 19. Prvi deo je posvećen opštim metodološkim dilemama u vezi s obavljanjem anketnih istraživanja posredstvom digitalne tehnologije. Na osnovu relevantnih metodoloških studija istaknute su prednosti i nedostaci korišćenja onlajn upitnika, koji su dalje analizirani na konkretnom primeru istraživanja „Promene u načinu života uslovljene pandemijom: diskursi i prakse zaposlenih na Univerzitetu u Beogradu i Univerzitetu umetnosti u Beogradu“, koje je sproveo tim Instituta za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta. Poseban segment analize posvećen je metodološkim izazovima koji se tiču istraživanja kulturne potrošnje tokom pandemije

    Branding Belgrade as a proactive development in the sphere of culture : a comparative analysis of Fest and Bemus

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    U poslednjim decenijama 20. veka gradovi su postali deo ekonomije simbola i industrije kulture. Brendiranje se javlja kao novi naziv za promociju kulturnog identiteta grada sa akcentom na ekonomski razvoj (kultura u službi ekonomiji). Da bi postao brend, od grada se traži da pruži više od sušte funkcionalnosti. Kreativni resursi se stavljaju u službu unapređenja identiteta lokalne zajednice, stvaranja povoljnog okruženja za investitore, promociju pozitivnih vrednosti, podizanja nivoa javne / društvene svesti o značaju različitosti za održivi razvoj. Analitički okvir ovog istraživanja zasnovan je na konceptu „tradicionalnog kulturnog identiteta“, kao i na konceptu „uzbudljivog“ grada (Ričards i Palmer). Jedan od ciljeva istraživanja je da prikaže kako kulturne aktivnosti, kulturne manifestacije i ekonomija iskustava mogu da pomognu gradovima da ostvare svoje kulturne, ekonomske i socijalne ciljeve. Imajući u vidu da su gradova u poslednjih nekoliko godina postali povezani sa ekonomskim razvojem (kultura u službi ekonomiji), razmotrićemo potencijale brendiranja Beograda, osvetlivši na taj način postojeće strukturne prepreke za proces brendiranja gradova kroz kulturu, koristeći kao primere dve kulturne manifestacije: Fest i Bemus. Dve navedene manifestacije su odabrane na osnovu pretpostavke (koja će takođe biti analizirana u ovom radu) da pripadaju odvojenim idealnim tipovima identiteta grada u kulturnoj sferi koji imaju različite potencijale za brendiranje. Bemus, sa jedne strane, doprinosi razvoju tradicionalnog kulturnog identiteta grada, dok Fest predstavlja identitet „uzbudljivog“ grada. Dakle, cilj ovog istraživanja je da profiliše odabrane manifestacije kako bi se predstavile prednosti i ograničenja ova dva modela za brendiranje Beograda u kulturnoj sferi. Nakon utvrđivanja kulturnog identiteta odabranih manifestacija, akcenat je stavljen na ispitivanje njihovih publika, sa jedne strane, kao i njihovih kreatora (stručnjaka u polju organizacione strukture), sa druge. S obzirom da polazni identitetski modeli predstavljaju idealne tipove, traga se za specifičnom nišom koju bi brend Beograd mogao da zauzme između ovih tipova, a po osnovu istraživanih manifestacija, na takav način da se kulturna komponenta ne izgubi, a da se grad predstavi kao „uzbudljiv“.In the closing decades of the 20th century cities were becoming a part of the symbol economy and the culture industry. Branding emerged as a new name for promotion of the cultural identity of the city, itself now more connected with economic development (culture in service of economy). To become a brand, a city needs to offer more than functionality – creative industries and creativity are becoming a basis for the improvement of quality of life in urban areas. The politics of development demand that creative resources be put into service of: improving local community identity, creating a favourable investment environment, promoting positive values, raising the level of public/social conscience on the significance of diversity for sustainable development. The analytical framework of this study is based on concepts of “traditional cultural identity” and the concept of the “exciting” city (Richards and Palmer) as a approaches to development and key urban development strategies that emphasises the significance of culture industries. The aim being to show how cultural activities, cultural manifestations and the economy of experiences can help cities achieve cultural, economic and social goals. Considering the fact that in recent years the identities of cities are now also linked to economic development (culture in service of economy), we will discuss the potentials of branding for Belgrade but, at the same time, we will shed light on existing structural obstacles to the process of city branding in culture, using as examples two festivals: Fest and Bemus. These two events were chosen on the assumption (which will itself be examined in this paper) that they belong to different ideal types of identity of the city in the sphere of culture, which have differing branding potential. On the one hand, Bemus represents the traditional cultural identity of the city while, on the other hand, Fest come to be accepted as more representative of the identity of the “exciting” city. The aim of this study is, therefore, to establish how the selected events are profiled and to highlight the advantages and limitations of these models for branding Belgrade in the sphere of culture. The emphasis is on the internal perspective of the audiences and organisers of these events. The first stage being to determine the cultural identity of the two festivals. Considering the fact that the starting identity models are ideal types, the search is for a unique niche that would, on the basis of the studied festivals, span these ideal types and which the brand for Belgrade could inhabit in such a way that the city could be presented as “exciting” without the cultural component becoming diluted

    Work Satisfaction of Female Scientists in the Serbian Post-Socialist Transformation Context

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    This article studies the level of female scientists' work satisfaction, and general and gender-related factors that would contribute to greater work satisfaction. We applied an interdisciplinary approach - we draw on Bronfenbrenner's ecological model of (professional) development, sociological analysis of the context and linguistic analysis of the text. A hundred Serbian female scientists filled in the online questionnaire. They reported moderate satisfaction with their work. Thematic analysis of their answers yielded nine general work satisfaction improvement factors: Creating a fair and effective management and improving relations with superiors, Improving social relationships with peers (Bronfenbrenner's micro-and meso-system), Improving technical resources, Increasing salaries, Professional improvement support, The modernization and application of scientific work, Improving human resources, Establishing transparent, consistent and fair system rules (exosystem) and Combating corruption and nepotism (macrosystem). Six gender-related factors were determined: Overcoming social obstacles related to pregnancy and child-care, Change in attitudes in cases of harassment (micro- and meso-system), Overcoming legal obstacles related to pregnancy and child-care, Change in procedures in cases of harassment (exosystem), Achieving respect and equality, and Changing social image through personal efforts (macrosystem). Recommendations for policy and practice improvement are discussed in the light of the dominant values in the Serbian post-socialist transformation context

    Zbog čega su institucionalna nepravda i manjak pravičnosti sveprisutni u Srbiji? Pragmatička procena pluralnih poredaka vrednosti

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    Recent results from Round 9 of the European Social Survey (ESS) indicate that Serbia differs from other European countries in terms of justice and fairness. Whereas the Serbian people’s dissatisfaction relating to unjust income distribution, unfair employment chances and political institutions may not be surprising, these findings still raise a dozen questions. Situated within contemporary discussions on normativity in sociology and survey methodology, this paper aims to reassess the moral grammar of these judgments. By endorsing tenets of pragmatic sociology and its principal aim to recognize the plural modes of valuation and criticism and reflective capacities of social actors to judge and evaluate, this paper develops around few major points. First, we underline how most major approaches to axiology remain stuck in a co-determinist framework, thereby renewing a number of dualisms. Instead, we opt for a relational approach and further present how the theoretical model of Boltanski and Thevénot enables the locating of different assessments of worth. After setting our methodological framework against the “externalist” epistemology, we explore our key assumption that the above-mentioned high rates come as a problem of a feasible “truce” between the domestic regime and the civic polity, ruled by proclaimed legality, representativeness and impersonal character. We trace the problem of incorporating multiple arrangements as a problem of generality, by relating these to two layers of information acquired through the ESS. One involves the analysis of the domestic polity covering the household situation in terms of organization and unveiling the specific worth given to care and protection. Another layer is derived from regression analysis which affirms that the absence of fairness in civic polity correlates with a higher degree of worth given to the domestic one, but also that the latter situation depicts a deeper ontological puzzle about making a mild transition to the assumed “horizontality” of civic matters.Najskoriji rezultati od IX runde Evropskog društvenog istraživanja izdvajaju Srbiju od drugih evropskih zemalja u pogledu pravde i pravičnosti. Dok učestali utisci o nepravednoj raspodeli dohotka, ekstremnom nezadovoljstvu nepravičnim šansama za zapošljavanje i pretežno pesimističnom pogledu na političke institucije, u slučaju Srbije možda nisu iznenađujući, ovi nalazi i dalje postavljaju nekolicinu pitanja. Smešten u savremenim diskusijama o normativnosti u sociologiji i metodologiji anketnih istraživanja, ovaj rad ima za cilj da preispita moralnu gramatiku ovih sudova. Odbacujući „eksternalističku” epistemologiju i približavajući se principima savremene pragmatičke sociologije i njenog glavnog cilja da se prepoznaju pluralni načini evaluacija i kritika i refleksivni kapaciteti socijalnih aktera da presuđuju i procenjuju, ovaj rad se razvija oko nekoliko glavnih tačaka. Najpre, podvućićemo nedostatke u glavnim pristupima aksiologiji, raspravljajući kako ostaje u okviru ko-determinističkog okvira, koji ponovo obnavlja brojne dualizme. Umesto toga, birajući relacioni pristup, dalje predstavljamo kako teorijski model Boltanskog i Tevenoa omogućava lociranje različitih poredaka vrednovanja u onome što nazivaju polisima. Nakon postavljanja metodološkog okvira dalje od „eksternalističke” epistemologije, ispitujemo našu osnovnu pretpostavku da gore pomenute visoke stope proizlaze kao problem postizanja „primirja“ između domaćeg režima i građanskog polisa, karakterisanog navodnom univerzalnosti zakona, predstavljanja i impersonalnosti. Ovaj problem inkorporacije više aranžmana kao problema opštosti, pratimo kroz dva sloja informacija dobijenih putem EDI. Jedan uključuje analizu domaćeg polisa u pogledu organizacije domaćinstva u pogledu organizacije i specifične vrednosti pripisane brizi i zaštiti. Drugi se razvija iz regresione analize koja potvrđuje da odsustvo pravičnosti u građanskom polisu koincidira sa višim stepenom vrednosti pripisanih domaćem, ali i da potonja situacija prikazuje dublju ontološku zagonetku povodom pravljenja “blage” tranzicije u pretpostavljenu “horizontalnost” građanskih stvari

    Shvatanje nacionalnog identiteta političke elite

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    Osnovni cilj ovog dela studije jeste da se utvrdi kako savremena politička elita u Srbiji shvata nacionalni identitet. Pri tome, nacionalni identitet se posmatra kao specifična vrsta vrednosne orijentacije i uzima se kao jedan od kriterijuma za procenu stepena konsolidacije ove društvene grupe. Konceptualni okvir rada počiva na Smitovom razlikovanju dva modela nacionalnog identiteta: teritorijalnog, odnosno građanskog, i demotskog, odnosno narodnog. Ispituje se i uticaj nekih sociodemografskih faktora na shvatanje identiteta, zatim uticaj ideološko-političke identifikacije na liniji levo-desno, kao i odnosa prema nacionalnom pitanju definisanog u političkom programu stranke kojoj pripadnici elite pripadaju. Na kraju, komparativno je analizirano shvatanje nacionalnog identiteta od strane aktuelne političke elite Srbije, i shvatanje njenih prethodnika, kao i stanovništva i političkih elita drugih evropskih zemalja. Empirijsku osnovu analize predstavljaju podaci prikupljeni 2015. godine od strane Instituta za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, koji su dopunjeni podacima INTUNE projekta realizovanog u dva talasa u više evropskih zemalja