91 research outputs found

    Workaholism components in relation to life and work values

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    Two studies were conducted to examine the association of two workaholism components (drive to work and work enjoyment) with life and work values. Study 1 examined whether life values that are lower on the ideal value hierarchy predict the drive to work; and whether life values that are higher on the hierarchy predict work enjoyment. Study 2 tested the hypotheses that extrinsic work values predict the drive to work, whereas intrinsic work values predict work enjoyment. The results of study 1 showed that moral values, which represent higher order life values, were negatively correlated with the drive to work and positively correlated with work enjoyment. Work enjoyment was also negatively associated with vital values, which have a low position on the ideal life values hierarchy. Hypotheses about the relationships between the two workaholism components and life and work values were not fully confirmed

    Structure of achievement motivation dispositions in elite and non-elite track and field athletes

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    Achievement motivation is a distinguishing disposition in elite and non-elite athletes. Implicit theories and competence perception influence the types of achievement goals and constitute separate achievement motivation dispositions. The context of sport promotes various achievement goals and implicit theories about athletic competence. For this reason, scientific research should focus on the intrapersonal profiles of achievement motivation dispositions (achievement goals, implicit theories, and competence perception) instead of specifying only one of them. This study explores differences between elite and non-elite athletes in terms of intrapersonal profiles of achievement motivation dispositions. 54 elite and 50 non-elite track and field athletes took part in the study. The results suggest that athletes tend to perceive their competence accurately. Cluster analysis of the studied dispositions was conducted. The clusters present sets of achievement dispositions that vary in intensity. Moreover, the results present trends of the differences between elite and non-elite athletes in two of the three clusters obtained in the study


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    Czy twórczość jest wyrazem dojrzałości człowieka dorosłego?

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    Motywacja jako warunek aktywności twórczej

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    Engagement in actions beyond basic professional duties : measurement and correlates

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    Objective. The main purpose of the paper was to present the construct of engagement in actions beyond basic professional duties (shortly: beyond-duties engagement) and its measurement with the modified version of the UWES-9 questionnaire. An additional goal was to find differences in this type of employee engagement depending on personal variables, and the relationship between it and feedback from others, organizational commitment and burnout. Methods. A preliminary study was conducted within 61 employees (77% of men) of a mediumsized company in the automatics robotics industry. In the main study 137 employees (60% of women) of private and state-owned enterprises of various industries with minimum 2 years work experience in one company took part. In the second study the Feedback scale from the Work Design Questionnaire, Organizational Commitment Scale, and Oldenburg Burnout Inventory were used. Results. It was found that the modified UWES-9 questionnaire to measure beyond-duties engagement is a one-factor, reliable and theoretically valid measure. The higher level of engagement in actions in leadership positions was established, as well as its positive relationship with feedback from others and organizational commitment, and negative relationship with burnout. Conclusions. Engagement in actions beyond basic professional duties is a homogenous construct, linked to positive aspects of work. Every employee may engage in additional activities, although working as a manager may be conducive to greater beyond-duties engagement. Limitations. There was rather small, inhomogeneous group in the main study, in both studies only self-description methods were used

    The relationship between indicators of workaholism and burnout in specialists and managers

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    Celem badania było: (1) potwierdzenie przewidywanych, pozytywnych związków pracoholizmu z wypaleniem; (2) eksploracja powiązań pomiędzy wskaźnikami pracoholizmu, wypalenia zawodowego a stażem pracy; (3) zbudowanie i empiryczna weryfikacja modelu strukturalnego jako próby uporządkowania relacji między mierzonymi zmiennymi. Badania przeprowadzono wśród pracowników umysłowych dużej firmy działającej na rynku polskim. Wyniki częściowo potwierdziły hipotezę: tylko zadowolenie i nierównowaga w działaniu wykazywały istotne związki z obydwoma skalami wypalenia. Najsilniejszym negatywnym predyktorem składowych wypalenia było zadowolenie z pracy. Analizy korelacji i regresji były podstawą modelu wyjaśniającego wyczerpanie i brak zaangażowania, zmiennymi wyjaśniającymi były wskaźniki pracoholizmu i staż pracy.The aim of the study was to: (1) confirm the expected positive relationships between workaholism and burnout syndrome; (2) explore the relationships between the indicators of workaholism, burnout, and seniority; (3) build and verify empirically the structural model in an attempt to structure the relationships between the studied variables. The verification of the hypothesis was conducted among white-collar workers of a large company operating in the Polish market. Of the indicators of workaholism, only work enjoyment and work - life imbalance - doing showed significant relationships with both components of burnout. The strongest negative predictor of burnout was work enjoyment. On the basis of correlation and regression analyses, the structural model explaining the variance in burnout syndrome was proposed and tested. Indicators of workaholism and seniority were the explanatory variables

    Skala Samopoczucia Muzyka przed Występem Andrew Steptoe’a, Helen Fidler – wstępne opracowanie wersji polskiej

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    Cognitive and Behavioural Strategies in Performance Anxiety by A. Steptoe and H. Fidler : a preliminary Polish version A. Steptoe and H. Fidler (1983, 1987) studied cognitive and behavioural strategies used by orchestral musicians (professionals, amateurs and students) to cope with stage fright; they also investigated the effectiveness of those strategies. The questionnaire method, developed as a result of those studies, contains 20 items and has been translated into Polish. A hundred music school students from Kraków and Katowice were tested. The reliability determined by Cronbach`s alpha coefficient was 0.68, whereas a factor analysis (in total, 57.91% of the explained variance, i.e. slightly more than in the studies of the method`s authors) led to differentiation of a structure resembling that obtained by the English investigators: positive thinking; realistic assessment of a situation; catastrophic thinking; distancing oneself; helplessness; underestimation

    Person – job fit in students’ perspective and its consequences for career aspirations

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between students’ dedication (S_DED) and their perception of person-job fit (P_J Fit) and investigate how it correlates with students’ career aspirations (CAREER_ASP). Additionally, the relationship between perceived P_J Fit and students’ work experience (WORK_EXP) and social support (S_SUPPORT) have been analyzed.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: This study was conducted among tourism and/or hospitality students of two universities that agreed to participate in the study. They are located in cities of Poland and Croatia which are very attractive tourist destinations. The questionnaires were administered in each institution and the auditorium survey technique was applied to gather the data.FINDINGS: The findings of this study revealed that there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ dedication and their perception of person-job fit. It was also indicated that there is a positive and significant correlation between students’ work experience, students’ social support and perceived P_J Fit. Finally, it was proved that the more students perceive their skills and abilities as matching the requirements of their future work, the more they believe they can pursue a career in this field.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: It is recommended that the educators pay more attention to the person-job fit of students when recruiting them for T&H courses at higher education institutions. Moreover, it is important to offer a variety of activities to increase students’ dedication to the studies undertaken. Specifically, for curriculums to be suitable and to generate enthusiasm among students, they should be customized to meet the requirements of the labor market and modern teaching techniques should be applied to actively engage students in the learning process, making it challenging.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is one of the first to focus on identifying factors relating to students’ perception of their P_J Fit by linking it with their career aspirations in a single research model.peer-reviewe