318 research outputs found

    The Differences of Realization Ability between Students’ Learning Model Problem Based Discovery Learning Model in Smk Private Laksamana Martadinata Medan

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    The purpose of this study was to examine differences in overall mathematical reasoning abilities and based on indicators among students who received problem based learning with students who obtained discovery learning based on early math skills. This study was a quasi experimental research, with the study population was all students of class XI SMK Laksamana Martadinata consisting of twenty classes. By purposive sampling, two classes were chosen, with experimental class 1were given problem-based learning treatment and experiment class 2 were given discovery learning treatment. The instrument of mathematical reasoning ability, the ability of early mathematics and observation sheet were stated to have fulfilled the validity requirements of the contents, and the reliability coefficients of 0.740 and 0.830 respectively. Data analysis of mathematical reasoning ability was done by analysis of covariance (ANAKOVA). The results showed that there were significant differences in mathematical reasoning ability both overall and per indicator between students who were given problem-based learning with students who were given discovery learning, with problem-based learning showed better results. The results suggest that problem-based learning is an alternative to improving the ability of mathematical reasoning

    Pengetahuan Lanjut Usia Tentang Covid-19 di Desa Simangulampe Kecamatan Baktiraja Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan Tahun 2021

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    Knowledge is the ability to receive, store, and use information, which is influenced by experience and skills. Covd-19 or often called 2019 coronavirus disease is a disease that infects the acute respiratory tract and is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV). The purpose of the study was to determine the knowledge of the elderly about Covid-19 in Simangulampe Village, Baktiraja District, Humbang Hasundutan Regency in 2021. The research  uses a qualitative method where data collection is done by interviewing 5 questions so as to be able to dig deeper into knowledge about Covid-19. The sampling technique used purposive sampling as many as 18 respondents. The data analysis technique used is thematic analysis. The results obtained: Covid-19 is an infectious virus and is an infectious disease that attacks the respiratory tract caused by the corona virus. The cause of Covid-19 is a corona virus that infects animals and spreads to humans. Common symptoms of being infected with Covid-19 include fever, shortness of breath, cough, runny nose, sore throat, loss of sense of smell, but for some patients there are no symptoms. The mode of transmission of Covid-19 is direct contact with patients, not complying with health protocols such as not wearing a mask, and through contaminated air. Prevention of Covid-19 can be done by avoiding crowds, carrying out health protocols such as washing hands, wearing masks, maintaining a diet, diligently exercising, not smoking and diligently exercising

    Differences Ability of Visual Thinking Representation Mathematic and Student Learning Independence Between Student Who are Given an Open Ended Approach and Jigsaw Type Cooperative Model MTS Lab UIN SU Medan

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    The purpose of this research is (1) To know the difference of visual thinking ability between students who are given open-ended learning with students who are given cooperative learning jigsaw type (2) To know the difference of learning independence between students who are given open-ended learning with students who are given Jigsaw type cooperative learning. This type of research is quasi experiment. The population of this research is all students of class VII of MTsS Laboratory of UIN SU Medan. The sample of this research is, Class VII-1 (37 students) taught by Jigsaw Cooperative type and VII-2 class (37 students) taught with Open Ended Approach. The instrument used consisted of the test of visual thinking representation ability and student self study independence questionnaire. Analysis performed using ANAVA.The results showed that: (1) There is a significant influence on visual thinking ability of students were taught by given open-ended learning with students who are given cooperative learning jigsaw type. (2) There is a significant influence of student were taught learning independence between students who are given open-ended learning with students who are given Jigsaw type cooperative learning

    Geothermal Fluid Determination and Geothermal Stones Mineral Identification at Geothermal Area Tinggi Raja Simalungun, North Sumatera, Indonesia using 2d Resistivity Imaging

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    This reserach is done to determine the geothermal fluid flows beneath the ground by using 2D resistivity imaging and to identify the stones that compile the mineral by using XRD at geothermal Area Tinggi Raja Dolok Morawa  Simalungun, North Sumatera Province.  The area is located at  02º36’- 03º18’ N and 98º32’- 99º35’ E. The results from  XRD by using difractometer Jeol-350 Shimadzu 6100 Show that the intensity from x ray difraction has the geothermal fluid spreads laterally to the geothermal manifestation. Three  lines were surveyed by using 2d resistivity imaging for geothermal delineation purpose. At Tinggi Raja, the 2d resistivity imaging survey site shows the existence of geothermal fluid flows. The maximum depth of investigations for the surveys is 25 - 30 meters and 155 m of length of each line. The array used in this study are  Schlumberger. In general the results show that the subsurface is made up of limestone (resistivity value of less 100 ohm-m) and clay with resistivity also less than 100 ohm-m in all the sections. XRD survey shows the mean mineral that compile the getothermal stones at Tinggi Raja are calsit (CaCO3) with trigonal crystal system (hexagonal). This mineral is the mean mineral that compile the clay. Keywords: resistivity method, XRD, clay and limeston

    Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Sektor Informal di Kota Medan

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    This study aims to assess the internal factors and external factors determine the development of the informal sector and development strategy informal sector in Medan. This study uses primary data collected directly from the informal sector workers in Medan and analyzed using quantitative SWOT analysis. Internal factors that influence the development of the informal sector in the city of Medan is: Expertise (HR), Working Capital, Labor, Technology, Availability of Raw Materials, Raw Materials Price, Facilities and Infrastructure, Work Experience, and Promotion. As for the external factors that influence the development of the informal sector in the city of Medan is: Rental Costs, Training, Opportunity, soft Lending, Loans, Partnership, Competition, Economic Conditions are not stable, Law, Policy Development, and the existence of the Formal Sector. Based on the SWOT analysis of the informal sector, development strategy in Medan is developing the informal sector by providing loans to actors in the informal sector activities, provide additional capital to develop the informal sector, providing raw materials through the existence of a partnership

    Comprehensive Environmental Change Analysis In Tropical Area Using Remote Sensing Technique.

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    Pertumbuhan penduduk yang semakin meningkat setiap tahun menyebabkan masaalah alam sekitar yang berterusan seperti keperluan untuk penempatan tanah, pertanian, perladangan, dan lain-lain. Population growth which is increasing every year causes ongoing problems such as the need for land for settlements, agriculture, plantation, etc.The increasing demand for land is not followed by the availability of land

    Analisis Peluang Pasar Short Voice Message (SVM)

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