12 research outputs found

    Fungsi Dan Tanggung Jawab Hakim Pengawas Dalam Penyelesaian Harta Pailit

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana fungsi dan tanggung jawab hakim pengawas dalam melaksanakan tugas penyelesaian harta pailit dan bagaimana akibat hukum putusan pailit terhadap harta kekayaan debitur. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuriodis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Semenjak pengadilan mengucapkan putusan kepailitan dalam sidang yang terbuka untuk umum terhadap debitur, maka hak dan kewajiban si pailit beralih kepada kurator untuk mengurus dan menguasai boedelnya. Akan tetapi si pailit masih berhak melakukan tindakan-tindakan atas harta kekayaannya, sepanjang tindakan itu membawa/memberikan keuntungan/manfaat bagi boedelnya. Sebaliknya tindakan yang tidak memberikan manfaat bagi boedel, tidak mengikat boedel tersebut. Untuk mengawasi pelaksanaan penyelesaian harta pailit, dalam keputusan kepailitan, oleh Pengadilan harus diangkat seorang hakim pengawas di samping pengangkatan kuratornya. 2. Tanggung jawab Hakim Pengawas hanya sebatas tugas dan wewenang yang diatur dalam UUK serta terhadap ketetapan-ketetapan yang dibuatnya sedangkan kesalahan atau kelalaian yang dilakukan kurator yang dapat merugikan harta pailit tetap menjadi tanggung jawab kurator

    Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age.

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    The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely used measure of a core facet of the positive body image construct. However, extant research concerning measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across a large number of nations remains limited. Here, we utilised the Body Image in Nature (BINS) dataset - with data collected between 2020 and 2022 - to assess measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis indicated that full scalar invariance was upheld across all nations, languages, gender identities, and age groups, suggesting that the unidimensional BAS-2 model has widespread applicability. There were large differences across nations and languages in latent body appreciation, while differences across gender identities and age groups were negligible-to-small. Additionally, greater body appreciation was significantly associated with higher life satisfaction, being single (versus being married or in a committed relationship), and greater rurality (versus urbanicity). Across a subset of nations where nation-level data were available, greater body appreciation was also significantly associated with greater cultural distance from the United States and greater relative income inequality. These findings suggest that the BAS-2 likely captures a near-universal conceptualisation of the body appreciation construct, which should facilitate further cross-cultural research. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

    Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age

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    Abstract The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely used measure of a core facet of the positive body image construct. However, extant research concerning measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across a large number of nations remains limited. Here, we utilised the Body Image in Nature (BINS) dataset – with data collected between 2020 and 2022 – to assess measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis indicated that full scalar invariance was upheld across all nations, languages, gender identities, and age groups, suggesting that the unidimensional BAS-2 model has widespread applicability. There were large differences across nations and languages in latent body appreciation, while differences across gender identities and age groups were negligible-to-small. Additionally, greater body appreciation was significantly associated with higher life satisfaction, being single (versus being married or in a committed relationship), and greater rurality (versus urbanicity). Across a subset of nations where nation-level data were available, greater body appreciation was also significantly associated with greater cultural distance from the United States and greater relative income inequality. These findings suggest that the BAS-2 likely captures a near-universal conceptualisation of the body appreciation construct, which should facilitate further cross-cultural research

    Body appreciation around the world: Measurement invariance of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age

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    The Body Appreciation Scale-2 (BAS-2) is a widely used measure of a core facet of the positive body image construct. However, extant research concerning measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across a large number of nations remains limited. Here, we utilised the Body Image in Nature (BINS) dataset - with data collected between 2020 and 2022 - to assess measurement invariance of the BAS-2 across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups. Multi-group confirmatory factor analysis indicated that full scalar invariance was upheld across all nations, languages, gender identities, and age groups, suggesting that the unidimensional BAS-2 model has widespread applicability. There were large differences across nations and languages in latent body appreciation, while differences across gender identities and age groups were negligible-to-small. Additionally, greater body appreciation was significantly associated with higher life satisfaction, being single (versus being married or in a committed relationship), and greater rurality (versus urbanicity). Across a subset of nations where nation-level data were available, greater body appreciation was also significantly associated with greater cultural distance from the United States and greater relative income inequality. These findings suggest that the BAS-2 likely captures a near-universal conceptualisation of the body appreciation construct, which should facilitate further cross-cultural research


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    OBJECTIVE: The aim: To evaluate the relationship between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and health literacy and to find possible differences based on the demographic characteristics of the participants. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with a convenience sample from the Greek general population (n=203). The questionnaires were distributed through the Google Forms platform, while some of them were given on hand. The questionnaire used included demographic information, questions about the participants' health status and nutrition habits and the Health Literacy Scale (HLS - EU-Q16) and the MedDietScore. The survey was conducted June - July 2022. The program SPSS v. 26.0 was used for the analysis of data. RESULTS: Results: The mean score in HLS-EU-Q16 was 12.08 (SD=4.17) (15.8%=inadequate level, 30% =problematic level, 54.2%=sufficient level). The mean score in Med DietScore was 31.54 (SD=4.84) and the majority (72.4%) had medium adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Concerning the HLS-EU-Q16, women and those who had not children, were not patients and used the Internet for finding health information had higher score. In contrast, widows/ers and those with elementary education had lower score. With regard to the Med DietScore, those who were patients and had normal weight had higher score than the rest categories. A negative correlation was found between age-HLS-EU-Q16 (r=-.605, p<.01) and between BMI-Med DietScore (r=-.142, p<.05). CONCLUSION: Conclusions: Most of the participants had sufficient level of health literacy and medium adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Furthermore, there was not a significant correlation between adherence to the Mediterranean diet and health literacy. Several demographic and medical characteristics impact the health literature level and the adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Future research is suggested to further evaluate the results of this study

    The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS)

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    The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS) was established to assess women’s breast size dissatisfaction and breasted experiences from a cross-national perspective. A total of 18,541 women were recruited from 61 research sites across 40 nations and completed measures of current-ideal breast size discrepancy, as well as measures of theorised antecedents (personality, Western and local media exposure, and proxies of socioeconomic status) and outcomes (weight and appearance dissatisfaction, breast awareness, and psychological well-being). In the total dataset, 47.5% of women wanted larger breasts than they currently had, 23.2% wanted smaller breasts, and 29.3% were satisfied with their current breast size. There were significant cross-national differences in mean ideal breast size and absolute breast size dissatisfaction, but effect sizes were small (η2 = .02-.03). The results of multilevel modelling showed that greater Neuroticism, lower Conscientiousness, lower Western media exposure, greater local media exposure, lower financial security, and younger age were associated with greater breast size dissatisfaction across nations. In addition, greater absolute breast size dissatisfaction was associated with greater weight and appearance dissatisfaction, poorer breast awareness, and poorer psychological well-being across nations. These results indicate that breast size dissatisfaction is a global public health concern linked to women’s psychological and physical well-being