279 research outputs found

    Det tværprofessionelle samarbejde – et paradoks i skolens socialpædagogiske arbejde?

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    Tværprofessionelt samarbejde er tidens løsen på komplekse sociale problemstillinger. Den moderne velfærdsstats borgerindsatser synes at kræve et særligt samkoordineret arbejde mellem professioner. Men nogle gange ser det ud til, at det tværprofessionelle ender med at stå i vejen for en sagsgang og indsats, der er faglig meningsfuld og foregår rettidigt. Artiklen vil – med udgangspunkt i en case fra et længevarende aktionsforskningsforløb på en skole i Københavnsområdet – sætte fokus på, hvordan det tværprofessionelle samarbejde kan blive et benspænd for opgaveløsningen. Artiklen viser, at det tværprofessionelle nogen gange ender med at blive systemets svar på de af systemet skabte problemer.Inter-professional cooperation is often the solution for complex social problems. The social work of the modern welfare state seems to demand a specialized coordinated cooperation between professions. But sometimes it looks like, the inter-professional work end up being in the way of an administration and effort, which is timely and professional sound. Based on a long term action research project the article will, be focused on how the inter-professional work sometimes becomes a trip up for problem solving. The article shows that the inter-professional sometimes become the systems answer to problems created by the organizational structures of the system

    Vilde problemer, tam velfærd?

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    ResuméDenne artikel udspringer af aktionsforskningsprojektet Vild Velfærd. I projektet retter vi blikket mod velfærdsstatens organisatoriske løsninger i forhold til marginaliserede unge, som er bosiddende i udsatte by- og boligområder og er ramt af det, vi i projektet kalder wicked problems. Formålet er at undersøge og afdække muligheder og barrierer i eksisterende velfærdsløsninger med henblik på at udvikle nye, alternative velfærdsløsninger. Vild Velfærd finder sted i et tæt samarbejde med de stærkt marginaliserede unge selv, samt velfærdsprofessionelle fra kommunale institutioner og civilsamfundsindsatser i Københavnsområdet. AbstractIn this article, we focus on the organizational solutions within the welfare state in relation to marginalized young people who live in social disadvantaged urban and residential areas and are affected by what we in the project call wicked problems. The purpose is to investigate and uncover opportunities and barriers in existing welfare solutions with a view to developing new, alternative welfare solutions. Wild Welfare takes place in close collaboration with the highly marginalized young people themselves, as well as welfare professionals from municipal institutions and civil society initiatives in the Copenhagen area

    Integrins as therapeutic targets: lessons and opportunities.

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    The integrins are a large family of cell adhesion molecules that are essential for the regulation of cell growth and function. The identification of key roles for integrins in a diverse range of diseases, including cancer, infection, thrombosis and autoimmune disorders, has revealed their substantial potential as therapeutic targets. However, so far, pharmacological inhibitors for only three integrins have received marketing approval. This article discusses the structure and function of integrins, their roles in disease and the chequered history of the approved integrin antagonists. Recent advances in the understanding of integrin function, ligand interaction and signalling pathways suggest novel strategies for inhibiting integrin function that could help harness their full potential as therapeutic targets

    Makroporers effekt pĂĄ transportprocesser i rodzonen

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    Efficient Installation of Subsea Equipment in Deep Water

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    This thesis presents methods to preform subsea equipment installations, and highlights problems related to the conventional crane operation used in marine operations. The crane operation faces many challenges at water depths close to 3000 m, and several recent developed methods to preform deepwater installations more e cient are presented and briefly discussed. An autonomous method to complete a subsea equipment installation is presented and explored in the thesis. Using active control of actuators attached to the installation object, the object can be launched into the water from the support vessel, and positioned in the desired installation position by a control system. Equipment proposals for control actuators are made, and a mathematical model to control the motions of an installation object is presented in the thesis. Several case studies are preformed on a deepwater installation of an integrated template and mani- fold structure (ITS), using the autonomous installation method. The control systems behaviour in di↵erent current conditions and control actuator requirements are assessed. Methods using active control together with an attached buoyancy tank or parachute are also simulated and assessed. Based on the simulated cases, it s concluded that the presented installation method is feasible. The sensor equipment required by the control system to control the motions and postion of the installation object already exists, and are commonly used on underwater robots. A minimum of 200 [kN] is required from the control actuators in surge and sway, when the structure is submerged in 1 m/s currents, to position the a 260 tonne ITS structure in the horizontal plane, which can be produced by large attached thrusters. The roll and pitch rotations of the ITS structure is considered unfeasible to control by actuators, and the structure must therefore be stabilized passively by a buoyancy tank, parachute or some other component. Passive methods to reduce the drop velocity of the structure in water, by increasing drag damping or buoyancy is also necessary
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