386 research outputs found

    Quantifying inter-field movements of the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) — A Central European field study

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    Dispersal plays a key role in the adaptation of species. It has been suggested that even in a stable and predictable environment, it is essential for any given population to “send” a certain portion of its offspring to disperse (referred as evolutionary stable dispersal rate). Although the literature on the flight behaviour of one of the major maize pests, the western corn rootworm, is rich, relatively little is known about its inter-field movements under field conditions. In the present study, inter-field movement of adult beetles was observed in Central-Europe under quasi-isolated conditions of infested continuous and un-infested first year maize fields, and related to candidate predictor variables. Percent of immigrants (net percent of adults within a given population leaving their natal maize field and arriving in first-year maize) varied greatly across years and locations (0.4–93.3%, mean = 38.7%). Results of the study provided field evidence of the assumption that western corn rootworm performs density dependent inter-field movement. Independent from pest densities, it appeared that about 1/3 of an adult beetle population always leaves its natal maize field, which likely allows the species to find new food sources and oviposition sites. The distance between maize fields and the phenological status of maize influenced inter-field movements but at a much less extent than it could have been expected from laboratory research findings

    Polyarteritis Nodosa with Bilateral Asynchronous Testicular Necrosis: A Case Report

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    Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a systemic vasculitis which may result in thrombosis or aneurysm formation in any organ of the body. We report a case polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) resulting in bilateral asynchronous testicular necrosis. A 55-year-old male developed acute onset of left testicular pain resulting in a left orchiectomy and right orchidopexy for an ischemic left testicle without evidence of torsion. Three weeks later, the patient developed acute right-sided scrotal pain, and surgical exploration revealed a right necrotic testicle resulting in a right orchiectomy. Pathologic evaluations demonstrated benign testes with acute interstitial hemorrhage and focal atrophy. The patient also experienced abdominal skin necrosis, penile pain and swelling, and temporary loss of vision. This is a unique case of PAN and the only case of asynchronous testicular necrosis in the medical literature

    Influence of soil on the efficacy of entomopathogenic nematodes in reducing Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in maize

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    The use of entomopathogenic nematodes is one potential non-chemical approach to control the larvae of the invasive western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Europe. This study investigated the efficacy of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae), Heterorhabditis megidis Poinar, Jackson and Klein (Rh., Heterorhabditidae) and Steinernema feltiae Filipjev (Rh., Steinernematidae) in reducing D. v. virgifera as a function of soil characteristics. A field experiment was repeated four times in southern Hungary using artificially infested maize plants potted into three different soils. Sleeve gauze cages were used to assess the number of emerging adult D. v. virgifera from the treatments and untreated controls. Results indicate that nematodes have the potential to reduce D. v. virgifera larvae in most soils; however, their efficacy can be higher in maize fields with heavy clay or silty clay soils than in sandy soils, which is in contrast to the common assumption that nematodes perform better in sandy soils than in heavy soils

    Direct observation of electron doping in La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 using x-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    We report on a X-ray absorption spectroscopic (XAS) study on a thin film of La0.7Ce0.3MnO3, a manganite which was previously only speculated to be an electron doped system. The measurements clearly show that the cerium is in the Ce(IV) valence state and that the manganese is present in a mixture of Mn2+ and Mn3+ valence states. These data unambiguously demonstrate that La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 is an electron doped colossal magnetoresistive manganite, a finding that may open up new opportunities both for device applications as well as for further basic research towards a better modelling of the colossal magnetoresistance phenomenon in these materials.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    Signatures of human regulatory T cells: an encounter with old friends and new players

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    BACKGROUND: Naturally occurring CD4(+)CD25(+ )regulatory T cells (T(Reg)) are involved in the control of autoimmune diseases, transplantation tolerance, and anti-tumor immunity. Thus far, genomic studies on T(Reg )cells were restricted to murine systems, and requirements for their development, maintenance, and mode of action in humans are poorly defined. RESULTS: To improve characterization of human T(Reg )cells, we compiled a unique microarray consisting of 350 T(Reg )cell associated genes (Human T(Reg )Chip) based on whole genome transcription data from human and mouse T(Reg )cells. T(Reg )cell specific gene signatures were created from 11 individual healthy donors. Statistical analysis identified 62 genes differentially expressed in T(Reg )cells, emphasizing some cross-species differences between mice and humans. Among them, several 'old friends' (including FOXP3, CTLA4, and CCR7) that are known to be involved in T(Reg )cell function were recovered. Strikingly, the vast majority of genes identified had not previously been associated with human T(Reg )cells (including LGALS3, TIAF1, and TRAF1). Most of these 'new players' however, have been described in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. Real-time RT-PCR of selected genes validated our microarray results. Pathway analysis was applied to extract signaling modules underlying human T(Reg )cell function. CONCLUSION: The comprehensive set of genes reported here provides a defined starting point to unravel the unique characteristics of human T(Reg )cells. The Human T(Reg )Chip constructed and validated here is available to the scientific community and is a useful tool with which to study the molecular mechanisms that orchestrate T(Reg )cells under physiologic and diseased conditions

    Inferring introduction routes of invasive species using approximate Bayesian computation on microsatellite data

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    Determining the routes of introduction provides not only information about the history of an invasion process, but also information about the origin and construction of the genetic composition of the invading population. It remains difficult, however, to infer introduction routes from molecular data because of a lack of appropriate methods. We evaluate here the use of an approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) method for estimating the probabilities of introduction routes of invasive populations based on microsatellite data. We considered the crucial case of a single source population from which two invasive populations originated either serially from a single introduction event or from two independent introduction events. Using simulated datasets, we found that the method gave correct inferences and was robust to many erroneous beliefs. The method was also more efficient than traditional methods based on raw values of statistics such as assignment likelihood or pairwise F(ST). We illustrate some of the features of our ABC method, using real microsatellite datasets obtained for invasive populations of the western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera. Most computations were performed with the DIYABC program (http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/CBGP/diyabc/)

    Secondary contact and admixture between independently invading populations of the Western corn rootworm, diabrotica virgifera virgifera in Europe

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    The western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is one of the most destructive pests of corn in North America and is currently invading Europe. The two major invasive outbreaks of rootworm in Europe have occurred, in North-West Italy and in Central and South-Eastern Europe. These two outbreaks originated from independent introductions from North America. Secondary contact probably occurred in North Italy between these two outbreaks, in 2008. We used 13 microsatellite markers to conduct a population genetics study, to demonstrate that this geographic contact resulted in a zone of admixture in the Italian region of Veneto. We show that i) genetic variation is greater in the contact zone than in the parental outbreaks; ii) several signs of admixture were detected in some Venetian samples, in a Bayesian analysis of the population structure and in an approximate Bayesian computation analysis of historical scenarios and, finally, iii) allelic frequency clines were observed at microsatellite loci. The contact between the invasive outbreaks in North-West Italy and Central and South-Eastern Europe resulted in a zone of admixture, with particular characteristics. The evolutionary implications of the existence of a zone of admixture in Northern Italy and their possible impact on the invasion success of the western corn rootworm are discussed
