159 research outputs found

    The effect of public health intervention on the improvement of the physical activity of pregnant women and prevention of gestational diabetes mellitus

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    Dobrobiti fizičke aktivnosti tokom trudnoće uključuju manji dobitak u telesnoj masi, manju verovatnoću za razvoj gestacijskog dijabetesa melitusa (GDM), bolova u donjem delu leđa, preeklampsije, prevremenog porođaja, završetka porođaja carskim rezom i makrozomije. Fizička aktivnost se preporučuje svim trudnicama bez postojećih akušerskih i medicinskih kontraindikacija. Većina žena ne dostiže preporučene nivoe fizičke aktivnosti tokom trudnoće. Motivacioni intervju (MI) je razvijen na osnovu trans-teoretskog modela promene ponašanja. Intervencije na socijalnim mrežama takođe mogu biti korišćene za promociju zdravih stilova života. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispitataju socijalne determinante, stanje zdravlja i nivo fizičke aktivnosti žena u periodu neposredno pre trudnoće i na početku trudnoće; odrede faktori povezani sa fizičkom aktivnošću u oblasti socijalnih determinanti i stanja zdravlja; razvije intervencija koja ima za cilj odgovarajuće / uravnoteženo povećanje nivoa fizičke aktivnosti trudnica tokom drugog i trećeg trimestra; utvrde značaj i efekti primene motivacionog intervjua u promociji fizičke aktivnosti u trudnoći; uporedi, u odnosu na nivoe fizičke aktivnosti u trudnoći učestalost pojave gestacionog dijabetesa, kao i prosečni dobitak u telesnoj masi, učestalost preeklamsije, eklampsije, makrozomije, malog fetusa za gestacijsku dob (SGA - Small for Gestational Age ), prevremenog porođaja, završetka porođaja carskim rezom, Apgar skora novorođenčadi manjeg od 7 i učestalost prijema novorođenčeta u jedinicu neonatalne intenzivne zaštite (NICU - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit); Metod: Sprovedeno je randomizovano kliničko ispitivanje sa ciljem procene fizičke aktivnosti tokom drugog i trećeg trimestra između ispitivanih grupa (samo Facebook grupa, grupa Motivacioni intervju i Facebook) i kontrolne grupe, kao i učestalost pojave GDM-a kod trudnica koje su postigle dovoljne nivoe fizičke aktivnosti tokom trudnoće i onih sa nedovoljnom fizičkom aktivnošću. Studija je sprovedena u periodu od januara 2018. do juna 2019. godine na Klinici za Ginekologiju i akušerstvo, Kliničkog centra Srbije i na Institutu za Socijalnu Medicinu, Medicinskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Inicijalna studija preseka koja je imala za cilj da proceni faktore povezane sa fizičkom aktivnošću u prvom trimestru, uključila je sve ispitanice koje su ispravno popunile inicijalni upitnik tokom prvih šest meseci studije...Benefits of physical activity during pregnancy include lower maternal weight gain, lower likelihood for development of gestational diabetes (GDM), low back pain, preeclampsia, preterm birth, caesarian delivery and macrosomia. Physical activity is recommended to all pregnant women without obstetric or medical contraindications. Majority of women do not meet recommendations. Motivational interviewing (MI) is developed based on the trans-theoretical model of behavioral change. Social media interventions can be used for promotion of healthy life-styles. The aim of this study was to examine the social determinants, health status and physical activity levels of women before pregnancy and during the early pregnancy, to determine the social and health factors associated with physical activity, to develop the intervention for improvement of physical activity during the second and third trimester; to examine the influence of motivational interviewing in promotion of physical acitivity during pregnancy; to compare based on a physical activity levels the frequency of gestational diabetes, average maternal weight gain, preeclampsia, eclampsia, macrosomia, small for gestational age (SGA), preterm birth, caesarian delivery, Apgar score under seven and frequency of admission of neonates in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). Methods: The randomized clinical trial with aim of examining the differences in physical activity between women in intervention groups (Facebook only group and Facebook + MI group) and women from the control group, as well as frequency of GDM among women who met recommendations on physical activity during pregnancy and women who did not. The study was conducted between the January of 2018 and June 2019 at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade and the Institute of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade. The initial cross-sectional study, with aim to determine the factors associated with physical activity during the first trimester included all participants recruited during the first six months of the study..

    Zn(II) complexes of (1,3-thiazol-2-yl)hydrazones as potential pharmacological agents

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    Antimicrobial resistance due to the overuse of antibiotics and transmission of resistance within and between individuals is nowadays a serious public health threat. Therefore, there is an urgent need for development of new classes of antimicrobials that may not be as susceptible to bacterial resistance mechanisms as the current drugs [1]. Significant number of studies indicates promising antimicrobial activity of (1,3-thiazol-2-yl)hydrazones [2]. Zinc is an element of interest for biologically active complex preparation since it is essential trace element found in all animals, and to a much lesser extent toxic to humans than non-essential metals like e.g. platinum. We hereby present the structural studies of a series of their zinc complexes, prepared by simple reactions of ZnCl2 and Zn(NO3)2 with each of the ligands HL1–3: [ZnCl2(HL1)] (1), [Zn(HL1)2](NO3)2 ×H2O (2), [Zn(HL2)2][ZnCl4] (3), [Zn(HL2)2](NO3)2 × MeOH × H2O (4), [Zn(HL3)2][ZnCl4] (5) and [Zn(HL3)2](NO3)2 × 3H2O (6). All complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductivity measurements, UV-Vis, IR and NMR spectroscopic analyses. Single crystals suitable for the X-ray analysis of 1–5 were successfully prepared and diffraction studies were conducted. In all complexes, the tridentate NNN coordination is observed. In the molecular complex of 1 zinc is located in a centre of a slightly distorted trigonal bipyramid. In cationic complexes of 2, 3, 4 and 5, more or less severely distorted octahedral coordination cores are formed around the Zn atom and the overall charge is balanced by the presence of two nitrate anions (2 and 4) or two ZnCl42- anions (3 and 5) per complex molecule. Crystal structure of 1 is characterized by the distinct H-bonded centrosymmetric dimers of a graph-set notation R(2,2)10. In the nitrato-complexes 2 and 4, the two hydrazone nitrogen atoms act as donors in bifurcated H-bonds, connecting both ligand molecules of the cationic complex to two oxygen atoms from the corresponding nitrate anionic moieties. These neutral assemblies appear as distinct building blocks of the crystal structures. Finally, H-bonding patterns in the isostructural structures 3 and 5 are analogous. A single observed H-bond connects the hydrazine nitrogen as a donor to a chlorine from the ZnCl4- anion as an acceptor, hence an “endless” chain is formed parallel

    Direktna metoda za određivanje ukupne alfa/beta aktivnosti u vodama

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    Monitoring of environmental samples, drinking and surface waters, is continuously carried out, demanding development of methods that are both reliable and accurate on one side, but as simple and fast as possible, on the other. Screening tests such as gross alpha/beta activity measurements in water samples are one liquid scintillation counting (LSC) technique widely used as an efficient tool for radiological assesment and estimation whether water sample needs further analysis or not. In this paper, establishment of rapid gross alpha/beta screening technique in waters has been presented, which assumes modification of conventional ASTM D 7283-06 method, since samples were directly mixed with liquid scintillation cocktail, without any sample pretreatment. Method’s optimization involved sample-to-cocktail ratio determination based on the achieved detection limit and sample’s quench level. Optimal value of Pulse Shape Analysis (PSA) discriminator that considerably improves performance of LSC technique through alpha/beta spectra separation during radiological quality measurements of drinking waters has also been investigated. Results of calibration experiments and method’s validity measurements on spiked samples with 241Am and 90Sr/90Y aqueous standards are presented. Achieved detection limits for 300 minutes of counting are MDAα=0.294(11) Bq l-1 and MDAβ=0.405(5) Bq l-1, in alpha and beta window, respectively. Direct alpha/beta method provides deviations up to 40% from reference values, but it offers advantages over conventional alpha/beta measurements, it is ultra fast, simple and inexpensive test for efficient screening of water samples.Rutinski monitoring pijaćih i površinskih voda sprovodi se kontinuirano i nameće potrebu za razvojem metoda koje su, s jedne strane, pouzdane i tačne, ali istovremeno, jednostavne i brze. Screening testovi radi procene ukupne alfa/beta aktivnosti u uzorcima voda, jedna su od često primenjenih tehnika tečne scintilacione spektroskopije, kojima se efikasno može utvrditi da li uzorak zahteva dalju radiološku analizu ili ne. U radu je predstavljena optimizacija brze direktne metode za ispitivanje ukupne alfa/beta aktivnosti u vodama, uz prikaz i diskusiju postignutih granica detekcije. Ova metoda je modifikacija standardne test metode ASTM D 7283-06 za ispitivanje ukupne alfa i beta aktivnosti i podrazumeva direktno mešanje uzorka vode sa scintilacionim koktelom. Na taj način, uzorak je spreman za merenje bez prethodne pripreme koja, prema standardnim metodama, obično podrazumeva duge procedure poput uparavanja do suvog ostatka. Optimizacija metode sastoji se u određivanju optimalnog odnosa uzorak: scintilacioni koktel na osnovu granica detekcije (MDA) u alfa i beta kanalima, kao i nivoa prigušenja u uzorcima, uzimajući u obzir i maksimalni kapacitet određenog koktela. Podešena je vrednost PSA (Pulse Shape Analysis) diskriminatora u cilju optimalne separacije alfa i beta spektara i redukcije pozadinskih efekata. Kalibracija i validacija metode je izvršena standardnim referentnim materijalima, rastvorima 241Am i 90Sr/90Y. Utvrđeno je da za 300 minuta merenja tečnim scintilacionim brojačem, mogu se izmeriti koncentracije aktivnosti koje premašuju vrednosti MDAα=0,294(11) Bq l-1 i MDAβ=0,405(5) Bq l-1 u alfa i beta kanalima, respektivno. Rezultati validacije metode pokazuju da maksimalna relativna odstupanja mogu iznositi do 40%, što je prihvatljivo, uzimajući u obzir da metod nije predviđen za precizno merenje koncentracija aktivnosti pojedinih radionuklida, već za celokupnu procenu radiološke bezbednosti uzoraka voda.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    Изложба "Кабинет Симе Лозанића" - прошло доба уз ново доба

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    „Кабинет Симе Лозанића“ је изложба Слађане Савић и Јоване Тодоровић, осмишљена као део поставке Хемијског факултета Универзитета у Београду за 16. Фестивал науке, који је под слоганом „Ново доба“ одржан на Београдском сајму од 17. до 19. маја. Ауторке, сарадници и сараднице на изложби осмислили су поставку на којој је приказан радни кабинет Симе Лозанића (1847-1935), хемичара и првог ректора Универзитета у Београду.“Sima Lozanić’s office” was an exhibition by Slađana Savić and Jovana Todorović, designed as part of the exhibition of the Faculty of Chemistry, the University of Belgrade for the 16th Science Festival, which was held under the slogan “New Age” at the Belgrade Fair from May 17 to 19. The authors, collaborators and collaborators at the exhibition designed the display that shows the work cabinet of Sima Lozanić (1847-1935), chemist and the first rector of the University of Belgrade. The exhibition was accompanied by numerous board games, such as a maze, a treasure hunt and matching games

    Utjecaj radija na mjerenje radona u vodi – usporedba monofazne i dvofazne tekućinske scintilacijske spektrometrije

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    Assessment of radiation exposure to drinking, surface, and groundwater and of the associated health risks calls for accurate and precise 226Ra and 222Rn measurements. One method that fits the bill is liquid scintillation counting (LSC), which allows measurements in onephase (homogenous) or two-phase samples. The aim of our study was to compare the measurement efficiency with both variations in Niška Banja spa water, known for its elevated 222Rn content to get a better insight into the stability and behaviour of the samples and 226Ra interference in samples spiked with 226Ra with 222Rn measurement. 226Ra interference was more evident in homogenous, one-phase and much lower in two-phase samples. However, one-phase samples offer more accurate indirect 226Ra measurements. Water-immiscible cocktails (in two-phase samples) have shown a limited capacity for receiving 222Rn generated by Ra decay from the aqueous to organic phase when 222Rn/226Ra equilibrium is reached. We have also learned that samples with naturally high 222Rn content should not be spiked with 226Ra activities higher than the ones found in native samples and that calibration of two-phase samples can be rather challenging if measurements span over longer time. Further research would require much lower 226Ra activities for spiking to provide more practical answers to questions arising from the demonstrated phenomena.Točne i precizne metode za mjerenje aktivnosti 226Ra i 222Rn u pitkim vodama, kao i u površinskim i podzemnim vodama, nužne su kako bi se procijenilo izlaganje zračenju i radiološki rizik za zdravlje stanovništva. Tekućinska scintilacijska spektrometrija (tzv. liquid scintillation counting, krat. LSC) veoma je pogodna metoda za koju je potrebno pripremiti bilo monofazne (homogene) ili dvofazne uzorke. Cilj našega istraživanja bio je usporediti detekcijsku učinkovitost spomenutih metoda na stvarnim uzorcima iz Niške Banje s povišenom koncentracijom aktivnosti 222Rn, u koje je dodana otopina standarda 226Ra, što je dalo uvid u ponašanje tih uzoraka, njihovu stabilnost i utjecaj 226Ra na mjerenje koncentracije 222Rn. Prisutnost 226Ra može se preciznije detektirati u homogenim uzorcima, a dvofazna metoda pouzdanija je pri mjerenju sadržaja 222Rn s manjim 226Ra doprinosom u dobivenim rezultatima. Međutim, u monofaznim uzorcima dobiva se veća točnost pri neizravnom mjerenju koncentracija aktivnosti 226Ra. Nakon uspostavljanja radioaktivne ravnoteže između 222Rn i 226Ra u uzorku, primijećeno je da kokteli koji se ne miješaju s vodom (u dvofaznim uzorcima) imaju ograničeni kapacitet za transfer radijeva potomka 222Rn iz vode u organsku fazu. Također smo zaključili da se uzorci s prirodno povišenim sadržajem 222Rn ne trebaju obogaćivati višim koncentracijama 226Ra od onih pronađenih u stvarnim uzorcima te da je kalibriranje metode s dvofaznim uzorcima izazovno pri mjerenjima koja traju duže vrijeme. Daljnja istraživanja zahtijevaju obogaćivanje znatno nižim koncentracijama 226Ra radi dobivanja praktičnih odgovora na pitanja koja proizlaze iz demonstriranih fenomena

    Surface chemistry of "boron" doped carbon quantum dots

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    Carbon quantum dots (CQDs), are a novel class of carbon nanomaterials that exhibit outstanding physical, chemical, and optical characteristics in addition to strong light absorption. By substituting some of the carbon atoms in CQDs for heteroatoms like N, B, P, and S, it is possible to modify the surface chemistry and electronic properties of the structures, boosting their catalytic activity. Adding B dopant to CQDs changes its surface chemistry and morphology, opening up a wide range of potential uses. The presented study illustrates a quick and environmentally friendly method for producing B-CQDs through microwave-assisted method. According to TEM characterization, the generated B-CQDs had a spherical form, an average diameter of 12 nm, and were negatively charged particles with good water dispersibility and no discernible aggregation. The thorough surface chemistry characterization revealed the presence of B-O and B-C bonds, as well as oxygen-containing surface functional groups in the form of hydroxyl, carbonyl, and carboxyl groups. Additionally, using an RB organic dye as a model molecule, the sonocatalytic, photocatalytic, and synergistic effects of the two processes were investigated

    "Pedagogy of Listening" vs. "Pedagogy of Listening to Educators": Ethnographic Research on Child Autonomy in Kindergartens in Montenegro

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    U radu se razmatra fenomen autonomije djeteta iz motrišta osobnih epistemologija odgojitelja i odnosa moći u relacijama odrasli : dijete u praksama institucionalnog odgoja u Crnoj Gori. Konstruktu autonomije djeteta pristupa se sa stajališta kritičko-konstruktivističke teorije i teorije o samodeterminaciji kao sociokulturnom produktu oblikovanom etnopedagogijama i osobnim epistemologijama odgojitelja. Osnovni cilj etnografske studije provedene u trima predškolskim odgojnim ustanovama u Crnoj Gori bio je istražiti epistemološke teorije odgojitelja analizom praksi institucionalnog odgoja, s obzirom na to da se "način mišljenja o djetinjstvu udružuje s institucionalnim praksama" (Prout i James, 2005, str. 22). Zaključujemo o postojanju objektivističke epistemološke teorije odgojitelja i o dominaciji normativnih odnosa moći u interakcijama odgojitelj : dijete te raspravljamo o posebnom tipu zabilježene epistemološke "nadmoći". Konstatira se srodnost s rezultatima sličnoga tipa istraživanja u regiji te upućuje na moguću objašnjavajuću vezu kolektivističke kulture te kontrolirajućega motivacijskog stila i autoritarnosti u odgoju.The paper discusses the phenomenon of child autonomy from the perspective of educators\u27 personal epistemologies and power relations in the adult-child interaction in the practices of institutional education in Montenegro. The construct of child autonomy is approached from the standpoint of critical-constructivist theory and the self- -determination theory, as a socio-cultural product shaped by ethnopedagogies and personal epistemologies of educators. The main goal of the ethnographic study conducted in three preschool educational institutions in Montenegro was to explore the epistemological theories of educators through the analysis of institutional educational practices, given that "the ways of thinking about childhood fuse with institutionalized practices" (Prout & James, 2005, p. 22). We conclude about the existence of an objectivist epistemological theory of educators and the dominance of normative power relations in educator-child interactions, and discuss a special type of epistemological "over-power". The comparability with the results of similar research in the region is stated, and it points to a possible explanatory connection between collectivist culture and the controlling motivational style and authoritarianism in education

    Synthesis and crystal structure of the complex Ni(II) with 2-(2-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)hydrazinyl-4-(4-tolyl)-1,3-thiazole

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    Sintetisan je novi kompleks nikla(II) sa ligandom 2-(2(piridin-2-ilmetilen)hidrazinil)-4-(4-tolil)-1,3-tiazolom (HL) sa ciljem ispitivanja biološke aktivnosti i razumevanja načina koordinacije ovog tipa ligandnih sistema. Kompleks je sintetisan direktnom reakcijom HL sa Ni(CH3COO)2 × 4H2O, pri čemu je dobijen u obliku monokristala i struktura kompleksa rešena je primenom rendgenske strukturne analize. Kompleks [NiL2]·H2O ima distorgovanu oktaedarsku geometriju pri čemu su za Ni(II) koordinovana dva liganda u deprotonovanom obliku. Ligandi su koordinovani tridendatno preko piridinskog, iminskog i tiazolovog atoma azota, formirajući dva petočlana helatna prstena oko centralnog metalnog jona. Koordinovani ligandi nisu kristalografski ekvivalentni. U spoljašnjoj sferi kompleksa nalazi se jedan molekul kristalne vode. Kristalno pakovanje kompleksa zasnovano je na vodoničnim i π-π steking interakcijama. Merenjem molarne provodljivosti utvrđeno da je kompleks neelektrolit, a magnetna merenja su pokazala da je kompleks paramagnetičan.New Ni(II) complex with 2-(2-(pyridine-2-ylmethylene)hydrazinyl)-4-(4-tolyl)-1,3-thiazole (HL) ligand was syntesized with the aim of evaluation of biological activity and understanding the modes of coordination of this type of ligand systems. The complex was syntesized by the reaction of HL with Ni(CH3COO)2 × 4H2O. It was obtained as a single crystal and its structure was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. The complex [NiL2]·H2O has distorted octahedral geometry with two deprotonated HL ligands which are tridentately coordinated via pydidine, imine and thiazole nitrogen atoms, forming two five-membered chelate ring around the central metal ion. The coordinated ligands are not crystallographicaly equivalent. In outher sphere of the complex there is a water molecule. Crystal packings of the complex is based on hydrogen interactions and the π-π stacking interactions. Molar conductivity measurements showed that the complex is non-electrolyte, while magnetic measurements showed that the complex is paramagnetic

    The morphology of pani/graphene composites prepared under isothermal conditions

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    This article investigates the morphology of polyaniline/electrochemically exfoliated graphene composites prepared by oxidative polymerization with ammonium persulfate at a constant temperature (15 °C). During the polymerization, the pH of the reaction mixture decreases, which was used to monitor the rate of the reaction. A granular morphology with the presence of large sheet-like structures is found to be predominant for the composite prepared without added acid, while rod-shaped and tubular morphology is characteristic for the composite prepared with the addition of glacial acetic acid. The nanotubular and nanorod morphology of the sample prepared with the addition of glacial acetic acid was also confirmed by the presence of prominent phenazine structural units in Raman spectra. The composite prepared with the addition of HCl has granular morphology with a small amount of rod-like structures

    Determination of neutron energy spectra presence in gamma spectroscopic measurements using Ge-detectors

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    Određivanje prisustva neutrona tokom niskofonskih gama spektrometrijskih merenja je od posebne važnosti. Zbog toga je u ovom radu analiziran način određivanja energetskog spektra neutrona prisutnog u merenjima sa HPGe detektorima. Ovaj metod se zasniva na korišćenju metoda dekonvolucije. Za to je neophodno poznavati gama aktivnost indukovanu neutronskim reakcijama sa različitim izotopima germanijuma kao i efikasne preseke za date neutronske reakcije. Ovaj pristup je testiran merenjima sa fisionim izvorom neutrona 252Cf koji je bio postavljen u blizini HPGe detektora. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da ovaj metod moze pružiti pouzdane podatke o obliku energetskog spektra neutrona tokom gama spektrometrijskih merenja.Determination of neutron spectra in the Ge-detector during low-level gamma spectroscopy measurements is of great importance. Thus, in this paper we analyzed the method for the determination of neutron energy spectra present during measurements with HPGe detectors. This method is based on using the deconvolution procedure. It requires the knowledge of neutron induced gamma activities of Ge isotopes and the cross section data for the neutron reactions of interest. This approach was tested with measurements that used the fission neutron source 252Cf placed in proximity of the HPGe detector. Results show that this method can provide reliable data about the shape of neutron energy spectrum during gamma spectroscopy measurements.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин