414 research outputs found

    3D #DigitalInvasions: a crowdsourcing project for mobile user generated content

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    This paper introduces the #InvasioniDigitali project which is an online crowdsourcing initiative started in Italy in 2013 with the aim to promote the value of and engagement with local heritage. The paper focuses on two case studies of pilot ‘invasions’ using 3D data capture by students at museums and heritage sites in Sicily

    The effects of body exposure on self-body image and esthetic appreciation in anorexia nervosa.

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    Repeated exposures to thin-idealized body shapes may alter women's perceptions of what normal (e.g., accepted) and ideal (e.g., desired) bodies in a cultural environment look like. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether exposure to thin and round body shapes may change the subsequent esthetic appreciation of others' bodies and the perceptual and cognitive-affective dimensions of self-body image in patients suffering from anorexia nervosa (AN). Thirteen AN patients and 13 matched healthy controls were exposed to pictures of either thin or round unfamiliar body models and, before and after exposure, they were required to either express liking judgments about round and slim figures of unfamiliar bodies (esthetic task) or to adjust distorted pictures of their own body to their perceptual (How do you see yourself?), affective (How do you feel yourself?), metacognitive (How do others see you?) and ideal (How would you like to look like?) body image (self-body adjustment task). Brief exposures to round models increased liking judgments of round figures in both groups. However, only in AN patients, exposure to round models induced an increase in thin figures liking, which positively correlated with their preoccupation with dieting. Furthermore, exposure to round bodies in AN patients, but not in controls, increased the distortion for the perceptual body image and decreased the size of the ideal one. No differences between the two groups were obtained after adaptation to thin models. Our results suggest that AN patients' perception of their own and others' body is more easily malleable by exposure to round figures as compared to controls. Crucially, this mechanism may strongly contribute to the development and maintenance of self-body image disturbances

    Effects Of 1-mcp Onthe Post-harvest Quality Of The Orange Cv. Pera Stored Under Refrigeration

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    The aim of this work was to analyse the effects of 1-MCP upon the post-harvest quality of the orange cv. Pera stored for 45 days at a temperature of 7 °C. The fruit was divided into four treatments, and then submitted to the application of three concentrations of 1-methylciclopropene (0.1, 0.5 and 1.0μL.L-1) for a period of 12 hours. The fruitwas again then stored at a temperature of 7 °C. The rate of respiration was determined, together withcoloration of the epidermis, SS, TA, ratio, vitamin C, total carotenoids, phenolic compounds, total and reducing sugars, weight loss and juice yield. The data were submitted to analysis of variance (F-Test), and the averages were analysed by regression (P≤0.05). According to the results, it could be seen that higher doses of 1-MCP may have caused chemical stress to the orangesunder evaluation, being responsible for the increasein the rate of respiration. A change in coloration of the epidermis from green to yellow/orange was delayed by the application of 1-MCP; the application of 1-MCP did not cause any alteration to such chemical characteristics as SS, TA, ratio, carotenoids, phenolic compounds or sugars.47462463

    Surgical complications after pancreatic transplantation: A computed tomography imaging pictorial review

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    pancreatic transplantation should start with the evaluation of the arterial Y-graft, the venous anastomosis and the duodenojejunostomy. With regard to complications, CT allows for the identification of vascular complications, such as thrombosis or stenosis of blood vessels supplying the graft, the detection of pancreatic fluid collections, including pseudocysts, abscesses, or leaks, the assessment of bowel complications (anastomotic leaks, ileus or obstruction), and the identification of bleeding. The aim of this pictorial review is to illustrate CT findings of surgical-related complications after pancreatic transplantation. The knowledge of surgical techniques is of key importance to understand postoperative anatomic changes and imaging evaluation. Therefore, we first provide a short summary of the main techniques of pancreatic transplantation. Then, we provide a practical imaging approach to pancreatic transplantation and its complications providing tips and tricks for the prompt imaging diagnosis on CT.Pancreatic transplantation is considered by the American Diabetes Association and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes an acceptable surgical procedure in patients with type 1 diabetes also undergoing kidney transplantation in pre-final or end-stage renal disease if no contraindications are present. Pancreatic transplantation, however, is a complex surgical procedure and may lead to a range of postoperative complications that can significantly impact graft function and patient outcomes. Postoperative computed tomography (CT) is often adopted to evaluate perfusion of the transplanted pancreas, identify complications and as a guide for interventional radiology procedures. CT assessment afte

    The Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene YPR011c encodes a mitochondrial transporter of adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate and 3'-phospho-adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate

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    The genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains 35 members of the mitochondrial carrier family, nearly all of which have been functionally characterized. In this study, the identification of the mitochondrial carrier for adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (APS) is described. The corresponding gene (YPR011c) was overexpressed in bacteria. The purified protein was reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and its transport properties and kinetic parameters were characterized. It transported APS, 3'-phospho-adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate, sulfate and phosphate almost exclusively by a counter-exchange mechanism. Transport was saturable and inhibited by bongkrekic acid and other inhibitors. To investigate the physiological significance of this carrier in S. cerevisiae, mutants were subjected to thermal shock at 45°C in the presence of sulfate and in the absence of methionine. At 45°C cells lacking YPR011c, engineered cells (in which APS is produced only in mitochondria) and more so the latter cells, in which the exit of mitochondrial APS is prevented by the absence of YPR011cp, were less thermotolerant. Moreover, at the same temperature all these cells contained less methionine and total glutathione than wild-type cells. Our results show that S. cerevisiae mitochondria are equipped with a transporter for APS and that YPR011cp-mediated mitochondrial transport of APS occurs in S. cerevisiae under thermal stress condition

    Health-related quality of life assessment in eating disorders: adjustment and validation of a specific scale with the inclusion of an interpersonal domain

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    Purpose: Quality of life is a fundamental aspect of both clinical practice and research on eating disorders (ED) due to the significant impacts these disorders have on everyday life. Disorder-specific scales can improve the quality of research and findings and offer greater sensitivity and responsiveness. However, no specific instrument is available in Italian for ED. The aim of this paper is to adjust and to validate a reliable scale with specific items regarding physical and interpersonal well-being. Methods: The Italian version of the Eating Disorder Quality of Life (IEDQOL) scale was developed, on the basis of the original English scale, with the addition of items pertaining to physical well-being and interpersonal interactions. In this study, 180 ED patients and 190 healthy controls from the community were enrolled both from inpatient units and outpatient services. A statistical analysis with an exploratory factorial approach was performed in order to validate the tool. Results: The results showed that the IEDQOL has very good psychometric properties with test–retest validity and sensitivity between patients and controls (d = 2.17 for total score). Moreover, the interpersonal domain showed excellent psychometric values (Cronbach’s α > 0.70 in all the subgroups) and a robust correlation with other quality of life constructs. Conclusion: Future studies on the Italian population should use IEDQOL as outcome element that can be useful also with other disorder-specific psychopathological constructs and corroborate the reliability of the data. Future research in the ED field should only use this specific tool. Level of evidence: Case–control analytic study, Level III

    Groundwater flow process in the active volcanic system of Ischia Island (Italy)

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    The volcanic system of Ischia is characterized by an intense hydrothermal activity, documented since the early 16th century by the study of Iasolino (1588), which represents the first systematic analysis of the thermal springs of the island for therapeutic purposes. Later studies partially contributed to the enhancement of knowledge on the volcanic, hydrogeological and hydrothermal features of the island, highlighting the strong interaction between hydrothermal flowpaths and volcano- tectonic processes. The reconstruction of the interplay between hydrothermal and magmatic system becomes, therefore, a fundamental element for territorial planning, not only in terms of management of the huge water and geothermal resource, but also in a perspective of prevention and mitigation of volcanic risk. Thermal springs, fumaroles and mud deposits give beginning clues about deep hydrothermal conditions. Till now at Ischia, the local geochemical characterization of fluids and groundwater has been used for the definition of the origin and structure of the hydrothermal system as a whole, as the hydrogeological information is incomplete. However, volcanic hydrothermal systems, such as that characterizes the island of Ischia, are particularly difficult to analyze and outline, as the groundwater resources are the result of a complex and dynamic mixing among meteoric water, sea water and deep fluids. In such cases, the need for an interdisciplinary approach is evident, involving knowledge and research methods ranging from geology to volcanology, geophysics, geochemistry and hydrogeology. With particular reference to the functional and structural representation of the geothermal system of the Ischia island and the resulting correlations with the volcano-tectonic processes, the examination of previous information highlights the need to update and improve the knowledge on groundwater hydrodynamics and mineralization processes. Therefore, the present study aims at a strongly interdisciplinary action that, starting from the design and implementation of a database on the existing geological/volcanological and hydrogeological information, will contribute to highlight the critical issues, define an operating scheme of the hydro-geo-thermal system of the island of Ischia, and upgrade its hydrogeological, geochemical and volcanic monitoring system. The preliminary results improved the definition of the hydrogeological complexes and advanced knowledge of the groundwater flow conditions

    Groundwater flow characterization and reconstruction of the hydrothermal system of Ischia as a tool for volcanic risk mitigation

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    The volcanic system of Ischia is characterized by an intense hydrothermal activity, documented since the early 16th century by the study of Iasolino [1588], which represents the first systematic analysis of the thermal springs of the island for therapeutic purposes. Later studies partially contributed to the enhancement of knowledge on the volcanic, hydrogeological and hydrothermal features of the island, highlighting the strong interaction between hydrothermal flowpaths and volcanotectonic processes. The reconstruction of the hydrothermal system becomes, therefore, a fundamental element for territorial planning, not only in terms of management of the huge water and geothermal resource, but also and above all in a perspective of prevention and mitigation of volcanic risk. Thermal springs, fumaroles and clay deposits due to the hydrothermal alteration of volcanic products testifies for the existence of an active deep hydrothermal system. However at Ischia the geochemical characterization of fluids and groundwater, performed through sampling and analysis of a discrete number of scattered springs, wells and fumaroles, has been used for the definition of the origin and structure of hydrothermal systems as a whole, as the hydrogeological information is incomplete. Moreover, volcanic hydrothermal systems, such as that characterizes the island of Ischia, are particularly difficult to analyze and outline, as the groundwater resources are the result of an articulated and dynamic interaction among meteoric water, sea water and fluids of deep origin. In such cases, the need for an interdisciplinary approach is evident, involving knowledge and research methods ranging from geology to volcanology, geophysics, geochemistry, mineralogy and hydrogeology. With particular reference to the functional and structural representation of the geothermal system of the island of Ischia and the resulting correlations with the volcanotectonic processes, the examination of previous information highlights the need to update and improve the knowledge on groundwater hydrodynamics and mineralization processes. Therefore, the present work represents a strong interdisciplinary action that, starting from the design and implementation of a database on the existing geological/volcanological and hydrogeological information, contributes to highlight the critical issues, define an operating scheme of the hydrogeothermal system of the island of Ischia, and upgrade its hydrogeological, geochemical and volcanic monitoring system, in order to contribute to the mitigation of volcanic and related risks. The knowledge of groundwater dynamics and pathways, in fact, is of fundamental importance for understanding the water/magma interaction processes in case of realimentation of the shallow magmatic system, and the assessment of the possibility of phreatic explosions occurrence. Moreover, the knowledge of the thermal fluids’ circulation and the related rock alteration processes is of paramount importance in the definition of the mechanic characteristics of rock masses and their proneness to failure
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