125 research outputs found

    The Role of Local Leaders in Environmental Concerns in Master Plans: An Empirical Study of China’s Eighty Large Municipalities

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    Limited research has explored the reasons behind the level of environmental concerns in master plans in China, where serious environmental degradation has caught the world’s attention and the planning regime is significantly different from those based on representative democracy. Analyzing eighty master plans of China’s large municipalities, we find that the education and age of local leaders have a significant effect on environmental concerns in master plans, while their work experience and state mandate do not. We conclude that that well-educated local leaders and a more collaborative planning approach could deal more efficiently with environmental problems in China

    Формування кадрової політики підприємства

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    Науковий керівник — к.е.н., доц. Білявський В.М.Одним з головних досягнень нинішнього етапу науково-технічної революції стало перетворення людей в рушійну силу виробництва, тому сьогодні для організації її персонал є основним багатством. Раніше він розглядався лише, як один із чинників виробництва, який, по суті, нічим не відрізняється від машин та обладнання, то сьогодні він являє собою стратегічний ресурс, найважливіший чинник успіху у конкурентній боротьбі.Східноєвропейський університет економіки і менеджмент

    Renal neuroendocrine control of desiccation and cold tolerance by Drosophila suzukii

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    Background: Neuropeptides are central to the regulation of physiological, and behavioural processes in insects, directly impacting cold and desiccation survival. However, little is known about the control mechanisms governing these responses in D. suzukii. The close phylogenetic relationship of D. suzukii with D. melanogaster allows, through genomic and functional studies, an insight into the mechanisms directing stress tolerance in D. suzukii. Results: Capa, Leucokinin, DH44 and DH31 neuropeptides demonstrate a high level of conservation between D. suzukii and D. melanogaster with respect to peptide sequences, neuronal expression, receptor localisation, and diuretic function in the Malpighian tubules. Despite D. suzukii’s ability to populate cold environments, they proved sensitive to both cold and desiccation. Furthermore, in D. suzukii, Capa acts as a desiccation-and cold stress-responsive gene, while DH44 gene expression is increased only after desiccation exposure, and the LK gene after nonlethal cold stress recovery. Conclusion: This study provides a comparative investigation into stress tolerance mediation by neuroendocrine signalling in two Drosophila species, providing evidence that similar signalling pathways control fluid secretion in the Malpighian tubules. Identifying processes governing specific environmental stresses affecting D. suzukii could lead to the development of targeted integrated management strategies to control insect pest populations

    Drosophila suzukii population estimation

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    Spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii Matsumura (Diptera: Drosophilidae: Drosophilini) is a global pest attacking ripening small and stone fruits. Laboratory studies were conducted to determine temperature-dependent survival and fecundity of SWD. A temperature-dependent matrix model using these data was applied to determine if population pressure of D. suzukii could be predicted based upon environmental conditions. As an example, different pressure levels were found in two distinctly different seasons in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. The model was also applied to determine the effects of population factors such as regional climatic differences, microclimates, bacterial infection and parasitism. The population model is an additional tool for SWD risk-prediction. Pest management practitioners can make timely management decisions as the crop ripens using this model. The limitations and benefits of using this model are discusse

    Active case finding for rheumatic fever in an endemic country

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    Background: Despite the high burden of rheumatic heart disease in sub‐Saharan Africa, diagnosis with acute rheumatic fever (ARF) is exceedingly rare. Here, we report the results of the first prospective epidemiologic survey to diagnose and characterize ARF at the community level in Africa. Methods and Results: A cross‐sectional study was conducted in Lira, Uganda, to inform the design of a broader epidemiologic survey. Key messages were distributed in the community, and children aged 3 to 17 years were included if they had either (1) fever and joint pain, (2) suspicion of carditis, or (3) suspicion of chorea, with ARF diagnoses made by the 2015 Jones Criteria. Over 6 months, 201 children met criteria for participation, with a median age of 11 years (interquartile range, 6.5) and 103 (51%) female. At final diagnosis, 51 children (25%) had definite ARF, 11 (6%) had possible ARF, 2 (1%) had rheumatic heart disease without evidence of ARF, 78 (39%) had a known alternative diagnosis (10 influenza, 62 malaria, 2 sickle cell crises, 2 typhoid fever, 2 congenital heart disease), and 59 (30%) had an unknown alternative diagnosis. Conclusions: ARF persists within rheumatic heart disease–endemic communities in Africa, despite the low rates reported in the literature. Early data collection has enabled refinement of our study design to best capture the incidence of ARF and to answer important questions on community sensitization, healthcare worker and teacher education, and simplified diagnostics for low‐resource areas. This study also generated data to support further exploration of the relationship between malaria and ARF diagnosis in rheumatic heart disease/malaria‐endemic countries