3,094 research outputs found

    Green‐Emitting Oxonitridoberyllosilicate Ba[BeSiON2]:Eu2+ for Wide Gamut Displays

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    Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) producing pure, highly saturated colors are the industry standard for efficient backlighting of high-color gamut displays. Vivid color reproduction, matching the eye's perception of nature, is the central paradigm in the design of narrow-band emitting phosphors. To cover a wide range of naturally occurring color tones, expansion of the color gamut in the green spectral region, and therefore an advanced applicable green phosphor, is highly desired. Herein, the oxonitridoberyllosilicate Ba[BeSiON2]:Eu2+ showing outstanding narrow-band green emission (λmax ≈526 nm with FWHM ≈1600 cm−1 (≈45 nm), x = 0.212, y = 0.715) when excited with InGaN-based blue LEDs is presented. High quantum efficiency and low thermal quenching (>90% rel. quantum efficiency at 100 °C) as well as excellent scalability make the material suitable for industrial application in high color-gamut LED displays. A prototype phosphor-converted-LED (pc-LED), with green-emitting Ba[BeSiON2]:Eu2+ and K2SiF6:Mn4+ as red phosphor shows an extraordinary coverage in the CIE 1931 color space of 109% compared to the DCI-P3 standard, topping the widely applied ÎČ-SiAlON:Eu2+ phosphor (104%), making it suitable for use in phone displays, monitors, and television screens

    GABA levels in left and right sensorimotor cortex correlate across individuals

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    Differences in -aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels measured with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy have been shown to correlate with behavioral performance over a number of tasks and cortical regions. These correlations appear to be regionally and functionally specific. In this study, we test the hypothesis that GABA levels will be correlated within individuals for functionally related regions—the left and right sensorimotor cortex. In addition, we investigate whether this is driven by bulk tissue composition. GABA measurements using edited MRS data were acquired from the left and right sensorimotor cortex in 24 participants. T1-weighted MR images were also acquired and segmented to determine the tissue composition of the voxel. GABA level is shown to correlate significantly between the left and right regions (r = 0.64, p < 0.03). Tissue composition is highly correlated between sides, but does not explain significant variance in the bilateral correlation. In conclusion, individual differences in GABA level, which have previously been described as functionally and regionally specific, are correlated between homologous sensorimotor regions. This correlation is not driven by bulk differences in voxel tissue composition

    Molecular Sequence of Events and Signaling Pathways in Cerebral Metastases

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    Brain metastases are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among cancer patients, and are reported to occur in about 40% of cancer patients with metastatic disease in the United States of America. Primary tumor cells appear to detach from the parent tumor site, migrate, survive and pass through the blood brain barrier in order to establish cerebral metastases. This complex process involves distinct molecular and genetic mechanisms that mediate metastasis from these primary organs to the brain. Furthermore, an interaction between the invading cells and cerebral milieu is shown to promote this process as well. Here, we review the mechanisms by which primary cancer cells metastasize to the brain via a mechanism called epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, as well as the involvement of certain microRNA and genetic aberrations implicated in cerebral metastases from the lung, breast, skin, kidney and colon. While the mechanisms governing the development of brain metastases remain a major hindrance in treatment, understanding and identification of the aforementioned molecular pathways may allow for improved management and discovery of novel therapeutic targets

    GegenĂŒberstellung der SimulationsfunktionalitĂ€ten von Werkzeugen zur GeschĂ€ftsprozessmodellierung

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    GeschĂ€ftsprozesse beschreiben, ĂŒber die Darstellung von AktivitĂ€ten respektive VorgĂ€ngen, die AblĂ€ufe der Leistungserstellung in einer Unternehmung. Ziel bei der Planung ist es, die Prozesse so effizient und effektiv wie möglich zu gestalten, um mit möglichst wenig eingesetzten Ressourcen ein vordefiniertes Ziel zu erreichen. Effizienz und EffektivitĂ€t der Prozesse sind dabei entscheidende Faktoren fĂŒr die Wettbewerbsposition einer Unternehmung, da die realen Kosten der Leistungserstellung aus den AblĂ€ufen, die wiederum Ressourcen beanspruchen, resultieren. Um GeschĂ€ftsprozesse zu optimieren, können mathematisch - analytische Verfahren angewandt werden. Diese mathematischen Verfahren erlauben es, GeschĂ€ftsprozesse und -ketten als geschlossene AusdrĂŒcke zu formulieren und optimal zu lösen. Die analytischen Verfahren scheitern allerdings, sobald die GeschĂ€ftsprozesse eine gewisse KomplexitĂ€t aufweisen. Gemeint sind hochflexible GeschĂ€ftsprozesse, die sich dadurch auszeichnen, dass sie entweder nicht vollstĂ€ndig planbar sind, da prozessrelevante BezugsgrĂ¶ĂŸen unbekannt oder variabel sind, oder diese nicht losgelöst vom Anwendungskontext betrachtet werden können. ZusĂ€tzlich komplexitĂ€tssteigernd wirkt sich eine zeitliche Überlappung zwischen Planung und AusfĂŒhrung des Prozesses aus. Um diese komplexen GeschĂ€ftsprozesse nachvollziehen und untersuchen zu können und somit einen Ansatz fĂŒr die Optimierung zu schaffen, bietet sich hier eine Simulation dieser Prozesse an. Ein Simulationsmodell besteht aus einer möglichst realitĂ€tsnahen Nachbildung eines Ablaufs in einem Modell und dient der EntscheidungsunterstĂŒtzung

    Observation of enhanced chiral asymmetries in the inner-shell photoionization of uniaxially oriented methyloxirane enantiomers

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    Most large molecules are chiral in their structure: they exist as two enantiomers, which are mirror images of each other. Whereas the rovibronic sublevels of two enantiomers are almost identical, it turns out that the photoelectric effect is sensitive to the absolute configuration of the ionized enantiomer - an effect termed Photoelectron Circular Dichroism (PECD). Our comprehensive study demonstrates that the origin of PECD can be found in the molecular frame electron emission pattern connecting PECD to other fundamental photophysical effects as the circular dichroism in angular distributions (CDAD). Accordingly, orienting a chiral molecule in space enhances the PECD by a factor of about 10

    Cluster Density Profiles as a Test of Modified Gravity

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    We present a new test of gravitational interactions at the r\sim(0.2-20)Mpc scale, around the virial radius of dark matter halos measured through cluster-galaxy lensing of maxBCG clusters from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We employ predictions from self-consistent simulations of f(R) gravity to find an upper bound on the background field amplitude of f_R0<3.5x10^-3 at the 1D-marginalized 95% confidence level. As a model-independent assessment of the constraining power of cluster profiles measured through weak gravitational lensing, we also constrain the amplitude F_0 of a phenomenological modification based on the profile enhancement induced by f(R) gravity when not including effects from the increased cluster abundance in f(R). In both scenarios, dark-matter-only simulations of the concordance model corresponding to f_R0=0 and F_0=0 are consistent with the lensing measurements, i.e., at the 68% and 95% confidence level, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables; new figure added to new version, removed F_0>0 prio

    International time transfer between precise timing facilities secured with a quantum key distribution network

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    Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs), such as GPS and Galileo, provide precise time and space coordinates globally and constitute part of the critical infrastructure of modern society. To reliably operate GNSS, a highly accurate and stable system time is required, such as the one provided by several independent clocks hosted in Precise Timing Facilities (PTFs) around the world. Periodically, the relative clock offset between PTFs is measured to have a fallback system to synchronize the GNSS satellite clocks. The security and integrity of the communication between PTFs is of paramount importance: if compromised, it could lead to disruptions to the GNSS service. Therefore, it is a compelling use-case for protection via Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), since this technology provides information-theoretic security. We have performed a field trial demonstration of such use-case by sharing encrypted time synchronization information between two PTFs, one located in Oberpfaffenhofen (Germany) and one in Matera (Italy) - more than 900km apart as the crow flies. To bridge this large distance, a satellite-QKD system is required, plus a "last-mile" terrestrial link to connect the optical ground station (OGS) to the actual location of the PTF. In our demonstration we have deployed two full QKD systems to protect the last-mile connection at both the locations and have shown via simulation that upcoming QKD satellites will be able to distribute keys between Oberpfaffenhofen and Matera exploiting already existing OGSs
