197 research outputs found


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    Віктимність жінок: проблемні аспекти

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    The theoretical analysis of the scientific problem of the victimization of the woman's personality is carried out, the features of the formation of a woman's sense of fear are highlighted. The ways of its solution are suggested.It was stated that the current socio-economic situation makes it possible to increase unemployment, the growth of such negative phenomena as drunkenness and alcoholism, which, in turn, lead to an aggravation of interpersonal relations. For this reason, in our opinion, women are often the subject of violence.It has been established that the causes and conditions that have influence to commit crimes with regard to women can be represented as a certain group consisting of three groups of interconnected and complementary components: І) objectively existing external circumstances in their unity; ІІ) the complex of personal characteristics of a particular individual who committed a crime; ІІІ) victimological features of female-victims of the crime (anatomical and physiological peculiarities of the organism, the specificity of mental processes, age characteristics and state of health, the implementation of maternal and social functions, inappropriate conditions of socialization and social adaptation, as a consequence, anti-social orientation of behavior).It is emphasized that the actions of the criminal often depend not only on his individual characteristics and aspirations, but also on the behavior of the victim, who can create criminal conditions by his careless, immoral and illegal actions, and facilitate the onset of criminal result.Separately, attention is drawn to the fact that the modern law enforcement system, due to objective and subjective reasons, is not able to fully confront the criminality that has overwhelmed the society, and this affects the mass consciousness, forming the victimality of a particular individual, including women.Проведен теоретический анализ научной проблемы виктимизации личности женщины, освещены особенности формирования чувства страха у женщины. Предложены пути ее решения.Розглянуто проблему віктимізації особистості жінки, роскрито особливості формування відчуття страху у жінки та запропоновано шляхи її вирішення

    Current State of Research on the Viscosity of Molten Fluorides

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    Received: 16 February 2024. Accepted: 18 March 2024. Published online: 22 March 2024.The development of new high-precision equipment for the experimental study of the physical-chemical properties of molten salts has led to the emergence of new data. This review examines recent experimental results on the viscosity of molten salt mixtures based on alkali fluorides, which are currently used in modern technologies for the production of metals and alloys and are also promising media for application in molten salt nuclear reactors. Various approaches to the analysis of experimental data are discussed. A different mechanism of viscous flow in the series LiF – NaF – KF and KF – RbF – CsF is well explained from the position of the theory of the autocomplex structure of molten salts. An anomalous decrease in the viscosity of fluorides from lithium to cesium, in comparison with other alkali metal halides, the viscosity of which increases with increasing the cation radius, is confirmed by calculations of the formation energy of the autocomplex and the binding energy between the complex-forming ion and the free ion of the second coordination sphere. To study the mechanism of liquid flow, the temperature dependence of dynamic viscosity is analyzed using the fluidity parameter. Additional information regarding the mechanism of viscous flow can be obtained from the relationship between the viscosity and electrical conductivity of melts. It was assumed that the most promising approach to studying the kinematic properties and the structure of molten salts is the use of both high-precision experiment and mathematical modeling based on first principles.This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the RF under the program of scientific research "Fundamental studies of thermodynamics and kinetics of processes in molten salts", registration number: 122020100205-5.The author expresses deep gratitude to Alexey Rudenko and Alexander Kataev for providing unpublished experimental data on the viscosity of KCl

    The model of quality assessment of a scientific and educational network performance

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    The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the fact that now the creation need of transparent and objective models and mechanisms of educational quality assessment of the organizations with participation of professional communities, public organizations, and other interested parties is realized. The purpose of the publication consists in the model development of quality assessment of s scientific and educational network performance in the form of external audit. The system approach connected with representation, studying and designing of object as systems, sets of its interconnected structural and functional components, including in relation to research of the pedagogical phenomena and systems acts as the leading approach to research of this problem. The model of quality assessment of the scientific and educational network performance in the form of external audit is presented. Materials of the article can be useful while carrying out an independent assessment of current state and dynamics definition of the development of participants’ activity of network interaction (conditions, processes, results). © 2016 Tkacheva, Simonova & Matveev

    The modern methods of reproduction physiology of horses

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    The concept of development of horse breeding in Ukraine until 2020 provides for an increase in the number of horses through the intensive use of modern methods of reproduction biotechnology. However, the imperfection of these methods hinders their widespread use in practice. The aim of the work was to draw attention to the most important problems of the physiology of horse reproduction in Ukraine and to show ways to solve them that have already been proposed by domestic and foreign researchers. The development strategy of the physiology of horse reproduction in order to increase its effectiveness should take into account the least studied aspects that were discussed above. The article shows that taking into account the influence of micromycetes, the absolute number of colony forming units of E. coli in semen of stallions; immuno-and cytogenetic features; new methods of sanitary preparation of horses for sperm and insemination; the effect of permissible levels of feed mycotoxins on physiological functions improves the efficiency of equine reproduction physiology methods. However, we first discovered new physiological features of the effect of erythrocyte antigens of blood groups of horses of Ukrainian selection on the indicators of their native sperm. In the presence of ad/bcm and dg/cgm alleles of the blood group D system in stallions, sperm motility is on average less than 5 points; alleles ad/cgm, ad/d, ad/de, ad/dk, bcm/d, bcm/de, bcm/dg, bcm/dk, cegm/cgm, cegm/d, cegm/dg, cegm/dk, cgm/ceg, cgm/cgm, cgm/dg, cgm/dk, de/cgm, de/dk, dg/di, dk/d, dk/de, dk/dk is accompanied by sperm motility from 5 to 7 points; alleles bcm/cgm, dg/dk, de/d, cgm/d, cgm/de sperm motility is observed more than 7 points. The results obtained allowed us to develop for practice ways to increase the efficiency of sperm cryopreservation by immunogenetic parameters. In addition, open physiological correlations can increase the fertility of mares during mating

    Effect of Al2O3 and CaF2 additives on the viscosity of conventional cryolite melts

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    The viscosity of cryolite melts of conventional composition NaF–AlF3–CaF2–Al2O3 was studied by rotational viscometry using the FRS 1600 high-temperature rheometer. The cryolite ratio of the NaF–AlF3 melt was 2.1, 2.3, and 2.5; the Al2O3 content varied from 2 to 6.6, and CaF2 – from 0 to 8 wt%. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range from liquidus to 1200 °C. The conditions for the laminar flow of the investigated melts were determined, based on the measurements of the cryolite melts viscosity as a function of the shear rate at a constant temperature. A shear rate of 12 ± 1 s–1 was chosen for studying the viscosity temperature dependence for all samples. The viscosity temperature dependence of cryolite melts is described by a linear equation. The temperature coefficient b in this equation has negative values and varies in the range of (–0.01)–(–0.06) mPa·s/deg. It was found that the viscosity of cryolite melts of conventional composition in the range of operating temperatures of aluminum electrolysis (950–970 °C) varies from 2.5 to 3.7 mPa·s (depending on the composition and temperature). The viscosity of cryolite-alumina melts increases with the rise of alumina content: 1 wt% Al2O3 increases the viscosity, on average, by 1%. However, the influence of CaF2 is more significant: the addition of 1 wt% CaF2 leads to an increase in viscosity by 3%. A decrease in the CR of the melt by 0.1 (in the range of 2.1–2.5) leads to a decrease in the viscosity of cryolite melts by 2.3%. A viscosity regression equation for the cryolite melts of conventional composition as a function of several independent parameters (temperature, CR, CaF2 and Al2O3 content) is obtained by the multivariable approximation of experimental data. The equation satisfactorily (within 1.5%) describes the viscosity of conventional industrial electrolytes and can be used for estimation of their viscosity

    Guarantee of quality of electronic testirvaniya in the system of the additional vocational education

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    Today becomes urgent the creation of the information texnologies, based on the systems approach to the estimation of test tasks. For this it is expedient to develop test programs for the checking of the standard of knowledge of listeners. Undoubtedly, the automated evaluation of knowledge occupies here fundamental importance. We developed innovation approach to the form of the idea of the results of electronic testing. The special importance takes the form of the idea of the result of testing, which gives advantage during the guarantee of quality of educational services. It is shown that the test technologies increase the quality of instruction in the system of additional vocational educationСегодня становится актуальным создание информационных технологий, основанных на системном подходе к оценке тестовых заданий. Для этого целесообразно разработать тест-программы для контроля уровня знаний слушателей. Несомненно, автоматизированная оценка знаний занимает здесь первостепенное значение. Мы разработали инновационный подход к форме представления результатов электронного тестирования. Особое значение имеет вид представления результата тестирования, которое дает преимущество при обеспечении качества образовательных услуг. Показано, что тестовые технологии повышают качество обучения в системе дополнительного профессионального образовани

    Value of Safety of Anticoagulant Therapy in Elderly Patient with Atrial Fibrillation and High Risk of Bleeding

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    The review article discusses  the safety issue of anticoagulant therapy in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation and high risk of bleeding.  An evidence base is presented demonstrating the high safety of rivaroxaban in patients over 80  years of age,  with a high risk of bleeding  and cardiovascular complications,  the presence of comorbid  pathology, geriatric syndromes  and chronic kidney disease (including in combination with anemia). The problem of low adherence to treatment in elderly patients and the possibility of solving it were separately considered

    Borated graphite cathodes for low-temperature aluminum electrolysis

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    Electrochemical boriding of the graphite plates in the potassium cryolite based electrolytes was studied. The boriding were carried out in a cell with vertical electrodes. The procedure included 2 stages: 1) electrolysis in the KF–AlF3–KBF4 melt (CR=1.3) at low current density (0.01–0.02 A/cm2), required for the boron reduction, at 700 and 750 °C; 2) electrolysis in the KF–AlF3–Al2O3 melt at higher current density (0.2 A/cm2), required for the aluminum reduction. The optimal conditions of electrodeposition for obtaining the borated wettable cathodes were determined. According to the SEM data, a continuous AlB2 layer with a thickness of 7–10 μm was formed on the graphite surface. The borated graphite was tested as a wetted cathode during the low-temperature aluminum electrolysis. Prolonged electrolysis in a vertical cell with the graphite anode and the borated graphite cathode was carried out in the KF–NaF(10 wt.%)–AlF3–Al2O3 electrolyte (CR=1.5) at 830 °C. After 100 h of electrolysis, the thickness of the AlB2 layer on the graphite surface was 5 μm, while the cathode surface was completely wetted with aluminum. Thus, we demonstrated the feasibility of using the borated graphite cathode as a wettable dripping cathode in the low-temperature aluminum electrolysis in the vertical cell

    Use of a glycosamine sulfate for patients with osteoarthritis and a comorbidity with high risk of the side effects from NSAIDS

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    The literature review is devoted to the peculiarities of treating co-morbid patients with acute conditions of chronic pain. The proved effect of NSAIDS must always correlate with the side effect risk. Patented microcrystalline glucosamine sulfate (pCGS) is likely to have an effect similar to NSAIDS because it can cause decrease of COX-2 and PGE2 gene expression. Randomized trials show, that patented microcrystalline glucosamine sulfate can impede complex structure changes and have a positive effect on the symptoms at the early stage of knee OA. Pharmacokinetic evidence demonstrates that repeated oral intake of microcrystalline glucosamine sulfate can cause the increase of GS in synovial fluid. It is necessary to monitor OA biomarkers during microcrystalline GS treatment, recommend appropriate physical exercise and study the neuropathic component of chronic pain