25 research outputs found


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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) promotes the development of gingivitis in children. The high prevalence and early manifestation of gingivitis is due to a combination of many factors. The pathogenic mechanisms of cystic fibrosis lead to disruption of normal physiological processes in the oral cavity, in particular, to a decrease in the level of salivation, to an increase in the viscosity of saliva, to a suppression of local immunity. Therefore, poor oral hygiene contributes to oral diseases. The aim of the study was to determine the level of oral hygiene in children with CF as one of the reasons for the development of gingivitis, and to select dental hygiene products that active towards factors that affect plaque. Material and methods. A total of 24 children with CF in the Ukrainian population participated in the study. The hygienic index OHI-S (J. C. Green, J. R. Wermillion, 1964) was calculated. The data were analyzed using Student’s criterions. The analysis was performed with a confidence level of 95 %. Results. The level of hygiene of the oral cavity was unsatisfactory among patients (OHI-S=2.19±0.11). Hygiene methods and dental hygiene products, to taking into account the manifestation of the pathogenesis of somatic disease, were selected. A follow-up study after 3 months revealed a significant positive trend in indicators of oral hygiene. Conclusions. This study has shown the low level of oral hygiene in children with CF. Hygienic education and motivation of these patients could help them achieve a higher level of oral health knowledge and are important starting points for the treatment and prevention of gingivitis. There was a significant improvement of the oral hygiene level after training children and after the proper selection of hygiene products. The dentists should use means and methods that have not contraindicate in patients of this category. It is recommended to monitore the hygiene indices to establish the effectiveness of the measures and necessity for individually therapy correction

    Media Systems as a Communicative Model of Current Educational Practices

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    Media communication systems are actively used in the current educational practice in the prevailing conditions of distance education and various blended learning forms. Since the pandemic began, media systems have been significantly improved and integrated into the educational process as digital tools that fully define the communication models of educational stakeholders. This article aims at a practical evaluation of the media systems’ use as communicative models of educational practices. The research methodology included a qualitative content analysis of educational media (platforms, social media, educational services) to classify communication models by the type of media systems used in education. The results show the dynamic of media systems development as the basis of communicative models of current educational practices. The study offers a classification of communicative models by the media type used in education: based on platforms, online services such as Student Response Systems (SRS); based on platforms – virtual educational services; based on social media; based on video conferences. Each communicative model has different communication goals and tools

    Аналіз ефективності використання детекторів Харріса та Канаде-Лукас-Томасі для задач візуальної навігації

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    The article examines methods of images analysis based on computer vision. We made a comparison between the detectors of feature points determined by Harris and Kanade–Lucas–Tomasi (KLT) methods. Found points are represented by Speed-Up Robust Feature (SURF) descriptor and then used to determine homography matrix. Analyses of accuracy of visual navigation is done by estimation of a camera rotation angle via factorization of homography matrix obtained from two detector methods. Errors of visual navigation follow the normal distribution for the given sample.Исследованы методы анализа изображений на основе компьютерного зрения. Проведена оценка эффективности детекторов характерных точек, определенных методами Харриса и Канаде-Лукас-Томасе (КЛТ). Обнаруженные точки представлены дескриптором ускоренного выделения робастные характерных признаков, которые используются в дальнейшем для определения матрицы гомографии. Анализ точности визуальной навигации проведен путем оценки угла поворота камеры с помощью факторизации матрицы гомографии, полученной из двух детекторов. Погрешности визуальной навигации соответствуют нормальному распределению для данной выборки.Досліджено методи аналізу зображень на основі комп'ютерного зору. Проведено оцінювання ефективності детекторів характерних точок, визначених методами Харріса і Канаде-Лукас-Томасі (КЛТ). Виявлені точки представлені дескриптором прискореного виділення робастних характерних ознак, які використовуються у подальшому для визначення матриці гомографії. Аналіз точності візуальної навігації проведений шляхом оцінювання кута повороту камери за допомогою факторизації матриці гомографії, отриманої з двох детекторів. Похибки візуальної навігації відповідають нормальному розподілу для цієї виборки

    Вікові та статеві особливості неспецифічного організму опір українського верхового коня

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    It is established that the indices of non-specific resistance of Ukrainian Riding Horse depend on age and sex. The lowest indices of serum bactericidal activity, serum lysozyme activity, the content of γ-globulins were found in 6-monthold foals, for which, however, the phagocytosis completeness indices were concurrent with those of adult individuals of the corresponding sex. Hence, the foals are least protected in terms of humoral-type non-specific resistance. Indicators of bactericidal and lysozyme activity of serum, phagocytosis completeness index were higher for stallions. Indicators of geldings were higher than those for mares, but lower than those for entires. The higher total protein content is also characteristic for stallions; at the age of 6, 9, 12 - the content of albumins; for mares at the age of 1.5, 2, 3, 12 - the content of γglobulins was higher, the indicators of geldings in terms of albumin/globulin ratio were closer to those of mares of the corresponding age. Consequently, for Ukrainian Riding Horse, the indicators of organism non-specific resistance are higher for stallions and vary with age. These differences should be taken into account when working with this breed.Встановлено, що показники неспецифічного опору українського верхового коня залежність від віку та статі. Найнижчі показники бактерицидної активності сироватки крові, сироватки крові лізоцимну активність, вміст γ-глобулінів було виявлено у жеребців 6-місячного віку, за які, однак, показники повноти фагоцитозу були одночасно з тими дорослих особин відповідної статі. Отже, жеребці найменш захищені умови неспецифічного опору гуморального типу. Показники бактерицидної та лізоцимної активності сироватки, повноти фагоцитозу індекс був вищим для жеребців. Показники поворотів були вищими, ніж для кобили, але нижчі, ніж у хоробрих. Більш високий вміст білка також характерний для жеребців; у віці 6, 9 років, 12 - вміст альбумінів; для кобил у віці 1,5, 2, 3, 12 років - вміст γглобулінів був вищим, показники залози за співвідношенням альбумін / глобулін були ближче до кобил відповідного віку. Отже, для українського верхового коня показники організму неспецифічні стійкість вища для жеребців і змінюється з віком. Ці відмінності повинні бути враховується при роботі з цією породою

    Virtual Reality as an Artistic Space in the Context of Musical Art

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    The article highlights the modern view of musical art in the context of the development of information and communication technologies, which form the perception of art in the context of virtual interpretation. The relevance of the study is based on the prerequisites of the modern development of information and innovation society. There is a need for the perception of information in the context of virtual space in the context of the twentieth century. This trend changes approaches to human activities in different spheres of life, including artistic.This article shows the basic principles of virtual reality formation in the context of creating a space for the manifestation of musical art. The basic principles of perception of new artistic media in virtualization and digitalization are defined, and aspects of musical art reproduction are analyzed. This study shows the transformation of real life into virtual simple, which contributes to the spatio-temporal thinking of man and interprets the cultural achievements of human activity throughout the historical development.The article presents theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of musical art. The reflexion of the temporal phenomenon of cultural stratification and in-depth analysis of modern digital transformation in the context of virtual space formation is defined. Music discourse is analyzed in the context of cultural dynamics in the direction of the virtual world creation.The methods of analysis and synthesis, the research method and the method of discourse analysis were applied to study the virtualization of the musical environment. This study provided a basis for reflecting the effectiveness of the virtual environment for music art.</p

    Comparison of genetic diversity of leptin gene between wild goat and domestic goat breeds in Iran

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    Leptin is a polypeptide which is mostly secreted by the white adipose tissue and a little by gastrointestinal tract and placenta, plays an important role for controlling body weight, feed intake, immunity, milk production, and reproduction. The aim of this study was to investigate the exon 2 of the leptin gene polymorphism in Iranian wild and domestic goats using PCRRFLP. Blood samples were collected from 14 wild and domestic goat breeds including (Cashmere Abadeh, Torki-Ghahghaei, Naeini, Robati, Nadoushani, Adani, Shahrbabaki, Birjandi, China goat, Sannen, Pakistani, Raeini cashmere, Najdi, and Wild goat) and then genomic DNA was extracted. A 152 bp fragment from exon 2 of the leptin gene was amplified. PCR products were digested with Hinf I restriction enzymes and was separated and visualized on the agarose gels. From possible three genotypes (TT, TC, and CC), only two genotypes TT and CC were observed in 14 studied domestic and wild populations with the genotype frequency of 95% and 5% respectively. The number of observed alleles, number of effective alleles, Nei’s Index and Shanon’s Index were 2, 1.10, 0.10 and 0.20 respectively. The studied populations were not found to be in HardyWeinberg equilibrium. Our investigation demonstrated that TT genotype and T allele had a very high frequency (0.95) in studied goats. Hence, it can be concluded that this finding can provide the basis for selection when considering evolution and differentiation among breeds, however, further studies should be carried out on a larger population of different domestic and wild breeds to verify the final conclusions

    Особливості формування національного інформаційного простору України: від радянської системи ЗМІ до демократичної моделі

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    Об’єкт дослідження – національний інформаційний простір України від функціонування медійного контенту у радянські часи до демократичної преси сьогодення. Предмет дослідження – вивчення особливостей типології мас-медіа України, їх жанрової парадигми, проблемно-тематичної спрямованості, мовно-стилістично- візуального оформлення. Мета науково-дослідної роботи – розглянути головні типологічної структури засобів масової інформації України в історичному і сучасному аспектах, виявити їх жанрово-тематичний контент, мовно-стилістичні ознаки впливу на аудиторію

    Methodological aspects of the development of the future choirmasters’ emotional competence

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    The article reveals the essence and features related to the development of the future choirmasters’ emotional competence in the process of profession-oriented training. The purpose of the article is to determine the methodological approaches and pedagogical principles of forming the emotional competence of future choirmasters in the process of profession-oriented training. The competence-based paradigm of art-centred education is defined as the one that is aimed at gaining the experience necessary for making constructive decisions in a nonlinear, variable and unpredictable process of performing and art-pedagogical practice. Emotional competence is interpreted as an integral quality, a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and practical experience of the conscious handling of emotional information and volitional regulation of emotional behaviour in the process of working with the choir aimed at optimizing the emotional aspect of artistic communication through reflexivity, empathy and appropriate conducting expression. The component structure of the future choirmasters’ emotional competence has been determined; it includes person-oriented cognitive, analytical-interpretive, sensory-expressive and reflexive-regulatory components. The theoretical and methodological basis for the development of the future choirmasters’ emotional competence is considered. The acmeological approach is aimed at the maximum disclosure of the student’s internal potentials, which is possible through designing individual performing and pedagogical trajectory. The hermeneutic approach helps to master new knowledge related to one's own inner world, emotional manifestations of other knowledge and artistic emotions that are transmitted in the musical text. The reflexive approach enables a substantive vision of the emotional component of profession-related activities as a result of productive introspection. The pedagogical principles facilitating the development of the future choirmasters’ emotional competence have been distinguished: the principle of subjective activity, the principle of emotional dominance and the principle of systematization of emotional experience

    Recursive and convergence methodology of the investment management of the enterprise digitalization processes

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    The article investigates the problems of the investment management digital transformations at the enterprise, where the instrumental basis based on the system economic theory and integrated IT risk management theory are allocated. The purpose of the study is to develop a recursive and convergence methodology of the investment management of the enterprise digitalization processes. The components of the process of investment digitalization of enterprises are structurally reflected and a deterministic 5-component model of developing a recursive and convergence management methodology based on the digital economy is formed. It is determined that the recursive and conversion methodology is based on the understanding of investment management digital transformations at an enterprise as a complex system, characterized primarily by the diversity and heterogeneity of the constituent elements, numerous internal and external connections, which causes a variety of their interaction, changes in the composition and state of the system. The recursive model provides management of the investment of digitalization in the enterprise as a sequential transition between processes of one level only after all the cycles provided for the current process are implemented. However, such a coherent sequence is possible at the expense of effective information support of each process, which should be implemented on a convergence basis. The precondition for its implementation in the field of digital technologies is civilizational development, consequences of globalization and digitalization

    Forecasting analytic model of construction energy cluster development in Ukraine

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    The article proposes a scientific and methodological approach to solve the problems of the construction energy cluster forecasting development, which provides an opportunity to unite the known technology of constructing time series models with the technology of simultaneous systems equations. It was developed the quantification process of the forecasting economic and mathematical formation model of energy cluster development, which will allow to detail the stages of mathematical modeling in the context of the studied problems, taking into account the specificity of production and commercial activity of all integration formation participants. The conditions for carrying out forecasting and analytical procedures of construction energy cluster development have been identified, in particular by the specificity and type of cause and effect and dynamic relationships between the main economic indicators, the intensity factors development trends, the dynamics of regular factors, described by linear and nonlinear ones