44 research outputs found
Linear static response of model plasmas and Yukhnovsky-Kelbg-Deutsch effective potential
A theory of transport coefficients of fully ionized strongly coupled plasmas,
based on the self-consistent field concept and having no adjustable parameters, is presented. The proposed approach is not connected directly with
the kinetic equation. A comparison of the obtained results with the computer simulation data on the classical hydrogen-like plasmas macroscopic
properties shows that using the Yukhnovsky-Kelbg-Deutsch effective pair
potentials instead of the genuine Coulomb potentials can compensate, to
a certain extent, inaccuracies related to the standard approximations of the
quantum theory of Coulomb systems.На основі уявлень про самоузгоджене внутрішньоплазмове поле
пропонується методика обчислення коефіцієнтів переносу у повністю іонізованій густій плазмі. Ця методика прямо не використовує ані
кінетичне рівняння, ані параметри підгонки. Порівняння отриманих
результатів з даними комп’ютерного моделювання параметрів густої
майже класичної воднево-подібної плазми показує, що використання з самого початку ефективного парного потенціалу Юхновського-Кельбга-Дойча замість кулонівського може до певної межі компенсувати похибки простіших стандартних наближень квантової теорії багатьох заряджених частинок
Changes in the functional condition of the masticatory muscles with increased teeth abrasion
OBJECTIVE: Introduction: The term "pathological abrasion" (increased abrasion) can be described as a loss of tooth hard tissue on the occlusal, oral, vestibular surfaces of teeth or in the occlusal area. Treatment of increased abrasion of teeth is a difficult task for the practical work of a dentist. The choice of the optimal treatment plan provides the greatest likelihood of long-term success and minimal probability of complication appearance. The aim of our work was to study the functional activity of the masticatory muscles in the pathogenesis of the development of increased abrasion of tooth hard tissues. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: In order to achieve the goal of the study, an examination of patients aged between 19 and 69 years old was carried out in order to identify the number of persons with increased abrasion of teeth. During the examination of all patients one control and one researched group were formed. The patients of the control group (30 patients aged from 18 to 60 years) which had intact dental rows with any signs of increased tooth wear. The investigated group consisted of 25 patients, aged from 18 to 60 years. Depending on the complex treatment, the patients of the second group were divided into two subgroups. Subgroup 2A - (10 patients) with increased abrasion of tooth hard tissues with planned complex treatment of the disease without additional use of mouthguards after the end of treatment. For the patients from the 2B subgroup (15 people with increased abrasion of tooth hard tissues) a mouthguard was prescribed after the end of the complex treatment. In order to study some peculiarities of the muscular activity of the maxillofacial region an electromyogram was taken from all participants before treatment and repeated in a six- and twelve-months term. RESULTS: Results and conclusions: In our opinion, all manifestations of increased tooth abrasion are associated with changes in the muscular system, the motor apparatus and the nervous activity of the body. Regarding to this, the study of the propria muscular system and the related bone system can justify the usage of one or another prevention or treatment of the pathology. Based on the results of our research, we can conclude that the study of the functional state of the muscle complex is a fairly reliable prognostic sign in the study of such a disease as an increased tooth abrasion
Spatial nonuniform distribution of ²³⁵U isotope at supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide in a gradient temperature field
The spatial redistribution of the ²³⁵U isotope of natural uranium in a gradient temperature field along the height of the reactor in supercritical carbon dioxide has been experimentally investigated. The scheme of the reactor is given and the principle of operation of the reactor is described. The method of preparation of initial samples from granite samples containing natural uranium and the procedure of extraction are described. The conclusion about the spatial redistribution of ²³⁵U isotopes in supercritical carbon dioxide is based on the analysis of gamma spectra of extracts. It is shown that the concentration of the ²³⁵U isotope in a supercritical fluid is maximal near the lower heated flange of the reactor, and decreases with approaching the upper, cooled flange. It was concluded that the separation factor of the ²³⁵U isotope in supercritical carbon dioxide can be about 1.2 ± 0.12.Експериментально досліджено просторовий перерозподіл ізотопу ²³⁵U природного урану в градієнтному полі температури по висоті реактора в надкритичному діоксиді вуглецю. Наведено схему і описаний принцип роботи реактора. Описані метод підготовки вихідних зразків із зразків гранітів, що містять природний уран, і порядок проведення екстракції. Висновок про просторовий перерозподілі ізотопів ²³⁵U в надкритичному діоксиді вуглецю заснований на аналізі гамма-спектрів екстрактів. Показано, що в надкритичному флюїді концентрація ізотопу ²³⁵U максимальна поблизу нижнього фланця реактора, що підігрівається, і зменшується з наближенням до верхнього охолоджуваного фланця. Зроблено висновок про те, що коефіцієнт поділу ізотопу ²³⁵U в надкритичному діоксиді вуглецю може становити величину близько 1.2 ± 0.12.Экспериментально исследовано пространственное перераспределение изотопа ²³⁵U природного урана в градиентном поле температуры по высоте реактора в сверхкритическом диоксиде углерода. Приведена схема и описан принцип работы реактора. Описаны метод подготовки исходных образцов из образцов гранитов, содержащих природный уран, и порядок проведения экстракции. Вывод о пространственном перераспределении изотопов ²³⁵U в сверхкритическом диоксиде углерода основан на анализе гамма-спектров экстрактов. Показано, что в сверхкритическом флюиде концентрация изотопа ²³⁵U максимальна вблизи нижнего подогреваемого фланца реактора, и уменьшается с приближением к верхнему, охлаждаемому фланцу. Сделан вывод о том, что коэффициент разделения изотопа ²³⁵U в сверхкритическом диоксиде углерода может составлять величину около 1.2 ± 0.12
Effectiveness of the adsorption properties of clay in relation to the disposal of organic waste from poultry farms
This article discusses an important problem related to the disposal of organic waste from poultry farms. Bird droppings are one of the main sources of environmental pollution and consume significant resources for disposal. The search for effective and environmentally safe methods of disposal of such waste is very relevant. The article focuses on the study of the adsorption properties of a clay accumulation site. Due to the insufficient knowledge of this technology of manure burial, full-scale modeling was performed to determine the effectiveness of protecting the components of the ecological and geological environment. It is shown that under conditions of complete water saturation, the liquid fraction from the organic waste layer will easily seep through the voids and cracks of the clay layer and poison the underlying soils and groundwater. It is concluded that a clay special site alone does not provide guaranteed environmental safety of the environment. Engineering and environmental recommendations are given on the mandatory combination of this method of burial of litter with a litter made of a layer of sealed film coating
Evolution of induced axial magnetization in a two-component magnetized plasma
In this paper, the evolution of the induced axial magnetization due to the
propagation of an electromagnetic (em) wave along the static background
magnetic field in a two-component plasma has been investigated using the Block
equation. The evolution process induces a strong magnetic anisotropy in the
plasma medium, depending nonlinearly on the incident wave amplitude. This
induced magnetic anisotropy can modify the dispersion relation of the incident
em wave, which has been obtained in this paper. In the low frequency Alfven
wave limit, this dispersion relation shows that the resulting phase velocity of
the incident wave depends on the square of the incident wave amplitude and on
the static background magnetic field of plasma. The analytical results are in
well agreement with the numerically estimated values in solar corona and
sunspots.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur
Nano-mechanisms of connection in the solid phase of tungsten and tantalum in the manufacture of a neutron source target
Nano-mechanisms of solid-phase bonding of tungsten and tantalum, which are implemented in the manufacture of a neutron source target for the research nuclear facility (RNF) of NSC KIPT, are considered. This facility is a new type of nuclear reactor, in the core of which the intensity of the nuclear fission reaction of the uranium isotope ²³⁵U is controlled by an electron accelerator. An installation for joining metals in the solid phase is described, its parameters are given, as well as the parameters of the joined metals. An electron-probe X-ray spectral analysis of the interface between the samples was carried out. The physical foundations of the nano-mechanism of bonding in the solid phase of tungsten and tantalum at the dynamic and isostatic stages at hot vacuum pressing are formulated. Experimental data on the relative temperature convergence of rolls at the dynamic and isostatic stages of hot vacuum pressing have been obtained.Розглянуто наномеханізми з’єднання у твердій фазі вольфраму та танталу, що реалізуються під час виготовлення мішені нейтронного джерела для дослідницької ядерної установки НДК ПЯС ННЦ ХФТІ. Ця установка є новим типом ядерного реактора, в активній зоні якого інтенсивність протікання ядерної реакції поділу ізотопу урану ²³⁵U керується прискорювачем електронів. Описано установку для з’єднання металів у твердій фазі, наведено її параметри, так само як і параметри металів, що з’єднуються. Проведено електронно-зондовий рентгеноспектральний аналіз межі з’єднання зразків. Отримано експериментальні дані щодо температурного сходження валків на стадіях: динамічній і ізостатичного гарячого вакуумного пресування
New developments in the application of the method of moments in Plasma Physics
This review article is based on a number of our research papers complemented by some mathematical
developments which are usually not included to texts in Physics, and which can permit a reader to enter
into the details of the self-consistent method of moments, recently suggested, and understand how it could
be improved even further. The idea of the method of moments which appeared some 35 years ago is to
employ several sum rules and other exact relations to determine the dynamic properties of strongly coupled
classical or partially degenerate plasmas. Now this approach is complemented by new empirical and
mathematical observations which permit to determine dynamic characteristics of strongly coupled
completely ionized classical one-component plasmas without any data input from simulations or direct
experiments and express the dynamic properties of the above systems entirely in terms of their static
characteristics like the static structure factors. The obtained results are quite satisfactory and promising