129 research outputs found

    Burning of an ulcerated breast cancer during MRI: A lesson to be learned

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    The use of a breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of cancer is increasing. The absolute contraindications for MRI are well known. Lesser know are the thermal injuries or burns caused by MRI. During a recent breast MRI of a patient with an ulcerated locally advanced breast cancer we did a remarkable observation. Almost directly from the start of the MRI the patient felt a slowly increasing excitation in the left breast together with a warm feeling. Within a few minutes she had the feeling that her left breast was burning. The MRI was stopped and the burning sensation diminished. The MRI was cancelled and no direct cause was found. It was only the next day during the ward round when inspecting her wound that we realized that the zinc oxide ointment, which was used for her wound care, was the likely course of her burning

    National guidelines for management of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesion : A survey of European Federation for Colposcopy members

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    Acknowledgements: Austria: Olaf Reich: Belgium: Wiebrin Tjalma; Croatia: Drazan Butorac; Cyprus: Dinos Mavromoustakis; Estonia: Terje Raud, Liis Kriisa; Finland: Maija Jakobsson;bFrance: Xavier Carcopino; Georgia: Tamar Alibegashvili; Germany: Jens Quaas Volkmar Kuppers, Greece: Georgios Michail; Hungary: Robert Koiss; Iceland: Kristjan Oddsson; Ireland: Grainne Flannelly; Israel: Efraim Siegler; Italy: Andrea Ciavattini; Kosovo: Mazllom Smajli; Latvia: Kristine Pcolkina; Lithuania: Kristina Jariene; Macedonia: Goran Dimitrov; Moldova: Uliana Tabuica; Norway: Amelie Tropé; Poland: Robert Jach; Portugal: Amélia Pedro; Romania: Mihaela Grigore Russia: Vera Prilepskaya; Serbia: Vesna Kesic; Slovenia: Spela Smrkolj ; Spain: Marta del Pino; Sweden: Björn Strander; Switzerland: André Kind, Brigitte Frey Tirri; The Netherlands: A.M.L.D. van Haaften-de Jong; Turkey: Murat Gultekin; U.K.: Pierre Martin-Hirsch; Ukraine: Nataliya VolodkoPeer reviewedPostprin

    Quantification and prognostic relevance of angiogenic parameters in invasive cervical cancer.

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    Tumour stromal neovascularization was investigated in 114 invasive and 20 in situ carcinomas of the uterine cervix by staining representative sections with the specific endothelial marker anti CD31 (clone JC/70A, isotope IgG1). A digital image analyser was used to measure the immunoreactivity. The following parameters were determined in the 'hot spots': vessel counts, vessel perimeter and endothelial stained area (expressed per mm2). The results were correlated with clinical and histopathological data. There was no significant relationship between the histopathological findings (tumour histology, tumour differentiation, FIGO stage, presence of lymph node metastasis or lymphovascular space involvement) and the median vessel count. In a univariate analysis all angiogenesis parameters had prognostic value: a higher vascularity was associated with worse prognosis (P < 0.05). Multiple regression analysis showed that vascular permeation (P < 0.001) and the median vessel count (P = 0.005) were the most important prognostic indicators. In the future these criteria may be used for selection of patients for anti-angiogenesis therapy

    The VEGF pathway and the AKT/mTOR/p70S6K1 signalling pathway in human epithelial ovarian cancer

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A inhibitors exhibit unseen high responses and toxicity in recurrent epithelial ovarian cancer suggesting an important role for the VEGF/VEGFR pathway. We studied the correlation of VEGF signalling and AKT/mTOR signalling. Using a tissue microarray of clinical samples (N=86), tumour cell immunohistochemical staining of AKT/mTOR downstream targets, pS6 and p4E-BP1, together with tumour cell staining of VEGF-A and pVEGFR2 were semi-quantified. A correlation was found between the marker for VEGFR2 activation (pVEGFR2) and a downstream target of AKT/mTOR signalling (pS6) (R=0.29; P=0.002). Additional gene expression analysis in an independent cDNA microarray dataset (N=24) showed a negative correlation (R=−0.73, P<0.0001) between the RPS6 and the VEGFR2 gene, which is consistent as the gene expression and phosphorylation of S6 is inversely regulated. An activated tumour cell VEGFR2/AKT/mTOR pathway was associated with increased incidence of ascites (χ2, P=0.002) and reduced overall survival of cisplatin–taxane-based patients with serous histology (N=32, log-rank test, P=0.04). These data propose that VEGF-A signalling acts on tumour cells as a stimulator of the AKT/mTOR pathway. Although VEGF-A inhibitors are classified as anti-angiogenic drugs, these data suggest that the working mechanism has an important additional modality of targeting the tumour cells directly

    Emulsified BMVC derivative induced filtration for G-quadruplex DNA structural separation

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    A novel method based on emulsion/filtration is introduced for G-quadruplex DNA structural separation. We first synthesized a lipophilic analogue of BMVC, 3,6-Bis(1-methyl-4-vinylpyridinium)-9-(12′-bromododecyl) carbazole diiodide (BMVC-12C-Br), which can form an oil-in-water (o/w) phase emulsion. Due to the binding preferences of BMVC-12C-Br emulsion to some specific DNA structures, the large emulsion (∼2 µm) bound DNA was separated from the small free DNA in the filtrate by a 0.22 µm pore size MCE membrane. This method is able to isolate the non-parallel G-quadruplexes from the parallel G-quadruplexes and the linear duplexes from both G-quadruplexes. In addition, this method allows us not only to determine the absence of the parallel G-quadruplexes of d(T2AG3)4 and the presence of the parallel G-quadruplexes of d(T2AG3)2 in K+ solution, but also to verify structural conversion from antiparallel to parallel G-quadruplexes of d[AG3(T2AG3)3] in K+ solution under molecular PEG condition. Moreover, this emulsion can separate the non-parallel G-quadruplexes of d(G3CGCG3AGGAAG5CG3) monomer from the parallel G-quadruplexes of its dimer in K+ solution. Together with NMR spectra, one can simplify the spectra for both the free DNA and the bound DNA to establish a spectrum-structure correlation for further structural analysis

    Effect of manipulation of primary tumour vascularity on metastasis in an adenocarcinoma model

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    One explanation for the clinical association between tumour vascularity and probability of metastasis is that increased primary tumour vascularity enhances haematogenous dissemination by offering greater opportunity for tumour cell invasion into the circulation (intravasation). We devised an experimental tumour metastasis model that allowed manipulation of primary tumour vascularity with differential exposure of the primary and metastatic tumour site to angiogenic agents. We used this model to assess the effects of local and systemic increases in the level of the angiogenic agent basic fibroblast growth factor on metastasis. BDIX rats with implanted hind limb K12/TR adenocarcinoma tumours received either intratumoural or systemic, basic fibroblast growth factor or saline infusion. Both intratumoural and systemic basic fibroblast growth factor infusion resulted in significant increases in tumour vascularity, blood flow and growth, but not lung metastasis, compared with saline-infused controls. Raised basic fibroblast growth factor levels and increase in primary tumour vascularity did not increase metastasis. The clinical association between tumour vascularity and metastasis is most likely to arise from a metastatic tumour genotype that links increased tumour vascularity with greater metastatic potential

    The rationale of opportunistic bilateral salpingectomies (OBS) during benign gynaecological and obstetric surgery : a consensus text of the Flemish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (VVOG)

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    Ovarian cancer (OC), is a disease difficult to diagnose in an early stage implicating a poor prognosis. The 5-year overall survival in Belgium has not changed in the last 18 years and remains 44 %. There is no effective screening method (secondary prevention) to detect ovarian cancer at an early stage. Primary prevention of ovarian cancer came in the picture through the paradigm shift that the fallopian tube is often the origin of ovarian cancer and not the ovary itself. Opportunistic bilateral salpingectomy (OBS) during benign gynaecological and obstetric surgery might have the potential to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by as much as 65 %. Bilateral risk-reducing salpingectomy during a benign procedure is feasible, safe, appears to have no impact on the ovarian function and seems to be cost effective. The key question is whether we should wait for a RCT or implement OBS directly in our daily practice. Guidelines regarding OBS within our societies are therefore urgently needed. Our recommendation is to inform all women without a child wish, undergoing a benign gynaecological or obstetrical surgical procedure about the pro’s and the con’s of OBS and advise a bilateral salpingectomy. Furthermore, there is an urgent need for a prospective registry of OBS. The present article is the consensus text of the Flemish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (VVOG) regarding OBS