105 research outputs found

    Evaluation on Planning, Recruitment and Selection of New Employees Case Study in Bank Syariah Muamalat Indonesia

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    PT Bank Syariah Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) is the second largest Islamic bank in Indonesia. As a leading Islamic bank in market share, BMI challenged to grow and aspires to become the 10th largest bank in Indonesia in 2015 (the end of 2011, assets of BMI is on the order-23). To increase service and to support a rapid business growth, Bank Muamalat has made a commitment to increase physical infrastructure and electronic infrastructure. As many as 177 new outlets and 350 new ATM will be open in 2012. The opening of new infrastructures will be supported by the increase of human resources more than 2.000 employees. The study aim to evaluate the existing planning, recruitment and selection process to get new employees at BMI.  Based on the facts presented, focus group discussion that involves operation managers and conduct questionnaire instrument from 67 respondens, the solution expected to be applied to repair the process and support business expansion.Based on the results of the analysis has been conducted, this study formulates implementation practices proposals with three main objectives: 1. Improve planning process through empowering application of human resources information system;  2. Improve recruitment process through the acceleration of electronic recruitment ; 3. Improved selection process especially in written test and psychological test. Keywords: opening outlets, business performance, new style in planning, recruitment and selection. Â

    Analysis on the Effective Leadership Style and Human Resource management Roles in Operational and Commerce Directorates in PT Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office Based on Organizational Culture Asessment Instrument

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    Abstract. PT KAI had changed the vision to become the railways services provider that focus to customer services and fulfill the stakeholder expectations. The vision were translated in many programs such as the expansion in asset and business units. Every functional of PT KAI also have their own performance targets to reach the company vision.However, the change in their performances targets should be assured to have the sustainable benefit to the company. Empirical research has produced an impressive array of findings demonstrating the importance of culture  to enhancing organizational performance (for reviews, see cameron and ettington, 1988;1990; and trice and beyer, 1993). In this research, the researcher want to analyze the condition of PT KAI in culture perspective. This research could be the refference for PT KAI management to understand the condition of PT KAI culture that currently present and the preffered culture that the employees. With that findings, the researcher could suggest the effective leadership style and human resource management roles for the organizations. The researcher choose commerce and operation directorate as the objects of the research because it was the core function that can support the company growth.The methods which is used in this research is organizational cultural assestment instrument (ocai) which is invented by cameron & quinn (1999). The result of the anaysis would show the tendency of PT KAI’s commerce and operation directorate organizational culture.The result shows that both directorates should emphasize the market and adhocracy cultures.Key words:  Organization, Corporate, Cilture, OCAI, PT KAI

    Implementation of Organization Development Case Study in Bank Muamalat Indonesia

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    The current position of Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) is in the transformation phase, namely to accelerate business growth. The acceleration is closely related to competitiveness owned by BMI. The trend of diminishing productivity level of BMI’s employees is a challenge for the bank to process improvement.  Some factors that may affect employee’s productivity are the variables of Organization Development (OD) which can be grouped into business strategy variable, technology & organization structure, human resource and human process variable. Measurement of employee’s productivity which is the best practices in BMI is the partial productivity that is based on total assets per employee.  From the results of the assessment of BMI’s Supervisor, so the root causes are following : BMI has not concerned operation efficiency and the customer’s needs in its business strategy; the development & application  of new working methods design and process of product development banking to improve aspects of techno-structural still have not been optimal; the weak utilization of training for the employees’ competencies development which had been obtained by the bank; and there were only a number of people have done sharing and work in ad hoc team. Referring to the results of analysis above, then we can see that the study proposed four (4) basic programs for the improvement of productivity for BMI, namely : (1) Budgetary Control Program (Marketing Budget Improvement & Procurement Function Improvement); (2) Work Design Improvement Program (Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Marketing  and Operation Staff’s  Activities Improvement); (3) Training Program (Service Training, Marketing & Time management Training); and (4) Sharing Program (Knowledge Cafe and Board  & Employees Gathering). Keywords : Islamic Banking, Employee’s Productivity, Organization Developmen

    Identifying Employee Job Satisfaction Level on Pulslitbang Tekmira

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    Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara or better known as puslitbang tekMIRA is the government institution under the ministry of energy and mineral resources, which primarily textual although some basic tasks and functions through research and developmental activities in the field of mineral and coal. In 2014, they have 275 employees. The main research is to know the level of employee job satisfaction in the puslitbang tekMIRA. It focuses on the five facets based on Herzberg two factor theory and hierarchy of Maslow and measured by Job Descriptive Index questionnaire. The variables that be measure are, work it self, pay, promotion opportunity, supervision, and co-worker. The research used descriptive statistic and SPSS 19 to analyzed data. The result of this research shows that the level satisfaction of employee in the main office of puslitbang tekMIRA is satisfied, but still needed to be improving.Keywords: employee job satisfaction, job descriptive inde

    Analysis on the Effective Leadership Style and Human Resource management Roles in Operational and Commerce Directorates in PT Kereta Api Indonesia Head Office Based on Organizational Culture Asessment Instrument

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    Abstract. PT KAI had changed the vision to become the railways services provider that focus to customer services and fulfill the stakeholder expectations. The vision were translated in many programs such as the expansion in asset and business units. Every functional of PT KAI also have their own performance targets to reach the company vision.However, the change in their performances targets should be assured to have the sustainable benefit to the company. Empirical research has produced an impressive array of findings demonstrating the importance of culture  to enhancing organizational performance (for reviews, see cameron and ettington, 1988;1990; and trice and beyer, 1993). In this research, the researcher want to analyze the condition of PT KAI in culture perspective. This research could be the refference for PT KAI management to understand the condition of PT KAI culture that currently present and the preffered culture that the employees. With that findings, the researcher could suggest the effective leadership style and human resource management roles for the organizations. The researcher choose commerce and operation directorate as the objects of the research because it was the core function that can support the company growth.The methods which is used in this research is organizational cultural assestment instrument (ocai) which is invented by cameron & quinn (1999). The result of the anaysis would show the tendency of PT KAI’s commerce and operation directorate organizational culture.The result shows that both directorates should emphasize the market and adhocracy cultures.Key words:  Organization, Corporate, Cilture, OCAI, PT KAI

    Berbagi Pengetahuan di Institusi Akademik

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    Bagi sebuah institusi akademik, berbagi pengetahuan melalui berbagai saluran komunikasi adalah proses kritis yang wajib dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas penyerapan anggotanya dalam rangka mempertahankan keberlangsungan dan mencapai keunggulan kompetitif dalam perannya sebagai pusat ilmu pengetahuan. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui hubungan antara tiga konsep yaitu kekayaan saluran, kapasitas penyerapan pengetahuan, dan keinginan berbagi pengetahuan di institusi akademik dengan menggunakan metode structural equation modelling (SEM). Uji empiris terhadap model konseptual dilakukan terhadap sebuah institusi akademik di Indonesia. Hasilnya membuktikan adanya hubungan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kekayaan saluran terhadap keinginan untuk berbagi pengetahuan. Sementara hubungan antara kekayaan saluran dengan kapasitas penyerapan pengetahuan serta hubungan antara kapasitas penyerapan pengetahuan dengan keinginan berbagi pengetahuan tidak terbukti signifikan. Selain itu hasil penelitian juga memperlihatkan bahwa keinginan untuk berkontribusi pada knowledge center dan website organisasi serta rasa saling percaya dan keterbukaan tidak menentukan keinginan untuk berbagi pengetahuan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat berkontribusi terhadap penelitian di bidang manajemen pengetahuan di Indonesia, dan bermanfaat untuk memberikan masukan bagi institusi akademik yang menjadi objek penelitian dalam mengembangkan proses berbagi pengetahuan dalam organisasinya.Kata kunci: Keinginan berbagi pengetahuan, Kapasitas Penyerapan Pengetahuan, Kekayaan SaluranKomunikasi, Struktural Equation Modelling (SEM

    Implementation of Knowledge Management for Business Competitiveness in Provecta Capital (Venture Capital)

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    Provecta capital as new venture capital firm is facing business challenges. The firm has an obligation to promote business start-up that became the investee company. Provecta Capital business success is depends on the success of their investee companies business. Therefore, increasing business competitiveness of their investee-companies is become challenge to Provecta Capital. The development solution of Provecta Capital is by implementing knowledge management in their business. Ideally, knowledge management implementation should increase the business competiveness of investee companies.  The research in this final project is using qualitative research by using in-depth semi structured interviews. Based on interview result, the current condition will be correlated with the basic theory of knowledge management at literature review to propose design KM strategy in Provecta Capital. After synthesizing the result, the research will elaborate on proposed design plan of knowledge management. The design plan will connect to the implementation plan of knowledge management in Provecta Capital and investee-company.  Keywords: business competitiveness, knowledge management, venture capital.Â
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