12 research outputs found

    Upaya Peningkatan Keselamatan Pada Jalan Nasional Indonesia

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    Indonesia faced serious challenges in improving traffic safety on the road. Government policy breakthrough has been made by issuing Presidential Decree No. 4 of 2013 of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 which is also in line with the National Road Safety Plan which was declared in 2011. Efforts to improve the safety of roads have been initiated through the road worthiness test. However, the results are generally conditionally accepted and facts on the field indicate that the number of accidents is still high. This paper discusses efforts to improve road safety and strategies that should be done on a national road, by conducting a road safety audit based on traffic accident data obtained from the Integrated Road Safety Management System which is owned Korlantas and understand the anatomy of the existing accident and behavioral factors of the society along the road through an audit. A case study was conducted on the Java North Coast Corridor, between Subang and Indramayu of West Java

    Face Validation Method Alternatives for Shiphandling Fuzzy Logic Difficulty Model

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    The development of shiphandling difficulty model for ferry is based on the empirical experience through the Master of Ro-Ro ferries. The SHDMF is consisted from two parts which are the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Fuzzy Inference System. Both parts had been validated through internal validation in the form of consistency test for the first part and robustness test for the second part. Further, the external/face validation is required to compare the proposed model with similar model through benchmarking approach. The benchmarking approaches are elaborated for the reliability, validity, possibility, efficiency and effectiveness. Through fuzzy group decision making method, the questionnaire survey is performed to verify the most appropriate approach based on the shiphandling simulator as the most preferred benchmarking tool by experts. Next, the proposed scenario is overviewed and discussed especially related to the advantages and drawbacks of shiphandling simulator. Keywords: shiphandling difficulty, fuzzy group decision making, internal validation Model pengukuran kesulitan pengendalian feri didasarkan pada pengalaman empiris melalui pernyataan nahkoda kapal feri Ro-Ro. SHDMF terdiri atas dua bagian, yaitu Analytic Hierarchy Process dan Fuzzy Inference System. Kedua bagian ini telah divalidasi melalui validasi internal dalam bentuk uji konsistensi untuk bagian pertama dan uji kehandalan untuk bagian kedua. Selanjutnya validasi atau wajah eksternal diperlukan untuk membandingkan model yang diusulkan dengan model yang diperoleh dari benchmarking. Pendekatan benchmarking dijabarkan untuk kehandalan, validitas, kemungkinan, efisiensi, dan efektivitas. Melalui metode fuzzy kelompok pembuatan keputusan, survei kuesioner dilakukan untuk memverifikasi pendekatan yang paling tepat dengan simulator pengendalian kapal sebagai alat yang paling disukai oleh para ahli untuk benchmarking. Selanjutnya skenario yang ditinjau-ulang dan dibahas terutama terkait dengan keuntungan dan kelemahan simulator pengendalian kapal. Kata

    Perhitungan Kemauan Untuk Membayar Pada Penetapan Nilai Keselamatan Transportasi Jalan Untuk Kelompok Pengguna Jalan Tertentu

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    Some research about the value of road safety has been widely practiced in many countries. One approach that is commonly used for the determination of the value of the safety of road transport is by asking directly to the public about the preferences or willingness to pay in order to improve the safety aspects. Human preferences in this model are built on the behavioral theory with economics perspective, which explains that human behavior is formed by preference. The basic premise of this theory states that every human being has a preference for a number of goods. The problem is that safety is included in the category of non-market goods that are not traded and often rrespondents refuse to answer questions directly related to willingness to pay. Therefore, in order to obtain objective answers from the respondents, the form of questions for the willingness to pay should be linked with other proxies. The purpose of this study was to calculate the willingness to pay on valuation of road safety for specific communities by designing the willingness to pay questions which is associated with the proxies of vehicle maintenance and health maintenance

    Persepsi Pengguna Transjakarta Terhadap Aspek Amenity Pada Fasilitas Pejalan Kaki Di Halte Dukuh Atas Dengan Pendekatan Teori Perilaku Terencana

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    In addition to reliability and performance, another factors that affect the interest to use public transportation are convenience and aesthetics. Unlike the technical aspects that can be assessed by standard parameters, assessment of the convenience and aesthetics is a personal perception that may vary for each individual. The purpose of this research is to review the general perception of TransJakarta users on aspects that are related to amenities such as convenience and aesthetics. The scope of the review is pedestrian facilities on TransJakarta Dukuh Atas Shelter based on the approach of Theory of Planned Behaviour. The survey shows that majority of users considered that pedestrian facilities on Dukuh Atas Shelter are less comfortable and didn't have good aesthetic. The analysis shows that cleanliness, crowded and lighting condition are affecting users' intention in choosing TransJakarta as mode of choice

    Upaya Penurunan Tingkat Fatalitas Titik Rawan Kecelakaan Di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    Fatality level can be reduced with the deficiency safety program as an effort in handling the accident thatoccurred on the road. This study aims to investigate the influence of the road infrastructure condition and toassess the best solution to minimize the probability of the accident. The parameter used to determine thelocation of the study was based on AEK's value, fatality's level, and accident frequency. This study wascarried out in the black spot at Yogyakarta – Wonosari road, that were: (1) Bunder (KM 10+944 m); (2)Pekerjaan Umumtat (KM 7+864 m); and (3) Patuk (KM 0+874 m). This analysis was perfomed using the IKJwith measuring design deviation (geometric and road's facilities harmonization) toward technical standard.Infrastructure improvements should be conducted to conform components based on the risk analysis.Handling priority of deficiency road infrastructure in the black spot should be based on: (1) traffic handling;(2) harmonization of fringe and mark; and (3) arrangement of road‘s facilities

    Identifikasi Tingkat Kerawanan Bandar Udara Di Indonesia

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    The first priority in the airport business area is safety because the risks of fatality and death rates causing aircraft accidents are higher compared to those of other transportation modes. There is a need to investigate the rate of hazardous airports in Indonesia using a combination of Empirical Bayesian and Regression by calculating of their safety indicators. Based on the analyses it was identified that the overall safety rate of airports in Indonesia was 2,502 events per 100 thousand aircraft movements and this was classified as Safe/Regulated Systems. There was also identified 10 airports considered as hazardous ones, based on the deviation values from the largest to the smallest, namely Wamena, Hasanuddin, Polonia, Juanda, Soekarno-Hatta, Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Sepinggan, Abdul Rahman Saleh, Hang Nadim, and Depati Amir, respectively. Keselamatan Penerbangan merupakan hal serius karena risiko kematian yang diakibatkan oleh suatu peristiwa kecelakaan pesawat udara relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan moda transportasi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan indikator keselamatan penerbangan suatu bandar udara berdasarkan ketentuan International Civil Aviation Organization dan melakukan analisis tingkat kerawanan bandar udara di Indonesia. Penentuan tingkat kerawanan bandar udara dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kombinasi Emperical Bayesian (EB) dan Regression. Dari analisis yang dilakukan diperoleh tingkat keselamatan penerbangan di bandar udara Indonesia adalah 2.502 kejadian untuk tiap 100 ribu siklus penerbangan atau events dan diklasifikasi sebagai Safe/Regulated Systems. Tingkat kerawanan 10 (sepuluh) bandar udara, disusun berdasarkan nilai devisasi yang terbesar sampai yang terkecil, adalah Wamena, Hasanuddin, Polonia, Juanda, Soekarno-Hatta, Sultan Syarif Kasim II, Sepinggan, Abdul Rahman Saleh, Hang Nadim, dan Depati Amir

    Bandar Udara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB) dan Potensi Kertajati Sebagai Aerocity

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    Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat telah menetapkan untuk mengembangkan Bandar Udara Internasional Jawa Barat (BIJB) di Kertajati, Kabupaten Majalengka dan menjadikan tata ruang kawasan sekitarnya terintegrasi menjadikan kota bandar udara (aero-city). Penelitian ini membahas pengembangan sebuah kota bandar udara atau aerotropolis bendasarkan studi literatur (meta analisis) yang kemudian dikaitkan dengan konsep tata ruang Kertajati maupun konteks Kota Cirebon Raya dan permasalahan maupun potensi yang ada. Di dalam pengelolaannya, dikarenakan sumber pembiayaan dari pemerintah pusat, maka perlu dibuat Badan Pelayanan Umum (BLU) untuk penanganan bandara  dan PT. BIJB dibentuk oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Barat untuk menangani kawasan sekitarnya  agar konsep Aero-City dapat terwujud. Kemitraan Pemerintah dengan Badan Usaha (KPBU) juga dimungkinkan baik di fasilitas ke bandar-udaraan maupun fasilitas penunjang. [West Java International Airport and The Potential of Kertajati as The Aerocity] West Java Provincial Government has decided to develop West Java International Airport (BIJB) in Kertajati, Majalengka Regency, and plan to integrate its surrounding region as an aerocity. This paper discusses the development of an airport as a city, or aerotropolis, based on literature review (meta analysis) which is then associated with the concept of Kertajati spatial management as well as the context of Greater Cirebon Area and the existing problems as well as the potential. Since the central government acts as a financing source, it is important to establish a public service agency that will support the management of airport within its technical part while the BIJB enterprise, that is formed by West Java Provincial Government will be focused to actualize the concept of aerocity. Therefore the partnership of the Government with Business Entities is also possible both in airport facilities or airport supporting facilities