48 research outputs found

    Ancaman Konversi Lahan Sawah Terhadap Kecukupan Beras di Kabupaten Musi Rawas

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    Rice production in 2019 decreased by 2.63 million tons or 7.75 percent compared to 2018, exacerbated by the increasingly massive conversion of agricultural land. One of the areas threatened by land conversion is Musi Rawas Regency in South Sumatra Province. This study aims to analyze changes in land use in 2000, 2010, 2020 and paddy fields for rice sufficiency in Musi Rawas Regency. The method used is Cellular Automata-Markov (CA-Markov), analysis of the surplus-deficit food balance, and paddy fields overlaying the spatial plan. Based on the results of the analysis, there was a change in land use in Musi Rawas Regency between 2000 to 2020, an increase in the area of plantation land by 128,867.74 ha. This increase is largely the result of conversion of paddy fields. The results of the calculation of the predicted demand for rice in 2030 show that in total there will be a rice deficit of -16,511 tons. It is predicted that there will be a rice deficit due to the decrease in the area of paddy fields which is affected by changes in land use from paddy fields to non-paddy fields. The suitability of existing paddy fields with the 2010 to 2030 RTRW shows an area of 7,598.73 ha of actual paddy fields in 2020 is suitable, 3,057.27 ha is not suitable. The incompatibility of paddy fields in 2020 with the RTRW can be input into the revision of the RTRW that will be carried out by the Musi Rawas Regency government, especially on the spatial pattern of paddy fields

    Perencanaan Pengembangan Kawasan Perkebunan Kopi Arabika di Kabupaten Bener Meriah

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    Regional development is one of the efforts to increase socio-economic growth and reduce regional disparities. The Arabica coffee variety is one of the mainstay commodities in this region and a source of income for the people in Bener Meriah Regency. Land use planning based on superior commodities is expected to be able to overcome problems related to the effectiveness of land use, through this land use planning, land allocation will be determined according to its designation. The purpose of this study was to formulate a strategy in planning the development of Arabica coffee plantation areas in Bener Meriah Regency, through the stages of identifying the distribution of coffee plantations, analyzing potential availability and land suitability, analyzing agribusiness systems and analyzing the level of availability of regional facilities and infrastructure. The results of the analysis show that the distribution of Arabica coffee plantations in Bener Meriah Regency reaches an area of ​​46,167 ha. As for the extensive development of coffee plantations, this district has a suitable land area of ​​7,401.1 ha. The most dominant land suitability class is N with a height limiting factor with an area of ​​3,581.92 ha. Farming coffee farmers carried out by farmers is efficient because it has an R/C ratio = 2. The availability of facilities and infrastructure shows that the 2 sub-districts that have the highest level of service and development, namely Bukit District and Weh Pesam District, are classified as developed or Hierarchy I. Based on the AWOT, the suggested alternative strategy for the development of Arabica coffee plantations in Bener Meriah Regency is to optimize the availability of land and the use of infrastructure needed to support the improvement of the quality of plants and products


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    Kondisi fisik optimal ternak dapat dicapai bila didukung oleh kesesuaian lingkungan fisik tempat ternak tumbuh dan kecukupan hijauan sebagai makanan ternak. Analisis dalam penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) pada berbagai peta digital (peta pengunaan lahan, peta suhu, peta tanah, peta elevasi, dan peta curah hujan) dan data- data tabular untuk menilai kesesuaian fisik lingkungan, kesesuaian hijauan makanan ternak dan daya dukung hijauan makanan ternak. Luas kesesuaian fisik lingkungan untuk ternak sapi potong di Kabupaten Cianjur yang digembalakan adalah 193,282 hektar (ha) (53.45% dari total luas wilayah), sedangkan lahan yang tidak sesuai 3,076 ha (0.85%). Lahan yang sesuai secara fisik lingkungan untuk pengembangan sapi potong yang dikandangkan seluas 112,877 ha (31.21%), lahan yang sesuai dengan pembatas Temperature Humidity Indexs (THI) seluas 60,616 ha (16.76%) dan lahan yang tidak sesuai seluas 22,865 ha (6.32%). Luas kesesuaian hijauan makanan ternak adalah 194,566 ha (53.80%) dan luas lahan yang tidak sesuai adalah 1,792 ha (0.50%). Daya dukung hijauan di Kabupaten Cianjur berada dalam kriteria aman seluas 186,479 ha (51.56%) dan wilayah yang rawan pakan ternak seluas 9,880 ha (2.73%). Wilayah untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong yang digembalakan di Kabupaten Cianjur seluas 126,626 ha (35.01%) dan untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong yang dikandangkan seluas 78,065 ha (21.59%)


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    Pemetaan kadastral atau pemetaan berbasis kepemilikkan lahan telah diamanatkan oleh Pemerintah yang tertuang dalam Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 34 Tahun 2003 tentang Kebijakan Nasional di Bidang Pertanahan yaitu pada Pasal 1 ayat 3. Namun kebijakan ini belum terrealisasi secara nasional. Kantor Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan (PBB), Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat telah melakukan pemetaan lahan berbasis kepemilikan lahan, yaitu peta persil lahan tambak di Delta Cipunagara yang dilakukan secara terestris. Di sisi lain, telah banyak tersedia data penginderaan jauh resolusi tinggi seperti Citra Quick Bird yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari manfaat Citra Quick Bird untuk verifikasi peta persil lahan tambak. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan bentuk Delta Cipunagara yang bersumber dari PBB dan Citra Quick Bird; (2) persil tambak yang dibatasi dengan ”galengan” saja mudah diidentifikasi dari Citra Quick Bird; (3) terdapat perbedaan posisi blok dan persil tambak antara Peta Persil dari Kantor PBB dan Citra Quick Bird; dan (4) terdapat pergeseran posisi persil tambak antara peta yang bersumber dari Kantor PBB dengan Citra Quick Bird, berkisar (1.5-57.2) m, dengan rata-rata 19.9 m. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa luas persil yang bersumber dari Kantor PBB memiliki kesesuaian yang tinggi dengan luas persil hasil pengukuran lapang (R2=93.0%). Demikian juga untuk luas persil dari Citra Quick Bird memiliki kesesuaian yang tinggi dengan luas persil dari Kantor PBB (R2=94.3%). Namun tingkat kesesuaian antara luas persil dari Citra Quick Bird dan pengukuran lapang relatif lebih rendah (R2 = 63.2%)

    Analisis Risiko Bencana Kebakaran di Kecamatan Tambora Kota Administrasi Jakarta Barat

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    Tambora sub-district is a sub-district that has the smallest area in West Jakarta with the largest population, causing Tambora sub-district to be a densely populated area. Population density which is not matched by the carrying capacity of the environment causes a region to become slum and prone to fire disasters. This study aims to analyze the level of risk of fire disasters in Tambora Subdistrict, West Jakarta. The methodology used in this study were the Multi Criteria Evaluation (MCE) analysis and fire disaster risk analysis by considering the relationship between the hazard and vulnerability variables. The results of the fire disaster risk analysis showed that the most dominant level of fire risk was a moderate risk level of 65.7%, a high risk level of 27.8% and the smallest was a low risk level of 6.5%. Viewed from the size of the area included in the medium and high risk of fire, indicating that Tambora Subdistrict is a subdistrict prone to fire and has a large potential loss of both property and life


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    Kota Sintang di Kalimantan Barat dikenal sebagai kota yang sering tergenang banjir pada musim penghujan. Kota ini tumbuh tepat pada pertemuan dua sungai besar, yaitu Kapuas dan Melawi, atau secara geomorfologi tumbuh di dataran banjir yang luas/dataran aluvial kedua sungai. Bencana banjir pernah terjadi pada tahun 1963, menggenangi sebagian besar pemukiman, menelan banyak korban, dan kerusakan. Meskipun akhir-akhir ini banjir tidak begitu besar, namun banjir besar seperti masa lalu dapat terulang kembali di waktu mendatang. Untuk mengurangi bencana seperti ini, maka diperlukan kajian tentang banjir dan program penanggulangan bencana. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) melakukan analisis dan pemetaan bahaya dan risiko banjir dan (2) evaluasi tata ruang (RDTR) Kota Sintang berdasarkan pada bahaya banjir. Pendekatan geomorfologis digunakan untuk menganalisis bahaya banjir melalui kajian morfogenesis dan morfologi bentuk lahan serta sejarah banjir. Untuk menilai risiko digunakan data bahaya banjir dan kerentanan penggunaan lahan. Scoring terhadap parameter geomorfologi dan penggunaan lahan dibuat dan dikombinasikan dengan analisis spasial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 95% wilayah Kota Sintang dibentuk dari bentuk lahan asal proses fluvial dan menurut penilaian bahaya banjir, 0.8% dari wilayah Kota Sintang terklasifikasi ke dalam bahaya sangat rendah, 57.2% rendah, 31.5% sedang, dan 10.5% tinggi. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa hampir separuh wilayah kota terancam banjir pada tingkat sedang hingga tinggi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis bahaya banjir tersebut dikaitkan dengan kerentanan penggunaan lahan, didapatkan bahwa 0.9% dari wilayah kota memiliki risiko banjir sangat rendah, 70.1% rendah, 22.5% sedang, dan 6.5% tinggi. Dua kelas terakhir, menurut persebarannya, mencakup seluruh area terbangun, seperti perumahan, perkantoran, dan kawasan komersial. Keadaan ini menandakan bahwa hampir sepertiga dari area terbangun Kota Sintang terancam oleh banjir baik pada tingkat bahaya sedang maupun tinggi. Hasil evaluasi RDTR menunjukkan bahwa hampir separuh dari alokasi ruang terbangun (44.4%) mempunyai risiko sedang dan hanya sebagian kecil (4.10%) mempunyai risiko tinggi. Dengan demikian upaya penanggulangan bencana harus menjadi prioritas utama oleh Pemerintah untuk menurunkan tingkat risiko


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    The impact of critical land create reduction quality of soil characteristics, which can interfere with the function of conservation, production, economic, and social life of the community. The objectives of this research are to analyzing and mapping of critical land, reviewing relevance of critical land distribution to the spatial pattern and making direction of rehabilitation in regional development in Kendal. The analytical methode which is used in this study were selecting parameters of critical land  and overlay using GIS to map the distribution of critical land. The result of this research is the critical land area in modification parameter is 34.317,87 ha, and parameter of P. 4/V-Set/2013 is 19.535,96 ha. General direction for land rehabilitation is vegetative conservation activity and technical civil conservation for erosion and sedimentation control. Direction for regional development in forest area is to develop PHBM through activity of agroforestry, community forest, ecotourism and medicinal plant cultivation in the forest. Direction on the farm cultivation area, especially on abandoned land and yards, is by optimization of community forest, by planting activities using perennials plant, MTPS and fruits plant, to control critical land, soil conservation and water management as well as increase community incomes by selling products from community forests


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    Bangka Island is known by the people of Indonesia and the world as the island's largest tin producer in Indonesia and has potential natural attractions such as beaches that surround the island of Bangka.This study is motivated by the former tin mining land that is not used optimally. One of waysis used to utilize former tin mine area is to develop it as a tourism area in Bangka Regency. The aim of this study is to identify and map the former tin mining area, to find out the priority areas of tourism development, to find out the types of tourism that can be developed, and to formulate strategies in the development of the former tin mining area as a tourism area. The analytical method used is the analysis of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), schallogram analysis, AHP and A'WOT (combination of AHP and SWOT). The result showed that the area of the former tin mines in Bangka spread six sub-districts. The priority areas for the development of the former tin mining area as a tourism area directed at Riau, Parit Padang, Kuto Panji and Kenanga Village. According to the perceptions of stakeholders, the types of tourism that can be developed on a former tin mining areas prioritized in the natural attractions of water recreation, culture tourism in the form of a tourist village, and artificial tourism in the form of edutourism. The main priority strategies that can be done is to develop mining tourism as a brand image. Keywords: former tin mining, mining tourism, development strateg

    Analisis Risiko Gempabumi di Cilacap Provinsi Jawa Tengah: Earthquake Risk Analysis in Cilacap, Central Java Province

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    Gempabumi merupakan kejadian yang datangnya secara tiba-tiba. Hingga kini kejadian gempa bumi tersebut masih belum dapat diprediksi kedatangannya. Wilayah yang berdekatan dengan jalur subduksi pada umumnya merupakan wilayah yang rawan terhadap bencana gempabumi, seperti Kabupaten Cilacap yang berada di pesisir selatan Pulau Jawa. Gempabumi Tasikmalaya yang terjadi tanggal 2 September 2009, dengan magnitudo M 7.3 terbukti telah berdampak besar terhadap wilayah Kabupaten Cilacap. Hal ini yang membuat perlunya penelitian risiko gempabumi di wilayah Cilacap. Studi bahaya gempabumi dan kerentanan akan sangat mendukung untuk penilaian risiko maupun program mitigasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis dan pemetaan bahaya, kerentanan, dan risiko gempabumi di kota Cilacap. Metode untuk analisis bahaya gempabumi menggunakan nilai percepatan tanah maksimum di permukaan (PGAM) dari hasil metode probabilistik. Untuk kerentanan gempabumi ditentukan berdasarkan jenis penggunaan lahan. Adapun untuk perhitungan risiko bencana gempabumi digunakan persamaan R = H Ă— V. Berdasarkan hasil analisis bahaya, didapatkan bahwa seluruh Kota Cilacap tergolong ke dalam kelas bahaya sedang dengan nilai PGAM bervariasi dari 0.405 – 0.494 gal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kerentanan, diperoleh bahwa kerentanan tinggi terdapat di penggunaan lahan permukiman yang meliputi Desa-desa Tambakreja, Sidanegara, Donan, Tritih Kulon bagian selatan, Cilacap, Mertasinga, dan Kamulyan. Adapun hasil analisis risiko menunjukkan bahwa kelas risiko tinggi di daerah penelitian meliputi area seluas 3,237.40 ha yang terdapat di Desa-desa Lomanis, Tambakreja, Tritih Kulon, Sidanegara, Donan, Mertasinga, dan Cilacap, sehingga di desa-desa tersebut perlu mendapat perhatian dan prioritas untuk program mitigasi bencana ke depan. Kata kunci: Kota Cilacap, risiko gempabumi, percepatan tanah maksimum di permukaan, metode probabilistikAn earthquake is an event that occurs suddenly and still unpredictable until now. The area surrounding the subduction zone is normally susceptible to earthquake disasters, such as Cilacap Regency located on the southern coast of Java Island. Tasikmalaya’s earthquake, occurred on 2 September 2009 with a magnitude of M 7.3, for instance, it has had a great impact on Cilacap Regency. Accordingly, the study on earthquakes risk for Cilacap Regency will be indispensable. The study of earthquake hazards and vulnerability will support risk assessment and mitigation. This research aims to analyze and map the earthquake hazard zone, vulnerability, and risk of Cilacap areas. The method for analyzing earthquake hazard used the value of peak ground acceleration at surface (PGAM) derived from probabilistic methods, while the value of vulnerability was determined based on the type of land use (by scoring), as for the risk calculation used an equation of R = H Ă— V. The results indicated that the entire of Cilacap City was classified into moderate hazard class under the PGAM value varies from 0.405 g to 0.494 g. While the land use of settlement possessed a high class of vulnerability that covered the villages of Tambakreja, Sidanegara, Donan, the southern part of Tritih Kulon, Cilacap, Mertasinga, and Kamulyan. As for risk analysis showed that the highest class of risk covers an area of 3,237.40 ha covering the villages of Lomanis, Tambakreja, Tritih Kulon, Sidanegara, Donan, Mertasinga, and Cilacap. Consequently, these villages need attention and priority in future disaster mitigation programs.  Keywords: Cilacap, earthquake risk, peak ground acceleration at the surface, probabilistic metho