18 research outputs found
Summary. Arterial hypertension is one of the cardiovascular diseases that has important medical and social significance. 7.7 million new cases are diagnosed each year, and the annual cost of the health care system to combat the causes and consequences of the disease, improve existing ones and the search for new methods of diagnosis and treatment is measured in billions.
The aim of the study – analysis of the patient's clinical histories with arterial hypertension in the context of 2010 and 2019 to compare and study the assistance level and work optimization.
Materials and Methods. Retrospective analysis of the patients clinical histories of 95 patients during 2010 and 84 patients during 2019 who were hospitalized at the Therapeutic Department of the Hospital No. 3, Тernopil with arterial hypertension.
Results. As a result of the study, it was found that among the examined patients in 2010 there were 46 men (48.42 %) and 49 women (51.57 %). The age of patients ranged from 20 to 77 years. During 2019, there were 54 (64.3 %) men and 30 (35.7 %) women, aged 23 to 83 years. As a result of the analysis of "Cost Minimization", the cheapest drugs in their group were found in 2010 and 2019. It was found that the total cost of arterial hypertension treatment for one patient in the hospital was – 255.09 UAH ( 144.26) in 2019 for the course of treatment.
Conclusions. In the structure of the cost of medical care for patients with hypertension in the therapeutic department, the most significant are the costs of purchasing drugs and hospital stay of patients. The presence of complications of the underlying disease significantly increases the cost of drugs. Pharmacoeconomic criteria were not taken into account when making decisions on the appointment of antihypertensive drugs.Резюме. Артеріальна гіпертензія належить до серцево-судинних захворювань, що має важливе медичне та соціальне значення. Кожного року діагностують 7,7 млн нових випадків, а щорічні витрати системи охорони здоров’я, котрі направлені на боротьбу з причинами та наслідками захворювання, удосконалення існуючих та пошук нових методів діагностики та лікування, вимірюються мільярдами.
Мета дослідження – вивчити історії хвороб пацієнтів з артеріальною гіпертензією за 2010–2019 рр. задля порівняння та дослідження рівня надання допомоги.
Матеріали і методи. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз медичних карт 95 хворих протягом 2010 р. і 84 – упродовж 2019 р., які перебували на стаціонарному лікуванні на базі Тернопільської міської комунальної лікарні № 3 терапевтичного відділення з приводу артеріальної гіпертензії.
Результати. У дослідженні встановлено, що серед обстежених хворих протягом 2010 р. чоловіків було 46 (48,42 %), жінок – 49 (51,57 %). Вік хворих становив від 20 до 77 років. А протягом 2019 р. було 54 (64,3 %) чоловіків і 30 (35,7 %) жінок віком від 23 до 83 років. У результаті проведеного аналізу «Мінімізації витрат» визначили найдешевші препарати в 2010 та 2019 рр. Встановили, що повна вартість захворювання на артеріальну гіпертензію одного пацієнта в умовах стаціонару становила 255,09 грн (32) у 2010 р. та 3 820,15 грн (144,26) в 2019 р. за курс лікування.
Висновки. У структурі вартості надання медичної допомоги хворим на артеріальну гіпертензію в умовах терапевтичного відділення найбільш значними є витрати на придбання медикаментів та перебування пацієнтів у стаціонарі. Наявність ускладнень основного захворювання суттєво збільшує затрати на лікарські препарати. При прийнятті рішень щодо призначення антигіпертензивних препаратів не враховувалися фармакоекономічні критерії
The Method for Generating a Set of Reference Images for Assessing the Condition of Critical Infrastructure Facilities Using Mobile Robots
The purpose of this work is to improve the accuracy of critical infrastructure condition assessment using mobile robots by considering the geometric distortions of the current images during the formation of a set of reference images. The goal is achieved by determining the sampling step values by angles and sighting height without loss of accuracy. The most important result is the determination of acceptable discretization values in the range of angles and heights of a correlation-extreme navigation system. The significance of the obtained results is in solving the problem of forming a set of reference images, which will reduce the impact of changes in the geometry of sighting on the accuracy of the evaluation of objects. A special feature of the results obtained is the establishment of maximum permissible sampling steps in angles and heights of sight to ensure the required accuracy of object state estimation. When forming a set of reference images, the sampling step by height should be (0.06....0.11)% and (0.12....0.2)% relative to the initial flight altitude for the sighting surface with normal and high object saturation, respectively. The angular sampling step is 10...17 degrees and 6...10 degrees, respectively, for the same surface types. The difference from known works is that the perspective and scale distortions are considered at the stage of formation of a set of reference images, which ensures high accuracy of the system functioning in conditions of orientation and sighting geometry changes
The aim of the work. To analyze the prescription of antihypertensive drugs of different groups in hospital conditions, the adherence of patients to treatment; to determine the role of the pharmacist in increasing the effectiveness of the treatment of people with arterial hypertension.
Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of 34 medical records of inpatients who were treated in Ternopil City Communal Hospital No. 3 during 2022 with a diagnosis of "Arterial hypertension, II stage" was conducted as was also the analysis of questionnaires (supplemented Morisky-Green questionnaire (MMAS-8)).
Results and Discussion. The analysis of pharmacotherapy showed that patients mostly received combined antihypertensive therapy (79.4 %), the share of patients who received ACE inhibitors was 61.8 %, diuretics – 53.0 %, calcium ion antagonists and beta-blockers – 20.6 %. As a result of the analysis of the questionnaires, it was found that the high level of compliance was in 17.6 %, average level in 14.7 % of patients, and the low one (67.6 %) prevailed, especially in the older age group.
Conclusions. A low level of adherence to treatment was recorded in the vast majority of patients. Pharmacists within the framework of the current protocol need to work with patients with arterial hypertension to increase adherence to treatment.Мета роботи. Проаналізувати призначення антигіпертензивних препаратів різних груп в умовах стаціонару, прихильність хворих до лікування, визначити роль фармацевта у підвищенні ефективності лікування осіб з артеріальною гіпертензією.
Матеріали і методи. Проведено ретроспективний аналіз 34 карт стаціонарних хворих, які перебували на лікуванні в Тернопільській міській комунальній лікарні № 3 впродовж 2022 р. з діагнозом артеріальної гіпертензії, ІІ ст. та аналіз анкет (доповнений опитувальник Моріски-Грін (MMAS-8).
Результати й обговорення. Аналіз фармакотерапії продемонстрував, що хворі переважно отримували комбіновану антигіпертензивну терапію (79,4 %), частка хворих, які отримували інгібітори АПФ, становила 61,8 %, діуретики – 53,0 %, антагоністи іонів кальцію і бета-адреноблокатори по 20,6 %. В результаті аналізу анкет виявлено, що високий рівень комплаєнтності був у 17,6 %, середній – у 14,7% хворих, переважав низький (67,6 %), особливо в старшій віковій групі.
Висновки. У більшості хворих реєстрували низький рівень прихильності до лікування. Фармацевтам в рамках діючого протоколу необхідно проводити роботу з хворими на артеріальну гіпертензію з підвищення прихильності до лікування
MASTER OT J004207.99+405501.1/M31LRN 2015 luminous red nova in M31: Discovery, light curve, hydrodynamics and evolution
We report the discovery and multicolour (VRIW) photometry of the rare explosive star MASTEROT J004207.99+405501.1 - a luminous red nova - in theAndromeda galaxy M31N2015-01a. We use our original light curve acquired with identical MASTER Global Robotic Net telescopes in one photometric system: VRI during the first 30 d and W (unfiltered) during 70 d. Also, we added published multicolour photometry data to estimate the mass and energy of the ejected shell and we discuss the likely formation scenarios of outbursts of this type. We propose an interpretation of the explosion that is consistent with an evolutionary scenario where the merging of stellar components or the disruption of the common envelope of a close binary can explain some luminous red novae. Radiative hydrodynamic simulations of a luminous red nova were carried out in extended parameter space to fit its light curves. We find that the multicolour passband light curves of the luminous red nova are consistent with an initial common envelope radius of 10 R⊙, a merger mass of 3M⊙ and an explosion energy of 3 × 1048 erg. As a result, the phenomenon of novae consists of two classes: classical nuclear novae and more rare events (red novae) connected with the loss of compact common envelopes. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Investigating adverse effects of chronic dietary exposure to herbicide glyphosate on zootechnical characteristics and clinical, biochemical and immunological blood parameters in broiler chickens
Although the herbicide glyphosate is widely used globally and considered safe, more evidence of its adverse effects on animals and humans is accumulating. The present investigation was aimed at evaluating the impact of different glyphosate concentrations on zootechnical characteristics and clinical, biochemical and immunological blood parameters in Ross 308 broiler chickens. Four groups were employed, including untreated control and three experimental groups fed diets enriched with glyphosate at doses of 10, 20 and 100 ppm that conformed to 0.5, 1 and 5 maximum residue limits, respectively. The results showed that glyphosate is a stress factor triggering a multifaceted effect on important blood parameters (e.g., white blood cell and phagocytic counts), which was shown for the first time in the experiments involving productive meat-type poultry. It was first revealed that glyphosate-induced changes in blood parameters may be related to a negative impact on the zootechnical characteristics including the digestive tract organ development and body weight gain. The study findings suggested that exposure to glyphosate in the feedstuffs can adversely affect the physiological condition and productivity of broilers
The Labor Market in Post-Reform Russia: the Role of Foreign Labor Force in Today's Russian Economy
The article is devoted to identifying and analyzing the factors which intensify migration to the RF and are conducive to expanding the practice of using foreign labor force, characteristic of employment in today's Russian economy. Special attention is given to the history and peculiar features of the formation and development of the current national labor market, as well as to its specific nature, resulting in the need to bring in workers from abroad. The authors point out that today the situation in the labor market in post-reform Russia is characterized by a number of negative trends in the sphere of forming labor resources, which can be overcome, among other things, by importing foreign workers. The authors also assess the economic and social effects of the presence of foreign labor migrants in the Russian labor market on the country's economy and society as a whole. Views on migration and migrants typical of Russian citizens are considered and analyzed
New copper(II) complexes with isoconazole: Synthesis, structures and biological properties
There is an increasing demand for novel metal-based complexes with biologically relevant molecules in technology and medicine. Three new Cu(II) coordination compounds with antifungal agent isoconazole (L), namely mononuclear complexes CuCl2(L)(2) (1), and Cu(O2CMe)(2)(L)(2)center dot 2H(2)O (2) and coordination polymer Cu(pht)(L)(2)(n) (3) (where H(2)pht - o-phthalic acid) were synthesized and characterized by IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray crystallography. X-ray analysis showed that in all complexes, the isoconazole is coordinated to Cu(II) centres by a N atom of the imidazole fragment. In complex I, the square-planar environment of Cu(II) atoms is completed by two N atoms of isoconazole and two chloride ligands, whereas the Cu(II) atoms are coordinated by two N atoms from two isoconazole ligands and two O atoms from the different carboxylate residues: acetate in 2 and phthalate in 3. The formation of an infinite chain through the bridging phthalate ligand is observed in 3. The biosynthetic ability of micromycetes Aspergillus niger CNMN FD 10 in the presence of the prepared complexes 1-3 as well as the antifungal drug isoconazole were studied. Complexes 2 and 3 accelerate the biosynthesis of enzymes (beta-glucosidase, xylanase and endoglucanase) by this fungus. Moreover, a simplified and improved method for the preparation of isoconazole nitrate was developed
Three-stage Collapse of the Long Gamma-Ray Burst from GRB 160625B Prompt Multiwavelength Observations
This article presents the early results of synchronous multiwavelength observations of one of the brightest gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) GRB 160625B with the detailed continuous fast optical photometry of its optical counterpart obtained by MASTER and with hard X-ray and gamma-ray emission, obtained by the Lomonosov and Konus-Wind spacecraft. The detailed photometry led us to detect the quasi-periodical emission components in the intrinsic optical emission. As a result of our analysis of synchronous multiwavelength observations, we propose a three-stage collapse scenario for this long and bright GRB. We suggest that quasiperiodic fluctuations may be associated with forced precession of a self-gravitating rapidly rotating superdense body (spinar), whose evolution is determined by a powerful magnetic field. The spinar’s mass allows it to collapse into a black hole at the end of evolution