326 research outputs found

    Effect of moisture content on the processing and mechanical properties of a biodegradable polyester

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    This work is focused on the influence of moisture content on the processing and mechanical properties of a biodegradable polyester used for applications in injection molding. The pellets of the biodegradable polyester were exposed under different relative humidity conditions at a constant temperature before being compression molded. The compression-molded specimens were again placed under the above conditions before the mechanical testing. With all these samples, it is possible to determine the effect of moisture content on the processing and mechanical properties separately, as well as the combined effect of moisture content on the mechanical properties. The results obtained showed that the amount of absorbed water—both before processing and before mechanical testing— causes an increase in elongation at break and a slight reduction of the elastic modulus and tensile strength. These changes have been associated with possible hydrolytic degradation during the compression molding process and, in particular, with the plasticizing action of the moisture absorbed by the specimens

    Creating Culturally Relevant Instructional Materials: A Swaziland Case Study

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    In the field of English language learning, research proves that culturally relevant reading materials improve students’ language acquisition, learning motivation, self-esteem, and identity formation. Since English is the language of instruction in many distant countries, such as Swaziland, even when English is not the native language of those countries, how can native English speakers most easily produce and expand the reach of culturally relevant materials for foreign settings that require English materials? In a study involving undergraduate university students, the researchers investigate the extent to which individuals recognize and demonstrate the importance of cultural context and relevance when creating their own books for Swaziland students. From the study, it is clear that the focus must shift from simple book production and donation to first gaining a deeper understanding of the relationship between the learners’ lived realities and the cultural content depicted in the materials. The researchers conclude that five distinct characteristics should be present in instructional material in order to increase the engagement, language acquisition, and self-worth of the English Language Learner

    Composizione specifica del macrobenthos non commerciale della Campagna Medits 2017 Stretto di Sicilia

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    Sono fornite informazioni sulla composizione specifica delle comunità macrobentoniche campionate durante la campagna di pesca a strascico sperimentale MEDITS effettuata nello Stretto di Sicilia nell’autunno del 2017

    Composizione specifica del megabenthos non commerciale della campagna MEDITS 2019 - GSA 16 (Sicilia meridionale)

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    La presente Relazione Tecnica ha lo scopo di fornire informazioni sulla composizione specifica delle comunità megabentoniche campionate durante la campagna di pesca a strascico sperimentale MEDITS, effettuata nella GSA 16 nell’estate del 201

    Composizione specifica del megabenthos non commerciale della comapagna MEDITS 2018 - GSA 16 (Sicilia meridionale)

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    La presente Relazione Tecnica ha lo scopo di fornire informazioni sulla composizione specifica delle comunità megabentoniche campionate durante la campagna di pesca a strascico sperimentale MEDITS, effettuata nella GSA 16 nell’estate del 201

    Morphology, rheological and mechanical properties of isotropic and anisotropic PP/rPET/GnP nanocomposite samples

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    The effect of graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs) on the morphology, rheological, and mechanical properties of isotropic and anisotropic polypropylene (PP)/recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET)-based nanocomposite are reported. All the samples were prepared by melt mixing. PP/rPET and PP/rPET/GnP isotropic sheets were prepared by compression molding, whereas the anisotropic fibers were spun using a drawing module of a capillary viscometer. The results obtained showed that the viscosity of the blend is reduced by the presence of GnP due to the lubricating effect of the graphene platelets. However, the Cox–Merz rule is not respected. Compared to the PP/rPET blend, the GnP led to a slight increase in the elastic modulus. However, it causes a slight decrease in elongation at break. Morphological analysis revealed a poor adhesion between the PP and PET phases. Moreover, GnPs distribute around the droplets of the PET phase with a honey-like appearance. Finally, the effect of the orientation on both systems gives rise not only to fibers with higher modulus values, but also with high deformability and a fibrillar morphology of the dispersed PET phase. A fragile-ductile transition driven by the orientation was observed in both systems

    Il costo sociale del morbillo in età pediatrica. L’epidemia a Palermo nel 1996-97

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    Objective To determine the direct and indirect costs associated with a measles epidemic occurring between September 1996 and August 1997 in Palermo (Italy) in paediatric-aged patients. Design A total of 2,029 cases of measles in a paediatric patient population were identified from a total of 38 paediatricians databases (24% of total). An extrapolation to the general population was then performed to estimate a total of 9,059 cases. Patient information obtained from the database such as patient age, risk factors, complications, vaccination history, as well as caretaker’s profession were included in a questionnaire compiled for each patient. Setting Inpatient and outpatient clinics in Palermo, Italy. Patients and participants Participants were paediatric-aged patients who had been diagnosed with measles. Included in the study was a group of previously vaccinated patients (6%). Main outcome measures and results The average cost of care was 464.000 Italian lire (Lit.) per case with a total cost of Lit. 4,2 billion for the entire epidemic. The direct costs comprehended 46.6% (Lit. 217.000 per case) of the total costs related to the measles epidemic and were subdivided according to in-patient care (55.4%), paediatric outpatient visits (33.5%) and drugs (9.7%). The average health-care cost associated to previously vaccinated patients (6%) was lower than for non-vaccinated patients, Lit. 110.000 vs Lit. 223.000 per case, respectively. Conclusion The demographic and economic data obtained highlights not only the social and economic impact of the epidemic, but also provides relevant information useful for cost-effectiveness analysis

    A neurocognitive investigation of the impact of socializing with a robot on empathy for pain

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    To what extent can humans form social relationships with robots? In the present study, we combined functional neuroimaging with a robot socializing intervention to probe the flexibility of empathy, a core component of social relationships, towards robots. Twenty-six individuals underwent identical fMRI sessions before and after being issued a social robot to take home and interact with over the course of a week. While undergoing fMRI, participants observed videos of a human actor or a robot experiencing pain or pleasure in response to electrical stimulation. Repetition suppression of activity in the pain network, a collection of brain regions associated with empathy and emotional responding, was measured to test whether socializing with a social robot leads to greater overlap in neural mechanisms when observing human and robotic agents experiencing pain or pleasure. In contrast to our hypothesis, functional region-of-interest analyses revealed no change in neural overlap for agents after the socializing intervention. Similarly, no increase in activation when observing a robot experiencing pain emerged post-socializing. Whole-brain analysis showed that, before the socializing intervention, superior parietal and early visual regions are sensitive to novel agents, while after socializing, medial temporal regions show agent sensitivity. A region of the inferior parietal lobule was sensitive to novel emotions, but only during the pre-socializing scan session. Together, these findings suggest that a short socialization intervention with a social robot does not lead to discernible differences in empathy towards the robot, as measured by behavioural or brain responses. We discuss the extent to which long-term socialization with robots might shape social cognitive processes and ultimately our relationships with these machines. This article is part of the theme issue ‘From social brains to social robots: applying neurocognitive insights to human–robot interaction’
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