1,377 research outputs found
Pengaruh Rasio Semen/Serat Dan Jenis Katalis Terhadap Kekuatan Fiber-Cement Board Dari Limbah Kertas Kardus (the Influence of Cement-to-Fiber Ratio and Type of Catalyst on Strength Properties of Fiber-Cement Board Made From Old Corrugated Paper)
Fiber cement board (FCB) made from old corrugated paper has not to develop. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of old corrugated paper as reinforcement for cement-bonded board and the study was undertaken to: 1) determine the optimum cement-to-fiber ratio, the best type of catalyst; 2) determine the strength properties of cement-bonded boards manufactured from the old corrugated paper; 3) determine the effect of cement-to-fiber ratio on strength properties of cement-bonded boards from old corrugated paper. The treatments of cement/fiber ratio were 60:40 ; 50:50 and 40:60. The catalyst were aluminum sulfate (Al2(SO4)3), sodium silicate (Na2SiO3), and calcium chloride (CaCl2) as an accelerator. Old Corrugated paper was soaked into cold water for 48 hours and continued re-pulped with disintegrator at 2 % consistency for 15 minutes until the fiber separated. The boards were pressed by cold press at 25 kg/cm2 for 15 minutes with density target at 1 g/cm3. Methods of this research were two steps curing. The first step was air curing for 48 hours and continued of second step was oven curing at 80o C for 48 hours. The result of the research showed that the density of boards was average 1.03 g/cm3. The effect of cement-to-fiber ratio on the strength properties showed that 60:40 is better rather than 50:50 and 40:60. The best Catalyst is calcium chloride (CaCl2)
Pemanfaatan Batang Pinang (Areca Catechu Linn) Sebagai Bahan Perekat Likuida Berdasarkan Kedalaman Batang Utilization of Areca Nut's Stem (Areca Catechu Linn) as the Wood Liquid Material According to Depth of the Stem
Waste areca nut's stem (Areca catechu Linn) was one of lignocellulose natural resources potential as raw material of liquid adhesive with through liquifaction method. The part used was the outer stem (L), the middle (T) and the inner (D). The research objective was to determine the quality of adhesive and compared with a standard that was the nature of appearance, degree of acidity (pH), viscosity, density, solids content, gelatin time with SNI 06-4567-1998, free formaldehyde with SNI 06-4565-1998 and ash content with ASTM D 1102-84. Areca nut liquid adhesive made by mixing the powder directly the third part of the areca nut's stem 20-40 mesh at the temperature 90oC during 2 hours with technical phenol, H2SO4 98%, NaOH 50%, formaldehyde 37%. The results of the research showed that the liquid adhesive stem areca nut partially fulfill the characteristics of phenol formaldehyde adhesives for plywood according to SNI 06-4567-1998. The characteristics that fulfill such as the appearance of the outer stem were dark red and free of dirt, the pH of the three parts of the stem that was 13 (L); 11 (T and D), the density of the outer and the middle was 1.152 (L), 1.173 (T), solids content of the middle part and the inner part was 40% (T and D), the gelatin time of the three part was 332 minutes (L); 315 minutes (T); 305 minutes (D). Free formaldehyde of the three part stem fulfilled SNI 06-4565-1998 was 1.69% (L) 1.30% (T) and 1.24% (D). The liquid adhesive of outer part has characteristics resembling phenol formaldehyde adhesive than the middle and the inner of areca nut's stem
Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis Papan Semen Dari Limbah Industri Pensil Dengan Berbagai Rasio Bahan Baku Dan Target Kerapatan
Pemanfaatan limbah industri serutan pensil belum banyak dikembangkan. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi kelayakan teknis limbah industri serutan pensil sebagai bahan baku papan semen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk: menentukan rasio semen-partikel dan target kerapatan terbaik terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis papan semen yang dihasilkan; mengevaluasi pengaruh rasio bahan baku dan target kerapatan terhadap kualitas papan semen. Rasio bahan baku yang digunakan adalah 80:20, dan 85:15. Target kerapatan yang ditetapkan adalah 1 g/cm3 dan 1,2 g/cm3. Katalis yang digunakan sebagai akselerator adalah magnesium klorida (MgCl2). Papan ditekan dengan kempa dingin pada 25 kg/cm2 selama 10 menit. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan dua tahap proses pengerasan papan semen. Tahap pertama proses pengerasan papan kering udara selama 4-5 hari dan dilanjutkan dengan pengovenan papan semen selama 24 jam pada suhu 50oC. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai sifat fisis yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar JIS A 5417-1992. Efek rasio semen-partikel pada kekuatan menunjukkan bahwa rasio 85:15 sangat baik dibandingkan dengan rasio 80:20. Target kerapatan terbaik adalah 1,2 g/cm3
Sifat Fisis Dan Mekanis Papan Partikel Dari Serbuk Limbah Gergajian Dengan Berbagai Kadar Perekat Isosianat
Serbuk limbah gergajian kayu mahoni sangat melimpah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar perekat isosianat terbaik terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis papan semen yang dihasilkan; serta mengevaluasi pengaruh kadar perekat terhadap kualitas papan partikel. Kadar perekat isosianat yang digunakan adalah 6%, 8%, 10%, 12%, dan 14%. Target kerapatan yang ditetapkan adalah 0,7 g/cm3. Jenis perekat yang digunakan ialah isosianat H3M. Papan ditekan dengan kempa panas pada 25 kg/cm2 selama 5 menit dilanjutkan dengan pengkondisian selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai sifat fisis yang dihasilkan memenuhi standar JIS A 5908 (2003). Dari hasil penelitian ini kadar perekat terbaik adalah 14%
Pengembangan Perekat Likuida Dari Limbah Kulit Buah Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.)
Increased need for adhesive in the wood processing industry require alternative to meet the needs. Cocoa is one of natural resource that contains lignocelluloses and potential to be alternative adhesive through liquefaction process. This research aim to determine adhesive quality such as visible, degree of acidity (pH), viscosity, density, solid content, gelatin time, ash content , free formaldehyde, and crystalline degree, compare the adhesive quality of cocoa fruit outer skin (CFOS/ KBKL) and inner skin (CFIS/ KBKD), and compare them with SNI 06-4567-1998. Mixed cocoa fruit skin, H2SO4, technical crystal phenol, NaOH and formalin with 90ºC temperature for 2 hours. Result of research showed that cocoa fruit skin adhesive is phenolic group with CFOS was liquid adhesive characteristic, brown colored, waste free, degree of acidity was 10, viscosity was 0,8355 cps, density was 1,156, degree of solid content was 42,33%, gelatin time was 89 minutes 37 seconds, ash content was 9,2%, free formaldehyde was 0,8% and crystalline degree was 35,19% and CFIS characteristic was liquid, reddish brown colored, waste free, degree of acidity was 10, viscosity was 31,202 cps, density was 1,262, degree of solid content was 44,66%, gelatin time was 73 minutes 45 seconds, ash content was 13,8%, free formaldehyde was 0,48% and crystalline degree was 37,28%. CFIS better than CFOS because it has fit with the standards well and also almost standard approach although not according to standard. Cocoa fruit skin liquid adhesive quality were gotten fulfilled SNI 06-4567-1998 enough such as appearance, degree of acidity, degree of solid content and gelatin time. Free formaldehyde characteristic also fulfill of SNI 06-4565-1998 was ≤2
Neutrino magnetohydrodynamics
A new neutrino magnetohydrodynamics (NMHD) model is formulated, where the
effects of the charged weak current on the electron-ion magnetohydrodynamic
fluid are taken into account. The model incorporates in a systematic way the
role of the Fermi neutrino weak force in magnetized plasmas. A fast
neutrino-driven short wavelengths instability associated with the magnetosonic
wave is derived. Such an instability should play a central role in strongly
magnetized plasma as occurs in supernovae, where dense neutrino beams also
exist. In addition, in the case of nonlinear or high frequency waves, the
neutrino coupling is shown to be responsible for breaking the frozen-in
magnetic field lines condition even in infinite conductivity plasmas.
Simplified and ideal NMHD assumptions were adopted and analyzed in detail
Occlusion Handler Density Networks for 3D Multimodal Joint Location of Hand Pose Hypothesis
Predicting the pose parameters during the hand pose estimation (HPE) process is an ill-posed challenge. This is due to severe self-occluded joints of the hand. The existing approaches for predicting pose parameters of the hand, utilize a single-value mapping of an input image to generate final pose output. This way makes it difficult to handle occlusion especially when it comes from the multimodal pose hypothesis. This paper introduces an effective method of handling multimodal joint occlusion using the negative log-likelihood of a multimodal mixture-of-Gaussians through a hybrid hierarchical mixture density network (HHMDN). The proposed approach generates multiple feasible hypotheses of 3D poses with visibility, unimodal and multimodal distribution units to locate joint visibility. The visible features are extracted and fed into the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) layer of the HHMDN for feature learning. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is proved on ICVL, NYU, and BigHand public hand pose datasets. The imperative results show that the proposed method in this paper is effective as it achieves a visibility error of 30.3mm, which is less error compared to many state-of-the-art approaches that use different distributions of visible and occluded joints
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