39 research outputs found

    Hybrid Internal Migration: The Factors Of Migration For Education Among Wana Tribe Community In Central Sulawesi

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    Berdasarkan wawancara dengan warga desa yang bermigrasi dari suku Wana yang tinggal di Sulawesi Tengah di Indonesia, penelitian ini membahas tentang faktor yang mendorong migrasi ke kota untuk tujuan pendidikan. Kami menemukan bahwa orang tua mengarahkan anaknya pindah ke kota untuk mendapatkan pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, informasi, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman dari orang tua maupun generasi angkatan mereka secara langsung memengaruhi proses pengambilan keputusan untuk migrasi. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa migrasi generasi muda di daerah asal ditentukan oleh tiga faktor pendorong terkait dengan pengalaman migrasi orang tua di kota. Keputusan untuk migrasi suku Wana ke kota besar di wilayah Sulawesi Tengah tidak hanya untuk meningkatkan status sosial mereka, tetapi dalam rangka mengupayakan perubahan status ekonomi, peningkatan pendidikan, dan fasilitas di daerah asal. Secara umum, artikel ini menggambarkan alasan psikologis dan tantangan generasi orang tua suku Wana ketika berjuang mendorong anak-anak mereka untuk pergi ke kota besar dengan tujuan memperoleh pendidikan.Kata Kunci: Migrasi pendidikan; Pengambilan keputusan; Proses migrasi; Pengembangan masyarakat; Suku Wana


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    Macrofouling is one of the major problems on a marine net cage culture. The attachment of macrofouling could cover the net cage and thus reduce the water circulation in the cage. Application of copper oxide paints may be able to solve that problem. A field experiment with Completely Randomizes Design was applied with 9 treatments: paint without biocide; paints contained: 5% Copper Oxide; 10% Copper Oxide; 1% Chlorothalonil; 1% Chlorothaloni + 5% Copper Oxide; 1% Chlorothaloni + 10% Copper Oxide; 1% Zinc Omadine; 1% Zinc Omadine + 5% Copper Oxide; 1% Zinc Omadine + 10% Copper Oxide, each treatment was replicated 3 times. The research was done on July – September 2007 at Hanura Bay Lampung. Data of the abundance and diversity of macrofouling were collected weekly. The results showed that the application of copper oxide paints affected the macrofouling attachment significantly (P < 0, 01). The best result was antifouling paints contained Copper Oxide, and combination between Copper Oxide with Chlorothalonil and Zink Omadine. However, from the economical point of view, paint with 5% Copper Oxide could be suggested for preventing macrofouling attachment on the marine net cag

    Local Tourism Businesses in Indonesia: A Pathway to Crisis Resilient Development?

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    The aim of this paper is to explore ways in which small tourism-based enterprises can offer a crisis-resilient pathway to sustainable development. Based on a mixed-embeddedness framework, this paper explores the multiple strategies that small enterprises in the silver souvenir industry of Kotagede (Yogyakarta, Indonesia) applied to cope with hardship during the Indonesian decade of crisis (1996-2006). The data on which this paper builds stem from qualitative research conducted in Yogyakarta over a time span of 20 years. This paper makes two contributions to the current literature. The first contribution is to offer empirical, longitudinal, primary data on small-firm performances against the background of fluctuations in the tourism industry. The second contribution is conceptual, arguing that an embeddedness approach, sensitive to location-specific characteristics, promises a better understanding of small tourism enterprises as crisis-resilient development path- ways. In doing so, this paper also asserts that small businesses, due to their embeddedness in household economies and subcontracting arrangements that include rural labor, have the capacity to become agents of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals


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    Cellulose aerogel is known to be superior in removal of oil pollutants and organic solvent. This research developed the synthesis of cellulose aerogel from kapok fiber, application as an adsorbent for lubricating oil waste and its reusability. Chemical delignification was carried out by immersing the kapok fibers in NaOH 6% solution at 100oC for 1h to obtained a cellulose of 65.5% (SNI-2009). The effect of urea concentration on adsorbent products was studied in the range of 8-16w%. Whereas the effect of cellulose was studied at a concentration range of 0.5-1.5w%. The gelation stage was carried out by adding cellulose in a NaOH/urea solution accompanied by stirring (1000rpm) for 15minutes. The mixture was cooled at 0 oC for 48h to form a gel.  The formed gel is dried by the freeze drying method at -45°C. The cellulose aerogel from kapok fiber with a density of 0.11g/cm3 and porosity of 92.46% had an absorption capacity of up to 11.987g/g in the first cycle. The use of each aerogel cellulose sample to absorb lubricant oil waste reached a maximum of three cycles.  DOI : https://doi.org/10.33005/jurnal_tekkim.v15i1.230

    The Role of Natural Capital in Surviving Periods of Crisis: A Case Study of the Nglanggeran Village Community

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    The sustainability of tourism-based livelihoods can be threatened when a crisis occurs.&nbsp;Thus, people’s resilience during crisis is a significant factor for people to maintain livelihoods as it is a contributing mechanism for people to escape from crisis. &nbsp;This research examines how the Nglanggeran community sustains their livelihoods by utilizing their natural resources as a strategy to survive Covid-19 pandemic between 2020 to 2021.&nbsp;This study uses an ethnographic approach. The data collection process was carried out through participant observation and in-depth interviews with 14 former migrant workers and who now live in Nglanggeran village. The focus of the analysis in this study is the strategy of the Nglanggeran community in maintaining their livelihoods by utilizing their land. The analysis process uses thematic analysis. People who own paddy fields are more likely to survive than those who plant trees for timber on their land. What the Nglanggeran community does is important in maintaining their resilience and as a survival strategy for the local community. Tourism activities do not have to displace traditional livelihood activities on local people's land, rather land use can be optimized to support sustainable livelihoods. While they can optimalise land use, this does not increase their quality of life. They have survived but their livelihoods remain vulnerable. &nbsp


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    The silver handicrafts industry in the Celuk Village is growing rapidly along with the development of Bali's tourism sector. The number of tourists visiting Bali has increased from time to time and it affects the increase of souvenir purchases number, including silver-crafts. Celuk Viillage is a traditional Balinese village that has changed into a tourist attraction with its trademark in the form of gold and especially, silver. The sustainability of the silver handicraft industry in Celuk Village is supported by the harmony of the collaboration between entrepreneurs and craftsmen in running the business. This research found that the Celuk Village silver handicrafts industry shows ability to develop and maintains its business, also to face many different challenges. The entrepreneurs and craftsmen in Celuk Village not only from local residents but also include migrants from outside Bali. This paper describes the habitus, realm, capital (social, cultural, economic and symbolic capital) and practice through Pierre Bourdieu’s perspective. The explanation is based on the empirical experience of local and migrant populations as craftsmen and entrepreneurs when pioneering, developing, and maintaining silver-craft business in Celuk. The research found that different from the locals, who can utilize social capital and cultural capital when pioneering, use economic capital when developing business, then symbolic capital in sustaining business, the access of the migrants to economic capital and symbolic capital is very limited. Therefore migrants use social capital and cultural capital when pioneering, developing and sustaining their business. Regarding to Bourdieu, the difference findings between local and migrants in Celuk Village shows that there is a fight over resources (capital) in the realm, and it forms a new habitus which is differentiation in social stratification between locals as dominant and migrant entrepreneurs as subordinate entrepreneurs


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    This research is meant to explore how local employees who work in International hotels in Dili, the capital city of Timor Leste adapt to the working environment. Without enough knowledge about hospitality, they acquire the skills through the knowledge transfer from the senior workers and through learning by doing. This research uses qualitative approach. In order to obtain data, in-depth interviews were done with 16 employees of the two hotels under research, i.e., Novo Turismo Hotel and Timor Plaza hotel. The research finds that kinship value in their working environment helps to accelerate transfer knowledge for the employees in Novo Turismo Hotel dan Timor Plaza. The process brings positive effects to training fund, potentials of internal conflicts and the cost of damages caused by the negligence of local employees


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    Strengthening the role of village communities must be carried out in order to build reform for the village itself. One of the most prominent social empathy attitudes as a symptom of rural community life is mutual cooperation. In the Kore-Metan traditional practice, the people of Aiteas Village, Municipio Manatuto, Timor Leste also apply the principle of mutual cooperation. In the effort to develop tradition, the most competent is the customary leader, because he is the informal leader of the tribe. This study aims to determine the role of informal leaders in the practice of Kore-Metan tradition in Aiteas Village. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. Data obtained by interview. The research was conducted in Aiteas Village, Posto Administrative Manatuto, Municipio Manatuto, Timor Leste. Based on the research results, the practice of the Kore-Metan tradition has a function for the people of Aiteas Village: First, the Kore-Metan tradition is a tradition passed down from generation to generation as a useful historical heritage. Second, it gives legitimacy to the beliefs, institutions and rules that already exist in Aiteas Village. Third, the Kore-Metan tradition provides a convincing symbol of collective identity, in this case loyalty to traditional ties and local cultural values. Fourth, the Kore-Metan tradition as a means of consolation. The role of the traditional leader of Aiteas Village is very important in the practice of the Kore-Metan tradition. The role of the Traditional Leader of Desa Aiteas in the practice of the Kore-Metan tradition, namely first, to give direction to the socialization process; second, the inheritor of traditions, beliefs, values, norms and knowledge; third, to unite society; and fourth, turn on the control control system. Social institutions through the role of the Traditional Chairman of Aiteas Village in the practice of the Kore-Metan tradition can be a means for building the character of the Aiteas Village community, because these social institutions contain the values ​​of mutual cooperation, responsibility, adherence to customary values, as well as community unity and integrity

    Flake LABU KUNING (cucurbita moschata) DENGAN KADAR VITAMIN A TINGGI (Pumpkin (cucurbita moschata) flake with high-vitamin a content)

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    Flake is a type of breakfast , ready meals  and golden brown with a crunchy texture. In general, flake were made from wheat flour or from starch tubers like tapioca starch. Pumpkin has  vitamin  A  and  high  fiber  content.  Therefore  flakes  may  be  added  starch  and  materials developers  Sodium  bicarbonate  (NaHCO3)  is  expected  to  assist  the  process  of  gelatinization perfectly  until the flakes produced  porous and crisp.This research aims to study the effect of the  proportion  of  pumpkin  and  tapioca  flour  with  the  addition  of  sodium  bicarbonate  to  the flakes  to  obtain  flake  with  acceptable  quality.  The  methods    are  factorial design which arranged completely randomized and each of two treatment combination was replicated three times. The first factor is the proportion of pumpkin flour: tapioca (60: 40: 65: 35: 70: 3;) g and the  second  factor  was  the  concentration  of  sodium  bicarbonate  (0.25,  0.50,  0.75)%.  The  best results  were  getted  with  the  proportion  of  pumpkin  flour:  tapioca  flour(65:  35)  g  with  the addition  of  0.50%  sodium  bicarbonate  to  produce  flakes  with  water  content  7.56%,  starch 43.23%, fiber 8.03%, β-carotene 33.74 μ g / g, 30.11% rehydration capacity and texture of 0.27  kg  /  cm,  while  the  method  of  ranking  organoleptic  texture  values  obtained  91  and  86 colors (highly preferred) and a sense of 71 (less preferable).Key word: Flakes, pumpkin, starch, tapioka, β karote


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk adaptasi Nelayan di pulau Liki terhadap dampak perubahan iklim. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Dampak Perubahan Iklim yang terjadi di pulau Liki dapat dilihat dari fenomena abrasi pantai, banjir, gelombang pasang dan angin kencang. Persepsi nelayan setempat mengenai perubahan iklim adalah sulitnya membaca tanda-tanda alam (angin dan arus laut), hal ini mengakibatkan turunnya pendapatan rumah tangga. Untuk mengatasi dampak perubahan iklim, nelayan di pulau Liki melakukan strategi adaptasi yang terdiri dari diversifikasi sumber pendapatan, diversifikasi alat tangkap dan migrasi. &nbsp; &nbsp;This study aims to identify the forms of adaptation of fishermen on Liki Island to the impacts of climate change. Data collection was carried out using a qualitative approach. Data obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation. The impact of climate change on Liki Island can be seen from the phenomena of coastal abrasion, flooding, tidal waves, and strong winds. The perception of local fishermen regarding climate change is that it is difficult to read natural signs (wind and ocean currents), this has resulted in a decrease in household income. To overcome the impacts of climate change, fishermen on Liki Island have implemented adaptation strategies consisting of diversification of income sources, diversification of fishing gear and migration