729 research outputs found

    Linear, diatomic crystal: single-electron states and large-radius excitons

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    The large-radius exciton spectrum in a linear crystal with two atoms in the unit cell was obtained using the single-electron eigenfunctions and the band structure, which were found by the zero-range potential (ZRP) method. The ground-state exciton binding energies for the crystal in vacuum appeared to be larger than the corresponding energy gaps for any set of the crystal parameters.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Diffraction radiation from a screen of finite conductivity

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    An exact solution has been found for the problem of diffraction radiation appearing when a charged particle moves perpendicularly to a thin finite screen having arbitrary conductivity and frequency dispersion. Expressions describing the Diffraction and Cherenkov emission mechanisms have been obtained for the spectral-angular forward and backward radiation densities.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Incoherent form factor in diffraction and Smith - Purcell radiations

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    It has been shown that polarization radiation of charged particle beams generally includes an incoherent form factor caused by a finite transverse size of a beam. Consequently, a widespread opinion that the form factor characterizes only coherent radiation of charge particle bunches is generally invali

    Near-field resonances in photon emission via interaction of electrons with coupled nanoparticles

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    In this work we construct the first-principles theory for the near-field resonances arising in the system of two different coupled nanoparticles excited by the external field. The obtained expressions are valid for an arbitrary external field; the detailed analysis is performed for the case of a fast electron passing b

    Extensive infrared spectroscopic study of CuO: signatures of strong spin-phonon interaction and structural distortion

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    Optical properties of single-crystal monoclinic CuO in the range 70 - 6000 \cm were studied at temperatures from 7 to 300 K. Normal reflection spectra were obtained from the (001) and (010) crystal faces thus giving for the first time separate data for the AuA_{u} and BuB_{u} phonon modes excited in the purely transverse way (TO modes). Mode parameters, including polarizations of the BuB_{u} modes not determined by the crystal symmetry, were extracted by the dispersion analysis of reflectivity curves as a function of temperature. Spectra of all the components of the optical conductivity tensor were obtained using the Kramers-Kronig method recently extended to the case of the low-symmetry crystals. The number of strong phonon modes is in agreement with the factor-group analysis for the crystal structure, currently accepted for the CuO. However, several "extra" modes of minor intensity are detected. Comparison of frequencies of "extra" modes with the available phonon dispersion curves points to possible "diagonal" doubling of the unit cell \{{\bf a}, {\bf b}, {\bf c}\} \to \{{\bf a}+{\bf c}, {\bf b}, {\bf a}-{\bf c}\} and formation of the superlattice. The previously reported softening of the Au3A^{3}_{u} mode (\sim 400 \cm) with cooling at TNT_{N} is found to be \sim 10 % for the TO mode. The mode is very broad at high temperatures and strongly narrows in the AFM phase. We attribute this effect to strong resonance coupling of this mode to optical or acoustic bi-magnons and reconstruction of the magnetic excitations spectrum at the N\'eel point. A significant anisotropy of ϵ\epsilon^{\infty} is observed: it was found to be 5.9 along the {\bf b}-axis, 6.2 along the {[}101{]} chains and 7.8 the {[}101ˉ\bar{1}{]} chains. The "transverse" effective charge is value is about 2 electrons.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, REVTeX, submitted to PR