5 research outputs found

    Modelizado y simulación de un cristalizador continuo industrial: oscilaciones, sembrado y programación en scilab

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Ciència, Tecnologia i Aplicacions dels Materials Ceràmics. Codi SIT043. Curs acadèmic 2013/201

    DEM-based modelling framework for spray-dried powders in ceramic tiles industry. Part I: Calibration procedure

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    This work describes a combined experimental-numerical study to characterizefine spray-dried powder used inthe ceramic tile pressing process. A DEM-based granular assembly is endowed with a new set of scaling laws thatallows for simulating reliably industrial processes using a much lower number of granules. To do it, a calibrationstrategy relying on three experimental setups is proposed; (i) compression test of bulk for granule stiffness, (ii)dynamic angle of repose and (iii) image analysis of the powder motion in a rotating drum for the intergranularand granular-boundary sliding and rolling friction coefficients. In order to evaluate the powder motion in a rotat-ing drum, a robust method relying on a direct image analysis is proposed. This methodology makes it possible toquantitatively assess the frictional properties of the powder in contact with different surface materials

    Análisis de sensibilidad de un modelo de comportamiento biomecánico del tórax durante una reanimación cardiopulmonar

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    La reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP) es una técnica de primeros auxilios que con demasiada frecuencia ignora la fisiología ósea del paciente. Los factores que afectan al riesgo de realizar una RCP fueron investigados utilizando un modelo de caja torácica humana mediante el Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF). Se evaluaron dos variables de respuesta del modelo: el desplazamiento del esternón y la tensión equivalente de Von Mises en la caja torácica. Basándose en el desplazamiento del esternón es posible determinar cuando la RCP es apropiada, según las directrices propuestas por la Asociación Americana del Corazón (AHA). El modelo de elementos finitos de la caja torácica incluyó tres tejidos: los tejidos óseos cortical y trabecular y el tejido cartilaginoso. En primer lugar, se examinó el rango habitual de variación de las propiedades elastoplásticas de estos materiales. En segundo lugar, el modelo fue sometido a un análisis de sensibilidad para evaluar la influencia de estas propiedades elastoplásticas en la RCP. El estudio reveló que las propiedades elásticas del tejido cartilaginoso son decisivas para realizar una RCP adecuada. Asimismo, las propiedades del tejido trabecular tienen una influencia significativa en la RCP, siendo menos importantes las propiedades del tejido cortical. Los resultados sugieren que el cambio en las propiedades mecánicas de estos tejidos con la edad y las enfermedades óseas deberían considerarse al realizar la RCP.Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a first aid technique that too often ignores the bone physiology of the patient. Factors affecting the risk of performing a CPR were investigated using a full human ribcage FE-model, representing an average human adult. Two response variables of the FE-model were evaluated: the displacement of the sternum and the equivalent Von Mises stress in the ribcage. Based on the displacement of the sternum is possible to determine when the CPR is appropriate, according to the guidelines proposed by the American Heart Association (AHA). The ribcage FE-model included three tissues: cortical and trabecular bone tissue and cartilaginous tissue. First, the usual range of variation of the elastoplastic properties of these materials was examined. Secondly, the model was subjected to a sensitivity analysis to evaluate the influence of these elastoplastic properties on CPR. The study revealed that the elastic properties of the cartilage tissue are decisive to perform an adequate CPR. Likewise, the properties of the trabecular tissue have a significant influence on CPR, with the properties of the cortical being less important. The results suggest that the change in mechanical properties of these tissues with age and bone disease should be considered when performing CPR.La reanimació cardiopulmonar (RCP) és una tècnica de primers auxilis que amb massa freqüència ignora la fisiologia òssia del pacient. Els factors que afecten el risc de realitzar una RCP van ser investigats utilitzant un model de caixa toràcica humana mitjançant el Mètode d'Elements Finits (MEF). Es van avaluar dues variables de resposta del model: el desplaçament de l'estèrnum i la tensió equivalent de Von Mises en la caixa toràcica. Basant-se en el desplaçament de l'estèrnum és possible determinar quan la RCP és apropiada, segons les directrius proposades per l'Associació Americana del Cor (AHA). El model d'elements finits de la caixa toràcica va incloure tres teixits: els teixits ossis cortical i trabecular i el teixit cartilaginós. En primer lloc, es va examinar el rang habitual de variació de les propietats elastoplàstiques d'aquests materials. En segon lloc, el model va ser sotmès a una anàlisi de sensibilitat per a avaluar la influència d'aquestes propietats elastoplàstiques en la RCP. L'estudi va revelar que les propietats elàstiques del teixit cartilaginós són decisives per a realitzar una RCP adequada. Així mateix, les propietats del teixit trabecular tenen una influència significativa en la RCP, sent menys importants les propietats del teixit cortical. Els resultats suggereixen que el canvi en les propietats mecàniques d'aquests teixits amb l'edat i les malalties òssies haurien de considerar-se en realitzar la RCP

    Estudio y modelización del comportamiento reológico de materiales cerámicas pulverulentos durante el llenado de moldes

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    Las baldosas cerámicas son placas de escaso grosor fabricadas con arcillas,sílice, fundentes, colorantes y otros materiales, generalmente utilizadas comorevestimientos. Durante su fabricación pueden aparecer problemas de heterogeneidad, debido a una distribución deficiente del polvo en los alvéolos del molde en el que se conforman. Como respuesta a esta problemática, en este trabajo se ha desarrollado un programa informático que permite simular, estudiar y comprender el llenado de moldes del proceso de fabricación de baldosas. El método utilizado para realizar la simulación se denomina Método de los Elementos Discretos (en inglés “Discrete Elements Method”, abreviado como DEM). Asimismo, se ha propuesto una metodología novedosa para la calibración del modelo, el cual ha sido validado utilizando un sistema de alimentación de polvo piloto. Este equipo también se ha utilizado para investigar el llenado de moldes. Finalmente se realizaron una serie de simulaciones orientadas a mostrar las capacidades del programa desarrollado.Ceramic tiles are thin plates made from clays, silica, fluxes, colorants and other materials, generally used as wall or floor coverings. During its manufacturing process, some heterogeneity problems may appear, due to a poor distribution of the powder in the mold which they are formed in. As a response to this problem, a computer program that allows for simulation, study and understanding of the mold filling of the tile manufacturing process has been developed. The method used to perform the simulation is called the Discrete Elements Method (abbreviated as DEM). Likewise, a novel methodology has been proposed for the calibration of the model, which has been validated using a prototype of a powder feeding system. This equipment has also been used to study the mold filling. Finally, a series of simulations were carried out in order to show the capabilities of the program developed.Programa de Doctorat en Tecnologies Industrials i Material

    A numerical approach for the combined analysis of the dynamic thermal behaviour of an entire ceramic roller kiln and the stress formation in the tiles

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    The numerical analysis of thermal and fluid dynamics behaviour of an industrial roller kiln used for manufacturing ceramic tiles is carried out and combined with the analysis of the mechanical stresses formed in the final ceramics product. The developed numerical approach is able to address the energy efficiency, the fuel consumption as well as the pollutant emissions and the quality of the final product. The model of the ceramic kiln is based on a lumped and distributed parameter model and accounts for the heat and mass transfer phenomena that take place in the real components under actual operating conditions of the systems. Models for the simulation of the different components that are used for the kiln functioning are included in the modelling, such as the burners, the fan, the valves and the control system. The numerical approach demonstrates to predict accurately the temperature distribution of both the tiles and the hot gases along the kiln length. Numerical results are validated against experimental measurements carried out on a real kiln during regular production operations. Additionally, the calculated temperature profile of the tiles is employed to predict the mechanical stresses that form in the ceramic product within the kiln. A thermomechanical model is adopted to determine the curvature and residual stresses in the tiles and particular care is devoted to the final stresses that remain at the end of the kiln since they affect the quality of product. The developed numerical approach demonstrates to be an efficient tool for investigating different control strategies to optimize the kiln thermal behaviour as well as the tile quality. On the basis of the fluid-dynamics and thermomechanical numerical approaches, a modified operating strategy for the kiln's cooling section is proposed to minimize the tiles' residual stresses and the modified cooling profile resulted to be in the operating range of the real kiln