74 research outputs found

    Research subjects studied by the Cluj accounting school in the „Brasov period”

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    This article focuses on the works published in the field of accounting during the Second World War and in the post-war period in Transylvania. More exactly, this work presents the research themes studied when the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies, which was the first form of Higher education in the economic field in Transylvania, functioned in Brasov. We wanted to surprise in this paper the apparition of the Academy in Cluj, the reason of moving in Brasov and the “Brasov period”

    Evolution issues in pediatric dilated cardiomypathy in children

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    Department of Pediatrics, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Republic of Moldova, Mother and Children Institute, Republic of MoldovaAim. Cardiomyopathy presents a heterogeneous group of myocardial disorders. Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the most common pediatric primary cardiomyopathy. The annual incidence of DMC in children is, according to different authors, from 0.57 to 2.6 / 100,000 pediatric population. The authors mention a higher incidence for children aged up to 1 year and is prevalent at boys. Evaluation of children with DCM includes clinical and instrumental parameters, especially the left ventricular (LV) function. The aim of the study was to evaluate echocardiographic evaluation of children with DCM. Material and methods. The study included a total of 75 children with primary cardiomyopathy (45 boys and 30 girls), aged 1 month - 18 years (mean age - 4.81 ± 2.42 years) consecutively admitted in cardiology department of Mother and Child Institute (Chisinau, Moldova). The diagnosis was confirmed through clinical methods and explorative complex tests: anamnestic (relationship-onset symptomatic viral infection, family history), general clinical examination, chest radiography, electrocardiography (ECG), EcoCG at rest, laboratory tests to determine the specific enzyme activity in myocardial cells. Average duration of patient follow-up was 12 months. The entire group of patients was then divided according to clinical diagnosis: group I - 40 patients with the diagnosis of myocarditis (17 girls, 23 boys), and group II - 35 DCM children (9 girls, 26 boys). There were not significant differences by gender and average age between groups. Results and discussion. Initial clinical general manifestations more pronounced in the group were fatigability (90.6%) and dyspnea (46.6%). Analysis of demographic, clinical and laboratory parameters revealed apparent prevalence of boys, the presence of cardiomegaly, and frequent association of general signs of cardiac insufficiency (ICC grade II-III NYHA / Ross). We determined to improve clinical status in terms of functional class NYHA / Ross. Patients with myocarditis (group I) had a better prognosis, which showed improvement of LV myocardial function in over 90% of the analyzed cases. At the same time, children with DCM showed different signs of ICC degree, of which 3 (11.4%) died in 4-6 months after primary presentation, and 2 children were included in the waiting list for heart transplantation ICC due to progression of degree of ventricular dysfunction (Table 1). Table 1. Assessing of EcoCG parameters in children with myocarditis and DCM Parameters Iniţial 3 month 12 month DTDVS, mm (M±m) Group I Group II 38,51±2,1 39,32±1,2 36,4±2,3* 37,62±1,4 36,14±1,7* 36,33±1,6* DTSVS, mm (M±m) Group I Group II 25,91±1,5 26,85±1,3 25,21±2,1 25,23±2,3 23,36±2,1* 23,91±1,7** SIV, mm (M±m) Group I Group II 5,81±0,4 6,46±0,3 5,35±0,2◊ 6,34±0,4 5,21±0,3*◊ 6,24±0,4 FE, % (M±m) Group I Group II 35,32±3,1◊ 27,18±8,1 42,4±1,13*◊ 32,21±4,2* 48,63±1,34** 41,24±1,82** FS, % (M±m) Group I Group II 20,32±2,3 18,21±4,3 23,5±3,1* 23,2±3,1* 24,3±1,17** 26,7±3,24** Index Tei (IT) (M±m) Group I Group II 0,44±0,2 0,50±0,2 0,38±0,18*◊ 0,46±0,1 0,33±1,15**◊ 0,42±0,02** Note: a) DTDVS-enddiastolic diameter of the LV; DTSVS-endsystolic diameter of the LV, SIV- interventricular septum, b) compared to baseline - * p <0.05, ** p <0, 01, ◊ - p <0.05 - the difference between parameter changes in groups I and II evaluation stages. Conclusions: 1. The etiology of primary cardiomyopathy in children is heterogeneous, the data of our study confi rmed contact with fl u-like infectious in 50.6% of cases. 2. Acute myocarditis can associate a transient LV dysfunction, which recovered in the fi rst 3 months of treatment in most cases (90.6%). 3. EcoCG measurements: FE, FS, and Tei index (TI) are easy to calculate, and are useful in assessing LV performance in children both in establishing the initial diagnosis and the clinical evaluation of patients with myocarditis and DCM, independent of the clinical signs of ICC

    Selective Survival and Maturation of Adult-Born Dentate Granule Cells Expressing the Immediate Early Gene Arc/Arg3.1

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    Progenitor cells in the adult dentate gyrus provide a constant supply of neuronal precursors, yet only a small fraction of these cells survive and develop into mature dentate granule cells (DGCs). A major challenge of current research is thus to understand the stringent selection process that governs the maturation and functional integration of adult-born DGCs. In mature DGCs, high-frequency stimulation (HFS) of the perforant path input elicits robust expression of the immediate early gene Arc/Arg3.1, trafficking of its mRNA to dendrites, and local synthesis of the protein necessary for consolidation of long-term potentiation (LTP). Given the synaptic commitment inherent in LTP consolidation, we considered that HFS-evoked expression of Arc could be used to timemap the functional integration of newborn DGCs. Dividing cells were birthmarked by BrdU-labeling at 1, 7, 14, 21, or 28 days prior to induction of LTP and expression of Arc was examined by confocal microscopy. Contrary to expectation, LTP did not induce Arc expression in newborn cells at any age, suggesting they might be refractory to synaptically-evoked Arc expression for at least one month. Importantly, however, spontaneous expression of Arc was detected in BrdU-labeled cells and strongly associated with the survival and maturation of NeuN-positive DGCs. Moreover, Arc expression at the earliest ages (1 and 7 days), clearly precedes the formation of glutamatergic synapses on new neurons. These results suggest an unexpected early role for Arc in adult-born DGCs, distinct from its functions in LTP, LTD, and homeostatic synaptic plasticity

    Plasma-wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: Progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification

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    This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission.The provision of a particle and power exhaust solution which is compatible with first-wall components and edge-plasma conditions is a key area of present-day fusion research and mandatory for a successful operation of ITER and DEMO. The work package plasma-facing components (WP PFC) within the European fusion programme complements with laboratory experiments, i.e. in linear plasma devices, electron and ion beam loading facilities, the studies performed in toroidally confined magnetic devices, such as JET, ASDEX Upgrade, WEST etc. The connection of both groups is done via common physics and engineering studies, including the qualification and specification of plasma-facing components, and by modelling codes that simulate edge-plasma conditions and the plasma-material interaction as well as the study of fundamental processes. WP PFC addresses these critical points in order to ensure reliable and efficient use of conventional, solid PFCs in ITER (Be and W) and DEMO (W and steel) with respect to heat-load capabilities (transient and steady-state heat and particle loads), lifetime estimates (erosion, material mixing and surface morphology), and safety aspects (fuel retention, fuel removal, material migration and dust formation) particularly for quasi-steady-state conditions. Alternative scenarios and concepts (liquid Sn or Li as PFCs) for DEMO are developed and tested in the event that the conventional solution turns out to not be functional. Here, we present an overview of the activities with an emphasis on a few key results: (i) the observed synergistic effects in particle and heat loading of ITER-grade W with the available set of exposition devices on material properties such as roughness, ductility and microstructure; (ii) the progress in understanding of fuel retention, diffusion and outgassing in different W-based materials, including the impact of damage and impurities like N; and (iii), the preferential sputtering of Fe in EUROFER steel providing an in situ W surface and a potential first-wall solution for DEMO.European Commission; Consortium for Ocean Leadership 633053; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia as the Center of Excellence has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under grant agreement No. 739508, project CAMART

    Digital zero noise extrapolation for quantum error mitigation

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    Zero-noise extrapolation (ZNE) is an increasingly popular technique for mitigating errors in noisy quantum computations without using additional quantum resources. We review the fundamentals of ZNE and propose several improvements to noise scaling and extrapolation, the two key components in the technique. We introduce unitary folding and parameterized noise scaling. These are digital noise scaling frameworks, i.e. one can apply them using only gate-level access common to most quantum instruction sets. We also study different extrapolation methods, including a new adaptive protocol that uses a statistical inference framework. Benchmarks of our techniques show error reductions of 18X to 24X over non-mitigated circuits and demonstrate ZNE's effectiveness at larger qubit numbers than have been tested previously. In addition to presenting new results, this work is a self-contained introduction to the practical use of ZNE by quantum programmers

    Improving the degree of crystallinity of magnetron-sputtered Ta 3 N 5 thin films by augmenting the ion flux onto the substrate

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    International audienceTa3N5 is a promising candidate for a variety of applications, most notably as a photoactive material for solar water splitting. It is typically synthesized in a two-step process in which oxidized tantalum is annealed in NH3. Magne-tron sputtering is an alternative synthesis method that is little explored to date, as first tries resulted in a small degree of crystallinity of the samples. In this paper, we report on the addition of an axial magnetic field to the conventional magnetron configuration which guides ionic species from the negative glow onto the growing film of Ta3N5. This ion-assisted growth is shown to result in a high degree of crystallinity, i.e. amorphous content, which is typical for conventionally sputtered films, is largely suppressed. The surface of such prepared films is nano-structured by a dense population of grains