216 research outputs found

    Special nuclear material detection studies with the SMANDRA mobile system

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    The detection of special nuclear material has been studied with the SMANDRA mobile inspection system used both as a high sensitivity passive neutron/gamma spectroscopic tool and as an active inspection device using tagged neutrons. The detection of plutonium samples is possible with passive interrogation, the passive detection of uranium being much more difficult because of the low neutron yield and of the easiness of shielding the gamma rays. However, we show that active interrogation with tagged neutrons is able to provide signatures for the discrimination of uranium against other materials

    Medicina Interna e Clinical Governance: quali proposte per il prossimo futuro?

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    Medicina Interna oggi: introduzione M. Campanini Cos’è la Medicina Interna? M. La Regina, P. Gnerre La Medicina Interna deve garantire una buona qualità di assistenza alle persone anziane ospedalizzate G. Iosa Lean organization e learning organization a confronto per la Medicina Interna D. Croce Clinical governance: ultima spiaggia per salvare la sanità pubblica? A. Cartabellotta È ancora possibile una reale alleanza tra clinici e gestori per una Medicina Interna ospedaliera sostenibile? S. De Carli La cultura internistica come visione di un auspicato cambiamento in medicina e nella organizzazione ospedaliera: l’esperienza di due realtà toscane G. Landini, G. Panigada, L. Masotti, I. Chiti Indicatori di qualità nella Medicina Interna ospedaliera: solamente durata di degenza, ricoveri inappropriati, mortalità intraospedaliera e tasso di re-ricovero a 30 giorni? E. Foglia, D. Croce Medicina Interna e rischio clinico: criticità e possibili correttivi G. Chesi, F. Dall’Orto, P. Ragni, R. Nardi Nuovi assetti organizzativi in area medica: aspetti gestionali clinici ed economici I. Stefani, A. Mazzone Troppe procedure M. Bobbio, L. Lusiani, R. Frediani Medicina Interna e wise medicine: le proposte FADOI, le prospettive assistenziali e le ricadute gestionali G. Panigada, I. Chiti, A. Fortini, L. Masotti, N. Napoli Il percorso del tromboembolismo venoso nell’ospedale per intensità di cure: paradigma di wise medicine L. Masotti, I. Chiti, G. Landini, N. Napoli, G. Panigada Governo clinico e Medicina Interna: quali proposte per il prossimo futuro? R. Risicato Potenzialità dell’audit clinico in Medicina Interna: lo studio DDIMA M. Gambacorta, in collaborazione con il DDIMA Group Conclusioni: Medicina Interna domani A. Fontanell

    A New SteatoScore in the Evaluation of Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease in Oncologic Patients

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    PurposeThe aims of this study were to evaluate the reproducibility of a new multi-parametric steatoscore (new SteatoScore) in oncologic patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and to compare it with computed tomography (CT). Materials and MethodsFifty-one (31 men, 20 women) oncologic patients, with a mean age and weight of 63.9 years and 78.33 kg, respectively, were retrospectively enrolled in the study. Patients underwent ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) examinations as part of their oncologic follow-up protocol. US examinations were performed by using a 3.5-MHz convex probe. During the US examination, three standardized clips were obtained in each patient. Two operators performed all measurements, one of whom repeated the processing twice in 1 year. Hepatic/renal ratio (HR), attenuation rate (AR), diaphragm visualization (DV), hepatic/portal vein ratio (HPV), and portal vein wall visualization (PVW) were acquired and calculated by using Matlab and inserted in a multi-parametric algorithm called new SteatoScore. On unenhanced CT scan, hepatic attenuation (HA), liver-spleen difference (L-S), and liver/spleen ratio (L/S) were measured by placement of a region of interest (ROI) within liver and spleen parenchyma, avoiding areas with vessels and biliary ducts. ResultsThe intra-observer variability was greater than the inter-observer one, with intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) values of 0.94 and 0.97, respectively. Correlation between single US and CT parameters provided an agreement in no case exceeding 50%. New SteatoScore showed high reproducibility, and high coefficient of correlation with L-S (R = -0.64; p < 0.0001) and L/S (R = -0.62; p < 0.0001) at CT. ConclusionNew SteatoScore has a high reproducibility and shows a good correlation with unenhanced CT in evaluation of oncologic patients with NAFLD

    Terrestrial origin of viviparity in Mesozoic marine reptiles indicated by early triassic embryonic fossils

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    Viviparity in Mesozoic marine reptiles has traditionally been considered an aquatic adaptation. We report a new fossil specimen that strongly contradicts this traditional interpretation. The new specimen contains the oldest fossil embryos of Mesozoic marine reptile that are about 10 million years older than previous such records. The fossil belongs to Chaohusaurus (Reptilia, Ichthyopterygia), which is the oldest of Mesozoic marine reptiles (ca. 248 million years ago, Early Triassic). This exceptional specimen captures an articulated embryo in birth position, with its skull just emerged from the maternal pelvis. Its headfirst birth posture, which is unlikely to be a breech condition, strongly indicates a terrestrial origin of viviparity, in contrast to the traditional view. The tail-first birth posture in derived ichthyopterygians, convergent with the conditions in whales and sea cows, therefore is a secondary feature. The unequivocally marine origin of viviparity is so far not known among amniotes, a subset of vertebrate animals comprising mammals and reptiles, including birds. Therefore, obligate marine amniotes appear to have evolved almost exclusively from viviparous land ancestors. Viviparous land reptiles most likely appeared much earlier than currently thought, at least as early as the recovery phase from the end-Permian mass extinction

    Percutaneous Application of High Power Microwave Ablation With 150 W for the Treatment of Tumors in Lung, Liver, and Kidney: A Preliminary Experience

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility, safety, and short-term effectiveness of a high-power (150 W) microwave ablation (MWA) device for tumor ablation in the lung, liver, and kidney. Methods: Between December 2021 and June 2022, patients underwent high-power MWA for liver, lung, and kidney tumors. A retrospective observational study was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. The MWA system utilized a 150-W, 2.45-GHz microwave generator (Emprint™ HP Ablation System, Medtronic). The study assessed technical success, safety, and effectiveness, considering pre- and post-treatment diameter and volume, lesion location, biopsy and/or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) usage, MWA ablation time, MWA power, and dose-area product (DAP). Results: From December 2021 to June 2022, 16 patients were enrolled for high-power MWA. Treated lesions included hepatocellular carcinoma (10), liver metastasis from colon cancer (1), liver metastasis from pancreatic cancer (1), squamous cell lung carcinoma (2), renal cell carcinoma (1), and renal oncocytoma (1). Technical success rate was 100%. One grade 1 complication (6.25%) was reported according to CIRSE classification. Overall effectiveness was 92.8%. Pre- and post-treatment mean diameters for liver lesions were 19.9 mm and 37.5 mm, respectively; for kidney lesions, 34 mm and 35 mm; for lung lesions, 29.5 mm and 31.5 mm. Pre- and post-treatment mean volumes for liver lesions were 3.4 ml and 24 ml, respectively; for kidney lesions, 8.2 ml and 20.5 ml; for lung lesions, 10.2 ml and 32.7 ml. The mean ablation time was 48 minutes for liver, 42.5 minutes for lung, and 42.5 minutes for renal ablation. The mean DAP for all procedures was 40.83 Gcm2. Conclusion: This preliminary study demonstrates the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of the new 150 W MWA device. Additionally, it shows reduced ablation times for large lesions

    Commissioning and Field Tests of a Van-Mounted System for the Detection of Radioactive Sources and Special Nuclear Material

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    MODES-SNM project aimed at developing a mobile/portable modular detection system for radioactive sources and Special Nuclear Material (SNM). Its main goal was to deliver a tested prototype capable of passively detecting weak or shielded radioactive sources with accuracy higher than that of currently available systems. By the end of the project all the objectives have been successfully achieved. Results from the laboratory commissioning and the field tests are presented in this publication
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