5 research outputs found

    Evaluating ecosystem effects of climate change on tropical island streams using high spatial and temporal resolution sampling regimes

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    Climate change is expected to alter precipitation patterns worldwide, which will affect streamflow in riverine ecosystems. It is vital to understand the impacts of projected flow variations, especially in tropical regions where the effects of climate change are expected to be one of the earliest to emerge. Space-for-time substitutions have been successful at predicting effects of climate change in terrestrial systems by using a spatial gradient to mimic the projected temporal change. However, concerns have been raised that the spatial variability in these models might not reflect the temporal variability. We utilized a well-constrained rainfall gradient on Hawaii Island to determine (a) how predicted decreases in flow and increases in flow variability affect stream food resources and consumers and (b) if using a high temporal (monthly, four streams) or a high spatial (annual, eight streams) resolution sampling scheme would alter the results of a space-for-time substitution. Declines in benthic and suspended resource quantity (10- to 40-fold) and quality (shift from macrophyte to leaf litter dominated) contributed to 35-fold decreases in macroinvertebrate biomass with predicted changes in the magnitude and variability in the flow. Invertebrate composition switched from caddisflies and damselflies to taxa with faster turnover rates (mosquitoes, copepods). Changes in resource and consumer composition patterns were stronger with high temporal resolution sampling. However, trends and ranges of results did not differ between the two sampling regimes, indicating that a suitable, well-constrained spatial gradient is an appropriate tool for examining temporal change. Our study is the first to investigate resource to community wide effects of climate change on tropical streams on a spatial and temporal scale. We determined that predicted flow alterations would decrease stream resource and consumer quantity and quality, which can alter stream function, as well as biomass and habitat for freshwater, marine, and terrestrial consumers dependent on these resources

    Adapting to climate change: guidance for the management of inland glacial lake fisheries

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    Climate change is altering glacial lake fisheries in the United States, presenting a complex challenge for fisheries managers. Here we provide a regional perspective to guide management of heterogeneous and yet interdependent fishery resources in glacial lakes of the upper Midwest. Our main objective was to promote the adaptation of inland glacial lakes fisheries management to climate change by outlining processes that support regional plans. Using examples from the glacial lakes region, we outline an approach for regional prioritization, specify strategies for moving from regional prioritization to on-the-ground action, and provide guidance on the implementation of management plans given resource limitations and potential stakeholder conflict. We find that integrating ecological, social, and economic data with climate change vulnerability assessments can be useful in generating “lake-priority levels” to help identify where to focus actions to support system resilience. Managers can use lake-priority levels and ecosystem-specific strategies to make decisions about where and when to apply fisheries management action ranging from traditional (i.e., stocking, harvest regulations) to nontraditional approaches (i.e., catchment land management). Although the implementation of several approaches may be beyond an agency’s financial and logistical capacity, funds can be secured through other sources ranging from grant programs to nontraditional partnerships identified by “thinking outside the lake.” Regional plans may be an important step toward successful climate adaptation for inland glacial lakes fisheries management, and the proactive efforts of managers may help facilitate their development and implementation

    DataSheet_1_Climate-driven differences in flow regimes alter tropical freshwater ecosystems with consequences for an endemic shrimp.docx

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    Climate-driven shifts in the natural flow regime can threaten species persistence in stream systems, and anticipating such shifts before they occur is critical for conservation. We can explore how climate change may impact biota by examining natural systems that differ in terms of climate yet are similar in terms of other landscape features such as geology, size, and elevation. Across an established precipitation and hydrologic gradient on the east coast of Hawaii Island, we sampled stream habitat and populations of the endemic migratory mountain shrimp Atyoida bisulcata over three years and examined how habitat as well as population metrics and individual condition respond to differences in stream flow. Along the precipitation gradient, baseflow declined and streams shifted from run/riffle systems with moss cover to those with predominately pools and limited available habitat. Across years, baseflow conditions were relatively consistent within streams while measures of stream flow stability and the duration of high flows were more variable. Streams with high and persistent baseflow had greater atyid biomass density with larger individuals less prone to disease. Within-stream interannual variation in baseflow was low relative to differences across streams, and most A. bisulcata metrics also had low within-stream interannual variability, making average baseflow an appropriate surrogate for differences in suitability. However, extremes in annual rainfall may result in high variability in A. bisulcata metrics within a single stream due to seasonal drying or persistent high flows, highlighting the importance of long-term monitoring to fully understand population responses to climate-mediated stream flow. Our study suggests that changes in rainfall patterns will alter stream flow and may ultimately negatively influence tropical stream organisms.</p