6 research outputs found

    MARKETING U UZGOJU KONJA LIPICANSKE PASMINE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ : Završni rad poslijediplomskog specijalističkog studija

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    Rad analizira marketing u uzgoju konja lipicanske pasmine u Republici Hrvatskoj. Analizom literature i dosadašnjih istraživanja predstavljaju se prethodna znanja u vezi marketinga, marketing miksa i konjogojstva. U suvremenom poslovnom okruženju, uz globalnu konkurenciju, nemoguće je zamisliti plasiranje novog proizvoda ili usluge bez marketinga, koji u mnogim slučajevima čak i prethodi samoj proizvodnji. Tako se marketing odmakao i proširio od svoje prvotne uloge povećanja potražnje za određenim proizvodom, odnosno uslugom - moderni marketing zahtijeva preusmjeravanje fokusa s proizvoda na tržište i kupca. Marketingom se nastoji zadovoljiti potrebe proizvođača, odnosno pružatelja usluga, no u isto vrijeme potrebno je imati na umu i želje i potrebe potrošača. Marketing miks definira se kao plasiranje pravog proizvoda ili njihove kombinacije na tržište u pravo vrijeme i po pravoj cijeni. Marketing miks predstavlja skup marketinških instrumenata kojima poduzeće upravlja kako bi postiglo što bolju reakciju na ciljnom tržištu. Sastoji se od četiri elementa: proizvod, cijena, distribucija i promocija. Uzgajivači konja u Republici Hrvatskoj organizirani su u konjogojske udruge koje su povezane u saveze uzgajivača, ovisno o pasmini koju uzgajaju. Državne ergele od velike su važnosti lokalno, ali i za čitavu Hrvatsku u domeni konjogojstva, konjičkih sportova te kontinentalnog turizma. Dugogodišnja tradicija uzgoja lipicanaca ukorijenjena je u ovaj prostor te predstavlja sastavni dio svake njegove turističke, gospodarske i sportske razglednice. Rad analizira Ergelu Đakovo kroz elemente marketing miksa. Kompletan marketinški proces temelji se na pasivnoj komunikaciji s tržištem. Nije vidljiva marketinška strategija koja je temelj poslovanja svakog poslovnog subjekta.The paper analyzes the marketing importance on the example of breeding Lipizzan horses in the Republic of Croatia. The analysis of literature and previous studies are presented prior knowledge regarding marketing, marketing mix and horse breeding. In the modern business environment, with global competition, it is impossible to imagine launching a new product or service without marketing, which in many cases even precedes the production itself. Thus, marketing has moved away from its original role of increasing demand for a particular product or service - modern marketing requires a shift in focus from product to market and customer. Marketing strives to meet the needs of the manufacturer or service provider, but at the same time, the wishes and needs of the consumer must be kept in mind. Marketing mix is defined as placing the right product or combination thereof on the market at the right time and at the right price. It is a set of marketing instruments that a company manages to achieve the best possible response in the target market. It consists of four elements: product, price, distribution and promotion. Horse breeders in the Republic of Croatia are organized into horse breeding associations, which are affiliated to breeders' associations, depending on the breed they breed. National stud farms are of great importance locally, but also for the whole of Croatia in the field of horse breeding, equestrian sports and continental tourism. The long tradition of breeding Lipizzaner is rooted in this region and is an integral part of each of its tourist, economic and sports cards. The paper analyzes Ergela Đakovo through elements of the marketing mix. The complete marketing process is based on passive communication with the market. The marketing strategy that underlies the business of each business entity is not visible

    MARKETING U UZGOJU KONJA LIPICANSKE PASMINE U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ : Završni rad poslijediplomskog specijalističkog studija

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    Rad analizira marketing u uzgoju konja lipicanske pasmine u Republici Hrvatskoj. Analizom literature i dosadašnjih istraživanja predstavljaju se prethodna znanja u vezi marketinga, marketing miksa i konjogojstva. U suvremenom poslovnom okruženju, uz globalnu konkurenciju, nemoguće je zamisliti plasiranje novog proizvoda ili usluge bez marketinga, koji u mnogim slučajevima čak i prethodi samoj proizvodnji. Tako se marketing odmakao i proširio od svoje prvotne uloge povećanja potražnje za određenim proizvodom, odnosno uslugom - moderni marketing zahtijeva preusmjeravanje fokusa s proizvoda na tržište i kupca. Marketingom se nastoji zadovoljiti potrebe proizvođača, odnosno pružatelja usluga, no u isto vrijeme potrebno je imati na umu i želje i potrebe potrošača. Marketing miks definira se kao plasiranje pravog proizvoda ili njihove kombinacije na tržište u pravo vrijeme i po pravoj cijeni. Marketing miks predstavlja skup marketinških instrumenata kojima poduzeće upravlja kako bi postiglo što bolju reakciju na ciljnom tržištu. Sastoji se od četiri elementa: proizvod, cijena, distribucija i promocija. Uzgajivači konja u Republici Hrvatskoj organizirani su u konjogojske udruge koje su povezane u saveze uzgajivača, ovisno o pasmini koju uzgajaju. Državne ergele od velike su važnosti lokalno, ali i za čitavu Hrvatsku u domeni konjogojstva, konjičkih sportova te kontinentalnog turizma. Dugogodišnja tradicija uzgoja lipicanaca ukorijenjena je u ovaj prostor te predstavlja sastavni dio svake njegove turističke, gospodarske i sportske razglednice. Rad analizira Ergelu Đakovo kroz elemente marketing miksa. Kompletan marketinški proces temelji se na pasivnoj komunikaciji s tržištem. Nije vidljiva marketinška strategija koja je temelj poslovanja svakog poslovnog subjekta.The paper analyzes the marketing importance on the example of breeding Lipizzan horses in the Republic of Croatia. The analysis of literature and previous studies are presented prior knowledge regarding marketing, marketing mix and horse breeding. In the modern business environment, with global competition, it is impossible to imagine launching a new product or service without marketing, which in many cases even precedes the production itself. Thus, marketing has moved away from its original role of increasing demand for a particular product or service - modern marketing requires a shift in focus from product to market and customer. Marketing strives to meet the needs of the manufacturer or service provider, but at the same time, the wishes and needs of the consumer must be kept in mind. Marketing mix is defined as placing the right product or combination thereof on the market at the right time and at the right price. It is a set of marketing instruments that a company manages to achieve the best possible response in the target market. It consists of four elements: product, price, distribution and promotion. Horse breeders in the Republic of Croatia are organized into horse breeding associations, which are affiliated to breeders' associations, depending on the breed they breed. National stud farms are of great importance locally, but also for the whole of Croatia in the field of horse breeding, equestrian sports and continental tourism. The long tradition of breeding Lipizzaner is rooted in this region and is an integral part of each of its tourist, economic and sports cards. The paper analyzes Ergela Đakovo through elements of the marketing mix. The complete marketing process is based on passive communication with the market. The marketing strategy that underlies the business of each business entity is not visible

    Indirubin and Indirubin Derivatives for Counteracting Proliferative Diseases

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    Indirubin is the active component of Danggui Longhui Wan, a traditional Chinese medicine formulation. The encouraging clinical results from the 1980s obtained in chronic myelocytic leukemia patients treated with indirubin stimulated numerous studies on this compound. These investigations explored the use of indirubin in different types of cancer and reported the synthesis of novel derivatives with improved chemical and pharmacokinetic properties. In this paper, we review the impressive progress that has been made in elucidating the mechanistic understanding of how indirubin and its derivatives affect physiological and pathophysiological processes, mainly by inhibition of cell proliferation and induction of cell death. Furthermore, we survey the therapeutic use of these compounds in combating proliferative diseases such as cancer, restenosis, and psoriasis