20 research outputs found

    The effects of cigarette smoking on intraocular pressure and arterial blood pressure of normotensive young Nigerian male adults

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    This study was designed to determine the effects of cigarette Smoking on intra ocular pressure and arterial blood pressure of normotensive young male adults. Fifty male students (who met the screening conditions and devoid of obvious ocular pathology and systemic diseases and nonsmokers) had their intra ocular pressure (IOP) measured with a schiotz tonometer and blood pressure(BP) measured with standard syphgmomanometer respectively prior to smoking of two sticks of cigarette each day for one month and thereafter. The result showed a significant (P< 0.01] effect on the intra ocular pressure with a mean control of 37.760.98 for both eyes and test of 41.930.98.Cigarette smoking increased the blood pressure from mean control of 197.240.88 to 208.460.82. The increase of both intra ocular pressure and arterial blood pressure was due to nicotine, the principalconstituent of cigarette. It is recommended that health care workers should check regularly the IOP and BP of their cigarette smoking patients for early diagnoses of ocular hypertension (glaucoma) andhypertension

    Prevalence of Ocular Trauma among Paediatrics and Geriatrics: A Hospital based Study in Abia State Nigeria

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    Ocular trauma, one of the leading causes of monocular loss of visions especially in children and the elderly, poses a significant public health challenge. This study found the epidemiological characteristics of patients hospitalized in a private eye clinic and a tertiary eye centre in Umuahia, Abia State through a hospital based survey. The study reviewed over 172 injured eyes from 172 patients over a period of 5 years from January 2010 to December 2015. Of the 172 cases of trauma reviewed, 77 (44.8%) closed globe, 39 (19.8%) open globe, 50 (29.1%) lacerations, 5 (2.9%) chemical injuries, 6 (3.5%) thermal injuries were seen. The mean ages of the paediatric and geriatric patients were 9±4.15 and 72±4.27 respectively. The most frequent types of injuries were school-related in paediatrics and domestic-related in geriatrics. The majority (55 cases) of injuries in males and females occurred in the age group of 6-12 in paediatrics and (23 cases) 71-75 in geriatrics respectively. The relationship between final visual acuity (VA) and initial VA was tested using Chi-square test at 5% level of significance (α = 0.05), and there was no significant difference in the initial VA and final visual outcome after trauma since (X2cal = 137.96) is greater than (X2 tab = 28.85). The study reveals the need for adopting proper prevention measures especially for the age group that is mostly affected by ocular trauma. Also more studies are needed to further investigate the effectiveness of the current ocular trauma prevenve or management strategies.Keywords : Paediatrics, Geriatrics, Trauma, injurie

    Positive priming of terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter in a freshwater microcosm system

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    © 2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. The role of priming processes in the remineralization of terrestrially derived dissolved organic carbon (TDOC) in aquatic systems has been overlooked. We provide evidence for TDOC priming using a lab-based microcosm experiment in which TDOC was primed by the addition of 13C-labeled algal dissolved organic carbon (ADOC) or a 13C-labeled disaccharide (trehalose). The rate of TDOC remineralization to carbon dioxide (CO2) occurred 4.1±0.9 and 1.5±0.3 times more rapidly with the addition of trehalose and ADOC, respectively, relative to experiments with TDOC as the sole carbon source over the course of a 301h incubation period. Results from these controlled experiments provide fundamental evidence for the occurrence of priming of TDOC by ADOC and a simple disaccharide. We suggest that priming effects on TDOC should be considered in carbon budgets for large-river deltas, estuaries, lakes, hydroelectric reservoirs, and continental shelves. Key Points Priming of organic matter exists in aquatic systems Ramifications of this work have major implications on greenhouse gas emissions First evidence for lab conditions of priming setting stage for more fieldwork

    The Molecular Genetic Architecture of Self-Employment

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    Economic variables such as income, education, and occupation are known to affect mortality and morbidity, such as cardiovascular disease, and have also been shown to be partly heritable. However, very little is known about which genes influence economic variables, although these genes may have both a direct and an indirect effect on health. We report results from the first large-scale collaboration that studies the molecular genetic architecture of an economic variable-entrepreneurship-that was operationalized using self-employment, a widely-available proxy. Our results suggest that common SNPs when considered jointly explain about half of the narrow-sense heritability of self-employment estimated in twin data (σg2/σP2= 25%, h2= 55%). However, a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies across sixteen studies comprising 50,627 participants did not identify genome-wide significant SNPs. 58 SNPs with p<10-5were tested in a replication sample (n = 3,271), but none replicated. Furthermore, a gene-based test shows that none of the genes that were previously suggested in the literature to influence entrepreneurship reveal significant associations. Finally, SNP-based genetic scores that use results from the meta-analysis capture less than 0.2% of the variance in self-employment in an independent sample (p≥0.039). Our results are consistent with a highly polygenic molecular genetic architecture of self-employment, with many genetic variants of small effect. Although self-employment is a multi-faceted, heavily environmentally influenced, and biologically distal trait, our results are similar to those for other genetically complex and biologically more proximate outcomes, such as height, intelligence, personality, and several diseases

    Shear Localization in Dynamic Deformation: Microstructural Evolution

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    Long-term influence of season of grazing and rainfall on vegetation in the eastern Karoo, South Africa

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    In the Nama-Karoo, South Africa, rainfall and grazing by livestock are two important drivers of botanical composition. Summer rains are&nbsp; advantageous particularly to the grass layer, whereas the characteristic dwarf shrubs survive better than grasses during drought, and benefit from rainfall during cool months. Heavy grazing by livestock during summer reduces the abundance of grasses, whereas winter grazing increases it. This study examined the influences of season of grazing (summer vs winter) and rainfall on botanical composition at two long-term grazing trials at Grootfontein in the eastern Karoo from 1949 to 1967. Severe summer grazing strongly reduced grass abundance and slightly increased the abundance of both palatable and unpalatable dwarf shrubs. High previous-season rainfall strongly promoted short-lived grasses. Dwarf shrubs and grasses declined in response to a decline in annual rainfall over the study period, except for the creeping grass Tragus koelerioides that increased in abundance, possibly in response to decreased competition and an increase in available gaps in the vegetation layer. Results indicate that grazing systems that exclude repeated summer-only grazing maintain ecological health, and that rainfall is the main driver of composition unless extreme grazing systems are employed. Keywords: basal cover, drought, dwarf shrubs, grass, Nama Karo

    Virome composition in marine fish revealed by meta-transcriptomics

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    Revealing the determinants of virome composition is central to placing disease emergence in a broader evolutionary context. Fish are the most species-rich group of vertebrates and so provide an ideal model system to study the factors that shape virome compositions and their evolution. We characterized the viromes of nineteen wild-caught species of marine fish using total RNA sequencing (meta-transcriptomics) combined with analyses of sequence and protein structural homology to identify divergent viruses that often evade characterization. From this, we identified twenty-five new vertebrate-associated viruses and a further twenty-two viruses likely associated with fish diet or their microbiomes. The vertebrate-associated viruses identified here included the first fish virus in the Matonaviridae (single-strand, positive-sense RNA virus). Other viruses fell within the Astroviridae, Picornaviridae, Arenaviridae, Reoviridae, Hepadnaviridae, Paramyxoviridae, Rhabdoviridae, Hantaviridae, Filoviridae, and Flaviviridae, and were sometimes phylogenetically distinct from known fish viruses. We also show how key metrics of virome composition—viral richness, abundance, and diversity—can be analysed along with host ecological and biological factors as a means to understand virus ecology. Accordingly, these data suggest that that the vertebrate-associated viromes of the fish sampled here are predominantly shaped by the phylogenetic history (i.e. taxonomic order) of their hosts, along with several biological factors including water temperature, habitat depth, community diversity and swimming behaviour. No such correlations were found for viruses associated with porifera, molluscs, arthropods, fungi, and algae, that are unlikely to replicate in fish hosts. Overall, these data indicate that fish harbour particularly large and complex viromes and the vast majority of fish viromes are undescribed

    Physicochemical changes in phosphorylase kinase associated with its activation

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    Phosphorylase kinase (PhK) regulates glycogenolysis through its Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation and activation of glycogen phosphorylase. The activity of PhK increases dramatically as the pH is raised from 6.8 to 8.2 (denoted as ↑pH), but Ca2+ dependence is retained. Little is known about the structural changes associated with PhK's activation by ↑pH and Ca2+, but activation by both mechanisms is mediated through regulatory subunits of the (αβγδ)4 PhK complex. In this study, changes in the structure of PhK induced by ↑pH and Ca2+ were investigated using second derivative UV absorption, synchronous fluorescence, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and zeta potential analyses. The joint effects of Ca2+ and ↑pH on the physicochemical properties of PhK were found to be interdependent, with their effects showing a strong inflection point at pH ∼7.6. Comparing the properties of the conformers of PhK present under the condition where it would be least active (pH 6.8 − Ca2+) versus that where it would be most active (pH 8.2 + Ca2+), the joint activation by ↑pH and Ca2+ is characterized by a relatively large increase in the content of sheet structure, a decrease in interactions between helix and sheet structures, and a dramatically less negative electrostatic surface charge. A model is presented that accounts for the interdependent activating effects of ↑pH and Ca2+ in terms of the overall physicochemical properties of the four PhK conformers described herein, and published data corroborating the transitions between these conformers are tabulated