179 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic signatures of different symmetries of the superconducting order parameter in metal-decorated graphene

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    Motivated by the recent experiments indicating superconductivity in metal-decorated graphene sheets, we investigate their quasi-particle structure within the framework of an effective tight-binding Hamiltonian augmented by appropriate BCS-like pairing terms for p-type order parameter. The normal state band structure of graphene is modified not only through interaction with adsorbed metal atoms, but also due to the folding of bands at Brillouin zone boundaries resulting from a 3×3R30\sqrt{3}\times\sqrt{3}R30^{\circ} reconstruction. Several different types of pairing symmetries are analyzed utilizing Nambu-Gorkov Green's function techniques to show that p+ipp+ip-symmetric nearest-neighbor pairing yields the most enhanced superconducting gap. The character of the order parameter depends on the nature of the atomic orbitals involved in the pairing process and exhibits interesting angular and radial asymmetries. Finally, we suggest a method to distinguish between singlet and triplet type superconductivity in the presence of magnetic substitutional impurities using scanning tunneling spectroscopy.Comment: Preprint, 15 pages, 4+1 figure

    Teknologian hyväksyttävyys älykkäiden koneiden työkäytössä. Loppuraportti Työsuojelurahaston tutkimus- ja kehittämishankkeesta (hankenumero 113103)

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    Älykkäiden koneiden työkäyttöä on perinteisesti tarkasteltu tuottavuuden, turvallisuuden, fyysisen ergonomian ja automaation näkökulmista, mutta vähemmän käyttäjän subjektiivisen kokemuksen tai hyvinvoinnin näkökulmista. Tämän hankkeen tavoitteena oli kehittää kyselytutkimusmittari, jonka avulla pystytään tutkimaan teknologian hyväksyttävyyttä, käyttäjäkokemusta ja hyvinvointia monipuolisesti, mutta kustannustehokkaasti. Mittarin kehittämistä varten tehtiin tutkimus, jossa 76 osallistujaa analysoi onnistuneita ja epäonnistuneita teknologian käyttöönottokokemuksiaan käyttäen suurta määrää erilaisia olemassa olevia skaaloja. Tämän aineiston analyysin perusteella skaalojen määrä vähennettiin menetelmän perusversiossa 28 määrälliseen skaalaan, jotka käyttävät Likert-asteikkoa.Kehitettyä mittaria täydennettynä alakohtaisilla kysymyksillä testattiin verkossa toteutetussa kyselytutkimuksessa, jonka pääasiallinen vastaajaryhmä olivat metsäkoneenkuljettajat (N=90). Metsäkoneenkuljettajia myös havainnoitiin ja haastateltiin. Tulokset osoittivat, että mittarin avulla saatiin kerättyä monipuolista subjektiivista tietoa tutkimuksen kohteena olleista käsitteistä. Tuottavuus ja teknologian hyväksyttävyys olivat metsäkoneenkuljettajien mielestä keskimäärin korkealla tasolla. Työssä raportoitiin myös enemmän positiivisia kuin negatiivisia tunnekokemuksia. Psykologisten tarpeiden täyttyminen jakautui, itsenäisyys ja pätevyys olivat tärkeitä motivaation lähteitä työssä, kun taas yhteenkuuluvuus ja fyysinen hyvinvointi työn aikana saivat keskimääräistä alemmat arvosanat. Yleinen työhyvinvointi oli kuitenkin keskimäärin hyvällä tasolla ja raportoidut burnout-oireet melko vähäisiä, joskin pieni vähemmistö vastaajista ilmoitti kokevansa säännöllisiä burnout-oireita. Tulosten mukaan erityisesti kiireelliset ajalliset vaatimukset työssä vähentävät hyvinvointia ja lisäävät burnout-oireita. Ajatustyön lisääntymisellä sen sijaan voi olla päinvastainen vaikutus

    Siliseeni-nanorakenteiden elektronirakenne ja spin-polarisaatio

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    Graphene is nowadays a famous material due to its exquisite properties and potential applications. However, silicene is more recent experimentally verified finding which possesses the same main features that make graphene interesting. Additionally silicene has two advantages over graphene. Firstly it has considerably larger band gap which is very important for electronic applications. Secondly silicene is much more suitable when it comes to actual applications with today's silicon-based semiconductor industry. The electronic structure of silicene has been studied with tight-binding method supplemented by Green's function calculations. Concerning bulk silicene, the focus has been on the band gap and its manipulation with electric field. We have also studied nanoribbons where we have looked for localized effects at the edges. Furthermore an artificial interface has been created in the middle of the ribbon by applying opposite electric fields on the separate halves of the nanoribbon. In summary, the results indicate that the band gap of silicene can be externally tuned with electric field. The gap becomes smaller until it completely closes by increasing the field. After this is starts to grow once more. Easy manipulation of the gap suggests a wide range of potential applications in electronics. Nanoribbons exhibit quantum spin hall effect as there exist helical edge states in the bulk gap. In effect this suggests the topologically insulating nature of silicene. Furthermore, electric field interfaced silicene shows localization of states near the interface. These interface states cross the gap and their localization strengthens with increasing electric field. Not much can be said yet as further research is needed in the form of different geometries or application of magnetic field, for example

    Towards Emotionally Adapted Games based on User Controlled Emotion Knobs

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    In this paper, we present a framework for a gaming personalization system to systematically facilitate user-selected desired emotional states during gameplay with control knobs that regulate the emotional impact of the game. Underlying the framework is a Psychological Customization system. It entails personalization of the way of presenting information (user interface, visual layouts, modalities, narrative structures and other factors) per user or user group to create desired transient psychological effects and states, such as emotion, attention, involvement, presence, persuasion and learning (Saari and Turpeinen, 2004; Turpeinen and Saari, 2004). By varying the form of information presented in a game in an emotionally intelligent way it may be possible to achieve such effects. Theory, key concepts, available empiric evidence and an example of user controlled emotional gaming as well as a basic system design are presented. Psychological Customization includes modeling of individuals, groups, and communities to create psychological profiles and other profiles based on which customization may be conducted. In addition, a database of design rules is needed to define the desired cognitive and emotional effects for different types of profiles. Once these components are in place, content management technologies can be extended to cover variations of form and substance of information based on psychological profiles and design rules to create the desired psychological effects. (Turpeinen and Saari, 2004) Gaming research is often conducted on the basis of game content and genre analysis, typologies of gaming styles or consumption, narrative elements of the game and sales of games. Outside narrative elements of a game, also the factors related to the presentation of the substance of the game or the form of the game, such as visual representations of the gaming events, amount and pace of image motion, audio effects and background music, and the level of interactivity offered to the player, are important from the point of view of emotion. A basic approach to an element to be adapted inside a game is a psychologically validated template that is embedded inside the game to create a particular psychological effect. A broad view of templates may be that the whole game consists of a database of psychologically validated templates that are presented in sequences. A limited view entails that a smaller collection of templates is used. The element of psychological evaluation means that the selected psychological influence (such an emotional response) of the template on a particular type of user is sufficiently well predictable. These psychologically evaluated templates may consist of i) manipulating the substance of a game, such as story line (initiating events, new characters etc.) and manipulating the situations specifically related to the character of the player (such as putting the character into sudden and dangerous situations inside the game) and ii) manipulating the form or way of presentation of the game (such as visual elements, shapes, colours, types of objects, sound effects, background music, level of interactivity and feedback etc.). The difficulty level of the game may also be continuously automatically be adjusted, thereby keeping the skills and challenges in balance, which results in a maintenance of an optimal emotional experience and possibly also a flow-state. (Saari et al, in press) Introducing the element of user-controlled emotional regulation into such a gaming system happens by building a user experience control knob for the system. The user could select between emotions, such as wanting high arousal and positive emotion as much as possible or wanting to be calm and non-aroused while playing. One may also offer content-characteristic emotional regulation, such as less or more violence. This kind of a system could act as a parental control system for controlling the arousal states during childrens´ gameplay. One solution to verify the emotional reactios of the user during gaming is to have the user linked to a psychophysiological measurement system. An important advantage of psychophysiological measurements is that they can be performed continuously during game playing and have a high level of temporal precision. (Saari et al, in press) Several scenarios of using an emotional regulation system for gaming will be presented in the paper. It should be noted that from the point of view of ecological validity it may be stated that the key to a "good" fighting or war game is the optimal division of different types of emotional experiences while gaming, rather than just intensifying for instance excitement and arousal all the time. For instance, fear and hatred may be skillfully interlaced with joy and positive emotion. In other words, some parts of the game contain hatred and fear but there also have to be parts in which these are relieved and moments of victory and joy can be experienced (a terrible enemy has finally been devastated by the player). The value of the basic system design and approach presented in the article to HCI is obvious as a basis of new kind of paradigm for user controlled Human Computer Interaction based on emotional regulation. References Saari, T. and Turpeinen, M. (2004) Towards Psychological Customization of Information for Individuals and Social Groups. In Karat, M-C., Blom, J. and Karat. J. (eds.) Personalization of User Experiences for eCommerce, Kluwer, Germany. Saari, T., Ravaja, N., Laarni, J., Kallinen, K. and Turpeinen, M. (in press) Towards emotionally adapted Games. Accepted to Presence 2004 Turpeinen, M. and Saari, T. (2004) System Architechture for Psychological Customization of Information. Proceedings of HICSS-37- conference, 5.-8.1. 2004, Hawaii

    Histopathological lesions in spontaneous dictyocaulotic pneumonia of the reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.)

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    The histopathology of pneumonitic lesions in natural lungworm infection has not been previously described in reindeer. In the present study, light microscopical studies of dictyocaulotic lung tissues were performed on 12 slaughtered reindeer specimens obtained from the eastern part of Finnish Lapland in order to reveal the histopathological lesions characteristic of spontaneous Dictyocaulus eckerti infection. The lungs of 8 healthy reindeer carrying no lung worms were investigated to elucidate normal microscopic structure. Parasites in different stages of development and their eggs were detected not only in inflamed sections of small airways, but also wandered freely in the alveolar lumina. The eggs were rich in carbohydrates for reserve energy and were surrounded by a superficial layer of acidic mucins. The pleural serosa over acutely inflamed areas was swollen and in chronically altered sections, fibrotic thickenings of pleural and subpleural tissues were evident. The lung tissues were either condensed by an inflammatory exudate rich in migrating cells or emphysematically altered. Mucus secretions were abnormally profuse and apparently less acidic in histochemical compositon. Interstitial tissues were also inflamed and contained separated foreign body and eosinophilic granulomes. Furthermore, a vasculitis with endothelial vacuolations and muscular hypertrophy was noticeable in some tissue sections

    Investigations of geoid models in Finland - Towards GNSS-related height system

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    Parts / Osajulkaisut: Publication 1: Saari, T., Poutanen, M., Saaranen, V., Kaartinen, H., Kukko, A., Nyberg, S. (2015). Height Determination Techniques for the Next National Height System of Finland - A Case Study. Geodesy and Cartography. 41(4):145–155. DOI: 10.3846/20296991.2015.1120387 Publication 2: Saari, T., Bilker-Koivula, M. (2015). Evaluation of GOCE-based Global Geoid Models in Finnish Territory. Newton's Bulletin. 5:25–36. https://www.isgeoid.polimi.it/Newton/Newton_5/04_Saari_25_36.pdf Publication 3: Saari, T., Bilker-Koivula, M. (2017). Applying the GOCE-based GGMs for the quasi-geoid modelling of Finland. Journal of Applied Geodesy. 12(1):15–27. DOI: 10.1515/jag-2017-0020 Publication 4: Saari, T., Bilker-Koivula, M., Koivula, H., Nordman, M., Häkli, P., Lahtinen, S. (2021). Validating Geoid Models with Marine GNSS Measurements, Sea Surface Models, and Additional Gravity Observations in the Gulf of Finland. Marine Geodesy. 44(3):196–214. DOI:10.1080/01490419.2021.1889727In Fennoscandia, heights and their relations between each other are in constant change due to the post-glacial rebound, so the national height system needs to be updated occasionally. Traditionally, the update has been done with a method known as precise levelling, which is accurate but considered slow, laborious, and expensive. This dissertation studied the modern, mainly Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) -based, height determination techniques that could replace precise levelling as the method for the next national height system of Finland. GNSS-based techniques provide the height component relative to a reference ellipsoid, which is a mathematical surface and therefore lacks a physical connection to the Earth – i.e. have no information on the direction of water flow. Here, we need a (quasi-)geoid model to tie the ellipsoidal heights to the surface of the Earth and to national height systems. The (quasi-)geoid model's accuracy is therefore crucial with GNSS/geoid techniques. The presented case study gave us knowledge from several techniques. The static GNSS proved the most promising, as the result was close to the one from precise levelling. However, due to the closeness of the evaluation points, the relative error of the geoid between them is negligible in practice, which is not the case in a nationwide network. The national quasi-geoid model of Finland, FIN2005N00, was created nearly two decades ago. The gravity satellites, Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), have since measured the Earth's gravitational field in unprecedented detail. At the time, we investigated all the published GOCE and GRACE global gravitational models (GGM) in Finland. We learned that the best models already performed at the same level or better than the pre-GOCE era high-resolution models. The most suitable model, DIR5, was chosen as a background model with the high-resolution EIGEN-6C4 in the quasi-geoid modelling of Finland. The new and present quasi-geoid models were evaluated on land and in sea areas. A significant improvement was achieved over the present models.A marine GNSS/gravity campaign was performed in the Gulf of Finland to improve the accuracy and validation of a quasi-geoid model in sea areas. Geoid height differences of up to 15 cm were found with the new gravity data included in the quasi-geoid modelling. The result was confirmed in the evaluation with marine GNSS measurements in combination with sea surface models. This dissertation's results will be important for producing the next national quasi-geoid model of Finland. Additionally, the knowledge obtained from the GNSS/geoid method will be beneficial for the decision making of the chosen method for the next national height system of Finland.Jääkauden jälkeinen maankohoaminen muuttaa korkeuksia sekä niiden keskinäisiä suhteita Fenno-skandian alueella. Tästä johtuen, Suomen kansallinen korkeusjärjestelmä tulee päivittää sopivin välein. Korkeusjärjestelmät ovat perinteisesti perustuneet tarkkavaaitukseen, mikä on tarkka, mutta hidas, työläs sekä kallis menetelmä. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin moderneja, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) -pohjaisia, korkeudenmääritysmenetelmiä, joilla voitaisiin korvata tarkkavaaitus Suomen seuraavaa kansallista korkeusjärjestelmää määritettäessä. GNSS-menetelmillä saadaan korkeus vertausellipsoidista, mikä on matemaattinen malli Maan muodosta. Ellipsoidikorkeuksilla ei täten ole sidosta fyysiseen Maan pintaan, eivätkä sisällä tietoa mihin suuntaan vesi virtaisi. Jotta ellipsoidikorkeuksille saadaan fyysinen merkitys, ja niitä voitaisiin käyttää kansallisissa korkeusjärjestelmissä, tarvitaan (kvasi)geoidimalli. GNSS-menetelmien arvioimisessa (kvasi)geoidimallien tarkkuuksilla on erittäin merkittävä rooli. Esitetyssä kenttäkokeessa vertailtiin korkeudenmääritysmenetelmiä, joista staattinen GNSS-mittaus osoittautui lupaavimmaksi. Menetelmällä on useita käytännön etuja tarkkavaaitukseen nähden, minkä lisäksi tulokset olivat hyvin lähellä toisiaan. Kokeessa kvasigeoidimallin sisältämät epävarmuudet kuitenkin mitätöityivät, johtuen havaintopisteiden läheisyydestä. Mallien epävarmuudet täytyisi huomioida laajemmissa, erityisesti valtakunnanlaajuisissa kampanjoissa. Suomen virallisen kvasigeoidimallin, FIN2005N00, julkaisemisen jälkeen painovoimasatelliitit Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) ja Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) ovat mitanneet Maan painovoimakenttää ennennäkemättömällä tarkkuudella. Vertailimme kaikki tutkimuksemme aikaan saatavilla olevat GOCE- sekä GRACE-painovoimamallit Suomen alueella, missä tarkimmat mallit olivat jopa GOCE-satelliittia edeltäviä korkearesoluutioisia malleja tarkempia. Sopivin malli, DIR5, valittiin Suomen kvasigeoidi-laskentaan globaaliksi taustamalliksi, yhdessä EIGEN-6C4 kanssa. Kvasigeoidimallit arvioitiin Suomessa maa- ja merialueilla, joissa tutkimuksen uudet mallit olivat nykyisiä malleja tarkempia. Viimeisessä tutkimuksessa mittasimme Suomenlahdella GNSS-/painovoimakampanjan, jolla pyrittiin parantamaan sekä arvioimaan kvasigeoidimalleja merialueilla. Kampanjan painovoima-mittauksilla oli peräti 15 cm vaikutus kvasigeoidimalliin, mikä oli havaittavissa myös menetelmällä, jolla malleja arvioitiin GNSS-mittauksilla yhdessä merenpintamallien kanssa. Tämän väitöskirjan tulokset ovat merkittäviä Suomen seuraavan kansallisen kvasigeoidimallin luomiselle. Lisäksi, GNSS/geoidi -menetelmästä saatua tietoa tullaan hyödyntämään päätöksenteossa, missä valitaan menetelmä Suomen tulevan kansallisen korkeusjärjestelmän luomiselle


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    Intention and opportunity for validation of competences acquired in different contexts are considered influential to meet the incremental changes in the world of work. Positioned in the universities of applied sciences delivering art and professional teacher education in Finland, we study emergence of validation of prior learning in the intended, or planned, curricula. The Nordic Quality Model for Validation was employed as the empirical frame of reference. Data were collected from the institutions’ open websites. The critical discourse analysis revealed differences in curricular discourses between and across the institutions. Texts with more indicators of validation were found within larger providers of professional teacher education, whereas those were more scarce in texts from smaller institutions. Validation texts are shorter in length and more fragmented in art teacher curricula. Despite its centrality in educational policy, validation remains in the margins of art and professional teacher education curricula. It is unlikely that the intended curricula facilitate teacher trainers’ efforts to form a shared repertoire of a community of practice in validation of non-formal and informal learning. We suggest further study on the enacted and experienced curricula to examine the role of validation in art teacher and professional teacher education.  Article visualizations

    Validation in Art Teacher and Professional Teacher Education Curricula in Finland

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    Intention and opportunity for validation of competences acquired in different contexts are considered influential to meet the incremental changes in the world of work. Positioned in the universities of applied sciences delivering art and professional teacher education in Finland, we study emergence of validation of prior learning in the intended, or planned, curricula. The Nordic Quality Model for Validation was employed as the empirical frame of reference. Data were collected from the institutions' open websites. The critical discourse analysis revealed differences in curricular discourses between and across the institutions. Texts with more indicators of validation were found within larger providers of professional teacher education, whereas those were more scarce in texts from smaller institutions. Validation texts are shorter in length and more fragmented in art teacher curricula. Despite its centrality in educational policy, validation remains in the margins of art and professional teacher education curricula. It is unlikely that the intended curricula facilitate teacher trainers' efforts to form a shared repertoire of a community of practice in validation of non-formal and informal learning. We suggest further study on the enacted and experienced curricula to examine the role of validation in art teacher and professional teacher education.</p

    A Strong Contractile Actin Fence and Large Adhesions Direct Human Pluripotent Colony Morphology and Adhesion

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    Cell-type-specific functions and identity are tightly regulated by interactions between the cell cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix (ECM). Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) have ultimate differentiation capacity and exceptionally low-strength ECM contact, yet the organization and function of adhesion sites and associated actin cytoskeleton remain poorly defined. We imaged hPSCs at the cell-ECM interface with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy and discovered that adhesions at the colony edge were exceptionally large and connected by thick ventral stress fibers. The actin fence encircling the colony was found to exert extensive Rho-ROCK-myosin-dependent mechanical stress to enforce colony morphology, compaction, and pluripotency and to define mitotic spindle orientation. Remarkably, differentiation altered adhesion organization and signaling characterized by a switch from ventral to dorsal stress fibers, reduced mechanical stress, and increased integrin activity and cell-ECM adhesion strength. Thus, pluripotency appears to be linked to unique colony organization and adhesion structure.Peer reviewe