29 research outputs found

    TORC2-dependent protein kinase Ypk1 phosphorylates ceramide synthase to stimulate synthesis of complex sphingolipids.

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    Plasma membrane lipid composition must be maintained during growth and under environmental insult. In yeast, signaling mediated by TOR Complex 2 (TORC2)-dependent protein kinase Ypk1 controls lipid abundance and distribution in response to membrane stress. Ypk1, among other actions, alleviates negative regulation of L-serine:palmitoyl-CoA acyltransferase, upregulating production of long-chain base precursors to sphingolipids. To explore other roles for TORC2-Ypk1 signaling in membrane homeostasis, we devised a three-tiered genome-wide screen to identify additional Ypk1 substrates, which pinpointed both catalytic subunits of the ceramide synthase complex. Ypk1-dependent phosphorylation of both proteins increased upon either sphingolipid depletion or heat shock and was important for cell survival. Sphingolipidomics, other biochemical measurements and genetic analysis demonstrated that these modifications of ceramide synthase increased its specific activity and stimulated channeling of long-chain base precursors into sphingolipid end-products. Control at this branch point also prevents accumulation of intermediates that could compromise cell growth by stimulating autophagy

    Down-regulation of TORC2-Ypk1 signaling promotes MAPK-independent survival under hyperosmotic stress.

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    In eukaryotes, exposure to hypertonic conditions activates a MAPK (Hog1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and ortholog p38 in human cells). In yeast, intracellular glycerol accumulates to counterbalance the high external osmolarity. To prevent glycerol efflux, Hog1 action impedes the function of the aquaglyceroporin Fps1, in part, by displacing channel co-activators (Rgc1/2). However, Fps1 closes upon hyperosmotic shock even in hog1∆ cells, indicating another mechanism to prevent Fps1-mediated glycerol efflux. In our prior proteome-wide screen, Fps1 was identified as a target of TORC2-dependent protein kinase Ypk1 (Muir et al., 2014). We show here that Fps1 is an authentic Ypk1 substrate and that the open channel state of Fps1 requires phosphorylation by Ypk1. Moreover, hyperosmotic conditions block TORC2-dependent Ypk1-mediated Fps1 phosphorylation, causing channel closure, glycerol accumulation, and enhanced survival under hyperosmotic stress. These events are all Hog1-independent. Our findings define the underlying molecular basis of a new mechanism for responding to hypertonic conditions

    Longitudinal evaluation of neurologic-post acute sequelae SARS-CoV-2 infection symptoms.

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    ObjectiveTo assess the initial features and evolution of neurologic Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (neuro-PASC) in patients with and without prior neurologic disease.MethodsParticipants with neurologic symptoms following acute SARS-CoV-2 infection were recruited from October 9, 2020 to October 11, 2021. Clinical data included a SARS-CoV-2 infection history, neurologic review of systems, neurologic exam, Montreal cognitive assessment (MoCA), and symptom-based self-reported surveys at baseline (conducted after acute infection) and 6-month follow-up assessments.ResultsFifty-six participants (69% female, mean age 50 years, 29% with prior neurologic disease such as multiple sclerosis) were enrolled, of which 27 had completed the 6-month follow-up visit in this ongoing study. SARS-CoV-2 infection severity was largely described as mild (39.3%) or moderate (42.9%). At baseline, following acute infection, the most common neurologic symptoms were fatigue (89.3%) and headaches (80.4%). At the 6-month follow-up, memory impairment (68.8%) and decreased concentration (61.5%) were the most prevalent, though on average all symptoms showed a reduction in reported severity score at the follow-up. Complete symptom resolution was reported in 33.3% of participants by 6 months. From baseline to 6 months, average MoCA scores improved overall though 26.3% of participants' scores decreased. A syndrome consisting of tremor, ataxia, and cognitive dysfunction (PASC-TAC) was observed in 7.1% of patients.InterpretationEarly in the neuro-PASC syndrome, fatigue and headache are the most commonly reported symptoms. At 6 months, memory impairment and decreased concentration were most prominent. Only one-third of participants had completed resolution of neuro-PASC at 6 months, although persistent symptoms trended toward improvement at follow-up