186 research outputs found

    Structures of Drosophila Cryptochrome and Mouse Cryptochrome1 Provide Insight into Circadian Function

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    SummaryDrosophila cryptochrome (dCRY) is a FAD-dependent circadian photoreceptor, whereas mammalian cryptochromes (CRY1/2) are integral clock components that repress mCLOCK/mBMAL1-dependent transcription. We report crystal structures of full-length dCRY, a dCRY loop deletion construct, and the photolyase homology region of mouse CRY1 (mCRY1). Our dCRY structures depict Phe534 of the regulatory tail in the same location as the photolesion in DNA-repairing photolyases and reveal that the sulfur loop and tail residue Cys523 plays key roles in the dCRY photoreaction. Our mCRY1 structure visualizes previously characterized mutations, an NLS, and MAPK and AMPK phosphorylation sites. We show that the FAD and antenna chromophore-binding regions, a predicted coiled-coil helix, the C-terminal lid, and charged surfaces are involved in FAD-independent mPER2 and FBXL3 binding and mCLOCK/mBMAL1 transcriptional repression. The structure of a mammalian cryptochrome1 protein may catalyze the development of CRY chemical probes and the design of therapeutic metabolic modulators

    Specific Cooperation Between Imp-α2 and Imp-β/Ketel in Spindle Assembly During Drosophila Early Nuclear Divisions

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    The multifunctional factors Imp-α and Imp-β are involved in nuclear protein import, mitotic spindle dynamics, and nuclear membrane formation. Furthermore, each of the three members of the Imp-α family exerts distinct tasks during development. In Drosophila melanogaster, the imp-α2 gene is critical during oogenesis for ring canal assembly; specific mutations, which allow oogenesis to proceed normally, were found to block early embryonic mitosis. Here, we show that imp-α2 and imp-β genetically interact during early embryonic development, and we characterize the pattern of defects affecting mitosis in embryos laid by heterozygous imp-α2D14 and imp-βKetRE34 females. Embryonic development is arrested in these embryos but is unaffected in combinations between imp-βKetRE34 and null mutations in imp-α1 or imp-α3. Furthermore, the imp-α2D14/imp-βKetRE34 interaction could only be rescued by an imp-α2 transgene, albeit not imp-α1 or imp-α3, showing the exclusive imp-α2 function with imp-β. Use of transgenes carrying modifications in the major Imp-α2 domains showed the critical requirement of the nuclear localization signal binding (NLSB) site in this process. In the mutant embryos, we found metaphase-arrested mitoses made of enlarged spindles, suggesting an unrestrained activity of factors promoting spindle assembly. In accordance with this, we found that Imp-βKetRE34 and Imp-βKetD bind a high level of RanGTP/GDP, and a deletion decreasing RanGTP level suppresses the imp-βKetRE34 phenotype. These data suggest that a fine balance among Imp-α2, Imp-β, RanGTP, and the NLS cargos is critical for mitotic progression during early embryonic development

    Targeting actin inhibits repair of doxorubicin-induced DNA damage: a novel therapeutic approach for combination therapy

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    Severe side effects often restrict clinical application of the widely used chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin. In order to decrease required substance concentrations, new concepts for successful combination therapy are needed. Since doxorubicin causes DNA damage, combination with compounds that modulate DNA repair could be a promising strategy. Very recently, a role of nuclear actin for DNA damage repair has been proposed, making actin a potential target for cancer therapy in combination with DNA-damaging therapeutics. This is of special interest, since actin-binding compounds have not yet found their way into clinics. We find that low-dose combination treatment of doxorubicin with the actin polymerizer chondramide B (ChB) synergistically inhibits tumor growth in vivo. On the cellular level we demonstrate that actin binders inhibit distinctive double strand break (DSB) repair pathways. Actin manipulation impairs the recruitment of replication factor A (RPA) to the site of damage, a process crucial for homologous recombination. In addition, actin binders reduce autophosphorylation of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) during nonhomologous end joining. Our findings substantiate a direct involvement of actin in nuclear DSB repair pathways, and propose actin as a therapeutic target for combination therapy with DNA-damaging agents such as doxorubicin

    TARG1 protects against toxic DNA ADP-ribosylation

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    ADP-ribosylation is a modification that targets a variety of macromolecules and regulates a diverse array of important cellular processes. ADP-ribosylation is catalysed by ADP-ribosyltransferases and reversed by ADP-ribosylhydrolases. Recently, an ADP-ribosyltransferase toxin termed 'DarT' from bacteria, which is distantly related to human PARPs, was shown to modify thymidine in single-stranded DNA in a sequence specific manner. The antitoxin of DarT is the macrodomain containing ADP-ribosylhydrolase DarG, which shares striking structural homology with the human ADP-ribosylhydrolase TARG1. Here, we show that TARG1, like DarG, can reverse thymidine-linked DNA ADP-ribosylation. We find that TARG1-deficient human cells are extremely sensitive to DNA ADP-ribosylation. Furthermore, we also demonstrate the first detection of reversible ADP-ribosylation on genomic DNA in vivo from human cells. Collectively, our results elucidate the impact of DNA ADP-ribosylation in human cells and provides a molecular toolkit for future studies into this largely unknown facet of ADP-ribosylation

    Repression of RNA Polymerase II Transcription by a Drosophila Oligopeptide

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    Background: Germline progenitors resist signals that promote differentiation into somatic cells. This occurs through the transient repression in primordial germ cells of RNA polymerase II, specifically by disrupting Ser2 phosphorylation on its C-terminal domain. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show that contrary to expectation the Drosophila polar granule component (pgc) gene functions as a protein rather than a non-coding RNA. Surprisingly, pgc encodes a 71-residue, dimeric, alphahelical oligopeptide repressor. In vivo data show that Pgc ablates Ser2 phosphorylation of the RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain and completely suppresses early zygotic transcription in the soma. Conclusions/Significance: We thus identify pgc as a novel oligopeptide that readily inhibits gene expression. Germ cell repression of transcription in Drosophila is thus catalyzed by a small inhibitor protein

    ATM induces MacroD2 nuclear export upon DNA damage

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    ADP-ribosylation is a dynamic post-translation modification that regulates the early phase of various DNA repair pathways by recruiting repair factors to chromatin. ADP-ribosylation levels are defined by the activities of specific transferases and hydrolases. However, except for the transferase PARP1/ARDT1 little is known about regulation of these enzymes. We found that MacroD2, a mono-ADP-ribosylhydrolase, is exported from the nucleus upon DNA damage, and that this nuclear export is induced by ATM activity. We show that the export is dependent on the phosphorylation of two SQ/TQ motifs, suggesting a novel direct interaction between ATM and ADP-ribosylation. Lastly, we show that MacroD2 nuclear export temporally restricts its recruitment to DNA lesions, which may decrease the net ADP-ribosylhydrolase activity at the site of DNA damage. Together, our results identify a novel feedback regulation between two crucial DNA damage-induced signaling pathways: ADP-ribosylation and ATM activation

    Condensin I Recruitment to Base Damage-Enriched DNA Lesions Is Modulated by PARP1

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    Condensin I is important for chromosome organization and segregation in mitosis. We previously showed that condensin I also interacts with PARP1 in response to DNA damage and plays a role in single-strand break repair. However, whether condensin I physically associates with DNA damage sites and how PARP1 may contribute to this process were unclear. We found that condensin I is preferentially recruited to DNA damage sites enriched for base damage. This process is dictated by PARP1 through its interaction with the chromosome-targeting domain of the hCAP-D2 subunit of condensin I