333 research outputs found

    Saturation of Coulomb sum rules in the 6^Li case

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    The Coulomb sums S_L(q) of the 6^Li nucleus have been obtained from electron scattering measurements at 3-momentum transfers q = 1.125 - 1.625 fm^{-1}. It is found that at q > 1.35 fm^{-1} the Coulomb sum of the nucleus becomes saturated: S_L(q) = 1.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Cross-sections for the 27 ⁣Al(γ,x)24Na{^{27}\!\rm{Al}}(\gamma,\textit{x})^{24}\rm{Na} multiparticle reaction at EγmaxE_{\rm{\gamma max}} = 40 ÷\div 95 MeV

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    The bremsstrahlung flux-averaged cross-sections σ(Eγmax)\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle and the cross-sections per equivalent photon σ(Eγmax)Q\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})_{\rm{Q}}}\rangle were measured for the photonuclear multiparticle reaction 27 ⁣Al(γ,x;x=3He+pd+2pn)24Na^{27}\!\rm{Al}(\gamma,\textit{x}; \textit{x} = {^{3}\rm{He}} + pd + 2pn)^{24}\rm{Na} at bremsstrahlung end-point energies ranging from 40 MeV to 95 MeV. The experiments were performed using the beam from the NSC KIPT electron linear accelerator LUE-40 with the use of the γ\gamma-activation technique. The bremsstrahlung quantum flux was calculated with the program GEANT4 and, in addition, was monitored by means of the 100Mo(γ,n)99Mo^{100}\rm{Mo}(\gamma,n)^{99}\rm{Mo} reaction. The cross-sections σ(E)\sigma(E) were computed using the TALYS1.9 code with the default options. The measured average cross-sections σ(Eγmax)\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle and σ(Eγmax)Q\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})_{\rm{Q}}}\rangle have appeared to be higher by factors of 2.0 to 2.4 than the theoretical results. The experimental results have been found to be in good agreement with the data of other laboratories. Consideration is given to special features of calculation of σ(Eγmax)\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle and σ(Eγmax)Q\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})_{\rm{Q}}}\rangle for the 27 ⁣Al(γ,x)24Na^{27}\!\rm{Al}(\gamma,\textit{x})^{24}\rm{Na} reaction, with occurrence of three 27 ⁣Al^{27}\!\rm{Al} photodisintegration channels. The paper also discusses the possibility of using the 27 ⁣Al(γ,x)24Na^{27}\!\rm{Al}(\gamma,\textit{x})^{24}\rm{Na} reaction for monitoring the bremsstrahlung γ\gamma-quantum flux in the photon energy region above 30 MeV.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Structure of the local environment of titanium atoms in multicomponent nitride coatings produced by plasma-ion techniques

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    An experiment was performed to examine the X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) and the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) near the K-edge of titanium in nanocrystalline titanium nitride coatings containing additives of copper, silicon, and aluminum. Using the observation data, the structure parameters of the local environment of titanium atoms have been estimated for the coatings. According to crystallographic data, the Ti-N distance in the bulk phase of titanium nitride is 2.12 Å and the Ti-Ti distance is 3.0 Å. Nearly these values have been obtained for the respective parameters of the coatings. The presence of copper as an additive in a TiN coating increases the Ti-N distance inappreciably compared to that estimated for titanium nitride, whereas addition of silicon decreases the bond distance. It has been revealed that the copper and silicon atoms in Ti-Cu-N and Ti-Si-N coatings do not enter into the crystallographic phase of titanium nitride and do not form bonds with titanium and nitrogen, whereas the aluminum atoms in Ti-Al-N coatings form intermetallic phases with titanium and nitride phases

    Bone marrow fibrosis – the basis of mielofibrosis: pathogenesis, prognostication and antifibrogenic targeted strategies.

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    Bone marrow fibrosis is a key patological feature and major diagnostic criterion of mielofibrosis. Although bone marrow fibrosis is manifested in a variety of malignant  and non-malignant disease states, the deposition of reticulin and collagen fibrosis in the bone marrow of patients with myelofibrosis is believed to be mediated by the mielofibrosis of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, contributing to an impaired microenvironment toward malignant over normal hematopoiesis. The increased expression of pro­inflammatory cytokines, transforming growth factor-β, impaired megakaryocyte function and aberrant JAK-STAT signaling are the peculiarities of pathogenesis of bone marrow fibrosis. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation remains the only therapeutic approach that reliably results in resolution of  bone marrow fibrosis in patients with mielofibrosis. In the work we review the pathogenesis, biological consequences and prognostic results of impact of bone marrow fibrosis. We discuss the rationale of various anti-fibrogenic treatment strategies targeting at clonal hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, aberrant signaling pathway, fibrogenic cytokines, and tumor microenvironment

    Production of 180m{^{180\rm{m}}}Hf in photoproton reaction 181{^{181}}Ta(γ,p)(\gamma,p) at energy EγmaxE_{\rm{\gamma max}} = 35-95 MeV

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    The production of the 180mHf^{180\rm{m}}\rm{Hf} nuclei in the photoproton reaction 181Ta(γ,p){^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,p) was studied at end-point bremsstrahlung energies EγmaxE_{\rm{\gamma max}} = 35-95 MeV. The experiment was performed at the electron linear accelerator LUE-40 NSC KIPT with the use of the γ\gamma activation and off-line γ\gamma-ray spectroscopy. The experimental values of the bremsstrahlung flux-averaged cross-sections σ(Eγmax)m\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle_{\rm{m}} for the 181Ta(γ,p)180mHf{^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,p)^{180\rm{m}}\rm{Hf} reaction were determined, and at Eγmax>55E_{\rm{\gamma max}} > 55 MeV obtained for the first time. The measured values, also as the literature data, are significantly exceed the theoretical flux-averaged cross-sections σ(Eγmax)th\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle_{\rm{th}}. The σ(Eγmax)th\langle{\sigma(E_{\rm{\gamma max}})}\rangle_{\rm{th}} values were calculated using the cross-section σ(E)\sigma(E) computed with the TALYS1.95 code for six different level density models. A comparative analysis of the calculated total cross-sections for the reactions 181Ta(γ,p)180Hf{^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,p)^{180}\rm{Hf} and 181Ta(γ,n)180Ta{^{181}\rm{Ta}}(\gamma,n)^{180}\rm{Ta} was performed. It was shown that the photoproton (γ,p)(\gamma,p) to photoneutron (γ,n)(\gamma,n) strength ratio is consistent with the estimates based on the isospin selection rules and the value from the (e,ep)(e,e'p) experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Expression of a Dominant Negative CELF Protein In Vivo Leads to Altered Muscle Organization, Fiber Size, and Subtype

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    CUG-BP and ETR-3-like factor (CELF) proteins regulate tissue- and developmental stage-specific alternative splicing in striated muscle. We previously demonstrated that heart muscle-specific expression of a nuclear dominant negative CELF protein in transgenic mice (MHC-CELFΔ) effectively disrupts endogenous CELF activity in the heart in vivo, resulting in impaired cardiac function. In this study, transgenic mice that express the dominant negative protein under a skeletal muscle-specific promoter (Myo-CELFΔ) were generated to investigate the role of CELF-mediated alternative splicing programs in normal skeletal muscle.Myo-CELFΔ mice exhibit modest changes in CELF-mediated alternative splicing in skeletal muscle, accompanied by a reduction of endomysial and perimysial spaces, an increase in fiber size variability, and an increase in slow twitch muscle fibers. Weight gain and mean body weight, total number of muscle fibers, and overall muscle strength were not affected.Although these findings demonstrate that CELF activity contributes to the normal alternative splicing of a subset of muscle transcripts in vivo, the mildness of the effects in Myo-CELFΔ muscles compared to those in MHC-CELFΔ hearts suggests CELF activity may be less determinative for alternative splicing in skeletal muscle than in heart muscle. Nonetheless, even these small changes in CELF-mediated splicing regulation were sufficient to alter muscle organization and muscle fiber properties affected in myotonic dystrophy. This lends further evidence to the hypothesis that dysregulation of CELF-mediated alternative splicing programs may be responsible for the disruption of these properties during muscle pathogenesis

    Prevention of cardio - vascular disease in the treatment of chronic periodontitis

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    Dentofobiya affects the sympathetic nervous system, thereby reducing the pain threshold. In this paper, the patients were divided into 2 groups, which measured blood pressure, heart rate, and expected vegetative index Kerdo before and after the dental examination. One group suggested before treatment to take two tablets of valerian, and then by comparing the performance.Дентофобия влияет на симпатическую нервную систему, тем самым, уменьшает болевой порог. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы, в которых измеряли артериальное давление, частоту сердечных сокращений, и определялся, вегетативный индекс Kerdo до и после стоматологическое обследование. Одна группа принимала перед началом лечения две таблетки валерианы, а затем, сравнивали показатели