12 research outputs found

    Accelerated Development With Increased Bone Mass and Skeletal Response to Loading Suggest Receptor Activity Modifying Protein-3 as a Bone Anabolic Target

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    Knockout technologies provide insights into physiological roles of genes. Studies initiated into endocrinology of heteromeric G protein-coupled receptors included deletion of receptor activity modifying protein-3, an accessory protein that alters ligand selectivity of calcitonin and calcitonin-like receptors. Initially, deletion of Ramp3-/- appeared phenotypically silent, but it has emerged that mice have a high bone mass phenotype, and more subtle alterations to angiogenesis, amylin homeostasis, and a small proportion of the effects of adrenomedullin on cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Here we explore in detail, effects of Ramp3-/- deletion on skeletal growth/development, bone mass and response of bone to mechanical loading mimicking exercise. Mouse pups lacking RAMP3 are healthy and viable, having accelerated development of the skeleton as assessed by degree of mineralisation of specific bones, and by microCT measurements. Specifically, we observed that neonates and young mice have increased bone volume and mineralisation in hindlimbs and vertebrae and increased thickness of bone trabeculae. These changes are associated with increased osteoblast numbers and bone apposition rate in Ramp3-/- mice, and increased cell proliferation in epiphyseal growth plates. Effects persist for some weeks after birth, but differences in gross bone mass between RAMP3 and WT mice lose significance in older animals although architectural differences persist. Responses of bones of 17-week old mice to mechanical loading that mimics effects of vigorous exercise is increased significantly in Ramp3-/- mice by 30% compared with WT control mice. Studies on cultured osteoblasts from Ramp3-/- mice indicate interactions between mRNA expression of RAMPs1 and 3, but not RAMP2 and 3. Our preliminary data shows that Ramp3-/- osteoblasts had increased expression β-catenin, a component of the canonical Wnt signalling pathway known to regulate skeletal homeostasis and mechanosensitivity. Given interactions of RAMPs with both calcitonin and calcitonin-like receptors to alter ligand selectivity, and with other GPCRs to change trafficking or ligand bias, it is not clear whether the bone phenotype of Ramp3-/- mice is due to alterations in signalling mediated by one or more GPCRS. However, as antagonists of RAMP-interacting receptors are growing in availability, there appears the likelihood that manipulation of the RAMP3 signalling system could provide anabolic effects therapeutically

    Peak strain magnitudes and rates in the tibia exceed greatly those in the skull: An in vivo study in a human subject

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    Bone mass and architecture are the result of a genetically determined baseline structure, modified by the effect of internal hormonal/biochemical regulators and the effect of mechanical loading. Bone strain is thought to drive a feedback mechanism to regulate bone formation and resorption to maintain an optimal, but not excessive mass and organisation of material at each skeletal location. Because every site in the skeleton has different functions, we have measured bone strains induced by physiological and more unusual activities, at two different sites, the tibia and cranium of a young human male in vivo. During the most vigorous activities, tibial strains were shown to exceed 0.2%, when ground reaction exceeded 5 times body weight. However in the skull the highest strains recorded were during heading a heavy medicine/exercise ball where parietal strains were up to 0.0192%. Interestingly parietal strains during more physiological activities were much lower, often below 0.01%. Strains during biting were not dependent upon bite force, but could be induced by facial contortions of similar appearance without contact between the teeth. Rates of strain change in the two sites were also very different, where peak tibial strain rate exceeded rate in the parietal bone by more than 5 fold. These findings suggest that the skull and tibia are subject to quite different regulatory influences, as strains that would be normal in the human skull would be likely to lead to profound bone loss by disuse in the long bones

    Early life vitamin D depletion alters the postnatal response to skeletal loading in growing and mature bone

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    There is increasing evidence of persistent effects of early life vitamin D exposure on later skeletal health; linking low levels in early life to smaller bone size in childhood as well as increased fracture risk later in adulthood, independently of later vitamin D status. A major determinant of bone mass acquisition across all ages is mechanical loading. We tested the hypothesis in an animal model system that early life vitamin D depletion results in abrogation of the response to mechanical loading, with consequent reduction in bone size, mass and strength during both childhood and adulthood. A murine model was created in which pregnant dams were either vitamin D deficient or replete, and their offspring moved to a vitamin D replete diet at weaning. Tibias of the offspring were mechanically loaded and bone structure, extrinsic strength and growth measured both during growth and after skeletal maturity. Offspring of vitamin D deplete mice demonstrated lower bone mass in the non loaded limb and reduced bone mass accrual in response to loading in both the growing skeleton and after skeletal maturity. Early life vitamin D depletion led to reduced bone strength and altered bone biomechanical properties. These findings suggest early life vitamin D status may, in part, determine the propensity to osteoporosis and fracture that blights later life in many individuals

    Neighbor of Brca1 gene (Nbr1) functions as a negative regulator of postnatal osteoblastic bone formation and p38 MAPK activity

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    The neighbor of Brca1 gene (Nbr1) functions as an autophagy receptor involved in targeting ubiquitinated proteins for degradation. It also has a dual role as a scaffold protein to regulate growth-factor receptor and downstream signaling pathways. We show that genetic truncation of murine Nbr1 leads to an age-dependent increase in bone mass and bone mineral density through increased osteoblast differentiation and activity. At 6 mo of age, despite normal body size, homozygous mutant animals (Nbr1tr/tr) have ~50% more bone than littermate controls. Truncated Nbr1 (trNbr1) co-localizes with p62, a structurally similar interacting scaffold protein, and the autophagosome marker LC3 in osteoblasts, but unlike the full-length protein, trNbr1 fails to complex with activated p38 MAPK. Nbr1tr/tr osteoblasts and osteoclasts show increased activation of p38 MAPK, and significantly, pharmacological inhibition of the p38 MAPK pathway in vitro abrogates the increased osteoblast differentiation of Nbr1tr/tr cells. Nbr1 truncation also leads to increased p62 protein expression. We show a role for Nbr1 in bone remodeling, where loss of function leads to perturbation of p62 levels and hyperactivation of p38 MAPK that favors osteoblastogenesis