706 research outputs found

    Cosmology of fermionic dark matter

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    We explore a model for a fermionic dark matter particle family which decouples from the rest of the partices when at least all standard model particles are in equilibrium. We calculate the allowed ranges for mass and chemical potential to be compatible with big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) calculations and WMAP-data for a flat universe with dark energy. Futhermore we estimate the free streaming length for fermions and antifermions to allow comparison to large scale structure data (LLS). We find that for dark matter decoupling when all standard model particles are present even the least restrictive combined BBN calculation and WMAP results allow us to constrain the initial dark matter chemical potential to a highest value of 6.3 times the dark matter temperature. In this case the resulting mass range is at most 1.8 eV < m < 53 eV, where the upper bound scales linearly with the effective degrees of freedom at decoupling. From LSS we find that similar to ordinary warm dark matter models the particle mass has to be larger than approximately 500 eV (meaning the effective degrees of freedom at decoupling have to be > 1000) to be compatible with observations of the Ly alpha forest at high redshift, but still the dark matter chemical potential over temperature ratio can exceed unity.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. D., minor changes after referee report: references added, several minor extensions (mostly to the introduction). Also conclusion extended with an additional summary plot to clarify the result

    The Relationship between Epigenetic Age and Myocardial Infarction/Acute Coronary Syndrome in a Population-Based Nested Case-Control Study

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    We investigated the relationship between ‘epigenetic age’ (EA) derived from DNA methylation (DNAm) and myocardial infarction (MI)/acute coronary syndrome (ACS). A random population sample was examined in 2003/2005 (n = 9360, 45–69, the HAPIEE project) and followed up for 15 years. From this cohort, incident MI/ACS (cases, n = 129) and age- and sex-stratified controls (n = 177) were selected for a nested case-control study. Baseline EA (Horvath’s, Hannum’s, PhenoAge, Skin and Blood) and the differences between EA and chronological age (CA) were calculated (ΔAHr, ΔAHn, ΔAPh, ΔASB). EAs by Horvath’s, Hannum’s and Skin and Blood were close to CA (median absolute difference, MAD, of 1.08, –1.91 and –2.03 years); PhenoAge had MAD of −9.29 years vs. CA. The adjusted odds ratios (ORs) of MI/ACS per 1–year increments of ΔAHr, ΔAHn, ΔASB and ΔAPh were 1.01 (95% CI 0.95–1.07), 1.01 (95% CI 0.95–1.08), 1.02 (95% CI 0.97–1.06) and 1.01 (0.93–1.09), respectively. When classified into tertiles, only the highest tertile of ΔAPh showed a suggestion of increased risk of MI/ACS with OR 2.09 (1.11–3.94) independent of age and 1.84 (0.99–3.52) in the age- and sex-adjusted model. Metabolic modulation may be the likely mechanism of this association. In conclusion, this case-control study nested in a prospective population-based cohort did not find strong associations between accelerated epigenetic age markers and risk of MI/ACS. Larger cohort studies are needed to re-examine this important research question

    Quadrilateral-octagon coordinates for almost normal surfaces

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    Normal and almost normal surfaces are essential tools for algorithmic 3-manifold topology, but to use them requires exponentially slow enumeration algorithms in a high-dimensional vector space. The quadrilateral coordinates of Tollefson alleviate this problem considerably for normal surfaces, by reducing the dimension of this vector space from 7n to 3n (where n is the complexity of the underlying triangulation). Here we develop an analogous theory for octagonal almost normal surfaces, using quadrilateral and octagon coordinates to reduce this dimension from 10n to 6n. As an application, we show that quadrilateral-octagon coordinates can be used exclusively in the streamlined 3-sphere recognition algorithm of Jaco, Rubinstein and Thompson, reducing experimental running times by factors of thousands. We also introduce joint coordinates, a system with only 3n dimensions for octagonal almost normal surfaces that has appealing geometric properties.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures; v2: Simplified the proof of Theorem 4.5 using cohomology, plus other minor changes; v3: Minor housekeepin

    Targeted Greybox Fuzzing with Static Lookahead Analysis

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    Automatic test generation typically aims to generate inputs that explore new paths in the program under test in order to find bugs. Existing work has, therefore, focused on guiding the exploration toward program parts that are more likely to contain bugs by using an offline static analysis. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique for targeted greybox fuzzing using an online static analysis that guides the fuzzer toward a set of target locations, for instance, located in recently modified parts of the program. This is achieved by first semantically analyzing each program path that is explored by an input in the fuzzer's test suite. The results of this analysis are then used to control the fuzzer's specialized power schedule, which determines how often to fuzz inputs from the test suite. We implemented our technique by extending a state-of-the-art, industrial fuzzer for Ethereum smart contracts and evaluate its effectiveness on 27 real-world benchmarks. Using an online analysis is particularly suitable for the domain of smart contracts since it does not require any code instrumentation---instrumentation to contracts changes their semantics. Our experiments show that targeted fuzzing significantly outperforms standard greybox fuzzing for reaching 83% of the challenging target locations (up to 14x of median speed-up)

    Structure and toxicity of AZA-59, an azaspiracid shellfish poisoning toxin produced by Azadinium poporum (Dinophyceae)

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    To date, the putative shellfish toxin azaspiracid 59 (AZA-59) produced by Azadinium poporum (Dinophyceae) has been the only AZA found in isolates from the Pacific Northwest coast of the USA (Northeast Pacific Ocean). Anecdotal reports of sporadic diarrhetic shellfish poisoning-like illness, with the absence of DSP toxin or Vibrio contamination, led to efforts to look for other potential toxins, such as AZAs, in water and shellfish from the region. A. poporum was found in Puget Sound and the outer coast of Washington State, USA, and a novel AZA (putative AZA-59) was detected in low quantities in SPATT resins and shellfish. Here, an A. poporum strain from Puget Sound was mass-cultured and AZA-59 was subsequently purified and structurally characterized. In vitro cytotoxicity of AZA-59 towards Jurkat T lymphocytes and acute intraperitoneal toxicity in mice in comparison to AZA-1 allowed the derivation of a provisional toxicity equivalency factor of 0.8 for AZA-59. Quantification of AZA-59 using ELISA and LC-MS/MS yielded reasonable quantitative results when AZA-1 was used as an external reference standard. This study assesses the toxic potency of AZA-59 and will inform guidelines for its potential monitoring in case of increasing toxin levels in edible shellfish

    Development of design principles for form-fit joints in lightweight frame structures

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    Based on fundamental technological investigations, alternative joining strategies using electromagnetic forming (EMF) for the flexible production of lightweight frame structures are developed in the collaborative research project SFB/TR10. The results of these investigations will also be used to create general design principles for the joining process itself as well as for the joining zone. The focus of this article will be on dominating form-fit joints of aluminum frame structures and the parameters which have a significant influence on the strength of those joints. For the development of design principles regarding the joining zone, the groove geometry of the connection elements was varied in terms of size and shape, and the influence of those variations was analyzed. In terms of the joining process itself the effect on the joint strength of different forming pressures for a given groove geometry was also investigated. In the first step these experiments were performed on solid mandrels. In order to reduce the weight of the structure, experiments were then performed with hollow connection elements and similar groove geometries to analyze how the reduced stiffness of those elements affected the strength of the joints

    Guiding Dynamic Symbolic Execution Toward Unverified Program Executions

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    Most techniques to detect program errors, such as testing, code reviews, and static program analysis, do not fully verify all possible executions of a program. They leave executions unverified when they do not check certain properties, fail to verify properties, or check properties under certain unsound assumptions such as the absence of arithmetic overflow. In this paper, we present a technique to complement partial verification results by automatic test case generation. In contrast to existing work, our technique supports the common case that the verification results are based on unsound assumptions. We annotate programs to reflect which executions have been verified, and under which assumptions. These annotations are then used to guide dynamic symbolic execution toward unverified program executions. Our main technical contribution is a code instrumentation that causes dynamic symbolic execution to abort tests that lead to verified executions, to prune parts of the search space, and to prioritize tests that cover more properties that are not fully verified. We have implemented our technique for the .NET static analyzer Clousot and the dynamic symbolic execution tool Pex. It produces smaller test suites (by up to 19.2%), covers more unverified executions (by up to 7.1%), and reduces testing time (by up to 52.4%) compared to combining Clousot and Pex without our technique

    Identification of Azadinium species and a new azaspiracid from Azadinium poporum in Puget Sound, Washington State, USA

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    The identification of a new suite of toxins, called azaspiracids (AZA), as the cause of human illnesses after the consumption of shellfish from the Irish west coast in 1995, resulted in interest in understanding the global distribution of these toxins and of species of the small dinoflagellate genus Azadinium, known to produce them. Clonal isolates of four species of Azadinium, A. poporum, A. cuneatum, A. obesum and A. dalianense were obtained from incubated sediment samples collected from Puget Sound, Washington State in 2016. These Azadinium species were identified using morphological characteristics confirmed by molecular phylogeny. Whereas AZA could not be detected in any strains of A. obesum, A. cuneatum and A. dalianense, all four strains of A. poporum produced a new azaspiracid toxin, based on LC–MS analysis, named AZA-59. The presence of AZA-59 was confirmed at low levels in situ using a solid phase resin deployed at several stations along the coastlines of Puget Sound. Using a combination of molecular methods for species detection and solid phase resin deployment to target shellfish monitoring of toxin at high-risk sites, the risk of azaspiracid shellfish poisoning can be minimized

    The Impact of a 4th Generation on Mixing and CP Violation in the Charm System

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    We study D0-D0 mixing in the presence of a fourth generation of quarks. In particular, we calculate the size of the allowed CP violation which is found at the observable level well beyond anything possible with CKM dynamics. We calculate the semileptonic asymmetry a_SL and the mixing induced CP asymmetry eta_fS_f which are correlated with each other. We also investigate the correlation of eta_fS_f with a number of prominent observables in other mesonic systems like epsilon'/epsilon, Br(K_L -> pi0 nu nu), Br(K+ -> pi+ nu nu), Br(B_s ->mu+ mu-), Br(B_d -> mu+ mu-) and finally S_psi phi in the B_s system. We identify a clear pattern of flavour and CP violation predicted by the SM4 model: While simultaneous large 4G effects in the K and D systems are possible, accompanying large NP effects in the B_d system are disfavoured. However this behaviour is not as pronounced as found for the LHT and RSc models. In contrast to this, sizeable CP violating effects in the B_s system are possible unless extreme effects in eta_fS_f are found, and Br(B_s ->mu+ mu-) can be strongly enhanced regardless of the situation in the D system. We find that, on the other hand, S_psi phi > 0.2 combined with the measured epsilon'/epsilon significantly diminishes 4G effects within the D system.Comment: 22 pages, 23 figures, v2 (references added