2,012 research outputs found

    Angular dependence of the bulk nucleation field Hc2 of aligned MgB2 crystallites

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    Studies on the new MgB2 superconductor, with a critical temperature Tc ~ 39 K, have evidenced its potential for applications although intense magnetic relaxation effects limit the critical current density, Jc, at high magnetic fields. This means that effective pinning centers must be added into the material microstructure, in order to halt dissipative flux movements. Concerning the basic microscopic mechanism to explain the superconductivity in MgB2, several experimental and theoretical works have pointed to the relevance of a phonon-mediated interaction, in the framework of the BCS theory. Questions have been raised about the relevant phonon modes, and the gap and Fermi surface anisotropies, in an effort to interpret spectroscopic and thermal data that give values between 2.4 and 4.5 for the gap energy ratio. Preliminary results on the anisotropy of Hc2 have shown a ratio, between the in-plane and perpendicular directions, around 1.7 for aligned MgB2 crystallites and 1.8 for epitaxial thin films. Here we show a study on the angular dependence of Hc2 pointing to a Fermi velocity anisotropy around 2.5. This anisotropy certainly implies the use of texturization techniques to optimize Jc in MgB2 wires and other polycrystalline components.Comment: 10 pages + 4 Figs.; Revised version accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Low-lying S-wave and P-wave Dibaryons in a Nodal Structure Analysis

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    The dibaryon states as six-quark clusters of exotic QCD states are investigated in this paper. With the inherent nodal surface structure analysis, the wave functions of the six-quark clusters (in another word, the dibaryons) are classified. The contribution of the hidden color channels are discussed. The quantum numbers of the low-lying dibaryon states are obtained. The States [ΩΩ](0,0+)[\Omega\Omega]_{(0,0^{+})}, [ΩΩ](0,2−)[\Omega\Omega]_{(0,2^{-})}, [Ξ∗Ω](1/2,0+)[\Xi^{*}\Omega]_{(1/2,0^{+})}, [Σ∗Σ∗](0,4−)[\Sigma^{*}\Sigma^{*}]_{(0,4^{-})} and the hidden color channel states with the same quantum numbers are proposed to be the candidates of dibaryons, which may be observed in experiments.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Theoretical current-voltage characteristics of ferroelectric tunnel junctions

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    We present the concept of ferroelectric tunnel junctions (FTJs). These junctions consist of two metal electrodes separated by a nanometer-thick ferroelectric barrier. The current-voltage characteristics of FTJs are analyzed under the assumption that the direct electron tunneling represents the dominant conduction mechanism. First, the influence of converse piezoelectric effect inherent in ferroelectric materials on the tunnel current is described. The calculations show that the lattice strains of piezoelectric origin modify the current-voltage relationship owing to strain-induced changes of the barrier thickness, electron effective mass, and position of the conduction-band edge. Remarkably, the conductance minimum becomes shifted from zero voltage due to the piezoelectric effect, and a strain-related resistive switching takes place after the polarization reversal in a ferroelectric barrier. Second, we analyze the influence of the internal electric field arising due to imperfect screening of polarization charges by electrons in metal electrodes. It is shown that, for asymmetric FTJs, this depolarizing-field effect also leads to a considerable change of the barrier resistance after the polarization reversal. However, the symmetry of the resulting current-voltage loop is different from that characteristic of the strain-related resistive switching. The crossover from one to another type of the hysteretic curve, which accompanies the increase of FTJ asymmetry, is described taking into account both the strain and depolarizing-field effects. It is noted that asymmetric FTJs with dissimilar top and bottom electrodes are preferable for the non-volatile memory applications because of a larger resistance on/off ratio.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Watching dark solitons decay into vortex rings in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We have created spatial dark solitons in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in which the soliton exists in one of the condensate components and the soliton nodal plane is filled with the second component. The filled solitons are stable for hundreds of milliseconds. The filling can be selectively removed, making the soliton more susceptible to dynamical instabilities. For a condensate in a spherically symmetric potential, these instabilities cause the dark soliton to decay into stable vortex rings. We have imaged the resulting vortex rings.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    ‘We are labeled as gang members, even though we are not’: belonging, aspirations and social mobility in Cartagena

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    This paper explores how belonging and aspirations interact to shape marginalized young Colombians’ strategies for upward social mobility. Recent literature has argued that in the context of inequality and poverty, social mobility is constrained by people’s inability to aspire to and/or achieve their aspirations. The majority of this literature is from the economics field and looks at the way poverty acts as a brake on social mobility. This paper provides an additional interdisciplinary analysis of the role of ‘belonging’ (to places and social class) in influencing aspirations of young Colombians. Findings are based on ethnographic fieldwork with young people from two marginalized neighborhoods in Cartagena. It is argued that aspirations are closely linked to belonging and the extent to which young people feel integral to or distanced from their localities. Using a Bourdieusian perspective, the paper examines how belonging is developed and how it influences behavior, orientations and future prospects. This approach generates insights into young people’s apparent low aspirations beyond the explanation of internal behavioral poverty traps. In so doing, it provides a more comprehensive understanding of how societal structures limit aspiration development and achievement

    Benchmark performance of low-cost Sb2Se3 photocathodes for unassisted solar overall water splitting

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    Determining cost-effective semiconductors exhibiting desirable properties for commercial photoelectrochemical water splitting remains a challenge. Herein, we report a Sb2Se3 semiconductor that satisfies most requirements for an ideal high-performance photoelectrode, including a small band gap and favourable cost, optoelectronic properties, processability, and photocorrosion stability. Strong anisotropy, a major issue for Sb2Se3, is resolved by suppressing growth kinetics via close space sublimation to obtain high-quality compact thin films with favourable crystallographic orientation. The Sb2Se3 photocathode exhibits a high photocurrent density of almost 30mAcm(-2) at 0V against the reversible hydrogen electrode, the highest value so far. We demonstrate unassisted solar overall water splitting by combining the optimised Sb2Se3 photocathode with a BiVO4 photoanode, achieving a solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 1.5% with stability over 10h under simulated 1 sun conditions employing a broad range of solar fluxes. Low-cost Sb2Se3 can thus be an attractive breakthrough material for commercial solar fuel production. While photoelectrochemical water splitting offers an integrated means to convert sunlight to a renewable fuel, cost-effective light-absorbers are rare. Here, authors report Sb2Se3 photocathodes for high-performance photoelectrochemical water splitting devices

    Vortex Dynamics in Dissipative Systems

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    We derive the exact equation of motion for a vortex in two- and three- dimensional non-relativistic systems governed by the Ginzburg-Landau equation with complex coefficients. The velocity is given in terms of local gradients of the magnitude and phase of the complex field and is exact also for arbitrarily small inter-vortex distances. The results for vortices in a superfluid or a superconductor are recovered.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 1 encapsulated postscript figure (included), uses aps.sty, epsf.te

    Vortex precession in Bose-Einstein condensates: observations with filled and empty cores

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    We have observed and characterized the dynamics of singly quantized vortices in dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensates. Our condensates are produced in a superposition of two internal states of 87Rb, with one state supporting a vortex and the other filling the vortex core. Subsequently, the state filling the core can be partially or completely removed, reducing the radius of the core by as much as a factor of 13, all the way down to its bare value. The corresponding superfluid rotation rates, evaluated at the core radius, vary by a factor of 150, but the precession frequency of the vortex core about the condensate axis changes by only a factor of two.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Suppression and enhancement of impurity scattering in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Impurity atoms propagating at variable velocities through a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate were produced using a stimulated Raman transition. The redistribution of momentum by collisions between the impurity atoms and the stationary condensate was observed in a time-of-flight analysis. The collisional cross section was dramatically reduced when the velocity of the impurities was reduced below the speed of sound of the condensate, in agreement with the Landau criterion for superfluidity. For large numbers of impurity atoms, we observed an enhancement of atomic collisions due to bosonic stimulation. This enhancement is analogous to optical superradiance.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Solutions of the Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations for the four nucleons scattering states

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    The Faddeev-Yakubowsky equations in configuration space have been solved for the four nucleon system. The results with an S-wave interaction model in the isospin approximation are presented. They concern the bound and scattering states below the first three-body threshold. The elastic phase-shifts for the N+NNN reaction in different (S,TS,T) channels are given and the corresponding low energy expansions are discussed. Particular attention is payed to the n+t elastic cross section. Its resonant structure is well described in terms of a simple NN interaction. First results concerning the S-matrix for the coupled N+NNN-NN+NN channels and the strong deuteron-deuteron scattering length are obtained.Comment: latex.tar.gz, 36 pages, 10 figures, 11 tables. To be published in Physical Review
